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运用考虑场地效应的震动图快速生成方法,综合考虑震中地区地质构造背景、震源机制解结果及中国西部地区地震动参数衰减特征,估计了2013年4月20日芦山7.0级地震加速度分布图.利用地震后获得的强震记录计算了强震台站观测值与借助经验性衰减关系估计值之间的系统偏差,进一步修正了峰值加速度分布图.结果显示,由于芦山地震属于高角度逆冲型地震,加大了震区的震动程度,特别是震中附近30km范围内震动程度比校正前的结果更高.  相似文献   
本论文内容涵盖传感器组网,数据获取、存储、管理、迁移与服务,以及地震动参数计算与发布等检测系统各个环节,在研究过程中,以地震动参数速报技术研究为主题,并注意把相关的技术应用在实际的工作中。“基于IPV6对地震烈度传感器网络”部分直接使用了ShakeMap开发过程中有关数据流的接收、服务,操作系统的重编译,事件检测,图片产出,  相似文献   
Accurate estimates of the ground motions that occurred during damaging earthquakes are a vital part of many aspects of earthquake engineering, such as the study of the size and cause of the uncertainties within earthquake risk assessments. This article compares a number of methods to estimate the ground shaking that occurred on Guadeloupe (French Antilles) during the 21st November 2004 (M w 6.3) Les Saintes earthquake, with the aim of providing more accurate shaking estimates for the investigation of the sources of uncertainties within loss evaluations, based on damage data from this event. The various techniques make differing use of the available ground-motion recordings of this earthquake and by consequence the estimates obtained by the different approaches are associated with differing uncertainties. Ground motions on the French Antilles are affected by strong local site effects, which have been extensively investigated in previous studies. In this article, use is made of these studies in order to improve the shaking estimates. It is shown that the simple methods neglecting the spatial correlation of earthquake shaking lead to uncertainties similar to those predicted by empirical ground-motion models and that these are uniform across the whole of Guadeloupe. In contrast, methods (such as the ShakeMap approach) that take account of the spatial correlation in motions demonstrate that shaking within roughly 10 km of a recording station (covering a significant portion of the investigated area) can be defined with reasonable accuracy but that motions at more distant points are not well constrained.  相似文献   
考虑震源破裂过程的青海玉树地震震动图研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了在缺少实时台站数据的情况下,研究震后地表地震动分布,本文尝试通过对震源做出某些约束,以提高震动图的精度.由于青海玉树地震的发震断层近似直立(倾向83°),震源破裂过程在时间和空间上呈明显的分区特征,分别考虑了地表破裂的线源发生模型和主震震级分解方法,用考虑了场地效应的震动图快速生成方法生成震动图.将两种方法生成的震动图与调查烈度比较.结果表明,基于震源破裂过程对主震震级进行分解,综合考虑各子事件生成震动图的方法,对震后的应急决策和灾情的快速评估是可行的.  相似文献   
We present an Atlas of ShakeMaps and a catalog of human population exposures to moderate-to-strong ground shaking (EXPO-CAT) for recent historical earthquakes (1973–2007). The common purpose of the Atlas and exposure catalog is to calibrate earthquake loss models to be used in the US Geological Survey’s Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER). The full ShakeMap Atlas currently comprises over 5,600 earthquakes from January 1973 through December 2007, with almost 500 of these maps constrained—to varying degrees—by instrumental ground motions, macroseismic intensity data, community internet intensity observations, and published earthquake rupture models. The catalog of human exposures is derived using current PAGER methodologies. Exposure to discrete levels of shaking intensity is obtained by correlating Atlas ShakeMaps with a global population database. Combining this