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GLORIA side-scan sonographs from the Bering Sea Basin show a complex pattern of interference fringes sub-parallel to the ship's track. Surveys along the same trackline made in 1986 and 1987 show nearly identical patterns. It is concluded from this that the interference patterns are caused by features in the shallow subsurface rather than in the water column. The fringes are interpreted as a thin-layer interference effect that occurs when some of the sound reaching the seafloor passes through it and is reflected off a subsurface layer. The backscattered sound interferes (constructively or desctructively) with the reflected sound. Constructive/destructive interference occurs when the difference in the length of the two soundpaths is a whole/half multiple of GLORIA's 25 cm wavelength. Thus as range from the ship increases, sound moves in and out of phase causing bands of greater and lesser intensity on the GLORIA sonograph. Fluctuations (or wiggles) of the fringes on the GLORIA sonographs relate to changes in layer thickness. In principle, a simple three dimensional image of the subsurface layer may be obtained using GLORIA and bathymetric data from adjacent (parallel) ship's tracks. These patterns have also been identified in images from two other systems; SeaMARC II (12 kHz) long-range sonar, and TOBI (30 kHz) deep-towed sonar. In these, and other cases world-wide, the fringes do not appear with the same persistence as those seen in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   
The Wadi Hafafit Complex (WHC) is an arcuate belt of orthogneisses, migmatites and other high-grade metamorphic rocks, which marks the boundary between the Central Eastern and the South Eastern Deserts of Egypt. In the WHC, gneissic meta-gabbro outlines macroscopic fold interference patterns characterized by elliptical to irregular culminations cored by gneissic meta-tonalite to meta-trondhjemite. The five main culminations of the WHC have previously been labeled A (most northerly), B, C, D and E (most southerly). A detailed structural investigation of B, C, D and E reveals that these structures are a result of the interference of four macroscopic fold phases, the first three of which may represent a single deformation event. The first folding involved sheath-like fold nappes, which were transported to the N or NW, assisted by translation on gently dipping mylonite zones. The regional gneissosity and mineral extension lineations formed during this folding event. The fold nappes were deformed by mainly open upright small macroscopic and mesocopic folds with approximately NE-trending hinges. As a probable continuation of the latter folding, the sheaths were buckled into large macroscopic folds and monoclines with the same NE-trends. The fourth macroscopic folding resulted from shortening along the NE–SW direction, producing mainly NW–SE-trending upright gently plunging folds. Gravitative uplift is disputed as a component of the deformation history of the WHC. The peculiarities of the fold interference pattern result from the interesting behaviour of sheath folds during their refolding.  相似文献   
