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通过地震波形分类技术,结合实钻探井资料,将准噶尔盆地西北缘SMZ地区白垩系清水河组储层埋藏深、厚度薄砂体储层发育模式分为富砂、砂岩较发育、砂岩发育一般、贫砂和富泥5类,相应地将地震波形分成Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ5类。通过该项技术,对这一地区清水河组深埋藏、薄储层砂体平面分布范围进行有效预测,为预探井的准确部署和控制储量的顺利提交提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   
神舟四号高度计波形数据预处理和信息提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神舟四号(SZ-4)高度计在国内首次提供了星载雷达高度计回波波形数据.本文中作者分析了SZ-4高度计回波波形的特点,完成波形数据的预处理,并在此基础上完成初步的信息提取.在数据预处理方面,通过SZ-4高度计水陆边界处波形的特点,提出了波形最大幅度控制的方法,筛选回波波形.在波形归一化处理过程中,发现SZ-4高度计波形中存在双峰现象,并指出第二个峰为异常波形区.在波形信息提取方面,利用波形重新跟踪得到的半功率点计算出SZ-4高度计高度跟踪补偿误差,并根据高度计天线指向角和回波波形下降沿斜率之间的关系,从波形后沿提取天线指向角信息.分析结果表明,SZ-4高度计天线指向比较平稳,而跟踪补偿由于变化较大,在计算海面高度时,应作为一项误差源被考虑到.  相似文献   
Blasting induced vibration is one of the fundamental problems in the open-pit mines and intense vibration can cause critical damage to structures and plants nearby the open-pit mines, especially to the final pit wall's stability. It is very important to study how to control vibration induced by blasting in the mitigation of negative effects of blasting in open-pit mines. This study aims to examine the propagation of blasting induced ground vibrations and find the feasible approaches to reduce the harmful effects of vibrations induced by blasting on the final pit wall's stability. For this purpose, a series of field experiments were conducted in XinQiao Mining Co. Ltd. Sixty-six events and the blasting parameters of these shots were carefully recorded. During the statistical analysis of the collected data, the predictor equation proposed by the United States Bureau of Mines (USBM) was used to establish a relationship between the Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) and the Scaled Distance (SD) factor. The relationship between PPV and SD was determined and proposed to be used in this open-pit mine. Control of maximum charge amount per delay and the selection optimum interval time to reduce the intensity of vibration by waveform interference were applied in practice. Based on the field experiments, we can determine the maximum charge amount per delay and 15 ms delay were proposed to be used in this site, and a decrease in vibration of 24.5% was obtained.  相似文献   
CO2 saturations are estimated at Sleipner using a two-step imaging workflow. The workflow combines seismic tomography (full-waveform inversion) and rock physics inversion and is applied to a two-dimensional seismic line located near the injection point at Sleipner. We use baseline data (1994 vintage, before CO2 injection) and monitor data that was acquired after 12 years of CO2 injection (2008 vintage). P-wave velocity models are generated using the Full waveform inversion technology and then, we invert selected rock physics parameters using an rock physics inversion methodology. Full waveform inversion provides high-resolution P-wave velocity models both for baseline and monitor data. The physical relations between rock physics properties and acoustic wave velocities in the Utsira unconsolidated sandstone (reservoir formation) are defined using a dynamic rock physics model