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In order to apply Monin–Obukhov similarity theory to estimatethe profiles of mean quantities and surface fluxes from bulk meteorological parameters, the assumptions of homogeneityand stationarity must be valid. Unfortunately, in coastal zones as well as many other regions of interest, theseassumptions are often violated. In this paper, an extension to the theory is presented that considers systematically varyingstate variables. Along-wind variations of windspeed, atmospheric stratification, and roughness are examined with respectto their relative importance to momentum flux divergence, and the drag coefficient is shown to be systematicallylower in coastal zones. For profiles of scalars, an analysis of the set of quasi-homogeneous terms is only speculated,and the relative importance for the terms will strongly depend on which scalar is of interest.  相似文献   
近地层相似理论适用的分析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用实测的脉动场与平均场同步梯度观测资料研究近地层相似理论的适用性。结果表明:理论的核心——近地层为常数通量层的近似假设在有植被陆面上是基本不成立的。W′T′随高度明显减小;摩擦速度u*在30m高度范围内可增大24%左右。用相似理论关系式(或称作廓线通量法)得到的通量值只代表某高度层以下的平均值  相似文献   
为了制作四川盆地主汛期降水预报对相似方法作了改进,首先是根据四川盆地主汛期降水的前3个特征向量分别寻找有物理基础的前期信号作为预报因子,然后充分考虑各因子对总降水量贡献大小定义因子场的相似,确定相似年,最后引入“集成”的思想,由5个相似年的降水场得到预测年降水的定量客观预报。1981~1994共14年的预报结果准确率高于当前业务预报水平。  相似文献   
A new and general approach is presented to allow standard subgrid schemes to besuitable both for surface layer and free-stream turbulence. Simple modificationsto subgrid schemes are proposed and derived for any vertical stabilityconditions. They are simple to implement in models and are suitable for morecomplicated simulations such as large-eddy simulation with inhomogeneoussurface conditions or complex topography. They are also applicable to mesoscaleand large-scale models. These modifications are physically justified by recentmeasurements of spectra close to the ground. The spectral analysis presentedshows how the energy deficit of blocked turbulence for a given dissipation(`anomalous dissipation') dramatically affects the coefficients to be used insubgrid schemes. As shown for neutral and convective cases with wind shear,these changes allow us to substantially improve the prediction of profiles for themean quantities in the surface layer. Agreement with similarity laws in the unstablecase is found up to about 0.2zi, for simulated shear, stabilityprofiles and dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy.  相似文献   
Dobrovol'skaya [1] presented a similarity solution for the water entry of symmetrical wedges with constant velocity. The solution involves an integral equation that becomes increasingly harder to numerically solve as the deadrise angle decreases. Zhao and Faltinsen [2] were able to present reliable results for deadrise angles down to 4°. In this paper, Zhao and Faltinsen's results are improved and reliable results for deadrise angles down to 1° are confirmed by comparing to the asymptotic solutions at small deadrise angles and the solutions by the traditional boundary element method at relatively large deadrise angles. The present similarity solution results provide a reference solution in theoretical studies of water entry problems and in developing accurate numerical solvers for simulating strongly nonlinear wave–body interactions, which flows are governed by Laplace equation or Euler equation.  相似文献   
藏南羊卓雍错湖面大气湍流特征观测分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
沈鹏珂  张雪芹 《湖泊科学》2019,31(1):243-255
湍流运动是大气边界层的本质特征,是地表与大气之间能量和物质交换的主要方式.本文利用2016和2017年4-10月藏南羊卓雍错湖泊涡动观测资料,分析了湖面大气湍流方差和湍流特征量的统计和变化特征.结果表明:(1)不稳定层结下,三维风速分量和超声虚温、水汽密度、CO2密度的无量纲标准差随稳定度变化符合Monin-Obukhov相似理论的"1/3"或"-1/3"次幂律,垂直风速的拟合效果最好;稳定层结下,除CO2密度无量纲标准差与稳定度无明显关系外,其他量基本上满足相似性规律;中性条件下,以上物理量的无量纲标准差分别趋近常数:3.57、3.93、0.77、20.91、6.35和11.96.(2)水平方向平均湍流强度(0.60和0.58)大于垂直方向(0.13),三维方向湍流强度与平均风速的变化呈显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.39、-0.42和-0.34.(3)湖面湍流动能随风速呈线性增长,增长率达0.45 m/s;近中性层结时湍流动能最大,层结越稳定或不稳定湍流动能均减小.(4)湖泊下午到傍晚动量输送较强,13:00-22:30时间段平均动量通量达0.091 kg/(m·s2);热量输送以潜热为主,潜热通量日平均值(77.3 W/m2)是感热通量(14.6 W/m2)的5.3倍,感热和潜热通量日变化峰值分别出现在5:30(22.4 W/m2)和16:00(106.6 W/m2).  相似文献   
Pawe? Koperski 《Limnologica》2010,40(3):233-240
