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The northern boundary fault of Huailai-Zhuolu basin,Hebei Province,has a total length of 58 km and a general strike of NE.The geometry and feature of activity of the 5 segments of the fault greatly differ from each other.17 paleoseismic events have been recognized within 11 trenches excavated along the different segments of the fault.It is found that each segment is characterized by its distinct recurrence of paleoearthquakes.The recurrence intervals of strong earthquakes for each segment are 3500-7000 a for the shortest and 17,000-20,500 a for the longest.However,the recurrence interval of strong earthquakes for whole fault ranges between 750-8500 a.The boundary of the segments can be recognized as the junction,gap,bending,jog and salient of the fault.The length of the segment ranges between 7.5-14 km.  相似文献   
the Kalpin nappe is an important multiple thrust system. It is important to study the Cenozoic tectonic of the Tianshan Mountain. Holocene active characteristics and paleoearthquake of the Kalpin nappe can be used to evaluate the neotectonic of this area. In this paper, we accurately measured the fault scarp in the front of three thrust-fold faults and analyzed paleoearthquake events in the trenches of the Kalpin nappe. Using the 10Be exposure age, we obtained those geomorphic surface ages and paleoearthquake times. The result showed that the slip rates of the west Kalpintag fault, aozitag fault and the tuoketag fault were 1.45(+1.68/-0.44) mm/a, 0.81(+0.35/-0.19) mm/a and (0.3±0.05) mm/a, respectively since the Holocene. The slip rate indicated that the increased activity transferred from back-row fault to front-row fault and accorded with the piggy-back propagation model in the Tianshan Mountain. Displacements and recurrence intervals of paleoearthquakes was similar to the slip rate characteristics. It also showed paleoearthquakes in the front row fault were stronger than paleoearthquakes of the back row fault. The strong paleoearthquake which caused the highest surface rupture happened in the Kalpintag fault. The interval of paleoearthquakes was about 4 ka and the displacement of every paleoearthquake was about 3 m in the west Kalpintag fault; the interval of paleoearthquakes was about 2 ka and the displacement of every paleoearthquake was about 1m in the aozitag fault; the tuoketag fault ruptured only one paleoearthquake since 7 ka. The Piqiang tear fault was the tectonic result of different shortening rate between the west Kalpin system and the east Kalpin system. The shortening rate of west Kalpin system was obviously stronger than the east Kalpin system. The huge separation distance was near 20 km between the east and the west back-row fault. Because the slip rate of system transferred to the front-row fault in the piggy-back propagation model, the separation distance (~4 km) between the east and the west front-row fault was increasing.  相似文献   
