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Isotopic variations in melting snow are poorly understood. We made weekly measurements at the Central Sierra Snow Laboratory, California, of snow temperature, density, water equivalent and liquid water volume to examine how physical changes within the snowpack govern meltwater δ18O. Snowpack samples were extracted at 0.1 m intervals from ground level to the top of the snowpack profile between December 1991 and April 1992. Approximately 800 mm of precipitation fell during the study period with δ18O values between −21.35 and −4.25‰. Corresponding snowpack δ18O ranged from −22.25 to −6.25‰. The coefficient of variation of δ18O in snowpack levels decreased from −0.37 to −0.07 from winter to spring, indicating isotopic snowpack homogenization. Meltwater δ18O ranged from −15.30 to −8.05‰, with variations of up to 2.95‰ observed within a single snowmelt episode, highlighting the need for frequent sampling. Early snowmelt originated in the lower snowpack with higher δ18O through ground heat flux and rainfall. After the snowpack became isothermal, infiltrating snowmelt displaced the higher δ18O liquid in the lower snowpack through a piston flow process. Fractionation analysis using a two-component mixing model on the isothermal snowpack indicated that δ18O in the initial and final half of major snowmelt was 1.30‰ lower and 1.45‰ higher, respectively, than the value from simple mixing. Mean snowpack δ18O on individual profiling days showed a steady increase from −15.15 to −12.05‰ due to removal of lower δ18O snowmelt and addition of higher δ18O rainfall. Results suggest that direct sampling of snowmelt and snow cores should be undertaken to quantify tracer input compositions adequately. The snowmelt sequence also suggests that regimes of early lower δ18O and later higher δ18O melt may be modeled and used in catchment tracing studies.  相似文献   
Hydrological and hydrochemical parameters for two mountain basins are presented and compared. The analysis focuses on the hydrology during the winter, the cumulative outflow of sulphate and nitrate from the basin and a mass balance. An integrated model for the simulation of the amount and quality of snowmelt from seasonal snow cover is briefly described. The possible application of the model to other basins is considered.  相似文献   
Remote sensing is an important source of snow‐cover extent for input into the Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) and other snowmelt models. Since February 2000, daily global snow‐cover maps have been produced from data collected by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The usefulness of this snow‐cover product for streamflow prediction is assessed by comparing SRM simulated streamflow using the MODIS snow‐cover product with streamflow simulated using snow maps from the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC). Simulations were conducted for two tributary watersheds of the Upper Rio Grande basin during the 2001 snowmelt season using representative SRM parameter values. Snow depletion curves developed from MODIS and NOHRSC snow maps were generally comparable in both watersheds: satisfactory streamflow simulations were obtained using both snow‐cover products in larger watershed (volume difference: MODIS, 2·6%; NOHRSC, 14·0%) and less satisfactory streamflow simulations in smaller watershed (volume difference: MODIS, −33·1%; NOHRSC, −18·6%). The snow water equivalent (SWE) on 1 April in the third zone of each basin was computed using the modified depletion curve produced by the SRM and was compared with in situ SWE measured at Snowpack Telemetry sites located in the third zone of each basin. The SRM‐calculated SWEs using both snow products agree with the measured SWEs in both watersheds. Based on these results, the MODIS snow‐cover product appears to be of sufficient quality for streamflow prediction using the SRM in the snowmelt‐dominated basins. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Results from hydrometric and isotopic investigations of unsaturated flow during snowmelt are presented for a hillslope underlain by well-sorted sands. Passage of melt and rainwater through the vadose zone was detected from temporal changes in soil water 2H concentrations obtained from sequential soil cores. Bypassing flow was indicated during the initial snowmelt phase, but was confined to the near-surface zone. Recharge below this zone was via translatory flow, as meltwater inputs displaced premelt soil water. Estimates of premelt water fluxes indicate that up to 19 per cent of the premelt soil water may have been immobile. Average water particle velocities during snowmelt ranged from 6.2 × 10?7 to 1.1 × 10?6 ms?1, suggesting that direct groundwater recharge by meltwater during snowmelt was confined to areas where the premelt water table was within 1 m of the ground surface. Soil water 2H signatures showed a rapid response to isotopically-heavy rain-on-snow inputs late in the melt. In addition, spatial variations in soil moisture content at a given depth induced a pronounced lateral component to the predominantly vertical transport of water. Both factors may complicate isotopic profiles in the vadose zone, and should be considered when employing environmental isotopes to infer recharge processes during snowmelt.  相似文献   
Snow-covered area (SCA) is a key variable in the Snowmelt-Runoff Model (SRM) and in other models for simulating discharge from snowmelt. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM + ) or Operational Land Imager (OLI) provide remotely sensed data at an appropriate spatial resolution for mapping SCA in small headwater basins, but the temporal resolution of the data is low and may not always provide sufficient cloud-free dates. The coarser spatial resolution Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) offers better temporal resolution and in cloudy years, MODIS data offer the best alternative for mapping snow cover when finer spatial resolution data are unavailable. However, MODIS’ coarse spatial resolution (500 m) can obscure fine spatial patterning in snow cover and some MODIS products are not sensitive to end-of-season snow cover. In this study, we aimed to test MODIS snow products for use in simulating snowmelt runoff from smaller headwater basins by a) comparing maps of TM and MODIS-based SCA and b) determining how SRM streamflow simulations are changed by the different estimates of seasonal snow depletion. We compared gridded MODIS snow products (Collection 5 MOD10A1 fractional and binary SCA; SCA derived from Collection 6 MOD10A1 Normalised Difference Snow Index (NDSI) Snow Cover), and the MODIS Snow Covered-Area and Grain size retrieval (MODSCAG) canopy-corrected fractional SCA (SCAMG), with reference SCA maps (SCAREF) generated from binary classification of TM imagery. SCAMG showed strong agreement with SCAREF; excluding true negatives (where both methods agreed no snow was present) the median percent difference between SCAREF and SCAMG ranged between −2.4% and 4.7%. We simulated runoff for each of the four study years using SRM populated with and calibrated for snow depletion curves derived from SCAREF. We then substituted in each of the MODIS-derived depletion curves. With efficiency coefficients ranging between 0.73 and 0.93, SRM simulation results from the SCAMG runs yielded the best results of all the MODIS products and only slightly underestimated discharge volume (between 7 and 11% of measured annual discharge). SRM simulations that used SCA derived from Collection 6 NDSI Snow Cover also yielded promising results, with efficiency coefficients ranging between 0.73 and 0.91.In conclusion, we recommend that when simulating snowmelt runoff from small basins (<4000 km2) with SRM, we recommend that users select either canopy-corrected MODSCAG or create their own site-specific products from the Collection 6 MOD10A1 NDSI.  相似文献   
