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This paper deals with the influence of different humic substances (HS) on the enzyme activity (EA) of the proteolytic enzyme pronase E. The EA was determined by analyzing the concentration of the amino acid valine hydrolyzed from caseine. For amino acid analysis, a flourescence detector was used after precolumn derivatization and HPLC-separation of the hydrolysis products. The data show that the presence of HS has no adverse effects on amino acid analysis. Based on this result, a decrease of EA was observed in the presence of HS acting as enzyme inhibitors. Clear inhibition effects could be seen for different fulvic acids (HO3 FA, FBR FA and FBR 1.0 FA) at concentrations of 150 mg/L. In case of FBI-2 FA, higher concentrations were necessary to decrease the EA significantly. At an inhibitor concentration of 1500 mg/L the EA was mostly found to be less than 50%. The standard deviations of the results don't allow a differentiation between the HS of different origin and treatment. Specifying HS according to their influence on EA has to remain uncertain. As shown in a kinetic study of the hydrolysis of L-Leucine-2-naphthylamide-hydrochloride, the inhibitor HO3 FA decreases the maximum velocity of the reaction but has no effect on the Michaelis constant. These results indicate that this HS acts as a noncompetitive inhibitor.  相似文献   
For a wide variety of substances aquatic systems are the medium of origin, or sinks in a longer or shorter lasting stay or even in geological periods. For surface sediments of Berlin waters and their surroundings this paper describes the enrichment and distribution of heavy metals (SM), which have a high priority under international aspects and a marked capability to geoaccumulation. From the 25 metals investigated Hg, Pb, Cu, Cd and Zn are of anthropogenic origin, all others are of geochemical provenience and correspond to background values. Some metals (Hg, Cd, Ni, Co, Cu, Cr and Pb) have specific concentration profiles with increasing depth of water and sediment. The study of correlation of SM in sediments demonstrates generally a strong relation to macroelements and between some metals themselves.  相似文献   
A method is described for the specific hydrolysis of amino acids from humic substances by using the proteolytic enzyme “Pronase E”. The amino acids are analyzed by a fluorescence detector after precolumn derivatization and HPLC-separation. The pattern and the concentration of amino acids after the enzymatic hydrolysis are set up for humic substances of different origin. Due to the results the enzymatic hydrolysis is suitable for the characterization of humic substances with a nitrogen content higher than 3%. As shown in a kinetic study of the hydrolysis of a fulvic acid the influence of humic substances on the enzyme activity increases in case of lower nitrogen content. Due to the specificity of the proteolytic enzyme the operationally defined method is limited as shown by a protein of a known amino acid content. The amino acids leucine, valine, tyrosine and histidine are released to the highest extent. The determined total extent for the hydrolysis of Insulin B is 26.34% and for Casein 38.37%. By comparison of the enzymatic hydrolysis with the classic acid hydrolysis the advantages of the biochemical method are the simple experimental handling and the mild reaction conditions. Amino acids which are very unstable like glutamine and asparagine can only be analyzed by the enzymatic hydrolysis.  相似文献   
The organic composition and organic‐inorganic interaction in paper mill sludge (PS) solvent extracts (hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone and ethanol) and humic fractions, humic acid (HA) and humin (HU) were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR), proton and carbon‐13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR; 13C NMR), Fourier‐transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and ultraviolet‐visible spectroscopy (UV‐vis). The strategy of fractionating the PS, sequentially, with organic solvents of increasing polarity is a reliable analytical procedure for humic substance sample separation because it results in more purified fractions. FTIR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR results showed that hexane extract consisted mainly of aliphatic hydrocarbon structures. Their contents in the extracts decreased as the polarity of the extracting solvent increased and the content of oxygen functional groups increased. Carboxylic and carboxylate functional groups were found in the acetone extract, and ester and ether functions were predominantly found in the ethanol extract. EPR spectra revealed some Fe3+ complexes with rhombic structure (g1 = 4.3; g2 = 9.0) in the humic fractions and in all solvent extracts, except hexane. Quasi‐octahedral Fe3+ complexes (g = 2.3; ΔHpp ≤ 400 G) were found in the HU fraction and in the acetone extract. The organic free radical content in the HA fraction was higher than the non‐fractionated PS sample and HU fraction.  相似文献   
