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Pamukkale thermal waters (35 °C), exhibiting calcium-bicarbonate-sulfate composition and high carbon dioxide concentration, are of a predominantly meteoric origin. The meteoric fluid, circulating through faults and fractures, is heated by magmatic intrusions at great depth, and ascends from deep reservoirs to the surface. Mixing with relatively cold groundwater in the near surface zone promotes different saturation conditions with respect to calcium carbonate that later precipitates at depth and/or the surface. Dissolution-deposition processes of calcium carbonate both at surface and depth environments may help to reconstruct past climate direction in the field. During wet climate conditions a high-rate of calcium carbonate accumulation would be expected to occur at the surface because thermal fluid would be under-saturated with respect to calcium carbonate at depth because of a relatively higher mixing ratio with cold groundwater. During dry climate conditions the thermal fluid would be super-saturated at depth because of the highly acidic environment. Hydrometeorological studies reveal that the annual precipitation at the Pamukkale hydrothermal field tends to decrease with time. This climatic change in the area was also detected from geological records. While humid climate conditions prevailed during the late Quaternary, the area has recently been affected by arid/semi-arid climate conditions, followed by some episodic transitions. This study has shown how the system has possibly reacted to different climate conditions since antiquity.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe an example of travertine fissure-ridge development along the trace of a normal fault with metre displacement, located in the eastern margin of the Neogene–Quaternary Siena Basin, in the Terme S. Giovanni area (Rapolano Terme, Italy). This morphotectonic feature, 250 m long, 30 m wide and 10 m high, formed from supersaturated hot waters (39.9°C) flowing from thermal springs aligned along the trace of the normal fault dissecting travertines not older than Late Pleistocene (24 ± 3 ka). A straight, continuous fissure with a maximum width of 20 cm occurs at the top of the ridge, along its crest. Hot fluids flow from cones mainly located at the extremities of the ridge, where travertine is depositing. The travertine fissure-ridge shows an asymmetrical profile since it buries the fault scarp. The difference in height of slopes corresponds to the vertical displacement of the normal fault. Fissuring of the recent travertine deposits along the strike of the crestal fissure, as well as recent hydrothermal circulation, lead us to believe that the Terme S. Giovanni normal fault may be currently active. On the whole, the Terme S. Giovanni fissure ridge can be defined as a travertine fault trace fissure-ridge, adding a helpful example for studying the relationship between faulting and travertine deposition.  相似文献   
英国钙华苔藓植物区系特征及其主要钙华沉积类型   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
根据1998— 2000年作者采自英国39个钙华沉积区1245份的野外苔藓植物标本研究, 英国钙华苔藓植物区系具有下列特征:(1)区系种类由19科34属50种(含变种亚种)组成, 其中含英国钙华苔藓新记录26种;(2)区系生活型含高丛集型(10 %)、矮丛集型(32%)、交织型(44 %)、扇型(2 %)和平埔型(12 %)5 种类型;(3)区系地理成分含北温带分布(46 %)、温带欧洲分布(6 %)、欧洲-非洲分布(2 %)、欧洲-北美分布(10 %)、旧世界温带分布(4%)和世界广泛分布(34%)等6种成。根据钙华生长的环境特征, 英国苔藓植物钙华可划分为泉华、瀑华、溪流钙华和洞穴弱光带钙华4 种基本类型及12 种小类型。   相似文献   
云南白水台钙华景区的水化学动态变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游省易  李强  刘再华 《中国岩溶》2003,22(2):110-117
本文采用水化学仪器自动记录、现场测定和取样室内分析等相结合的方法,对云南白水台钙华景区水的物理化学动态变化特征进行了综合研究,结果发现: 随着CaCO3 的沉积,水中的主要离子Ca2+ 和HCO-3 浓度、电导逐渐降低; p H值升高。我们对1号泉进行昼夜观测发现: 5月1号泉的水温呈周期性变化,周期约为28小时,而在9月水温保持恒定。对下游( 12号观测点)的动态观测发现水的p H值与水温呈反相关关系,在对中游( 6号观测点)的早、中、晚观测得到了同样的结果。最终我们得出结论: 1号泉水温变化可能受补给水源水温动态变化、降雨和地热影响;中下游pH值和电导率的变化与碳酸钙的沉积速率、碳酸平衡和藻类作用有关。   相似文献   
钙华沉积机制的研究现状及展望   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
通过分析大量相关文献并结合作者近年来的工作成果,总结了四种钙华沉积模式: 泉水、河流障、湖泊以及沼泽钙华沉积;综合讨论了气候环境、水文地质条件、水体的物理化学性质、生物作用等因素对钙华沉积的影响。针对目前研究中存在的问题,作者认为今后的工作要从碳酸钙沉积反应的热力学、动力学和晶体生长等微观过程进行研究,从而更加全面地认识钙华沉积的机制,以便为钙华景观的科学保护提供理论基础。   相似文献   
Holocene and modern travertine formed in spring-fed Havasu Creek of the Grand Canyon, Arizona, was studied to determine the factors governing its oxygen-isotope composition. Analysis of substrate-grown travertine indicates that calculated calcite-formation temperatures compare favorably with measured water temperatures, and include silt-rich laminae deposited by monsoon-driven floods. Ancient spring-pool travertine is dated by U-series at 7380 ± 110 yr and consists of 14 travertine-silt couplets of probable annual deposition. One hundred eighty high-resolution δ18O analyses of this mid-Holocene sample average −11.0‰ PDB. The average value for modern travertine is 0.5‰ lower, perhaps because mid-Holocene temperature was higher or there was