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通过向一体式膜生物反应器中分别投加聚合铝和粉煤灰改变料液性质,来预防膜污染和提高膜生物反应器对总磷的去除效率,并通过X射线衍射和红外光谱实验分析活性污泥性质的变化,利用扫描电镜分析中空纤维膜表观结构的变化情况,探讨防治膜污染的机理.实验结果表明:聚合铝的投加改变了活性污泥的性质和生物膜的表观结构,可有效地减缓膜污染,且除磷效率达85%以上;而投加粉煤灰并没有明显效果.  相似文献   
为处理钾长石水热制备钾霞石所产生的碱性滤液,本文采用水热法,考察了氢氧化铝溶解时间、晶化时间、晶化温度、水碱比对钾霞石产率和白度的影响,并对合成钾霞石物相进行了表征。结果表明,合成钾霞石的最佳条件为,氢氧化铝溶解时间为1.5 h,晶化时间为4 h,晶化温度280℃,水碱比为1.8。XRD结果表明,产物为钾霞石粉体。傅里叶变换红外光谱表明,Al(OH)3中的Al在水热条件下进入到Si—O骨架中形成了Si—O—Al官能团,从而印证了钾霞石的合成。差热分析结果表明,合成钾霞石具有良好的热稳定性。氮气吸附结果表明,合成钾霞石比表面积为5.18 m2/g,平均孔径为32.98 nm。实现了钾长石水热制备钾霞石所剩碱性滤液的资源化利用,并为钾长石水热制备钾霞石提供了一种母液循环的思路,使水热制备钾霞石工业化成为一种可能。  相似文献   
Tea bush is one of the plants cultivated in acidic soil, and is a typical hyper-accumulator of F and Al. Brick tea is a kind of brick-formed tea compressed using the older and coarse leaves and branches of tea trees. Brick tea mixed with milk is drunk as a daily indispensable beverage for Mongols, Ewenki, and other minority nationalities in the pastoral and semi-pastoral areas of Northwest China. It is reported that drinking brick tea can result in dental and skeletal fluorosis due to the high F content in it. Because Alzheimer's disease (AD) is related with Al in human brain, and Al has potential toxicities for skeletal and neural systems,  相似文献   
A. Wezel  S. Bender 《GeoJournal》2002,57(4):241-249
In the Alexander von Humboldt National Park in eastern Cuba many endemic animals and plants are found in various different natural habitats, which are considered to be the most important ones for in-situ conservation in the entire Insular Caribbean. In some areas of the National Park agriculture is practised. Thus, the objective of this study was to document and analyse the different land use activities and their consequences for local resource management and conservation of biodiversity in two village areas. A particular question was: what has changed since the foundation of the National Park in 1996? As time series data for land use and aerial photographs were not available for this part of Cuba, a qualitative evaluation was carried out. For this, six different land use units were mapped in 2001 and additional information gathered for areas with special interest related to sustainable land use and resource conservation. Although most parts of the study area are influenced to various degrees by human impact, the different types of land use seem presently not to have a crucial or detrimental impact on the land resources of the Alexander von Humboldt National Park. However, exploitation of the natural resources in certain areas could be