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Jia Xia 《Engineering Geology》2005,78(3-4):209-214
The ancient gravel stratum near Nanjing, China, is a major stratum of Cenozoic age along the middle–lower reaches of the Yangtze River. This paper first presents a typical geological profile and material composition of the ancient gravel stratum, and then discusses its geologic origin, soil–rock-forming processes, engineering mechanical properties, and their relations. These analyses are useful for city planning, geotechnical engineering, construction, and characterization of the geological environment in the Nanjing area.  相似文献   
京杭大运河的功能与苏北运河段的发展利用*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李书恒  郭伟 《第四纪研究》2007,27(5):861-869
京杭大运河历史时期的主要功能是运输和灌溉,增强军事防卫能力,维系政治统治,促进文化交流与经济发展。苏北段跨越黄淮平原和江淮平原,串联众多湖泊,北接鲁西南能源基地,南接经济发达的长江三角洲地区,是苏北地区重要的运输通道。在文献资料汇集整理和实地考察的基础上,提出当代大运河应充分发挥沟通乡镇、"北煤南运"及"南水北调"通道的作用,同时,还应在科学规划的基础上,发挥其历史文化遗迹、旅游民俗休闲与公众教育的功能。针对大运河苏北段水质污染、环境质量下降,航道堵塞及缺乏统一的管理机构等问题,建议加大水污染的防治力度,重视作为运河水源的湖泊水环境保护; 整治航道,在工程中注意保护运河沿岸文物; 成立大运河专门机构,统一规划部署; 加强运河航道管理以及协同地方政府与有关机构保护和利用大运河旅游资源,为申报世界遗产增强实力。  相似文献   
北运河水系底栖动物群落结构与水环境质量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为全面了解北运河水系的底栖动物群落结构和水环境质量,于2015年5月对北运河水系33个样点的底栖动物和水体理化性质进行了调查,分别采用综合水质标识指数法和底栖动物BI指数法对北运河水系进行水质评价,并通过Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验判断正态性,用Pearson相关分析方法对两种评价结果进行比较和分析.结果表明:北运河水系共采集到底栖动物23种,隶属于3门4纲6目11科11属,以水生昆虫和软体动物为主,整个水系底栖动物群落结构单一;底栖动物BI指数法的评价结果显示,72%的采样点水质为中污染(Ⅳ)或重污染(Ⅴ);综合水质标识指数法的评价结果显示,超过57%的采样点水质为Ⅳ类及以下;根据K-S检验,两组评价得分均符合正态分布;Pearson相关分析显示两种评价结果呈显著正相关.两种评价结果总体上呈现出相同的趋势,均显示北运河水系整体水质状况较差,干流水质状况优于支流,上游水质状况优于下游,温榆河上游、坝河下游、通惠河上游和凉水河的水质状况较差,温榆河源头和坝河上游的水质状况较好.两种评价结果在个别点位存在一定差异,具体表现为基于水体理化因子的评价结果稍优于水质生物评价结果,造成这种差异的原因是两种评价方法在时空尺度上存在差异.针对城市化水平较高、人类活动干扰较强的北运河水系,同时采用这两种评价方法有助于全面了解其复杂的水环境质量.  相似文献   
位于白龙江断裂带的甘肃舟曲江顶崖古滑坡规模巨大,受断裂活动、降雨入渗与河流侵蚀和人类工程活动等因素影响,多次发生复活-堵塞白龙江灾害事件,造成极大危害。为研究江顶崖古滑坡的复活机理,本文在野外地质调查的基础上,重点开展了滑体在含水率为10%、15%和20%条件下的离心机模型试验。研究表明:在滑体含水率为10%情况下,试验结束后仅在坡体中后部产生少量裂缝,但滑坡体整体还处于稳定状态; 而在滑体含水率为15%和20%情况下,滑坡均发生了破坏,在滑体含水率分别为15%、20%情况下坡体失稳所需离心加速度分别为100g和50g。试验测试分析表明,江顶崖古滑坡为推移式滑坡,其变形先从坡体中后部开始,坡体中后部产生裂缝,随后裂缝逐渐向前缘扩展,最终裂缝贯通造成滑坡滑动破坏。滑坡体的变形过程主要分为3个阶段: ①变形启动阶段(裂缝开始形成阶段); ②变形加速阶段(裂缝加速发展阶段); ③失稳阶段。通过离心模拟试验,结合野外调查分析,认为江顶崖古滑坡复活的因素主要受降雨和孔隙水压力的影响,是受前缘河流侵蚀牵引、降雨入渗造成滑坡中后部推移的耦合滑动。  相似文献   
刘海洋  付雨鑫  殷铭徽 《地理科学》2022,42(6):1005-1014
运用ArcGIS软件及空间分析等方法,研究了东北地区234座唐朝渤海国古城遗址分布特征,探讨了古城遗址空间格局与自然条件的关系。通过对234座古城址进行分析,发现唐朝渤海国古城址主要集中在4个集聚区,即图们江?鸭绿江流域集聚区(A)、牡丹江流域集聚区(B)、松花江?辽河流域集聚区(C)、穆棱河流域集聚区(D)。其中图们江?鸭绿江流域集聚区是最主要的遗址分布区,位于研究区的南部,占遗址总量的47.43%。研究区渤海国古代城址呈北疏南密的分布特征,形成明显的“空间组群”格局。在当时的气候环境之下,水热条件等自然因素成为影响城址的主要因素,而政治、经济、军事和交通区位等人文因素则对古城遗址的数量和分布起重要导向作用。  相似文献   
在对遂昌金矿唐代古金矿4号古洞的考察中,发现分布在矿中的巷道两侧的围岩都是坚硬的变质岩。通过现场研究,作者有4点发现:(1)发现发育于围岩中的节理面具有密度大、倾角陡和间距小的特点;(2)古巷道轴线的走向与节理面的走向基本一致;(3)古巷道的横截面被古人设计成高宽比很大的洞形;(4)巷道的走向都被设计成某种弧形。据此,可以作出以下判断:在一千多年前的唐代,古人很可能已发现这些发育于围岩中的陡倾角节理面之间的结合力很低,使用铁凿就可撬下来,并据此来开挖古巷道的。这也表明唐代的古人已经掌握了相当多的地质知识,并能够将之成功地应用于工程实践中。  相似文献   
在石油、天然气的勘探和开发研究中,涉及到深部空间的介质、结构和属性,在沉积建造上涉及到陆相沉积、海相沉积和火山岩相,在油、气成因理论上涉及到有机成因和无机成因,在机制上涉及到深部流体的分异、调整、运移和动力作用.这些本质性问题的研究和探讨是人们十分关注的科学领域.基于油、气生、储和形成的理论、应用和成效的研究提出,有几个基础性的理念问题必须重新认识,特别是沉积建造与古老变质岩结晶基底;双相(海相和陆相)沉积建造与盆地的内涵和双基(有机和无机)混合油、气成因理念.清晰地厘定这些认识不仅有益于对油、气形成、聚集和勘探及开发给出一个更为科学的深部空间,即第二深度空间(5000~10000 m)的油、气勘探,而更为重要的是基于对这些理念的重新认识和深化研究可构建新的思路或理论,且在新的理念导向下,强化油、气深部勘探,以期能在理论研究和实践应用中取得新的成效,发现大型与超大型油、气田.  相似文献   
