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Ion mobility spectrometry offers a robust and effective technique to study ion clusters in ambient conditions. Here, we have experimentally studied the influence of temperature on the positive ion cluster formation of 2-propanol vapor in air, along with parallel measurements for n-butyl acetate vapor in air. For both of these low proton affinity compounds in the ppm concentration range, temperatures below 0 °C tend to favor formation of dimers and trimers. The measurements indicate that approximate estimations for the fractions of these n-mers (n > 1) in the ion spectra, can be obtained by classical theory for ion induced nucleation. Presence of natural background vapors however slightly blurs the data, especially for the fraction of monomers, so that accurate prediction of the fractions of n-mers in the spectra would require more accurate information on the gas composition. The findings concerning thermal behavior of ions help to understand better ion phenomena also in field conditions.  相似文献   
Existing analytical solutions to 2D and 3D contaminant transport problems are limited by the mathematically convenient assumption of uniform flow. An approximate method is developed herein for coordinate mapping of 2D (vertically-averaged) transport solutions to non-uniform steady-state irrotational and divergence-free flow fields in single-layer aquifers. The method enables existing analytical transport solutions to be applied to aquifer systems with wells, non-uniform saturated thickness, surface water features, and (to a limited degree) heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity and recharge. This mass-conservative coordinate mapping approach is inexact in its approximation of the dispersion process but is still sufficiently accurate for many simple flow systems. The degree of model error is directly proportional to the variation of velocity magnitude within the domain. These mapped analytical solutions are compared to numerical simulation results and the coordinate mapping errors are investigated. The methods described herein may be used in the traditional capacity of analytical transport models, i.e., screening and preliminary site assessment, without sacrificing accuracy by assuming locally uniform flow conditions or applying an ad-hoc coordinate transformation. The solutions benefit from the traditional advantages of analytical methods, particularly the removal of artifacts due to spatial and temporal discretization: no time-stepping or numerical discretization is required.  相似文献   
An analysis is presented of the potential application of laser ablation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LA-TOF-MS) to the study of small bodies on in situ and sample return missions. LA-TOF-MS provides the significant advantages of high-quality, low-ambiguity data, no requirement of sample contact or preparation, rapid analysis, and local probe capability. The ability to address particular scientific goals on a given mission depends strongly on obtaining reproducible instrument- and sample-dependent fractionation factors for heterogeneous samples in various operating conditions. LA-TOF-MS analyses of basalt and mineral separate standards, in both powdered and compressed forms, have been used to establish an understanding of elemental fractionation in the mass range from C to Zn and selected higher-mass elements. Results of a preliminary calibration applied to the bulk analysis of carbonaceous meteorites suggests that sufficient precision is obtained from replicate averaging of spectra to differentiate among some sub-classes. Complementary point-by-point LA analyses of such samples could also provide powerful diagnostic information for mineralogy.  相似文献   
We consider a discontinuous Galerkin scheme for computing transport in heterogeneous media. An efficient solution of the resulting linear system of equations is possible by taking advantage of a priori knowledge of the direction of flow. By arranging the elements in a suitable sequence, one does not need to assemble the full system and may compute the solution in an element-by-element fashion. We demonstrate this procedure on boundary-value problems for tracer transport and time-of-flight.  相似文献   

对空间中能量介于几十keV到几MeV的离子进行成分、能谱、通量和角分布等信息的测量,具有十分重要的科研和应用价值.20世纪80年代,一种基于二次电子发射(Secondary Electron Emission,SEE)的TOF×E空间中高能离子探测器(下简称中高能TOF质谱仪)问世,直到今天,仍然被广泛应用于各类空间任务.本文将重点介绍中高能TOF质谱仪的技术原理,发展历史,当前发展现状和未来趋势.另外还对中高能TOF质谱仪的质量分辨率和抗干扰能力两项关键参数的影响因素进行分析,并探讨通过引进石墨烯薄膜和金刚石探测器改善两项性能的可能性.该项技术目前我国仍未掌握,但随着我国多项深空探测项目即将开展,已对该技术提出了科研和应用需求.针对未来不同的空间任务需求,我国对中高能TOF质谱仪的研发应涵盖单方向高精度和多方向多要素两种类型,并研究通过引进石墨烯薄膜和金刚石探测器等新技术,进一步提升其探测性能和空间任务适应性.

Accurate simulation of flow and transport processes in fractured rocks requires that flow in fractures and shear zones to be coupled with flow in the porous rock matrix. To this end, we will herein consider a single-continuum approach in which both fractures and the porous rock are represented as volumetric objects, i.e., as cells in an unstructured triangular grid with a permeability and a porosity value associated with each cell. Hence, from a numerical point of view, there is no distinction between flow in the fractures and the rock matrix. This enables modelling of realistic cases with very complex structures. To compute single-phase advective transport in such a model, we propose to use a family of higher-order discontinuous Galerkin methods. Single-phase transport equations are hyperbolic and have an inherent causality in the sense that information propagates along streamlines. This causality is preserved in our discontinuous Galerkin discretization. We can therefore use a simple topological sort of the graph of discrete fluxes to reorder the degrees-of-freedom such that the discretized linear system gets a lower block-triangular form, from which the solution can be computed very efficiently using a single-pass forward block substitution. The accuracy and utility of the resulting transport solver is illustrated through several numerical experiments.  相似文献   
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