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热层金属层位于电离层E层和F层的过渡区域,为研究105~200 km之间的中性和电离成分的相互作用过程提供了独特的示踪剂.为更好地了解热层金属层的来源和形成机制,本文基于北京延庆台站(40.42°N,116.02°E)的高精度钠荧光共振激光雷达的数据,根据观测到的热层钠原子层的形态特征和出现规律等以及参考先前的研究报道,将该台站上空的热层钠层主要归类为四种:低热层突发钠层、天亮前热层-电离层钠层、午夜热层-电离层钠层和中纬度热层-电离层钠层.我们对最后一种热层钠层进行了仔细研究,基于2018—2020年415个观测夜共约3914 h的数据,找到了17个该事件(出现率仅4.1%,且多发于冬季).在14个完整事件中,仅约35.7%(5/14)的事件出现时间与附近地基台站观测到的电离层突发E层相似,但均早于电离层突发E层;剩下的9次事件与最近的突发E层的时间相差范围为2.5~8.6 h.因此,我们认为中纬度热层-电离层钠层与电离层突发E层相关性较弱,它应该有着其他可能的形成机制.

电离层突发E层与太阳活动的相关性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过对195-1990年3个太阳黑子周期期间不同纬度台站的ES层的临界频率f0ES的观测数据进行统计分析,研究了太阳活动对ES层的强度与出现率的影响,主要结果为:f0ES的年平均值在白天与太阳活动呈强正相关,在夜间呈负相关. 同样,ES的出现率的年变化与太阳活动的关系也是白天呈正相关,夜间呈负相关. 进一步分析表明,上述白天ES层临界频率与太阳活动的正相关性的主要贡献来自于常规E层与太阳活动的强烈相关性. 消除了背景E层电子密度的作用后,ES层的强度在白天与太阳活动呈微弱的正相关,在夜间呈负相关,其相关系数有比较规则的周日变化或半日变化.  相似文献   
In recent years, some authors have shown that some auroras can be observed at relatively low latitude when the geomagnetic activity is quiet or moderate. This very special type of aurora is called “sporadic aurora”. We present and analyze in this work a possible case of “sporadic aurora” observed in Mexico on the 19 April 1843. Moreover, we study the solar and auroral activity around this event.  相似文献   

我们采用COSMIC掩星系统提供的2009年1月1日至2010年12月31日的GPS信号信噪比(signal-to-noise ratio,SNR)的观测数据,通过计算SNR数据的归一化标准差对80~130 km高度范围内的中国内陆偶发E层(Sporadic E,Es)的空间分布以及垂直厚度等特性进行分析研究,获得了Es发生率的空间分布以及发生率随着季节的变化特征.中国内陆30°N纬线以上区域Es分布随季节变化较为明显,夏季最多,秋季次之,春冬季最少,而南部低纬地区发生率水平常年较高.一般情况下Es主要存在于90~110 km高度范围内,但在夏季100 km高度以下探测到了较多的Es事件,且主要表现为多层Es结构,可能是由大气重力波引起Es下行运动所致.Es厚度的分布统计表明:大结构Es的厚度分布在2.5~3 km范围内存在峰值,小结构Es厚度分布峰值出现在150~200 m范围内.

