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the Kalpin nappe is an important multiple thrust system. It is important to study the Cenozoic tectonic of the Tianshan Mountain. Holocene active characteristics and paleoearthquake of the Kalpin nappe can be used to evaluate the neotectonic of this area. In this paper, we accurately measured the fault scarp in the front of three thrust-fold faults and analyzed paleoearthquake events in the trenches of the Kalpin nappe. Using the 10Be exposure age, we obtained those geomorphic surface ages and paleoearthquake times. The result showed that the slip rates of the west Kalpintag fault, aozitag fault and the tuoketag fault were 1.45(+1.68/-0.44) mm/a, 0.81(+0.35/-0.19) mm/a and (0.3±0.05) mm/a, respectively since the Holocene. The slip rate indicated that the increased activity transferred from back-row fault to front-row fault and accorded with the piggy-back propagation model in the Tianshan Mountain. Displacements and recurrence intervals of paleoearthquakes was similar to the slip rate characteristics. It also showed paleoearthquakes in the front row fault were stronger than paleoearthquakes of the back row fault. The strong paleoearthquake which caused the highest surface rupture happened in the Kalpintag fault. The interval of paleoearthquakes was about 4 ka and the displacement of every paleoearthquake was about 3 m in the west Kalpintag fault; the interval of paleoearthquakes was about 2 ka and the displacement of every paleoearthquake was about 1m in the aozitag fault; the tuoketag fault ruptured only one paleoearthquake since 7 ka. The Piqiang tear fault was the tectonic result of different shortening rate between the west Kalpin system and the east Kalpin system. The shortening rate of west Kalpin system was obviously stronger than the east Kalpin system. The huge separation distance was near 20 km between the east and the west back-row fault. Because the slip rate of system transferred to the front-row fault in the piggy-back propagation model, the separation distance (~4 km) between the east and the west front-row fault was increasing.  相似文献   
新疆柯坪新生代推覆岩席的走向连接与成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
柯坪断隆新生代推覆构造是南天山南缘冲断系统的一部分,断隆上多排逆冲岩席被数条横向断裂复杂化,致使不同地段岩席排数不等,各排岩席在走向上的对应关系不明,形成了十分奇特的山弯构造.逆冲岩席的变形特点是南天山新生代造山运动的重要表征.笔者通过卫星影像分析和野外路线地质调查,对横向断裂切割各排逆冲岩席之切点部位的构造特征及岩席内部中小型构造所显示的成因信息进行了详细分析,据此,对复杂岩席在走向上进行了连接,对其数量进行了识别.在此基础上,提出了复杂岩席成因的斜冲褶皱模式,即在北西向应力场持续作用下,岩席向南东斜冲,并在其水平位移分量作用下,沿走向发生褶皱和斜冲错断:横向断裂是多排岩席褶皱翼部扭性断层的发展和连通.  相似文献   
西南天山东柯坪推覆系古地震初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
西南天山柯坪推覆系发育多排逆断裂-褶皱带,各排逆断裂-褶皱带的变形速率并不一致,古地震发生规律也可能具有不同特点.自汶川地震造成龙门山中央和前山两条断裂同时活动之后,对于如何判断多条逆断裂级联破裂的逆断裂古地震事件,是一个值得讨论的问题.文中通过对东柯坪塔格和萨尔干塔格两排逆断裂-褶皱带山前多期地貌面(冲洪积扇面)上发...  相似文献   
构造运动是控制分支河流体系发育的重要因素之一,其对沉积体系的控制作用一直是研究的热点与难点。前人对挤压、拉张、走滑等类型的盆地均有研究,但在挤压盆地边缘的冲断带中,冲断带对于沉积体系的控制作用研究较少,特别是对冲断带中常发育的分支河流体系(冲积扇)。为研究逆冲作用对分支河流体系的控制作用,通过Google Earth提供的全球地貌影像结合数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM)等数据对塔里木盆地西北缘柯坪地区发育的分支河流体系(Distributive Fluvial System,DFS)进行测量研究与沉积学解析,探究盆地边缘逆冲断裂带的DFS几何形态发育特征及影响因素。在研究区内识别DFS共256个。柯坪地区发育的分支河流体系延伸长度范围为0.26~24.58 km,DFS面积范围为0.044~221.987 km2,物源区面积变化范围为0.1~290 km2,DFS坡度范围为0.011~0.182。柯坪地区分支河流体系上发育的河道主要是辫状河,河道下切程度有明显差异。决定柯坪地区分支河流体系发育的主要影响因素有物源供给,气候水文以及构造背景。物源区大小与DFS规模呈正相关;气候通过降雨量与蒸发量来影响DFS发育特征;水文则通过流域分布来影响DFS发育,分布在研究区内柯坪河流域的DFS,发育规模远大于流域外的;构造作用控制沉积区分布、可容空间的大小、坡度等,影响着DFS的分布与发育。研究结果表明:构造作用作为主要因素影响着柯坪地区DFS的分布与发育。在柯坪逆冲带,构造作用通过控制推覆体逆冲高低来影响DFS的大小与坡度。物源区大小也受地层抬升程度控制,地层出露越多,物源区一般越大。将柯坪地区以构造特征分为三个区,每个构造区的DFS具有明显差异。逆冲山前区的物源区域大,DFS规模最大,以扇形为主,坡度低,下切程度低;逆冲前缘区的物源区域较小,DFS规模变小,以长条形为主,坡度增加,下切程度增加;走滑断层区受断层影响,物源区与DFS规模明显变小,以扇形为主,平均坡度最大,平均延伸距离最小,下切程度显著。  相似文献   