The ancient landslide has endured long-term slope evolution which results in its complicated material and special rock-soil properties. The risk of ancient landslide reactivation is substantially increasing due to the increase of intensified human engineering activities and the frequency of extreme weather events. Many ancient landslides have been reactivated all over the world and led to serious fatalities and severe damage to many important engineering facilities such as transportation and hydropower engineering projects. On the basis of the analysis of the research situation about the ancient landslides at home and abroad, the main research advances were summarized including the regional developing laws and recognizing of the ancient landslides, the mechanics properties of ancient landslide body and related sliding zone, reactivation mechanism of ancient landslides, reactivating process and modeling analysis of ancient landslides, early recognization of ancient landslide reactivation, etc. To meet the demands of disaster prevention and reduction, three key scientific issues were put forward to be solved: ①automaticaly establishing the methodology and identification criterions for recognition of ancient landslide; ②revealing the reactivation mechanism of ancient landslide based on a new strength theory; ③establishing the early rapid recognition method and predictive model for ancient landslide reactivation. Solving the above mentioned scientific theory and methodology will facilitate the planning and site selection of major projects as well as the disaster prevention and reduction in ancient landslide developing areas.  相似文献   
Cultural tourism routes can reveal and protect cultural tourism heritage by means of cultural tourism in the “time category” and the “space category”. The construction of an evaluation system for cultural tourism routes and the evaluation, scoring and grading of existing and potential cultural tourism routes are the key to the protection of heritage, history and culture along these routes, and the key to encouraging the standardization, branding and sustainable development of various formats on the routes. Yunnan cultural tourism routes are diverse and rich in resources, and their developmental foundation is good. However, the tourism development and cultural development activities occur along separate lines and there is a lack of unified management. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on information collection, information analysis, problem diagnosis and improvement of status in the local practices of Yunnan cultural tourism routes, and to guide the sustainable development of Yunnan cultural tourism routes. Based on the advanced experience of COE (Council of Europe), UNESCO WHC (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Heritage Committee) and ICOMOS(International Council on Monuments and Sites), this paper comprehensively analyzes the decisive criteria for line evaluation by interpreting and summarizing the connotations of cultural tourism routes, and determines that the evaluation of cultural tourism routes should include lines. Five aspects―the theme, the participating subject, the object itself, related activities and multi-party value―are used to construct a five-component model. At the same time, based on the consumer utility function, a complete route evaluation and hierarchical system is constructed. Then, taking the Ancient Tea-horse Road cultural tourism route as an example and using the expert scoring method and the analytic hierarchy process, the actual scores and grades of the Ancient Tea-horse Road cultural tourism route are determined, and countermeasures and suggestions for its sustainable development are proposed. The paper also verifies the applicability and practicability of the evaluation system, and promotes and improves the feedback evaluation system. The aim is to at promote and widely apply the evaluation system of cultural tourism routes, realizing the transformation from individual cases to joint cases, and promoting the standardization and sustainable development of cultural tourism routes.  相似文献   
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