An enzyme assay was developed for studies on peroxidase activities in humic lake water. 3,4-Dimethoxybenzyl alcohol (veratryl alcohol, VeraOH) was used as tracer substrate, and peroxidase (EC activity was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. The chemical stability of VeraOH and its application as peroxidase substrate was tested under light and dark conditions, different hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentrations and humic matter contents. VeraOH was stable under low UV radiation at in situ conditions in lake water (<0.010...0.25 kJ m–2 d–1), laboratory conditions (<0.05...0.30 kJ m–2 d–1), and low (1...100 μM) H2O2 concentrations. However, peroxides oxidized VeraOH above 1...10 mM H2O2 concentration in sterile Millipore-Q and humic lake water. Dark incubations showed little VeraOH oxidation products. The developed peroxidase assay was tested in the growth medium of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and a bacteria isolate (P.M.D. from mesohumic lake Pääjärvi. Peroxidase activities were also measured in natural microbial communities under standard laboratory and under in situ conditions in humic lake water. Incubation times of about 5 to 12 days were usually needed to record significant (P < 0.05) peroxidase activities, in lake waters. In situ peroxidase activities varied in pelagial surface water (0...0.5 m) on a seasonal scale between 74 nmol L–1 h–1 and 273 nmol L–1 (mean: 176 nmol L–1 h–1) and within the water column between 110 nmol L–1 h–1 and 800 nmol L–1 h–1 (mean: 500 nmol L–1 h–1) in polyhumic lake Mekkojärvi.  相似文献   
The fluorescence decay of aquatic natural organic matter (NOM) samples was investigated using the time-correlated single photon counting technique (TCSPC). Two different approaches for the data analysis are presented: the discrete component approach (DCA) and the exponential series method (ESM). The parameter set obtained in the DCA is discussed in terms of characterization for NOM of different origins. However, the obtained parameter set can only be interpreted as operationally defined. Using the ESM for a fluorescence decay time distribution analysis no a priori assumption about the number of fluorescing components was introduced into the data analysis. The interpretation of fluorescence decay time data for samples before and after ozonation is in good agreement with results of other analytical methods.  相似文献   
Fulvic acids of different origin, spray deposited on polished silicon after dissolution in high‐purity water without any additives, were analysed by time‐of‐flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF‐SIMS) in combination with oblique 24...36 keV SF5+ ion bombardment. The observed, highly reproducible mass spectra cover more than five orders of magnitude in dynamic range, without background subtraction. Apart from lines due to atomic ions and low‐mass ion fragments, the mass spectra exhibit broad maxima between m/z 200...350, mainly due to a beat‐like superposition of lines at every single mass number, up to at least m/z 400. In the negative ion spectra the beats have a spacing of m/z 14, corresponding to a CH2‐unit. The high‐mass tails of the spectra extend well beyond m/z 5000, with similar slopes in the positive and the negative ion mass spectra. The negative spectra appear to be less affected by fragmentation products than the positive spectra. Fulvic acids (FAs) of different origin show distinctly different spectra, with mean masses ranging between m/z ≈ 450 and 580 (for a low‐mass cut‐off m/z 150). To further verify the ability of TOF‐SIMS to detect molecules and clusters with masses significantly above the maxima of the FA spectra, samples of glycyrrhizic acid (GA, as GA ammonium salt with molecular weight 840) were also analysed. Parent ions as well as multimers (GA)n were observed as positive and negative ions, up to n = 4 (m/z 3320). The results are compared with spectra recently obtained by other mass spectrometric techniques.  相似文献   