population exposure dataset with historical earthquake loss data, such as PAGER-CAT, provides a useful resource for calibrating loss methodologies against a systematically-derived set of ShakeMap hazard outputs. We illustrate two example uses for EXPO-CAT; (1) simple objective ranking of country vulnerability to earthquakes, and; (2) the influence of time-of-day on earthquake mortality. In general, we observe that countries in similar geographic regions with similar construction practices tend to cluster spatially in terms of relative vulnerability. We also find little quantitative evidence to suggest that time-of-day is a significant factor in earthquake mortality. Moreover, earthquake mortality appears to be more systematically linked to the population exposed to severe ground shaking (Modified Mercalli Intensity VIII+). Finally, equipped with the full Atlas of ShakeMaps, we merge each of these maps and find the maximum estimated peak ground acceleration at any grid point in the world for the past 35 years. We subsequently compare this “composite ShakeMap” with existing global hazard models, calculating the spatial area of the existing hazard maps exceeded by the combined ShakeMap ground motions. In general, these analyses suggest that existing global, and regional, hazard maps tend to overestimate hazard. Both the Atlas of ShakeMaps and EXPO-CAT have many potential uses for examining earthquake risk and epidemiology. All of the datasets discussed herein are available for download on the PAGER Web page (). T. I. Allen and M. G. Hearne—contracted through Synergetics Incorporated.  相似文献   
本文介绍了2014年2月12日新疆于田Ms7.3级地震的震害特征,将改进的ShakeMap烈度图成功地运用到了于田7.3级地震的快速损失评估中.结果表明,考虑了场地效应的ShakeMap烈度图明显优于当前“十五”应急指挥系统的衰减关系模型的烈度图,能更好地为地震灾害损失评估服务,其快速评估的结果更接近官方公布的数据.因此,应用ShakeMap技术在震害损失快速评估中,能显著地提高评估结果的准确性.  相似文献   
震动图快速生成系统研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
震动图(ShakeMap)是描绘地震发生之后地震动分布情况的一种工具,它显示的是地震产生的地面运动和可能的烈度破坏情况.本文的研究重点是如何实现用计算机自动绘制震动图,主要选择了峰值地面加速度等值图、仪器烈度分布图为研究对象.并对如何确定强震动质心、如何在台站稀疏地区估计地面运动加速度值、如何进行场地校正、如何将PGA/PGV转换为仪器烈度值做了深入的研究.  相似文献   
介绍了ShakeMap烈度图在地震应急专题图制作的背景和意义,对ShakeMap系统进行了介绍,并利用ArcGIS软件将ShakeMap烈度数据进行矢量化,同时展示了地震余震记录数据的获取方法,并以2014年新疆于田7.3级地震余震分布图为例,将其应用在应急专题图件的编制中加以演示。结果表明,应用ShakeMap在专题图制作中能提升图件产出的质量,为辅助决策和震情跟踪给予有力的信息支持。  相似文献   
2010年4月14日青海玉树地震震动图   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
陈鲲  俞言祥  高孟谭 《中国地震》2011,27(1):99-102
在2010年4月14日07时49分(北京时间)青海省玉树藏族自治州玉树县(33.2°N,96.6°E)7.1级地震发生后,综合考虑震中地区的地质构造背景、活动断裂分布、震源机制结果、震源破裂过程、我国西部的地震动参数经验衰减关系及局部场地效应的影响,用考虑场地效应的震动图快速生成方法,在震后约2小时后得到玉树地震震中地区的震动图,并提供给相关部门使用.结果表明,此次地震的地震烈度特征预测如下:①烈度的展布方向NW-SE向,与玉树断裂的走向一致;②极震区的烈度为Ⅸ度,面积约为300km2;③烈度Ⅸ度区主要位于震中东南方向沿断裂走向近40km和西北方向沿断裂走向15km之间的区域;④Ⅸ度区的西北端由于局部场地条件的影响,其烈度由基岩参考面的Ⅸ度区降为土层上的Ⅷ度区;⑤Ⅷ度区面积约为3000km2;⑥Ⅶ度区的面积约为8000km2;⑦Ⅵ度区面积约为24000km2.  相似文献   
基于地震监测台网资料近实时插值计算震动图的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文首先介绍了国内外有关震动图研究方面的动态。针对国内大部分地区的地震监测台网密度还比较低的现状,在已知震源位置和发震时刻的前提下,作者提出了利用实际地震台网观测资料近实时插值计算网格点处地震图的方法,在插值计算时充分考虑地震波在时间上的传播特征及在空间上的衰减规律。随后,对该方法的适用性进行了验证。以0.05°(约5Km)为尺度先对整个福建地区进行网格化划分,并以顺昌MIA.9级地震为例采用以上方法计算得到所有网格点处的地震时程。随后以1s为间隔,分别得到该时间间隔内的最大值等值线图,最后将所有的等值线图连续播放,得到了一种新形式的“ShakeMap”。作者还给出了顺昌地震最终的峰值地震动(PGV、PGA)分布,并分别对实际记录最大值及插值记录最大值随震中距的衰减关系进行了对比分析,结果充分证实了本文结果的可靠性。  相似文献   
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