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This paper presents a quantitative reconstruction of the European late Pleistocene paleoclimate based on 72 rodent assemblages of five sequences from France, Germany and Bulgaria, covering the last interglacial-glacial cycle. They show a pattern of severe changes in temperature, with reduced precipitation during the coldest periods. A tentative correlation between the isotopic and palynological records and the paleotemperature changes is shown. These changes are consistent with variations in atmospheric circulation patterns in response to an expanding-retracting Fennoscandian ice-sheet. They can be attributed to the enhancement-weakening of the Scandinavian-Polar anticyclone and its associated dry winds, the south-north shifting of the North Atlantic Polar Front, and the varying supply of moist air from the Atlantic. Qualitative paleoenvironmental analysis shows broadleaved-deciduous forests in France and Bulgaria during most of the studied period. Taiga and tundra appeared in eastern France during the lower Würm. The German sequence indicates the presence of coniferous forests. These results are broadly consistent with other paleobiological records (mammalian, avian and insect faunas, isotopic record in dental tissue, palynology). The main discrepancies with the paleoclimate inferred from the palynological record are found during the coldest periods and are probably due to the interaction between vegetation, climate, and atmospheric CO2 levels.  相似文献   
扬子地区江口冰期地层的划分对比与南华系层型剖面   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
我国南方扬子板块是国际上新元古代冰期地层最具代表性的地区之一,冰期记录出露广泛,研究程度较高,为国内外学者所关注。当前,国际上普遍认为新元古代主要有两次全球性大冰期,一般以澳大利亚的Sturtian和Marinoan冰期为代表,扬子地区的南沱冰期和江口冰期与之相对应。但是,围绕扬子地区冰期地层的划分对比一直存在较大争议。关于上冰期的对比,虽然曾出现过不同的意见,但随着南沱组年龄数据的获得看法已趋于一致。目前主要分歧来自对下冰期和间冰期的认识。我国目前通常使用的名称,如“长安冰期”、“富禄间冰期”和“古城冰期”等与国际上的认识有差异,对新建的“南华系”地层划分和对比产生了不同的理解。根据扬子地区地质工作的多年积累和研究的成果,以“江口群”取代原“江口组”,使之成为扬子地区代表下冰期沉积的统一地层单元,江口群涵盖了下冰期的长安组、富禄组及与之相关的地层单元;扬子地区的下冰期相应地称为“江口冰期”,与国际上的Sturtian冰期可以很好地对应,含义更完整。我国南方对应于Sturtian和Marinoan冰期的是江口冰期和南沱冰期。湘黔桂地区的新元古代冰期地层保存最完整连续,其中贵州黎平县的肇兴剖面可考虑作为新元古代冰期地层的候选层型剖面。  相似文献   
The presence of a dispersed clast fraction in strata near the base of the Cosquer Formation in west Brittany, does not support a glacial origin for this unit. The upper 25 to 30 m of the underlying Kermeur Formation consists of a prograding sequence of very fine to fine sandstones deposited in a mid to distal current swept shelf setting. This sequence shows signs of slope instability, as do the supposed ‘glacial strata’ which overlie it. The upper two thirds of the Cosquer Formation contain spectacular slump-breccias. Smaller clasts within the laminated mudrocks at the base of the formation are associated with thin graded and non-graded sandstone laminae. They show no evidence of active penetration into underlying laminae other than can be explained by compaction. Larger clasts are confined to thicker massive beds, or disrupted units with marked internal contorted lamination. This, along with the abundance of slump features within the sequence suggests lateral emplacement by sediment gravity flows in a distal shelf-slope setting. Surface textures of sand grains within the formation are related to rock disaggregation along fractures developed during post-depositional deformation and are not related to glacial processes. Distinctive mineralogically immature, poorly-sorted aggregate sediment pellets, which have been considered as positive proof of glaciation, are not present.  相似文献   
