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本文应用卫星影像分析了我国几个水库诱发地震震例,提出了库区内应力叠加模式,对水库地震的成因,做了探讨。  相似文献   
This paper deals with the interpretation of Bouguer gravity anomalies measured along a 250 km long Suhaitu-Etuokeqi gravity profile located at the transitional zone of the Alxa and Ordos blocks where geophysical characteristics are very complex. The analysis is carried out in terms of the ratio of elevation and Bouguer gravity anomaly, the normalized full gradient of a section of the Bouguer gravity anomaly (G h ) and the crustal density structure reveal that (1) the ratio of highs and lows of elevation and Bouguer gravity anomaly is large between Zhengyiguan fault (F4) and Helandonglu fault (F6), which can be explained due to crustal inhomogeneities related to the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet block in the northeast; (2) the main active faults correspond to the G h contour strip or cut the local region, and generally show strong deformation characteristics, for example the Bayanwulashan mountain front fault (F1) or the southeast boundary of Alxa block is in accord with the western change belt of G h , a belt about 10 km wide that extends to about 30 km; (3) Yinchuan-Pingluo fault (F8) is the seismogenic structure of the Pingluo M earthquake, and its focal depth is about 15 km; (4) the Moho depth trend and Bouguer gravity anomaly variation indicates that the regional gravity field is strongly correlated with the Moho discontinuity.  相似文献   
A space-time envelope of minor seismicity related to major shallow earthquakes is identified from observations of the long-term Precursory Scale Increase () phenomenon, which quantifies the three-stage faulting model of seismogenesis. The envelope, which includes the source area of the major earthquake, is here demarcated for 47 earthquakes from four regions, with tectonic regimes ranging from subduction to continental collision and continental transform. The earthquakes range in magnitude from 5.8 to 8.2, and include the 24 most recent mainshocks of magnitude 6.4 and larger in the San Andreas system of California, the Hellenic Arc region of Greece, and the New Zealand region, together with the six most recent mainshocks of magnitude 7.4 and larger in the Pacific Arc region of Japan. Also included are the destructive earthquakes that occurred at Kobe, Japan (1995, magnitude 7.2), Izmit, Turkey (1999, magnitude 7.4), and W.Tottori, Japan (2000, magnitude 7.3). The space (A P ) in the space-time envelope is optimised with respect to the scale increase, while the time (T P ) is the interval between the onset of the scale increase and the occurrence of the earthquake. A strong correlation is found between the envelope A P T P and the magnitude of the earthquake; hence the conclusion that the set of precursory earthquakes contained in the envelope is intrinsic to the seismogenic process. Yet A P and T P are correlated only weakly with each other, suggesting that A P is affected by differences in statical conditions, such as geological structure and lithology, and T P by differences in dynamical conditions, such as plate velocity. Among other scaling relations, predictive regressions are found between, on the one hand, the magnitude level of the precursory seismicity, and on the other hand, both T P and the major earthquake magnitude. Hence the method, as here applied to retrospective analysis, is potentially adaptable to long-range forecasting of the place, time and magnitude of major earthquakes.  相似文献   
杜品仁 《地震研究》1994,17(2):130-135
本文提出软流圈岩浆潮的假设来解释作者所发现的全球主要地震区的大地震都存在18.6年的地震轮回。文中阐述了岩浆潮存在的可能性及其影响,认为18.6年分量是岩浆潮的主要分量,并用全球火山活动的18.6年准周期性和各主要地震区地震期的中心时间呈规则分布来支持岩浆潮假设。周期性地震轮回是一类混沌现象。地震轮回可以认为是全球或某一地区对地球内部和外部因素的非线性相互作用的响应或自组织过程。  相似文献   
旨在探究剥蚀型汇聚板块边缘大地震成因机理的国际综合大洋钻探(IODP)344航次于2012年10月23日至12月11日在中美洲地震频发的哥斯达黎加西部海域实施钻探。介绍了钻探区域的大地构造特征、该航次的主要科学目标、执行情况、所取得的初步成果以及对航次后研究工作的展望等。航次后更多深入细致的研究工作正在进行中,所取得的研究成果将集中在2014年南京召开的航次后学术研讨会上汇报、交流、集成、总结,从而提升对剥蚀型汇聚板块边缘大地震起源机理的认识。  相似文献   
华北地区壳内磁性构造与地震的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张先  刘敏  赵丽 《地震》2000,20(4):50-56
通过带通滤波技术对华北地区航磁异常进行处理,分离出深、浅部磁性层异常, 然后运用视磁化强度反演方法和程序,对组成上下磁性层的构造块体进行了圈定, 并结合人工地壳测深及深部流体研究进行了讨论,认为地震是构造块体相互作用、应力积累、能量释放的结果,深部流体为多层次滑脱构造的生成及地震能的积累提供了可能。  相似文献   
作者在前人研究的基础上,通过对1976年松潘7.2级地震的有关资料的分析,同时与海城地震和唐山地震进行对比,认为松潘地震及伴随该次地震而发生的各类现象是共出一因的,其成因可能与地壳内岩浆上涌有关.作者用岩浆的上涌力、热的发散及气体的逸出,对该次地震的发生、前兆及震后效应等现象作出了解释,最后对有关问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   
2015年3月14日在安徽阜阳地区发生了M_S4.3地震,随后发生3月23日M_s3.6余震.主震造成2人死亡13人受伤.房屋倒塌155间,受损1万多间.主震震级不大,而造成的灾害巨大.本文使用CAP方法反演了两次地震的震源机制解和震源深度,结果显示两次地震的震源机制解和深度一致.主震的机制解节面Ⅰ走向110°,倾角75°,滑动角—10°;节面Ⅱ走向202°,倾角80°,滑动角—164°;矩震级M_w4.3,余震矩震级M_w3.7,反演最佳深度均为3 km.最佳深度时波形拟合相关系数较高,表明反演结果是可靠的.使用sPn和sPL深度震相进一步分析了两次地震的震源深度.结果显示,选取的7个台站的sPn震相与Pn震相的平均到时差为1 s,对应的震源深度为3 km.震中距为36 km的利辛台的sPL震相与Pg震相到时差约为1.1 s,对应震源深度约3~4 km之间.两种深度震相分析的震源深度与CAP方法的结果一致,表明本文给出的阜阳地震震源深度为3 km左右基本是可靠的.本次地震造成较大灾害的原因很可能与地震震源较浅有关.阜阳地区地壳结构相对稳定,地质构造演化形成3 km厚的沉积层,本次地震可能是区域应力作用下发生在沉积层里的一次地震.  相似文献   
九江-瑞昌地震序列现场观测与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李峰  翟杰  罗俊秋 《华南地震》2006,26(2):20-27
九江—瑞昌5.7级地震是赣西北少震区百年不遇的一次中强破坏性地震,震中烈度大于Ⅶ度。以现场观测资料为依据,从仪器记录的地震波形特点、震级频度关系、地震活动图像等分析了此次地震序列的时空强活动特征。在此基础上结合地震影响场、震源机制解和地震构造环境等讨论了与地震成因相关的一些问题。  相似文献   
唐山地震与海城地震之共性特征及有关问题的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在前人研究的基础上,详细分析了1976年唐山7.8级地震与1975年海城7.3级地震的共性特征,认为它们可能是由同一种原因引起的,而且伴随地震而发生的各种现象是相互联系,同出一因的。本文还分析了一些有关的现象,论证了上述两次地震的发生可能是由垂直力引起的,地壳内岩浆上涌可以产生垂直作用力,认为这两次地震的发生可能是岩浆上涌的直接结果。  相似文献   
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