proportionally greater summer recharge. δ18O cyclicity in the mid-Holocene travertine has average amplitude of 1.9 ± 0.5‰ PDB, slightly less than the inferred modern-day annual temperature range of Havasu Creek. The annual temperature range might have been reduced during the 14-yr interval compared to present, although other non-temperature factors could account for the muted annual variation. Silt-rich laminae within isotopically lower calcite in the modern and mid-Holocene travertine verifies the seasonal resolution of both samples, and suggests that similar temperature-precipitation conditions, as well as monsoon-generated summer floods, prevailed in the mid-Holocene as they do throughout the Grand Canyon region today.  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):333-342
Travertine deposits reflect some aspects of the regional tectonics because of the close association between travertine deposits and active fractures, that later of which provide conduits along which travertine-depositing waters may rise. Fissure-ridge travertines form above extensional fissures which are located in the hanging walls of normal faults, in step-over zones between fault segments, or in active or recently active) volcanic provinces. Numerous active and inactive fissure-ridge travertines are located in the hanging walls of normal faults in the Denizli Basin. A typical fissure-ridge comprises a central fissure along its long axis and flanking bedded travertines dipping away from the fissure. Central fissures of travertine ridges have been dilating since the initiation of the fissures. Samples from both the margins and centres of banded travertine deposits were dated by Th/U methods in order to determine dilation rates. Individual fissures have been dilating at average rates of between 0.008 and 0.1 mm yr–1 during travertine deposition, and ~ 0.001 and 0.007 mm yr–1 after cessation of travertine deposition. There is a noticable decrease in dilation rate from west to east in the Denizli Basin, and this decrease in dilation rate may be related to decrease in overall extension in southwest Turkey, which decreases eastward.  相似文献   
Travertine deposits overlie the highest Number 2 surfaces in central Montana and clasts of travertine occur in gravels on lower Number 2 surfaces. Dating these travertine deposits may provide limits on the ages of surfaces that record intervals of extensive erosion during Pleistocene time. Analysis of three travertine samples from the southeast side of The Park yield an average uranium-thorium age of 73 000 ±+M 7 000 years. Another sample from the west side of The Park is 320 000 (+ 160 000, ? 70 000) years old. These results indicate that travertine deposits may have formed at several intervals. The surface beneath The Park travertine is older than about 320 000 years. Number 2 pediment gravels that contain travertine downslope from the oldest dated sample may be younger than about 320 000 years.  相似文献   
Travertine deposits of calcium carbonate can dominate channel geomorphology in streams where travertine deposition creates a distinct morphology characterized by travertine terraces, steep waterfalls, and large pools. Algae and microorganisms can facilitate travertine deposition, but how travertine affects material and energy flow in stream ecosystems is less well understood. Nearly a century of flow diversion for hydropower production has decimated the natural travertine formations in Fossil Creek, Arizona. The dam will be decommissioned in 2005. Returning carbonate-rich spring water to the natural stream channel should promote travertine deposition. How will the recovery of travertine affect the ecology of the creek? To address this question, we compared primary production, decomposition, and the abundance and diversity of invertebrates and fish in travertine and riffle/run reaches of Fossil Creek, Arizona. We found that travertine supports higher primary productivity, faster rates of leaf litter decomposition, and higher species richness of the native invertebrate assemblage. Observations from snorkeling in the stream indicate that fish density is also higher in the travertine reach. We postulate that restoring travertine to Fossil Creek will increase stream productivity, rates of litter processing, and energy flow up the food web. Higher aquatic productivity could fundamentally shift the nature of the stream from a sink to a source of energy for the surrounding terrestrial landscape.  相似文献   
正1 Introduction Dogai Coring is a name of lake lied in the northern Tibet.There are a series of modern salt springs and theies travertines.All of salt springs have an anomaly of potassium,implying that springs water may dissolve evaporites from deep bed formation,which includes halite  相似文献   
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