Sedimentary provenance studies based on detrital zircon ages have proved to be a powerful tool for elucidating detailed patterns of erosion and sediment dispersal on and adjacent to the continents. This approach is commonly used to examine processes that occur over discrete intervals of geologic time, but it can also be used to address fundamental questions concerning the longer-term evolution of the continental crust. Central Asia, for example, consists of a Palaeozoic accretionary collage that contrasts with the cratonal cores of continents such as North America, which were fully consolidated during the Proterozoic. Detrital zircon provenance may thus provide important insights on the comparative evolution of these distinctly different styles of continental growth. The Tarim sedimentary basin is interpreted to be underlain by a micro-continental block that accreted to central Asia during the late Palaeozoic. Detrital zircon in pre-Permian strata of the northern Tarim basin includes Precambrian grains derived from Tarim basement, and Palaeozoic grains related to active tectonism along its margins. During this phase of tectonic amalgamation, overall sediment maturity increased up-section, consistent with similar observations from other cratons. However, in Tarim these trends reverse dramatically in Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata deposited after amalgamation of Tarim with central Asia. Palaeozoic zircon grains derived from the Tian Shan become dominant, Precambrian grains drop to trace abundances, and sandstone composition shift abruptly to immature litharenite. Moreover, a progressively increasing temporal gap occurs between zircon age and depositional age, reflecting the near absence of post-amalgamation magmatic or high-grade metamorphic rocks within the Tian Shan. Collectively, these observations support a model of Tarim and other central Asian basins as islands of long-lived tectonic stability, within an orogenic collage that has remained mobile for >250 million years.  相似文献   
柯坪推覆构造的变形量和变形速率对于认识中国大陆的地球动力学过程有重要意义,但晚第四纪以来的变形特征与缩短速率是众多研究中的薄弱环节。文中通过大量的野外调查、探槽开挖、变形地貌面实测与阶地堆积物的测年,分析了柯坪推覆构造普昌断裂以东部分的晚第四纪变形样式、变形量和缩短速率。晚第四纪以来,研究区在地表和近地表的变形主要通过2种形式表现出来:低角度逆断层运动和新褶皱的弯曲变形。这些变形主要由最新地貌面的隆升和缩短来实现。研究区存在2个变形强度大的地段,缩短速率西段为1·32mm/a;东段为1·39mm/a  相似文献   
塔西北柯坪剪切挤压构造   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
塔里木西北的柯坪地区存在着再变形的逆冲岩席。研究表明塔里木盆地西北边界断层-阿合奇断层为一巨型左行走滑断层。它在新生代的总走滑量达304km,具有与塔里木盆地东南边界阿尔金断层相同量级的走滑量。阿合奇断层与阿尔金断层造成了阿合奇-西昆仑-西南塔里木-阿尔金断层剪切挤压构造系统。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地西北缘柯坪冲断带构造变形特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
柯坪冲断带位于塔里木盆地西北缘,是新生代南天山褶皱冲断系的一部分.本文根据野外实际考察和地震剖面解释,总结了该冲断带的构造变形特征.它是发育于古生界中且以中寒武统膏盐层为主滑脱面的薄皮构造,是内部结构相对简单的叠瓦状冲断,因更新世才定型而具暴露式冲断前锋,有断层传播褶皱发育但已遭强烈剥蚀,前展式冲断.上新世晚期的冲断曾控制了磨拉石盆地发育(西域组砾岩),但该盆地已遭更新世的冲断推覆作用破坏.根据平衡剖面恢复,柯坪冲断带南部3排冲断层的总构造缩短量为29.1%-40.7%.  相似文献   
基于塔里木盆地柯坪地区寒武系地质剖面观测和75个样品分析测试的基础上,研究了柯坪冲断带下寒武统肖尔布拉克组下段碳酸盐岩古生产力。利用Ti扣除样品中来自陆源部分而得出生源元素的含量,Baxs、Cuxs和Znxs三种营养元素测量和数据处理结果表明它们相对自生富集,具备一定的古生产力水平,个别层段值较高,有较高古生产力水平。发育光面具缘藻(Leiomarginata)、粒面具缘藻(Granomarginata)、网面球藻(Dictyotidium)等疑源类生烃母质,为有机质沉积和烃源岩发育提供了物质基础。Pr/Ph、V/(V+Ni)、U/Th比值和δCe值判定该区下寒武统肖尔布拉克组下段为还原沉积环境,为烃源岩有机质的赋存提供了有利条件。有机质类型为I-II型,达到了高成熟阶段,具备生烃潜力。研究区寒武系下统肖尔布拉克组下段发育优质潜在烃源岩。  相似文献   
This paper introduces the basic parameters, focal mechanism solutions and earthquake sequence characteristics of the Kalpin MS5.3 earthquake sequence of December 1, 2013, and analyzed seismic activity before the earthquake, the adjacent tectonic features and the precursory anomaly at fixed points within a range of 200km. Research indicates:(1) The earthquake occurred on Kalpin fault, the source rupture type is thrust faulting with sinistral strike-slip component. (2) The earthquake sequence is mainshock-aftershock type, with the aftershock distribution attenuating quickly and trending NE. (3) Abnormal seismic activity before the earthquake was characterized by seismically nesting quiescence of MS2.0-4.0 earthquakes, seismic quiescence of MS4.0 earthquakes and seismic belts of MS3.0 earthquakes in the Kalpin block, abnormal enhancement zone of moderate earthquakes on Puchang fault and seismological parameters. (4) Anomalies of precursory observation data at fixed stations are mainly characterized by mutation. Apart from the borehole tiltmeter in Halajun, the spatial distribution of other abnormal precursors showed a phenomenon of migration from the near field to far field and from the epicenter to the peripheries.  相似文献   
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