The reduction in light emission of the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri used in the standard Microtox® bioassay was measured for the metals copper and mercury. The concentration at which the light emission was reduced by 50% (EC50) was determined to be (3.43 ± 0.83) μmol/L for Cu2+ and (0.66 ± 0.01) μmol/L for Hg2+. The reduction of the toxicity of these metals by humic and fulvic acids were studied using IHSS Standard and Reference Materials. Copper toxicity was reduced 17...20% by the soil and peat fulvic acids and 9...20% by the aquatic fulvic acids. While there appeared to be little difference in the reduction of Cu toxicity by fulvic acids from soils, peats, or aquatic systems, Hg toxicity was reduced 3.6...7.3% by the soils and peats, while aquatic fulvic acids reduced Hg toxicity 14...16%. Soil fulvic acids appear to have significantly less capacity to reduce Hg toxicity than Cu toxicity. Humic acids had much higher reductions of Cu toxicity (44...124%) compared to the fulvic acids, with little difference between aquatic and soil or peat humic acids, 44...124% and 67...100%, respectively. However, humic and fulvic acids, regardless of origin, had approximately the same effect on Hg toxicity with 3.5...16% reduction by fulvic acids and 8...20% reduction by humic acids. Unlike the fulvic acids, no clear trend was observed relative to origin of the humic acids. There was no correlation between percent reduction of Cu or Hg toxicity by the organic compounds and copper binding capacity (CuBC), C/N ratio, or carboxyl content of the materials. Examination of natural organic matter (NOM) isolated by reverse osmosis techniques from three water sources had reductions of both Cu and Hg toxicity that were most similar to the Suwannee River and Nordic fulvic acids.  相似文献   
The properties and transformation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) extracted (10 L water per kilogram compost) from municipal solid waste (MSW) compost at five stages (days 47, 77, 105, 126, and 187) of composting were investigated. The DOM was fractionated into hydrophobic or hydrophilic neutrals, acids, and bases. The unfractionated DOM, the hydrophobic acids and neutrals (HoA and HoN, respectively), and the hydrophilic neutrals (HiN) fractions were studied using solid-state 13C-NMR, FTIR, and DRIFT spectroscopy. The HoA fraction was found to be the dominant (percentage of total DOM) hydrophobic fraction, exhibiting a moderate increase during composting. The HoN fraction increased sharply from less than 1% to 18% of the total DOM during 187 days of composting, while the hydrophobic bases (HoB) exhibited the opposite trend. The HiN represented the major fraction of the hydrophiles up to 120 days of composting, decreasing thereafter by 38%. The relative concentration of the hydrophilic acids and bases (HiA and HiB, respectively) exhibited no consistent trend during composting. DRIFT spectra of the unfractionated DOM taken from the composting MSW revealed a decreasing level of polysaccharide structures with time. The 13C-NMR and FTIR spectra of the HoA fraction exhibited a polyphenol-humic structure, whereas the HoN spectra exhibited strong aliphatic features. The spectra of the HiN fraction confirmed its polysaccharide nature. During the final stage of composting, the DOM concentration was steady, while a relative decrease of HiN concomitant with an increase of HoA and HoN fractions was observed. These indicate that the DOM contained a low concentration of biodegradable organic matter and a higher content of macromolecules related to humic substances. The biological significance and heavy metal binding of these fractions are being studied based on earlier observations showing enhanced plant growth in the presence of DOM extracted from mature as opposed to immature compost.  相似文献   
Dissolved total carbohydrates (DTCH), dissolved free monosaccharides (DFMS), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), biodegradable DOC (BDOC), and humic substances (HS) were measured in White Clay Creek (WCC), a stream in southeastern Pennsylvania Piedmont, USA. Samples were collected over different seasons and under baseflow and stormflow conditions. DOC concentrations ranged from 1.0 to 12.8 mg/L C with the highest concentrations associated with stormflows. Carbohydrates ranged from 0.42 to 12.4 μM and accounted for 2.9 to 12.7% of the DOC. Humic substances represented the major DOC fraction, accounting for 55 to 72% of the DOC pool under all flow conditions. The humic fraction had a lower carbohydrate content (4.4%) than the non-humic fraction of DOC (7.2%). Stormflow DOC was enriched in carbohydrates relative to baseflow DOC, but the percentage of humic-C changed little. Carbohydrates were primarily present as dissolved polysaccharides (55%), but a significant fraction was bound to humic substances (40%), while a small proportion was present as monosaccharides (5%). The major monosaccharides in stream water, listed in order of decreasing concentration, included glucose, galactose, rhamnose, xylose, arabinose, mannose, and fucose. On average (30.6 ± 7.4)% (n = 44) of the stream water DOC was biodegradable, and carbohydrates accounted for 9.9 to 17.7% of the BDOC.  相似文献   
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