Hexi Corridor is located at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau. Series of late Quaternary active faults are developed in this area. Numerous strong earthquakes occurred in history and nowadays. Jinta Nanshan fault is one of the boundary faults between the Qinghai-Tibet block and the Alxa block. The fault starts from the northwest of Wutongdun in the west, passes through Changshan, Yuanyangchi reservoir, Dakouzi, and ends in the east of Hongdun. Because the Jinta Nanshan fault is a new active fault in this region, it is important to ascertain its paleoearthquakes since late Pleistocene for the earthquake risk study. Previous studies were carried out on the western part, such as field geomorphic investigation and trench excavation, which shows strong activity in Holocene on the western segment of Jinta Nanshan fault. On the basis of the above research, in this paper, we carried out satellite image interpretation, detailed investigation of faulted landforms and differential GPS survey for the whole fault. Focusing on the middle-eastern part, we studied paleoearthquakes through trench exploration on the Holocene alluvial fan and optical luminescence dating. The main results are as follows:Early Pleistocene to late Pleistocene alluvial strata are widely developed along the fault and Holocene sediment is only about tens of centimeters thick. The Jinta Nanshan fault shows long-lasting activity since late Quaternary and reveals tens of centimeters of the lowest scarp which illustrates new strong activity on the middle-east segment of this fault. Since late Pleistocene, 4 paleoearthquakes happened respectively before(15.16±1.29) ka, before(9.9±0.5) ka, about 6ka and after(3.5±0.4) ka, revealed by 4 trenches, of which 2 are laid on relatively thicker Holocene alluvial fan. Two events occurred since middle Holocene, and both ruptured the whole fault.  相似文献   
中卫-同心断裂带全新世古地震研究   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
闵伟  张培震  邓起东 《地震地质》2001,23(3):357-366
通过对中卫 -同心断裂带中段和西段 7个新探槽的古地震研究 ,并结合前人对中段古地震的研究结果 ,分析确定出 140 0 0a以来中卫 -同心断裂带共发生 6次古地震事件。其中仅有 1次是破裂全带的 ,发生在晚更新世末 ,其它都为全新世以来的次级破裂事件 ,3次破裂中段 ,两次破裂西段。公元 170 9年 7 级历史地震只破裂中段 ,因此推断只破裂中段或西段的古地震震级约为 7 级左右 ;破裂全带的古地震震级应为 8级左右。从时间上看 ,这 6次事件的分布是不均匀的 ,但没有明显的丛集现象  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带是中国东部重要的活动断裂带和边界构造带,其鲁苏段全新世活动断层的空间展布和古地震序列是地学关注的焦点问题,也是准确评价区域地震危险性的重要参数.以往研究工作多集中在郯庐断裂带地表地貌现象明显且有强震记录的山东段,而江苏段则研究程度相对较低,有关郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世活动断层范围和古地震序列问题存在争议.本文利用野外地质地貌调查、浅层地震勘探、钻孔联合剖面以及古地震探槽等多层次综合方法,重点开展郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世活动断层的分布和古地震序列研究.结果显示全新世时期,安丘-莒县断裂是郯庐断裂带江苏段的主要活动断层,且江苏全段该断层都是全新世活动断层.通过对比宿迁闸-皂河镇断裂南北安丘-莒县断裂的断层地貌和断层最新活动时间,并结合宿迁闸-皂河镇断裂在第四纪没有活动过等证据,推测该断层在全新世时期并不是区域阻碍破裂的断层.探槽揭示郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世两次古地震事件,事件Ⅰ限定在(6.2±0.3)-(13.4±0.7)ka B.P.之间,而事件Ⅱ限定在(2.5±0.1)ka B.P.到现今,全新世两次古地震间隔较长.基于构造类比法,安丘-莒县断裂具有深部孕震的构造特点,是区域未来强震的潜在发震构造.

内蒙古色尔腾山山前断裂带乌加河段古地震活动   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
通过对色尔腾山山前断裂带乌加河段断层地貌研究,并结合前人对断裂带断裂活动性的工作,分析得到乌加河活动断裂段晚更新世晚期(距今1.445~2.234万年)以来平均垂直位移速率是0.48~0.75 mm/a,全新世早中期以来(距今5 570~8 830年)平均垂直位移速率是0.56~ 0.88 mm/a.利用5个探槽中揭露的古地震现象,结合前人对该断裂带古地震的研究结果,分析确定出2.7万年以来,色尔腾山山前断裂乌加河段共揭露出5次古地震事件,重复间隔约为4 300~4 400年.距今8 000~9 000年之间可能为一个古地震丛,而距今1~2万年之间可能遗漏了两次古地震事件.对比断层陡坎的高度与探槽中揭示出古地震事件的位移和,以及由断层平均位移速率和一次事件的位移得到古地震的重复间隔,得到阿拉盖兔探槽中缺失了3次古地震事件,整个活动断裂段上可能缺失了两次古地震事件.   相似文献   
蔚广盆地南缘断裂带唐山口段山前断层活动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔚广盆地是山西地堑系北端京西北盆岭构造区内的一个半地堑盆地,蔚广盆地南缘断裂带为控制该盆地形成的边界断裂。该断裂带位于唐山口段的山前断裂在冲洪积扇体上形成了线性特征显著的断层陡坎。横跨断层陡坎开挖的探槽表明该条山前断裂属于全新世活动断裂,探槽揭示了2条活动断层以及相应的3次古地震事件。在距今约9ka时其中一条断层首次活动,之后在距今约7.3ka时该条断层再次活动并引发了另一条断层的形成与同步活动。最后它们又发生了第三次活动,而最新一次活动的时间由于相应地表沉积的缺失而无法获得。这3次古地震事件的累积垂直位错约为8.1m。估算出整条山前断裂的平均复发周期约为1.7ka、平均滑动速率约为1.6mm/a。此外还依据经验公式估算出了各次古地震的参考震级。  相似文献   