Albert Rango 《水文研究》1993,7(2):121-138
In the last 20 years remote sensing research has led to significant progress in monitoring and measuring certain snow hydrology processes. Snow distribution in a drainage basin can be adequately assessed by visible sensors. Although there are still some interpretation problems, the NOAA-AVHRR sensor can provide frequent views of the areal snow cover in a basin, and snow cover maps are produced operationally by the National Weather Service on about 3000 drainage basins in North America. Measurement of snow accumulation or snow water equivalent with microwave remote sensing has great potential because of the capabilities for depth penetration, all-weather observation and night-time viewing. Several critical areas of research remain, namely, the acquisition of snow grain size information for input to microwave models and improvement in passive microwave resolution from space. Methods that combine both airborne gamma ray and visible satellite remote sensing of the snowpack with field measurements also hold promise for determining areal snow water equivalent. Some remote sensing techniques can also be used to detect different stages of snow metamorphism. Various aspects of snowpack ripening can be detected using microwave and thermal infra-red capabilities. The capabilities for measurement of snow albedo and surface temperature have direct application in both snow metamorphism and snowpack energy balance studies. The potentially most profitable research area here is the study of the bidirectional reflectance distribution function to improve snow albedo measurements. Most of the remote sensing capabilities in snow hydrology have been developed for improving snowmelt-run-off forecasting. Most applications have used the input of snow cover extent to deterministic models, both of the degree day and energy balance types. Snowmelt-run-off forecasts using satellite derived snow cover depletion curves and the models have been successfully made. As the extraction of additional snow cover characteristics becomes possible, remote sensing will have an even greater impact on snow hydrology. Important remote sensing capabilities will become available in the next 20 years through space platform observing systems that will improve our capability to observe the snowpack on an operational basis.  相似文献   
Time sequences of tracer release from an alpine snowpack were investigated at Mammoth Mountain, California in 1989. Lysimeter discharge and conductivity were recorded at 30 minute intervals. Three separate applications of chemical tracers were added to the snow surface to provide an ionic signal with known origins in the snowpack. Grab samples of meltwater and snow from snow pits were analysed for chemical composition. There were three distinct discharge periods, each characterized by diurnal fluctuations in discharge and conductivity. An inverse relation between discharge and conductivity was interpreted as the combination of a concentrated signal from regions in the pack less subject to leaching and a relatively dilute signal from near the snow surface where the snow was actively melting Conductivity peaks were highest and diurnal changes greatest immediately following periods of freezing. Grab samples showed little correlation with either 30 minute or daily average conductivity. Relative concentrations of individual ions in meltwater were similar between samples. Non-systematic grab sampling of snowpack meltwater is shown to be potentially misleading because of multiple ionic pulses over the ablation season and strong diurnal fluctuations in chemical concentrations. Continuous measurements of discharge conductivity are a good indicator of diurnal and seasonal changes in the rate of ion release from the snowpack, and should be used to guide sampling. Composite, or time-integrated samples rather than grab samples may be required to estimate daily and weekly rates of ion release in melting snow.  相似文献   

In this study, we used an energy balance model and two simple methods based on readily available data to identify the processes driving the point-scale energy and mass balance of the snowpack. Data were provided from an experimental site located at 3200 m. All models were evaluated by comparing observed and modelled snow water equivalents. Performances are variable from one season to the next and the energy balance model gives better results (mean of root mean square error, RMSE = 25 mm and r2 = 0.90) than the two simplified approaches (mean of RMSE = 54 mm and r2 = 0.70). There are significant amounts of snow sublimation but they are highly variable from season to season, depending on wind conditions (between 7 and 20% of the total). While the main source of energy for melting is net radiation, the amount of heat brought by sensible heat flux is significant for two of the most windy snow seasons.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   
Modeling snow hydrology for cold regions remains a problematic aspect of many hydro-environmental models. Temperature-index methods are commonly used and are routinely justified under the auspices that process-based models require too many input data. To test this claim, we used a physical, process-based model to simulate snowmelt at four locations across the conterminous US using energy components estimated from measured daily maximum and minimum temperature, i.e. using only the same data required for temperature-index models. The results showed good agreement between observed and predicted snow water equivalents, average R2>0.9. We duplicated the simulations using a simple temperature-index model best fitted to the data and results were poorer, R2<0.8. At one site we applied the process-based model without substantial parameter estimation, and there were no significant (=0.05) differences between these results and those obtained using temperature-estimated parameters, despite relatively poorly predicted specific energy budget components (R2<0.8). These results encourage the use of mechanistic snowmelt modeling approaches in hydrological models, especially in distributed hydrological models for which landscape snow distribution may be controlled by spatially distributed components of the environmental energy budget.  相似文献   
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