improved with different management options to reach sustainability as well as to meet the conservation objectives of the National Park. This includes reduced or abandoned agricultural use of steep slopes to reduce erosion risk as well as a facilitated regeneration of natural vegetation in many parts of the study area to be able to conserve the high valuable biodiversity of the Park. Environmental education seems to have played an important and successful role since the foundation of the Park in 1996. Since then, cropping on steep slopes as well as illegal logging and poaching could be reduced.  相似文献   
GIS not includes only spatial data and attribute data, but also multimedia information. How to integrate and manage these data effectively is very important. With the development of the technology of Object-Relation DBMS (ORDBMS), it improved the capability of managing complicated information. With ORDBMS, GIS and multimedia information can be integrated together and can speed accessing files by using "buffer".  相似文献   
在HAc-NaAc形成的中性缓冲溶液体系中,利用碘的催化动力学原理,使N-N-四甲基-4-4-二氨基二苯甲烷与氯胺T的氧化反应,生成蓝色络合物来测定地探样中微量碘的含量。通过实验,最佳试剂加入量为8%的HAc溶液5mL,8%的Na2CO3溶液3mL,0.1%的N-N-四甲基-4-4-二氨基二苯甲烷溶液5mL所组成的溶液体系中,在加入0.1%的氯胺T1mL显色后,其测定结果准确度、精密度高,检出限低,测定化探样中微量碘时该方法可以推广应用。  相似文献   
黔北务-正-道地区铝土矿地质特征及资源潜力分析   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
文章简要介绍了务-正-道地区铝土矿的成矿地质背景和务川瓦厂坪铝土矿床的地质特征.重点从含矿层位下二叠统梁山组地层的分布、厚度变化;构造运动控制务-正-道地区古地理的变迁;褶皱构造控矿等几方面分析了与铝土矿成矿的关系,进而又对比了省内各铝土矿集区找矿勘探工作程度,综合分析了该区的找矿勘探潜力.认为务-正-道地区应存在大中型规模的铝土矿床,中下志留统韩家店组之上的不整合面,下二叠统梁山组和向斜构造是其成矿的主要控矿因素.  相似文献   
研究了以膨润土提铝残渣为原料,采用低温加热法直接合成有机硅化合物新方法。由实验确定了最佳的合成条件。用红外光谱法和X射线衍射法分析了合成产物的结构。结果表明,当以碱金属氢氧化物为介质时,合成的产物为五配位体有机硅化合物;在最佳合成条件下,钠盐和锂盐的收率分别为63.0%和44.9%。  相似文献   
应用电弧直读发射光谱法测定化探样品,样品无需消解,采用固体进样的方式可以同时测定多个元素。但目前化探分析中常采用的固体缓冲剂(如焦硫酸钾、氟化钠)的电弧温度较低,只能分析银、硼、锡、铅、钼、铜等易挥发元素,而不能分析铬、锰、钛等沸点较高的难挥发性元素。本文通过碱金属控制较低的电弧温度,并利用难挥发元素能在高温条件下与氟离子发生化学反应降低其激发温度,配制了一种以氟化铝、聚三氟氯乙烯等氟化效率较高的化合物为主要成分的固体缓冲剂,通过优化分析线对的选择、曝光时间、电极形状等分析条件,实现了一次制样可同时分析地球化学样品中14种易挥发和难挥发元素。方法检出限为0.016~46.93μg/g,相对标准偏差为4.1%~12.3%,通过国家标准物质验证了准确度,测定值与标准值相符,各项参数都能满足地球化学普查规范要求。本方法分析效率高,在化探分析中具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   
缓冲材料作为高放废物深地质处置库中一道重要的人工屏障,与高放废物容器和处置库围岩直接接触,在高放废物衰变热、辐射作用和地下水等影响下产生复杂的热-水-力-化学耦合作用,为了验证缓冲材料是否能长期有效地发挥其屏障材料的作用,核工业北京地质研究院利用高庙子钠基膨润土组装并运行了模拟中国高放废物地质处置室 尺寸的大型缓冲材料膨润土试验台架(China-Mock-Up)。建立了缓冲材料试验台架的安装和试验方法,依据实测数据和理论分析,揭示了热-水-力-化学耦合作用条件下膨润土中的相对湿度是在加热器的热效应和外部供水的湿效应共同作用下发生变化的,压实膨润土中应力的变化主要是由于膨润土遇水膨胀和加热器的热效应引起的,试验验证了模拟高放废物地质处置室内加热器(废物罐)运行初期的位移过程,为缓冲材料和高放废物地质处置库的设计提供了重要的工程参数和理论依据。  相似文献   
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