Reduced biological diversity in freshwater habitats situated in urban areas has been discussed in numerous studies. Certain municipal areas, however, can help save animal diversity of freshwater invertebrates. In the present study animals were collected or observed alive in 13 freshwater environments localized in Warsaw - the second largest city of Central Europe - in a densely populated, urban building complex close to the city, and also in suburban areas. Leech assemblages in all the environments under observation were numerically dominated by a few common species, but on the whole 19 species were collected or observed. The populations of six rare leech species inhabit both flowing and standing waters in Warsaw. Five of these species are on the Polish Red List of Species and one is strictly protected. The shallow Lake Powsinkowskie is the richest freshwater environment in the studied area in terms of species richness and rarity and also one of the richest lakes in Poland. Taxonomic diversity in the environments under study seems not to be directly related to the size of the water body or the level of degradation but rather to the habitat complexity, especially the diversity of the bottom in littoral zone. Certain freshwater habitats located inside this great urban complex still create good conditions for rare, highly specialized species.  相似文献   
Environmental indices (EI) constitute a common communication tool that is often used to describe the overall status of environmental systems (air, water and soil). EI development entails the use of mathematical operators to aggregate various non-commensurate input parameters in a logical manner. The ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator is a general mean type operator that provides flexibility in the aggregation process such that the aggregated value is bounded between minimum and maximum values of the input parameters. This flexibility of the OWA operator is realized through the concept of orness, which is a surrogate for decision maker’s attitude. The type of input parameters also affects the choice of aggregation operators. If the input parameters are linguistic or fuzzy, the aggregation through OWA operators is not possible, and the use of fuzzy arithmetic is warranted. The concept of fuzzy number OWA (FN-OWA) operators is explored to handle situations in which one or more input parameter has fuzzy (or linguistic) values. The proposed approach is demonstrated using data provided in an earlier study by Swamee and Tyagi (ASCE J Environ Eng 126(5):451–455, 2000) for establishing water quality indices. Multiple hypothetical scenarios are also generated to highlight the utility and sensitivity of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
Based upon comparisons between published experimental data and simulated results on the vertical sand flux distribution in the saltation layer, Shao’s similarity saltation model has been greatly improved by correcting the average vertical particle lift-off velocity and using a more suitable universal roughness length. By the improved model, the vertical sand flux profile over the bare, dry and loose uniform sandy surface, which is quite representative of real desert surfaces, can be reproduced very well. Meanwhile, the surface transport rate and the characteristic and average saltation heights have been simulated and analyzed in detail, disclosing their relationships with friction velocity, particle size and roughness length, and the possible underlying mechanisms. Besides, the average particle lift-off velocity and the average mean vertical aerodynamic action upon the ascending particle, which determine the saltation process, are explicitly expressed by parameters involved in the similarity model, and their relationships with friction velocity, particle size and roughness length are also described concisely. The corrected average particle lift-off velocity makes it possible to investigate the characteristic particle trajectory, whose initial velocity equals the average lift-off velocity, so as to estimate the average particle against surface impacting velocity and the average aerodynamic action upon the saltation process.  相似文献   
根据青藏高原东北侧9个代表站1951—2000年历年7月的降水量资料,确定了5个多、少雨年。再用NCEP/NCAR再分析格点资料,分别求出850,700,600,500,200,100,70,50和30hPa共计9个层次上多、少雨年份7月月平均合成位势高度场。计算了500hPa合成高度场与其余各个层次合成高度场流型的相似性度量以及各个层次的东亚北风指数。结果表明:20世纪80年代提出的1300hPa层次上高原东北侧“西正东负”少雨流型的特征在850~70hPa整层大气中仍然存在。同时.7月少雨流型与平流层低层70,50hPa前期环流特征之间也存在联系,这些结果可供西北干旱形成研究和干旱预测业务参考。  相似文献   
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