In the northern hemisphere, the month of February is characterized by a lack of major meteor shower activity yet a number of weak minor showers are present as seen by the Kazan radar. Using the Feller transformation to obtain the distribution of true meteor velocities from the distribution of radial velocities enables the angle of incidence to be obtained for the single beam AO (Arecibo Observatory) data. Thus the loci of AO radiants become beam-centered circles on the sky and one can, with simple search routines, find where these circles intersect on radiants determined by other means. Including geocentric velocity as an additional search criterion, we have examined a set of February radiants obtained at Kazan for coincidence in position and velocity. Although some may be chance associations, only those events with probabilities of association > 0.5 have been kept. Roughly 90 of the Kazan showers have been verified in this way with mass, radius and density histograms derived from the AO results. By comparing these histograms with those of the “background” in which the minor showers are found, a qualitative scale of dynamical minor shower age can be formulated. Most of the showers are found outside the usual “apex” sporadic source areas where it is easiest to detect discrete showers with less confusion from the background.  相似文献   
The majority of small (millimeter size) meteoroids striking the Earth every year belong to the sporadic sources: the helion/antihelion, apex and toroidal sources. Radar data from the CMOR facility near London, Ontario, Canada provides five years of sporadic activity information and velocity distributions at two degree resolution, allowing the fine structure of each source to be investigated. We have used five years of orbital data to investigate the directional dependence of the activity and the velocity distribution of the sporadic meteoroid population on a two degree scale. These data can be used to investigate the origin of the sporadic meteoroid sources.  相似文献   
A procedure of selection of meteoroids from major streams is suggested and applied to the IAU Lund photographic database modified by a check for internal consistency among orbital elements (3411 orbits). Limits for choice of stream members were defined by break points on the plots of the cumulative numberN C vs. the Southworth-HawkinsD discriminant. For the break points were considered the points from which the dependenceN C vs.D changes to a quasi-linear one, and with the increasingD, N C changes only moderately. Except for the Taurids which desire a separate analysis, theN C vs.D diagrams are presented for the following major meteoroid streams: Quadrantids, Lyrids, Aquarids, Capricornids, N and S Aquarids, Perseids, Orionids, Leonids and Geminids. The mean orbits, velocities and radiants of the streams are derived and compared with the osculating orbits of their parent bodies. The limitingD B was found to be a function of the number of the stream membersN CB. Omitting the exceptionally concentrated Geminids, the relation is in the formD B = 0.058 *ln(N CB) – 0.04.  相似文献   
通过对195-1990年3个太阳黑子周期期间不同纬度台站的ES层的临界频率f0ES的观测数据进行统计分析,研究了太阳活动对ES层的强度与出现率的影响,主要结果为:f0ES的年平均值在白天与太阳活动呈强正相关,在夜间呈负相关. 同样,ES的出现率的年变化与太阳活动的关系也是白天呈正相关,夜间呈负相关. 进一步分析表明,上述白天ES层临界频率与太阳活动的正相关性的主要贡献来自于常规E层与太阳活动的强烈相关性. 消除了背景E层电子密度的作用后,ES层的强度在白天与太阳活动呈微弱的正相关,在夜间呈负相关,其相关系数有比较规则的周日变化或半日变化.  相似文献   
Mid-latitude ice caves are assumed to be highly sensitive to climatic changes and thus represent a potentially interesting environmental archive. Establishing a precise chronology is, however, a prerequisite for the understanding of processes driving the cave-ice mass balance and thus allows a paleoenvironmental interpretation. At St. Livres ice cave (Jura Mountains, Switzerland), subfossil trees and organic material are abundant in the cave-ice deposit, therefore allowing the dating of individual ice layers. The dendrochronological analysis of 45 subfossil samples of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) from the overhanging front of the ice outcrop as well as the dating of seven wood samples with 14C dating allowed for a reconstruction of the St. Livres cave-ice sequence and for the determination of periods of ice accumulation and ablation. Results suggest a maximal age of 1200 ± 50 14C yr BP for the observed ice sequence and indicate the presence of four major deposition gaps dated to the 14th, 15th, mid-19th and late 19th century, which can be related with periods of positive North Atlantic Oscillation anomalies (NAO+) over the winter half-year and/or anthropogenic cave-ice abstraction. Similarly, there is evidence that periods of cave-ice accumulation as observed between AD 1877-1900 and AD 1393-1415 would correspond with phases of negative NAO indices. Cave ice represents therefore an original climate archive for the winter half-year and is complementary to other continental proxies recording preferentially summer conditions (e.g., tree rings, varves).  相似文献   
The GPS radio occultation technique is sensitive for layered structures with horizontal scales of around 100 km and with vertical scales of a few 100 m or more at the Earth's limb. These structures cause strong fluctuations of the GPS L1 and L2 phase paths which have been measured by a GPS receiver onboard of Microlab-1 satellite in 730 km orbit during the GPS/Meteorology experiment (GPS/MET of UCAR, Boulder). By means of GPS/MET radio occultation data, profiles of electron density fluctuations are derived for the mesosphere/lower thermosphere region with a height resolution of around 1 km. Data analysis of 1900 radio occultation events in June/July 1995, 1540 events in October 1995, and 2690 events in February 1997 confirms seasonal dependence of sporadic E layers. The meridian slices of average sporadic E activity show a dominance of plasma irregularities in the summer hemisphere. The irregularities mainly occur at heights 90–110 km. Auroral and equatorial sporadic E, electron density depletions, and multiple ionization layers are also present in the high resolution GPS/MET data. The multiple layers often have a distance of around 5–10 km in height, and appear up to a height of 140 km (upper height limit for 50 Hz sampling rate of GPS receiver). For February and June, the GPS/MET observations are compared to ground-based observations of the Asia/Australia ionosonde chain.  相似文献   
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