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1 IntroductionAnicecoreobtainedfrom polarglaciersoricesheetsisoneofthemostimportantarchivestoreconstructpaleoclimaticandpaleoatmosphericcondition .Informationonpale o environmentcanbeextractedfromicecoresaschemicaland/orphysicalsignals.Amongthechemicalsignals,heavymetalsarenotedassignalsofterrestrialenvironmentalchangeandanthropogenicpollution (e.g .Murozumietal.1 969;NgandPatterson 1 981 ;Hongetal.1 994) .SinceconcentrationsofmostofthemetalsinpolarsnowincentralGreen landareatorbelowthepptl…  相似文献   
Chemical structure of Jurassic vitrinites isolated from the coals in basins in NW China have been checked using solid state 13C NMR and flash pyrolysis-GC/MS. Study shows some Jurassic collodetrinites are rich in aliphatic products in pyrolysates, consisting with the high amount of methylene carbon in 13C NMR spectra. In contrast, pyrolysates of Jurassic collotelinites are rich in phenols and alkylbenzenes. Also one Pennsylvanian and one Permian vitrinite selected from the Ordos basin, NW China have been checked for comparison. The proportion of aliphatics is low in pyrolysates, and aliphatic carbon peak in 13C NMR spectrum of Permian vitrinite is mostly composed of gas-prone carbons compared with collodetrinites in those Jurassic basins. But both pyrolysis and 13C NMR data shows the Pennsylvanian vitrinite is not only gas-prone but also oil-prone. Relatively high proportion of long chain aliphatic structure of some Jurassic vitrinite in Junggar, Turpan-Hami basins may be due to the contribution of liptodetrinites, which may be included during the formation of vitrinites. And it seems that suberinite is the most possible precursor of long chain aliphatics in the structure of Jurassic collodetrinite.  相似文献   
Using the IRAM interferometer we have observed four carbon stars (U Cam, CIT6, Y CVn, IRC+40540) in the HCN(J=1 0) and CN(N=1 0) lines. Here we present some results for CIT6 and U Cam.  相似文献   
湖北黄土岭麻粒岩锆石拉曼光谱和等离子体质谱研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对湖北黄土岭麻粒岩中锆石同时进行了激光拉曼探针、阴极发光 (CL)观察和U ,Th及Pb Pb年龄ICPMS测定 ,发现麻粒岩中部分锆石发生的不是固态重结晶作用 ,而是部分熔蚀 /沉淀再结晶过程。结合CL图像结构特征和2 0 7Pb/ 2 0 6Pb年龄初步推断 ,麻粒岩相事件发生在 2 0亿年之后。结构、化学和同位素组成的测定表明 ,大别地区广泛存在的燕山期热事件使锆石发生不同程度的变质重结晶作用 ,使锆石晶格愈合。  相似文献   
Water and sediment outbursts from advanced Franz Josef Glacier,New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Franz Josef Glacier, Westland, New Zealand, has a history of catastrophic sediment‐laden outburst ?oods associated with extreme rainfall events when the glacier toe is advanced over its own sediments. Consideration of these events and inspection of recent sediment deposits suggest that there are three distinct modes of outburst. The ?rst is associated with fans fed by over?ow along the glacier margin. As the glacier has advanced across its own fore?eld gravels, it is inferred that the primary drainage conduit has developed a reach of negative slope. In high ?ows massive boulders can block the conduit, trapping lesser clasts. The resulting backup of water causes over?ows through marginal moulins, producing the fan type of deposit. The second type of outburst deposits massive imbricated boulders at a greater or lesser distance from the glacier portal. In this case, pressure buildup drives the blockage out of the portal where the boulders deposit. Smaller materials are generally carried away. The third type consists of very shallow ?ows, and produces massive gravel deposits of uncertain provenance. In this condition, the excess pressure in the conduit results in slight uplift of the glacier and widespread discharge of water and sediment below the glacier snout; gravels and smaller sediments are laid down in a massive deposit across the fore?eld. The massive, boulder‐veneered deposit from the December 1995 outburst is interpreted in the light of the above mechanisms as a hyperconcentrated ?ow deposit from hydraulic jacking, overlain by boulders emplaced by a subsequent conduit outburst. A possible association of outbursts with the present advanced position of the glacier is suggested. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Organic-rich from the Schei Point group (middle to late Triassic in age) and the Ringnes formation (late Jurassic) from the Sverdrup basin of the Canadian arctic archipelago have been geochemically evaluated for source rock characterization. Most samples from the Schei Point group are organic-rich (> 2% TOC and are considered as immature to mature oil-prone source rocks [kerogen types I, I–II (IIA) and II (IIA)]. These kerogen types contain abundant AOM1, AOM2 and alginite (Tasmanales, Nostocopsis, Leiosphaeridia, acritarch and dinoflagellate) with variable amounts of vitrinite, inertinite and exinite. Samples from the Ringnes formation contain dominant vitrinite and inertinite with partially oxidized AOM2, alginite and exinite forming mostly immature to mature condensate- and gas-prone source rocks [kerogen type II–III (IIB), III and a few II (IIA)]. Schei Point samples contain higher bitumen extract, saturate hydrocarbons and saturate/ aromatic ratio than the Ringnes samples. Triterpane and sterane (dominant C30) distribution patterns and stable carbon isotope of bitumen and kerogen suggest that the analyzed samples from the Schei Point group are at the onset of oil generation and contain a mixture of sapropelic (algal) and minor terrestrial humic organic matter. Sterane carbon number distributions in the Ringnes formation also suggest a mixed algal and terrestrial organic matter type. There are some variations in hopane carbon number distributions, but these are apparently a function of thermal maturity rather than significant genetic differences among samples. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of the two samples with similar maturity shows that the Schei Point sample generates three times more pyrolyzate than the Ringnes sample. Both samples have a dominant aliphatic character, although the Ringnes sample contains phenol and an aromaticity that is higher than that of the Schei Point sample.  相似文献   
Clinopyroxenes from pyroxenite, ijolite and nepheline syenite from the main intrusion of the Alnö complex define two sub-parallel compositional trends with respect to Na, Ca and FeTOT plotted against alkali-pyroxene fractionation index (Na–Mg). Both trends define a smooth fractionation of increasing Na and FeTOT and decreasing Ca with increasing Na–Mg, but one set of samples contain clinopyroxenes that constantly plot at higher Na and lower FeTOT and Ca (at similar Na–Mg) than the rest of the samples. Clinopyroxenes with higher Ca and FeTOT and lower Na (trend 1) co-exist with substantial amounts of Ti-andradite (up to 70 vol.%), while the sample set defining the more Na-rich trend (trend 2) lack co-existing Ti-andradite. Clinopyroxenes from both trends show fractionated REE patterns with a distinct difference in HREE content, reflecting the content of co-existing Ti-andradite. The rocks of the first Ti-andradite-bearing trend crystallized slightly prior to the rocks of the second trend, probably from a primitive, Ca- and Ti-rich nephelinitic magma. Crystallisation of pyroxenite and melteigite occurred under low aSiO2 and high aCaO and aTiO2 as evidenced by the presence of perovskite and sometimes substantial amounts of magnetite. Subsequent increase in aSiO2 is evidenced in the overgrowth of perovskite by titanite, which in turn is overgrown by Ti-andradite. Nepheline syenitic residuals crystallized under higher aSiO2 and aNa2O and lower aCaO and aTiO2, which reduced Ti-andradite into an accessory phase and produced more Si- and Na-rich clinopyroxenes. Some of these residuals probably also mixed with new primitive magma producing a hybrid magma that crystallised the more Na-rich and Ca- and FeTOT-poor clinopyroxenes of trend 2. The complete lack of Ti-andradite in these rocks indicates different crystallisation conditions and also a different magma composition.  相似文献   
汶川MS 8.0地震地表破裂带   总被引:90,自引:15,他引:75  
2008年5月12日14时28分4秒,四川省汶川县发生MS8.0大地震。发震断裂为龙门山断裂带中的映秀-北川断裂。该次地震的地表破裂可分成2条,分别出现在龙门山断裂带中的映秀-北川断裂、彭县-灌县断裂上,前者破裂长度约200km,后者破裂长度约80km。本次地震的最大垂直和右旋水平同震位移出现在都江堰市虹口乡附近的映秀-北川断裂上,分别为(5±0.2)m和(4.8±0.2)m。破裂带南段出露的地表断层产状为N32°E/NW∠76°,其上的侧伏角为S75°~80°W,反映了该次地震在南段以逆冲运动为主,兼有少量的右旋走滑分量  相似文献   
汶川Ms 8.0地震地表破裂带白沙河段破裂及其位移特征   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
2008年5月12日14时28分,四川省汶川县发生MS8.0特大地震。这次地震在地表形成2条地表破裂带,主破裂沿龙门山中央断裂发育,长约240km;次级破裂沿龙门山前山断裂发育,长约72km。白沙河破裂带位于中央主破裂带的南端,沿都江堰市北约11km的白沙河河谷展布,长14km。该破裂带几何结构复杂,多条短小破裂或斜列或平行或斜交组成破裂带,总体走向N50°E,但几乎每条次级小破裂走向都不与平均走向一致,在0°~90°之间变化。同震位移沿该破裂带也同样表现出复杂性和多样性,总体以NW盘逆冲为主,最大垂直位移为6.5m,局部存在反冲断层挠曲坎;走向滑动以右旋为主,最大水平位移为4.8m,局部存在左旋位移,而且同震位移分布特征与白沙河破裂带的几何展布特征密切相关。该破裂带北段出露的地表断层产状为40°/NW∠76°,其上的擦痕有2组,侧伏角分别为75°SW和80°SW,不仅反映了该次地震在此段以逆冲运动为主,兼有少量的右旋走滑分量,还反映了该次特大地震包括了2次破裂事件。分析破裂几何和同震位移分布特征得出如下认识:1)破裂面从震源深度的低角度逐渐向地表转化为高角度,迫使垂直断层走向的水平缩短转化为隆起的垂直位移  相似文献   
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