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受到海底、自由表面等强反射界面的影响, 在海底电缆采集的地震资料中鬼波干扰往往非常发育, 在频谱中表现为明显的陷频现象, 严重影响地震剖面的质量, 给后期的处理解释带来困难。为克服这一困难, 根据海底电缆双检(陆检和水检)对下行波场的不同响应, 在深入研究伪多道匹配滤波技术的基础上提出了伪多道双检合成方法。与传统的求取反射系数的双检合成方法不同, 该方法完全数据驱动。在合成数据和渤海地震资料的实际应用中, 鬼波成分得到了明显的压制, 同时拓宽频带, 补偿陷频, 证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
地裂缝是西安市典型的城市地质灾害,地下水位的变化是诱发地裂缝活动的重要因素。以西安地铁六号线暗挖段施工降水为研究背景,基于有限元数值模拟计算,分析了地裂缝场地施工降水引起的地表沉降规律和地层应力变化特征。计算结果表明:当地下水位下降时,地表沉降量上盘大于下盘,地裂缝带两侧地表存在差异沉降的现象,最大差异沉降量与地下水位下降深度近似呈直线关系;不同位置处地表的横向沉降呈现出"Z"形的变化特征,差异沉降区随地裂缝位置的变动而变化,且差异沉降量与横向地表位置近似呈二次函数曲线关系;地层竖向应力随着地下水位下降而增大,地裂缝位置处地层应力存在突变现象,上下盘应力影响区与地层深度近似呈三次函数曲线关系;基于分层总和法计算了地下水位下降时地表沉降量的解析解,并与数值模拟结果进行对比,发现两种方法计算结果基本一致,得到了计算地表最大沉降量的经验公式。研究结果可为地裂缝场地地铁隧道及其他地下工程安全施工提供科学指导。   相似文献   
针对基坑开挖卸荷导致坑底土体回弹变形问题,考虑开挖卸荷过程中土体弹性模量随着卸荷应力路径变化的特征,推导在卸荷应力路径作用下土体变形模量的计算公式,考虑基坑的开挖为地表以下基坑开挖面处应力的变化,基于Mindlin应力解计算矩形基坑开挖卸荷引起的坑底土体附加应力,采用分层总和法计算基坑开挖引起的坑底土体的回弹变形,结合已有文献中的工程实例,采用该方法计算开挖引起的坑底隆起变形,并与实际监测数据对比分析表明,该方法能够有效预测基坑开挖引起的坑底隆起变形,能够作为基坑开挖坑底隆起变形的一种有效预测方法。  相似文献   
This article has two purposes. Firstly, a validation exercise of the modal summation technique for the computation of synthetic strong-motion records is performed for two regions of Europe (Umbria-Marche and south Iceland), using a variety of region specific crustal structure models, by comparing the predicted ground motion amplitudes with observed motions. It is found that the rate of decay of ground motions is well predicted by the theoretical decay curves but that the absolute size of the ground motions is underpredicted by the synthetic time-histories. This is thought to be due to the presence of low-velocity surface layers that amplify the ground motions but are not included in the crustal structure models used to compute the synthetic time-histories. Secondly, a new distance metric based on the computed theoretical decay curves is introduced which should have the ability to model the complex decay of strong ground motions. The ability of this new distance metric to reduce the associated scatter in empirically derived equations for the estimation of strong ground motions is tested. It is found that it does not lead to a reduction in the scatter but this is thought to be due to the use of crustal structure models that are not accurate or detailed enough for the regions studied. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Maximum-likelihood ambiguity resolution based on Bayesian principle   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
 Based on the Bayesian principle and the fact that GPS carrier-phase ambiguities are integers, the posterior distribution of the ambiguities and the position parameters is derived. This is then used to derive the maximum posterior likelihood solution of the ambiguities. The accuracy of the integer ambiguity solution and the position parameters is also studied according to the posterior distribution. It is found that the accuracy of the integer solution depends not only on the variance of the corresponding float ambiguity solution but also on its values. Received: 27 July 1999 / Accepted: 22 November 2000  相似文献   
徐祥文  黄崇福 《地震研究》1993,16(2):187-192
本文针对专家评定意见有一定伸缩性的特点,将专家意见表示为评定论域上的模糊子集,利用可能性相加原理,对专家意见进行了统计分析,得出综合性的意见。结果表明,利用伸缩性提供的丰富信息,可以较好地总结专家意见。基于几种模型的仿真可靠性分析结果,本文推荐可靠性最高的模型作为城市平房震害预测统计手段。  相似文献   
The Meixner functions are utilized to relate the effective rainfall, the direct runoff and the unit hydrograph through linkage equations. The linkage equations are then employed to derive the unit hydrograph for given rainfall-runoff data on a small agricultural watershed. These functions are tested with regard to their ability to reproduce and predict the direct runoff hydrograph. The Meixner functions are found to be an effective analytical tool for hydrograph synthesis. Further, they compare well with the least squares and linear programming methods of the unit hydrograph derivation.  相似文献   
Summary. A high-frequency asymptotic integral expansion of a time-harmonic wavefield into Gaussian beams was derived in a previous paper by Klimeš. The discretization error caused by replacing this integral superposition by a discrete summation of Gaussian beams is estimated in this paper.  相似文献   
无网格伽辽金法(EFGM)模拟不连续面   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
无网格伽辽金法(EFGM)是最近出现的一种新的数值方法。该法只需节点信息,不需将节点连成单元;此外,还有精度高、后处理方便等优点。本文论述如何用该法模拟不连续面,并给出算例。  相似文献   
简要概述了遥感影像匹配中,误匹配点剔除的常用方法.对SIFT特征描述子生成及其匹配、粗糙模糊C-均值方法聚类分析的原理方法进行了详细论述.针对SIFT方法匹配出的大量点对,将不同时相,不同传感器、不同分辨率影像广义划分为同分辨率和不同分辨率.基于同分辨率影像匹配点对问连线具有相同的距离及斜率、不同分辨率影像匹配点对间连线的延长线交于一点的几何约束条件,利用粗糙模糊C-均值模型聚类分析方法对点对快速剔除误匹配点后,对剔除的结果利用最小二乘方法进行精匹配,结果达到亚像素.最后,通过对不同时相、不同分辨率、不同传感器的多源遥感影像实验分析验证了该方法的适用性、可靠性及精确性.  相似文献   
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