The Palaeozoic intracratonic basins in northwest Gondwana, i.e. the Amazonas, Parnaiba and Acera basins, probably opened during late Caradoc and Ashgill times. The fluviatile sedimentation later changed to littoral at the basinal margins. A transgression from the north-west region of Gondwana slowly overlapped the margins of the intracratonic basins. The transgression reached its maximum in the Rawtheyan (late Ashgill), as evidenced by fossiliferous shallow marine sediments in the Amazonas Basin. The Hirnantian glaciation in north Gondwana lowered the sea level, and in the Amazonas Basin a littoral sedimentation followed on shallow marine strata. From the opening of the basins onwards, a shallow sea probably existed close to the epicontinental basins in north-west Gondwana. The basins were connected via a narrow passage between the Guayana and Ivorian cratons.  相似文献   
Geological controls on Pleistocene glaciation and cirque form in Greece   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Limestone and ophiolite rocks are common across the eastern Mediterranean and many of the highest mountains are formed in these rock types. In northwest Greece, Pleistocene glacial erosion was much more effective on limestone terrain where pronounced glacial incision and subglacial glacio-karst processes produced locally-complex topography. This enabled Pleistocene glaciers to form on a range of slope orientations in contrast to ophiolite terrains, where glaciers were strongly controlled by aspect. On limestone terrains, the largest ice masses formed on south-facing slopes, whereas in neighbouring higher mountains formed in ophiolite, glaciers were much more restricted and predominantly formed on north- and east-facing slopes.  相似文献   
青藏高原及周边山地拥有地球上最高大且最广阔的高山高原,是除两极外最大的现代冰川作用中心,这也使得中国成为中低纬度地区现代冰川最发育的国家之一. 现代冰川平衡线分布具有纬度地带性特征,在青藏高原上还呈不对称的环状. 根据相关研究资料估算,中国末次冰期最盛期时的冰川面积约为50×104 km2,是现代的8.4倍. 基于平衡线处年降水量和夏季平均气温(6-8月)之间的相关关系重建的中国西部(105° E以西)末次冰期最盛期时的平衡线分布图与现代的相似. 在青藏高原内部与西北部,平衡线下降值在500 m以内,小的仅为200~300 m;在青藏高原东南边缘下降值约800 m,最大可达1 000~1 200 m. 天山与阿尔泰山平衡线下降值均在500 m左右. 中国东部(105° E以东)没有发育现代冰川,仅有数处中高山地,如贺兰山、太白山、长白山与台湾山地保存有确切的末次冰期冰川地形,末次冰期最盛期时的平衡线下降800~900 m,大于青藏高原、天山与阿尔泰山地区的下降值. 根据中国东部末次冰期的平衡线分布图以及相关的古气候与古环境研究资料,海拔2 000 m以下的中低山地在第四纪期间任何一次冰川作用中都不具备冰川发育所需的地势条件.  相似文献   
The late Middle Pleistocene fluvial terrace sequence of the lower Trent system, Lincolnshire (eastern England), provides an excellent record of environmental change, including evidence for the last two interglacial episodes. It also provides important stratigraphical evidence for the timing and extent of three separate glaciations. Two of these, the Anglian and Devensian, are well-established correlatives of Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 12 and 2 respectively; the third is a hitherto un-named post-Anglian-pre-Devensian glaciation in eastern England that has been the subject of much previous speculation, but can now be attributed with some confidence to MIS 8. Crucially, the recognition of MIS 7 interglacial deposits within the Balderton-Southrey terrace of the proto-Trent indicates that the underlying Wragby Till, which is