原子荧光光谱法测定化探样品时有机质对As,Sb,Bi的干扰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究黑龙江省森林沼泽景观区有机水系沉积物(泥炭)、土壤中As,Sb,Bi的测定结果,发现样品中的有机质对王水消解氢化物原子荧光法测定上述元素存在极大的干扰,提出采用低温(<450℃)灰化处理可完全消除干扰。对比研究还发现,过去森林沼泽景观区的区域化探扫面资料中的As,Sb,Bi数据存在问题,应专门对其进行评价研究。  相似文献   
埋地金属管线对视电阻率的观测危害甚大。造成观测值大幅改变,跳动,无规律可循。严重时,甚至台站报废,被迫搬迁。通过一些突发事件的启发,结合现场实验,并引证了一些理论计算,笔者摸索出了只须对金属管道作局部微小的改造,就能基本克服其对观测的干扰的方法。该方法在红格台试验半年多来,取得了明显的效果。观测值恢复到安装的水管以前的水平,再无大幅度的跳动。该方法节约经费,简单易行,大大提高了台站在复杂环境中的生存能力。  相似文献   
The conspicuous curved structures located at the eastern front of the Eastern Cordillera between 25° and 26° south latitude is coincident with the salient recognized as the El Crestón arc. Major oblique strike-slip faults associated with these strongly curved structures were interpreted as lateral ramps of an eastward displaced thrust sheet. The displacement along these oblique lateral ramps generated the local N–S stress components responsible for the complex hanging wall deformation. Accompanying each lateral ramp, there are two belts of strong oblique fault and folding: the upper Juramento River valley area and El Brete area.On both margins of the Juramento River upper valley, there is extensive map-scale evidence of complex deformation above an oblique ramp. The N–S striking folds originated during Pliocene Andean orogeny were subsequently or simultaneously folded by E–W oriented folds. The lateral ramps delimiting the thrust sheet coincident with the El Crestón arc salient are strike-slip faults emplaced in the abrupt transitions between thick strata forming the salient and thin strata outside of it. El Crestón arc is a salient related to the pre-deformational Cretaceous rift geometry, which developed over a portion of this basin (Metán depocenter) that was initially thicker. The displacement along the northern lateral ramp is sinistral, whereas it is dextral in the southern ramp. The southern end of the Eastern Cordillera of Argentina shows a particular structure reflecting a pronounced along strike variations related to the pre-deformational sedimentary thickness of the Cretaceous basin.  相似文献   
泾县地震台地磁核旋观测干扰排除分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地磁观测是地震预报中重要的前兆手段之一。识别干扰,排除干扰,对保证观测资料的可靠尤为重要。我们根据泾县地震台地磁核旋观测过程中遇到的问题,利用对比观测方法,对观测数据进行分析,结果表明该仪器工作正常,性能稳定,精度很高;同时指出,在观测过程中应注意的一些问题,并排除了影响泾县地震台地磁观测的干扰源。  相似文献   
王文魁  甘正梅 《地球科学》1992,17(6):638-646
简要论述了典型热液裂隙充填钨—铋—钼石英脉矿床地质及其以黑钨矿—辉铋矿—辉钼矿为主的矿物组合纵向逆分带现象。重点测量研究了黑钨矿晶体的宏观形态特征和微形貌,及其成因演化机制。以现代光学微分干涉(DIC)显微镜观察测量了黑钨矿端面(102)等的螺旋生长及[010]晶带等的层生长现象。提出黑钨矿晶体的螺—层混合生长概念。  相似文献   
何婷 《测绘通报》2019,(4):71-74,83
针对GNSS多天线转发式欺骗干扰在实际应用中,当干扰机与目标机距离大于一定范围时,将引起目标机钟差突跳,从而易被目标机检测和识别的缺陷,提出了基于干扰机阵列的转发式欺骗干扰新方法。干扰机阵列按照正六边形网型布设,可实现目标区域的无缝覆盖,并且灵活易拓展。不论目标机位于区域的任何位置,均有一个最优干扰机能够对其实施有效干扰。为了确定相邻干扰机的最优间距,本文在干扰机阵列不同间距下对具有钟差突跳自适应检测能力的目标机的干扰有效性进行了仿真研究。结论表明,综合考虑各种约束因素,相邻干扰机最优间距为17 km,满足该条件的干扰机阵列在实施欺骗干扰过程中,不会造成目标机钟差突跳,有效解决了该干扰方式易被目标机识别的问题。  相似文献   
钨矿石和钼矿石具有丰富的共生或伴生元素,检测共生或伴生元素的含量有利于矿产资源的综合利用.在国家标准方法中钨矿石和钼矿石的共生或伴生元素含量是按元素分别检测,效率很低.本文在敞开体系中用盐酸+硝酸+氢氟酸+高氯酸消解样品,以7%盐酸溶解盐类,电感耦合等离子体发射光谱同时测定钨矿石和钼矿石中铋、钴、铜、锂、镍、磷、铅、锶、钒、锌等10种微量元素.选定了各元素的分析谱线和光谱级次,采用离峰背景校正法消除背景干扰,干扰元素校正系数法消除元素间的谱线重叠干扰.方法检出限为1.43 ~ 18.8 μg/g,加标回收率为90% ~ 110%.经钨矿石和钼矿石标准物质分析验证,测定结果与标准值基本吻合,方法精密度(RSD,n=10)小于8%.该方法克服了碱熔引入大量碱金属元素以及可能引入杂质的缺陷,又不用处理钨酸和钼酸沉淀,能快速测定钨矿石和钼矿石中微量共生或伴生元素.  相似文献   
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