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4种微生态制剂对对虾育苗水体主要水质指标的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
徐琴  李健  刘淇  王群 《海洋科学》2009,33(3):10-15
研究了由球形红假单胞菌(Rhodopseudomlonas sphaeroides)、噬菌蛭弧菌(Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus)及黏红酵母(Rhodotorula glutinis)制成的4种微生态制剂对中国对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)育苗水质的影响.结果表明,试验组与对照组相比都能明显净化水质,试验组中以添加噬菌蛭弧菌和黏红酵母组的效果最差,添加球形红假单胞茵和噬茵蛭弧茵组的效果最好,此组水质的pH值稳定,NH4+-N明显下降,而亚硝酸盐、化学需氧量及硫化物等指标也优于其他试验组.统计分析显示,试验组与对照组相比,细菌数降低了3个数量级,添加嗜菌蛭弧菌试验组在减少异养茵(包含有害细菌)方面效果较好.同时用鳗弧菌攻毒,在5 d内,对照组的死亡率显著高于试验组(P<0.05),试验组免疫保护率为29.4%~58.5%,以添加嗜菌蛭弧菌和球形红假单胞菌组最高.建议联合使用噬菌蛭孤菌和球形红假单胞菌,混合密度初步定为2×105个/mL.  相似文献   
Carotenoids are valuable pigments that have been widely used in food,pharmaceutical,animal breeding and cosmetics industries.Due to the increasing demand for carotenoids of natural origin,the trend for production of carotenoids by red yeast has become popular.Strain Rhodotorula mucilaginosa CYJ03 was isolated from northern Yellow Sea of China for its carotenoid producing potential.It was found that the whole genome of CYJ03 was 19.03 Mb in size and contained 6301 protein-coding genes including a gene cluster for the carotenoids biosynthesis.The genome sequence would be valuable for exploring the potential biological properties of CYJ03,as well as for facilitating the molecular genetic analysis and the manipulation of carotenoids accumulation in this strain,and for the development of it as an engineered host for carotenoid production.  相似文献   
The mechanism of cadmium resistance of a yeast strain Rhodotorula sp. Y11 isolated from mine soil was investigated. We found that the yeast cells treated with different methods showed different cadmium-adsorption models. Grown in medium supplied with 100 mg/L of cadmium, 3.29% of the cell-absorbed cadmium was accounted in the cytoplasm. However, only 1% was taken into the cytoplasm and 99% was bound to the cell wall using the lyophilized biomass to adsorb cadmium in double distilled water. Treatments with alkali, ethanol-chloroform and proteinase showed different influences on the biosorption of whole cells and isolated cell walls. FT-IR analysis showed that acetyl of chitin was the active compound in the cells to absorb cadmium. The production of Metallothioneins, proteins related to the resistance to heavy metal in yeast, was evidently induced by cadmium, achieving 638.8 μg/g wet weight, which was about 85 folds higher than that in the uninduced biomass and was also much higher than that reported previously. The molecular weight of Metallothioneins was 6500 Da estimated by SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   
向水体中添加不同浓度的短小芽孢杆菌CGMCC1004(Bacillus pumilus)和胶红酵母菌CGMCC1013(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa)以研究凡纳滨对虾(Litoenaeus vapznamei)体长、体质量、存活率、胃蛋白酶、肝胰腺淀粉酶和肝胰腺脂肪酶的影响,以及需钠弧菌(Vibrio natriegens)的感染效果。结果表明:向水体中添加10^4CFU/mL短小芽孢杆菌能提高对虾体长、存活率,但结果不显著,但对体质量增长率具有显著提高作用;水体中添加10^4CFU/mL短小芽孢杆菌对提高需钠弧菌感染后对虾成活率有一定的提高作用;水体中添加10^4CFU/mL短小芽孢杆菌能显著提高胃蛋白酶活性,但是对肝胰腺淀粉酶活性有一定抑制作用;添加复合菌剂比添加单一菌种的作用要好;亦证明了向水体中添加细菌的方式对凡纳滨对虾的体长、体质量、存活率以及水质指标影响比较小,但是对消化酶具有一定的提高作用。  相似文献   