ascribed to this additional glaciation, was emplaced no later than MIS 8. The oldest terrace preserved within the lower Trent staircase, the Eagle Moor-Martin Terrace, is considered to be a complex glacial outwash terrace related to the Wragby Till glaciation. It is suggested that deposits representing MIS 11-9, which are conspicuously absent throughout the Trent system, were removed by this glaciation. This is a departure from previous interpretations, which have suggested MIS 10 or MIS 6 as the most likely stages in which an extensive post-Anglian-pre-Devensian lowland glaciation might have occurred in Britain. However, the widespread preservation of undisrupted post-MIS 8 fluvial sequences throughout the Trent valley and in neighbouring systems, within which MIS 7 interglacial deposits have now been recognized at a number of localities, indicates that ice sheets are unlikely to have advanced further into this catchment during MIS 6 than during the Devensian (MIS 2). Recognition of a British glaciation during MIS 8 corresponds with widespread evidence in Europe, which suggests that glacial deposits classified as ‘Saalian’ represent both MIS 8 and MIS 6; in many areas, distinguishing these remains controversial, as confident correlation with either stage is often only possible where glacial sediments interdigitate with well-constrained fluvial records.  相似文献   
The upper cliff of the Santa Cruz River was used to assess the proglacial environments of the Argentino Glacier outlet of Late Pleistocene age. These cliffs show glaciolacustrine, fluvioglacial and till deposits, where only the first one are deformed. Glacial landforms in the area and these structures suggest that the ice mass advanced, topographically controlled, towards the east from the Patagonian Ice Sheet pushing up the proglacial sediments.The spatial arrangement of thrusts and overturned folds, the drumlins-flutes moraine directions and the end moraines shape, allow inferring the dynamic and the Argentino glacier profile. Detailed analyses of the glaciotectonic structures indicate that these have two origins: load in the north with stress transfer to the southeast, and push from the west. Through the analysis of deformed sediments, their thickness and their sedimentary and structural features, three zones of deformations were recognized. Each of these zones was associated to glacial advances because of changes of the regional climate conditions.  相似文献   
王然  李庆辰  徐全洪 《第四纪研究》2012,32(6):1255-1260
华北平原西南部的石垄地貌位于河北省邯郸市西北10km的黄土台地区,由沿北东方向延伸的1条大石垄和9条小石垄组成。野外调查、测量资料和室内分析数据表明,垄岗状地貌由钙质胶结的古洺河入宁晋泊的河口三角洲分流河道沉积沙体组成,形成于晚更新世晚期的玉木Ⅱ与玉木Ⅲ之间的间冰阶,距今约2.86万年。垄岗上的"V"型裂口是在玉木盛冰期期间,三角洲上的分流河道沙体暴露于气下,在脱水干缩过程中形成的横切裂隙,与泥裂的成因类似。沿分流河道沙体下泄的富含碳酸钙的地下水在此渗出或溢出,形成了裂隙两侧脊状突起和大石垄左侧的分支状钙板堆积体。伴随邯郸断裂在晚更新世末期以来的强烈活动,紫山断块快速隆升,由此阻断了南洺河向东的自然流路,使其在清化附近被迫改为向北流,在大油村汇入洺河干流。邯郸断裂的正向滑动所引起的地层旋转,使得局部地层倾向逆转,由此造成了垄状沙脊整体向北东方向以5°的仰角翘起。  相似文献   
阿尔泰山喀纳斯河流域末次冰期OSL年代学新证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
布尔津河支流喀纳斯河源于中俄蒙三国交界处友谊峰的南坡,为额尔齐斯河的重要源区.友谊峰连同奎屯峰等高峰形成了阿尔泰山最大的现代冰川作用中心.在第四纪期间,这些冰川都发生了规模较大的进退,在河谷中留下了形态较为清晰的冰川地形.应用OSL单片再生剂量测定技术对采自主U型谷两侧的高大侧碛垄进行了定年,测年结果分别为(27.2±2.0)ka(K-1)与(16.1±1.5)ka(K-2).基于地貌地层学原理、并结合已有的年代学资料(OSL与14 C)与古气候研究资料,末次冰期以来喀纳斯河流域共有5次规模较大的冰进,分别为小冰期、新冰期、末次冰期晚冰阶(MIS 2)、末次冰期中冰阶(MIS 3中期)与末次冰期早冰阶(MIS 4).  相似文献   
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