based on well-known Biot–Gassmann theories. For data prior to injection, rock frame properties (porosity, bulk and shear dry moduli) are estimated using rock physics inversion that allows deriving physically consistent properties with related uncertainty. We show that the uncertainty related to limited input data (only P-wave velocity) is not an issue because the mean values of parameters are correct. These rock frame properties are then used as a priori constraint in the monitor case. For monitor data, the Full waveform inversion results show nicely resolved thin layers of CO2–brine saturated sandstones under intra-reservoir shale layers. The CO2 saturation estimation is carried out by plugging an effective fluid phase in the rock physics model. Calculating the effective fluid bulk modulus of the brine–CO2 mixture (using Brie equation in our study) is shown to be the key factor to link P-wave velocity to CO2 saturation. The inversion tests are done with several values of Brie/patchiness exponent and show that the CO2 saturation estimates are varying between 0.30 and 0.90 depending on the rock physics model and the location in the reservoir. The uncertainty in CO2 saturation estimation is usually lower than 0.20. When the patchiness exponent is considered as unknown, the inversion is less constrained and we end up with values of exponent varying between 5 and 20 and up to 33 in specific reservoir areas. These estimations tend to show that the CO2–brine mixing is between uniform and patchy mixing and variable throughout the reservoir.  相似文献   
频率域2.5-D井间波形层析成像及其实际应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从频率域3-D声波波动方程出发,结合井间观测方式的特点,基于Tarantola广义反演理论,提出了一种频率域2.5-D井间波形层析成像方法.数值模型试验结果表明:该方法对薄层厚度的分辨能力能达到约主频波长的1/4,且分辨率显著高于走时层析成像,尤其垂直分辨率有实质改善.模拟资料的抗噪试验表明:在信噪比为0.8的情况下,随机噪声对波形层析成像的影响较小;而相干噪声对全波形层析成像的影响显著,特别是初至波附近的强振幅干扰影响更为严重.井间实际资料的试处理结果表明:波形层析成像能很好地刻画井间介质的分布情况与储层连通性,对于油藏开发阶段的方案实施具有指导意义.  相似文献   
龙滩水库地震精定位及活动特征研究   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用结合了波形互相关技术的双差定位法对龙滩库区2006年至2007年发生的地震进行了精确定位,并对其活动特征进行了分析.通过定位结果的比较,证明利用波形互相关技术提取的地震对的P、S波走时差数据及双差精定位法显著地提高了定位的精度和质量.对龙滩库区地震活动特征的研究结果表明,龙滩库区的地震活动与水库蓄水过程密切相关,成丛分布的地震活动分别表现出对水库蓄水过程不同的响应过程和活动特征,反应了龙滩库区在岩性特征、渗透条件、地质构造及应力场等方面存在局部性差异.  相似文献   
海城7.3级地震前地震波动力学特征量的异常变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出对海城7.3级地震前地震波动力学特征量变化的一些最新研究结果。所研究的地震波包括体波(P,S波)、尾波和短周期地脉动三类。特征量有:体波与地脉动的波形时间线性度和空间线性度,平均半周期,频谱的峰值频率、拐角频率、相对频带宽度、相对频谱峰值、高频段的谱线斜率绝对值;尾波的时间熵、振幅比、持续时间、观测与计算持续时间差及其二阶差分、Q_c值、反映介质混浊度与震源特性的系数a_c等。所得结果表明,三类地震波的上述动力学特征量大都在震前一至半年左右出现、有的在6-10天乃至一天以内出现过不同形态的阶段性异常变化,因而可看作海城地震的中短期和临震的地震波前兆异常指标。  相似文献   
华北强震断层面解和震源深度特征   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用远震P波及SH波和区域地震P_(nl)波波形反演方法,测定了华北9次强震的断层面解、震源深度及地震矩.结合其他作者测定的7次地震的结果,分析了华北16次强震断层面解及华北地震震源深度特征.结果表明,华北多数强震为走滑型地震,也有个别正断层型及逆断层型地震;16次地震多数发生在地壳中部10-25km深度范围内.  相似文献   
冯甜  吴建平  房立华 《中国地震》2021,37(2):261-272
随着地震观测台站密度的不断增加以及地震检测技术的快速发展,微震研究受到了地震学界的广泛关注.与发震周期较长的大地震相比,微震复发周期短、发生频次高,可以获得更高分辨率的地壳内部介质物性和应力状态等变化信息.微震在许多领域具有广泛的应用,如研究断层几何形态、前震与地震成核的关系、余震时空演化特征及余震触发机理、远程动态触...  相似文献   


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