1 Introduction In recent years, carotenoids have received increasing attention as they have extensive use in medicine, cosmetic, chemistry, food industry and feed industry. In industry, carotenoid and astaxanthin can be used as the additives of food or feeds. Carotenoids can also serve as the precursor of vitamin A in mammals. In recent years, many types of carotenoid have aroused extensive interest because of their many beneficial effects on human health. For in-stance, lycopene and astaxant…  相似文献   
薛梅  张瑞蕊  张艳  关波  靳亚梅  倪永清 《冰川冻土》2020,42(4):1308-1320
采用4种分离培养基分离可培养酵母菌, 通过分析ITS区序列确定菌株的分类地位。利用多点接触法筛选产酶菌株, 并对菌株的生理生化特征进行比较分析。结果显示: 从乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川(简称乌源1号冰川)浅冰芯中一共分离得到317株酵母菌, 通过ITS rRNA基因序列的NCBI比对和MSP-PCR指纹分型分析发现其中45株为原红酵母菌(Rhodotorula), 分为5个种R.glutinisR.araucariaeR.mucilaginosaR.kratochvilovaeR.diobovata。通过方差分析和聚类分析对45株红酵母进行产酶差异分析, 揭示红酵母菌的各个种群与胞外酶活性的关系。所有菌株至少产两种胞外酶, 其中产纤维素酶菌株占98%, 产果胶酶菌株占100%, 产淀粉酶和脲酶的菌株各47%, 产蛋白酶和脂肪酶的菌株分别占20%和9%, 而菌株YHB-9、 YHB-15、 YHB-39和YHB-45可以产5种酶, 所有菌株都不产几丁质酶。19株菌的最适生长温度在21 ℃左右, 26株菌的最适生长温度在24 ℃左右, 属于耐冷酵母菌。此外, 乌源1号冰川浅冰芯中分离出的红酵母的产酶性状没有表现出物种特异性, 即种间差异不显著, 但产低温酶性能良好, 在生物技术应用方面具有良好的开发潜力。  相似文献   
1 Introduction Pullulanstandsforthewater solublehomopolysac charideproducedextracellularlybythe polymorphicmicromyceteAureobasidium pullulans (Yuenetal.,1974 ;Marketal.,1988) .Itisalinearα D glucan ,mademainlyofmaltotrioserepeatingunitsintercon nectedbyα 1,6 linkages.Theregularalternationofα 1,4andα 1,6bondsresultsintwodistinctiveprop ertiesofstructuralflexibilityandenhancedsolubility(Sanjeevetal.,2 0 0 1) .Thispolysaccharideisofeco nomicimportancewithincreasingapplicationinfood ,phar…  相似文献   
The ability of cell to modulate the fluidity of plasma membrane was crucial to the survival of microorganism at low temperature. Plasma membrane proteins, fatty acids and carotenoids profiles of Antarctic psychrophilc yeast Rhodotorula sp. NJ298 were investigated at -3 ℃, 0 ℃ and 8 ℃. The results showed that plasma membrane protein content was greater at -3 ℃ than that at 8 ℃, and a unique membrane polypeptide composition with an apparent molecular mass of 94.7 kDa was newly synthesized with SDS-PAGE analysis; GC analysis showed that the main changes of fatty acids were the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (C18∶ 1 and C18∶ 2) and shorter chain saturated fatty acid (C10∶ 0) increased along with the decrease of the culture temperature from 8 ℃ to -3 ℃; HPLC analysis indicated that astaxanthin was the major functional carotenoids of the plasma membrane, percentage of which increased from 54.6±1.5% at 8 ℃ to 81.9±2.1% at -3 ℃. However the fluidity of plasma membrane which was determined by measuring fluorescence anisotropy was similar at -3 ℃, 0 ℃ and 8 ℃. Hence these changes in plasma membrane's characteristics were involved in the cellular cold-adaptation by which NJ298 could maintain normal plasma membrane fluidity at near-freezing temperature.  相似文献   
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