Xizhang trench is located 10 km northwest of Taiyuan city, Shanxi Province, in front of a NNW-trending scarp of 4.6m height on the northern segment of the Jiaocheng fault zone. The dimensions of the trench are 108m in length, 8m in width, and 10m in depth. There are 18 horizons revealed in the trench. The upper strata are sandy loam; the upper strata of the downthrown block of the fault are gravels, the lower ones are an interbed of brown loam and sandy loam. The strata on the upthrown block of the fault are sandy loam containing gravel. The trench shows 3 fault planes, and the upper offset point on the fault plane is 1.5m below the ground surface, the newest dislocated stratum is (3.74±0.06) ka BP. The trench reveals a lot of deformation traces, such as fault planes, dislocated strata, colluvial wedges and formation tilting. The relationship between strata and faults in the trench shows that 3 paleoearthquake events have occurred at the Jiaocheng fault zone since the Early Holocene, they are about (3.74±0.06)- (3.06±0.26)ka BP, (8.35±0.09)ka- (3.74±0.06)ka BP, and( 10.66±0.85) - (8.35±0.09)ka BP. The average interval among the events is 2.6 - 3.6ka. The minimum coseismic vertical displacements of the 3 events are 3.0m, 2.5m and 3.2m, respectively. The significance of Xizhang trench is that the Jiaocheng fault used to be active thousands of years ago, though there is no M ≥ 7.0 earthquake recorded in historical documents. Evidence of new Jiaocheng fault zone activity during the Holocene is important for the earthquake safety assessment of Taiynan city in the future.  相似文献   
The northern piedmont fault of Wutai Mountain is located at the north of the Shanxi Graben system,which is the dominating fault of the south boundary of the Fanshi-Daixian depression. This paper discusses the fault activity and paleoearthquakes around the Nanyukou segment of the northern piedmont fault of Wutai Mountain during the late Quaternary through field investigation along the fault,measuring geomorphic deformation and excavating trenches at some important sites. From Nanyukou to the southwest of Shanhui,we find obviously dislocated alluvial fans,with strong neotectonic movement at these sites. Since nearly 20ka,the vertical average slip rate is 1. 55mm /a to 2. 0mm /a. However,since nearly 6ka,it has reached as high as 2. 3mm /a,which is twice that on other segments. 2 trenches were excavated around Nanyukou with 6 events discovered. The referenced ages of the events are before 7600a,6700a ~ 7600a,5321a ~ 5575a,4400a ~ 5400a,4200a ~ 4400a and after 1600a B. P. with approximate recurrence interval 1400a. The latest event is likely to be the earthquake occurring at 512 A. D. ,so it is necessary to do further work to verify this in the future.  相似文献   
通过对色尔腾山山前断裂乌句蒙口 -东风村段的遥感资料解释、野外地质地貌考察 ,并通过对重点地段的古地震探槽开挖 ,获得了该断裂段晚更新世晚期以来的垂直位移速率是 0 88~ 1 83mm a ,全新世中期以来的垂直位移速率是 0 89mm a。通过 2个大型探槽的开挖、古地震事件分析和相关堆积物的断代研究 ,以及用逐次限定方法分析整个断层段上的古地震事件 ,认定该断裂段上全新世以来发生了 5次古地震事件 :事件 1发生在距今 90 0 0± 130 0年 ,事件2发生在距今 6 5 0 0± 5 0 0年 ,事件 3发生在距今 5 5 70年左右 ,事件 4发生在距今 4 2 0 0± 30 0年 ,事件 5发生在距今 32 5 0± 2 5 0年。晚更新世晚期到距今 1万年之间 ,古地震事件很不完整。全新世以来的 5次古地震事件表现出一定的丛集特征。最早的一丛事件发生在距今 890 0年左右 ,第2丛发生在距今 6 5 0 0~ 5 70 0年之间 ,第 3丛事件发生在距今 32 5 0~ 4 2 0 0年之间。第 1丛与第 2丛古地震事件之间间隔为 2 4 0 0年左右 ,而第 2丛与第 3丛古地震事件之间仅间隔 15 70年左右。距今 32 5 0年以来 ,该断裂段上还没有发生过错断地表的地震事件 ,已经超出了古地震丛之间的重复间隔。因此 ,它是色尔腾山前活动断裂带上具备潜在危险的一个活动断裂段。  相似文献   
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