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长江、黄河大洪水前期地球系统演变的分析   总被引:7,自引:14,他引:7  
通过分析江、淮、黄、海四大洪共14个大洪水年的前期地震场特征,发现大洪水前在青藏高原东南地区、亚欧中纬地带和台湾以东洋面三处的有强地震发生,若强震出现在中印缅热点则对应着江淮大小;强震出现在川青甘地区则对应着黄海河大水。引发大水的直接原因是本地区地热涡的强烈发展,它因刚好位于数组”同向等距地热涡族”的相交点上,交相干共振的结果,文中详细分析了1954和1982年两个个例。最后分析了“中印缅热点”的  相似文献   
The group time delay (GTD) formulae of quasi-total reflection of inhomogeneous P-polarized electromagnetic waves (P-PEW, whose electric field parallels to the plane of incidence), caused by the Goos–Hänchen effect, is derived by the phase shift of the wave. A numerical example where the frequency equals to 1 GHz is given. The curves of calculating results show that there are three discontinuous points at the critical angle of phase shift vector, the critical angle of attenuation vector and 90. When the angle of incidence is equal to one of these three angles, the GTD will become infinite, and the electromagnetic wave will propagate along the interface. The GTD will be very large, when the angle of incidence is close to one of these three angles. The results indicate that there is an important relationship between the two critical angles and the conductivity and permittivity of the two strata, and that the GTD has an important relationship with the angle of incidence. These results can be used to determine the lithology of the strata and to delimit the interfaces of strata more effectively. It is suggested that this research may prove useful in electromagnetic logging analysis and, perhaps, in the design of logging instruments.  相似文献   
Regular measurements of the atmospheric ozone in the Brazilian sector were started at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7°S, 45.0°W), and Natal (5.8°S, 35.2°W) in May 1974 and November 1978, respectively. The results of the total ozone measurements carried out at these two stations up to 1981 are presented in this communication and compared with other low-and mid-latitude stations. Although Natal is an equatorial station, it presents a prominent annual variation, and the average total ozone content is high compared to satellite measurements. During 1977–78, abnormally low values of total ozone were observed at Cachoeira Paulista. Some preliminary results about the QBO 9quasi-biennial oscillation) during 1974–81 are also presented.  相似文献   

2014年5月10日08时左右,在广东阳江市附近有分散对流单体出现并发展合并形成为尺度约200 km的准静止东西向线状MCS(Meso-scale Convective System),持续近16 h,造成广东阳江以东至珠江入海口以西沿海强降水。通过实况分析、WRF-ARW(the Advanced Research WRF)模式模拟及地形敏感试验发现,在有利的大尺度水汽热力条件背景下,特殊的中尺度动力热力结构与云雾山地形的持续相互作用是该MCS触发和维持机制的关键因素。在大气低层出现的SLLJ(Super-low Level Jet)构成了向北输送的暖湿气流“通道”,增强了云雾山南侧上干冷与下暖湿的大气对流不稳定层结,使得暖湿空气在云雾山地形的阻挡作用下被强迫抬升达到自由对流高度,气块的CAPE(Convective Available Potential Energy)被触发释放,在云雾山附近生成分散的对流单体,配合中层偏西引导气流的作用,对流单体向东移动发展。由于以上大气中尺度动力热力结构特征的持续维持,配合云雾山地形抬升作用,在此后的十余小时内,云雾山附近不断触发新对流单体,在中层引导气流作用下向东移动的同时,持续的SLLJ为对流的发展供给大气不稳定能量使得对流单体逐渐发展合并,以此往复,形成了西端位于云雾山附近的准东西向线状MCS并长时间维持。

There have been claims, from time to time that there are periodicities in the redshift distribution of quasistellar objects. These claims are examined from various statistical angles for the 2164 QSO redshifts available in the latest compilation by Hewitt& Burbidge (1990). The statistical tests reveal moderate to strong evidence for periodicities ξ = 0.0565 and 0.01270-0.129.  相似文献   
地震孕育过程准静态模型激发扰动电磁场问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵永安  熊仲华  李萍 《地震》2002,22(2):22-28
以磁热弹性理论为工具,讨论与地热有关的三维准静态问题: 载热流体侵入竖直或水平裂隙的情况和存在静态局部高温区的情况。在求得其近似解后,着重讨论其扰动磁场的时空分布。最后指出其在地震理论研究中的应用。  相似文献   
哈密头苏泉哈尔欣巴A型花岗岩厘定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初步研究表明新疆哈密头苏泉地区哈尔欣巴花岗岩为A型花岗岩.该岩体富硅(SiO2=71.87%~76.80%)和碱(K2O+N2O=7.39%~8.94%),贫铁、锰、镁(FeOt 0.67%~2.04%;MnO 0.03%~0.06%;MgO 0.10%~0.61%),具较高FeOt/MgO比值,A/NKC=0.78~1.02,属准铝质花岗岩石.在微量元素和稀土元素组成上,岩石富Zr,Rb,Ce等不相容元素,亏损Ni,Co,Cr等元素.10000×Ga/Al为3.12~4.1,大于A型花岗岩下限值(2.6).在Zr,Ce,Nb,Y与10000×Ga/Al,及(Nb+Zr+Ce+Y)/(FeOt/MgO)、SiO2/( FeOt/MgO)图解中大多数点都落在A型花岗岩区域.在A1-A2构造环境判别图上显示后造山花岗岩特征.对头苏泉地区哈尔欣巴A型花岗岩的厘定,为研究该区地壳物质组成及构造演化具重要意义.  相似文献   
试论全天山地震活动的韵律性   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
苏乃秦 《内陆地震》2000,14(1):9-14
对全天山地震带总体活动特征的科学认识是中亚各国正确认识本国局部天山地震活动规律的重要前提。在收集了较完整的全天山地震目录资料的基础上,研究分析了全天山地震活动的韵律特征,发现全天山存在100年左右的大震活动准周期和50年左右的地震活动幕;对天山年折合震级时间序列的AR谱分析和周期参数精估计证实了上述分析,并表明还可能存在与太阳黑子活动相关的周期。根据上述分析认为,天山在2000±12年期间处于新一轮百年尺度大震活跃年份,同时在2007年前处在50年尺度地震活动幕中的7级以上地震活跃时段;2007年前天山仍可能发生多次7级以上大震,最大可达7.5级以上。  相似文献   
陈隆勋  赵平 《气象科学》2000,21(3):249-259
目前有关El Nino(La Nina)形成机制的讨论,大多是强调海气的相互作用。实际上地气互作用过程中形成的异常气流对于El Nino/La Nina的形成也是必不可少的,海气和地气相互作用过程应该是耦合的,不应该加以分离。本文综合了近年来我们得到的有关研究结果,提出了一个海气陆相互作用过程的准四年振荡过程,用来解释El Nina形成机制和亚洲大陆气候年际变化机制。  相似文献   
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