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Chihuahueños Bog (2925 m) in the Jemez Mountains of northern New Mexico contains one of the few records of late-glacial and postglacial development of the mixed conifer forest in southwestern North America. The Chihuahueños Bog record extends to over 15,000 cal yr BP. An Artemisia steppe, then an open Picea woodland grew around a small pond until ca. 11,700 cal yr BP when Pinus ponderosa became established. C/N ratios, δ13C and δ15N values indicate both terrestrial and aquatic organic matter was incorporated into the sediment. Higher percentages of aquatic algae and elevated C/N ratios indicate higher lake levels at the opening of the Holocene, but a wetland developed subsequently as climate warmed. From ca. 8500 to 6400 cal yr BP the pond desiccated in what must have been the driest period of the Holocene there. C/N ratios declined to their lowest Holocene levels, indicating intense decomposition in the sediment. Wetter conditions returned after 6400 cal yr BP, with conversion of the site to a sedge bog as groundwater levels rose. Higher charcoal influx rates after 6400 cal yr BP probably result from greater biomass production rates. Only minor shifts in the overstory species occurred during the Holocene, suggesting that mixed conifer forest dominated throughout the record.  相似文献   
Occurrence and evolution of the Xiaotangshan hot spring in Beijing, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermal groundwater occurs in bedrock aquifers consisting of the dolomite of the Wumishan Group of the Jixianin System and the Cambrian carbonate in the Xiaotangshan geothermal field near the northern margin of the North China Plain, China. The hot water in the geothermal field of basin-type discharges partly in the form of the Xiaotangshan hot spring under natural conditions. The hot water has TDS of less than 600 mg/L and is of Na·Ca-HCO3 type. The geothermal water receives recharge from precipitation in the mountain area with elevation of about 500 m above sea level to the north of the spring. Thermal groundwater flows slowly south and southeast through a deep circulation with a residence time of 224 years estimated with the Ra–Rn method. The Xiaotangshan hot spring dried up in the middle of the 1980s owing to the increasing withdrawal of the hot water in the geothermal field in the past decades. The water level of the geothermal system still falls continually at an annual average rate of about 2 m, although water temperature changes very little, indicating that the recharge of such a geothermal system of basin-type is limited. Over-exploitation has a dramatic impact on the geothermal system, and reduction in exploitation and reinjection are required for the sustainable usage of the hot water.  相似文献   
Boron isotope variations in nature: a synthesis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The large relative mass difference between the two stable isotopes of boron, 10B and 11B, and the high geochemical reactivity of boron lead to significant isotope fractionation by natural processes. Published 11B values (relative to the NBS SRM-951 standard) span a wide range of 90. The lowest 11B values around — 30 are reported for non-marine evaporite minerals and certain tourmalines. The most 11B-enriched reservoir known to date are brines from Australian salt lakes and the Dead Sea of Israel with 11B values up to +59. Dissolved boron in present-day seawater has a constant world-wide 11B value of + 39.5. In this paper, available 11B data of a variety of natural fluid and solid samples from different geological environments are compiled and some of the most relevant aspects, including possible tracer applications of boron-isotope geochemistry, are summarized.
Résumé La grande différence relative de masse entre les isotopes stables du bore, 10B et 11B, et la grande réactivité geochimique du bore ont pour conséquence un fractionnement isotopique naturel important. Les valeurs de 11B publiées (par rapport au standard NBS SRM-951) varient de 90. Les valeurs de 11B les plus basses (–30) correspondent aux evaporites non-marines et à certaines tourmalines. Le réservoir le plus enrichi en 11B est représenté par les saumures des lacs salés d' Australie et par la Mer Morte en Israël, qui ont des valuers de 11B allent jusqu'à + 59. L'eau de mer a une valeur de 11B mondialement constante de + 39.5. Des valeurs de 11B des solutions naturelles ainsi que des roches et minéraux de différentes origines, publiées jusqu'à présent, sont présentées ici. En outre quelques aspects importants concernant la géochimie des isotopes du bore y compris quelques applications sont exposés.
The isotopic content of rainfall was measured in Niamey (Niger) over a period of eight years (1992–1999). Seasonal distribution of rainy events depends on the monsoon movement over the region. At the beginning and at the end of the rainy season, low rainfall, high temperatures and low relative humidity favour isotopic enrichment. In the middle of the rainy season, heavy rainfall, low temperatures and relative humidity close to saturation lead to isotopically depleted contents because of the mass effect; moreover, in the case of low rainfall, marked vertical convective development favours high altitude condensation. How far the Intertropical Front moves north, determines the quality of the rainy season and influences the isotopic contents. Thus the isotopic contents of rainfall are good climatic indicators. To cite this article: J.-D. Taupin et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 43–50  相似文献   
原生金矿成矿年龄测定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
营俊龙  赵浦云 《铀矿地质》1997,13(4):232-240
金成矿年龄和矿源同位素组成的准确测定,对金矿地质研究和找矿具有重要意义。本文根据3年多野外和室内工作的总结,获得了多个典型矿床的年龄和同位素测定结果:华北古陆北缘北侧槽区乌花敖包金矿测定为130—120Ma的晚期造山作用成矿;南侧台区赛乌素金矿为211±15Ma的再循环古陆改造成矿;中段台区后沟一黄土梁金矿为243±7Ma的古陆再造成矿;胶东焦家-乳山金矿为122.7±3.4Ma和128±23Ma的燕山期成矿;华夏古陆八宝山金银矿为140±5Ma的火山热液成矿。  相似文献   
The available geological, geochronological and isotopic data on the felsic magmatic and related rocks from South Siberia, Transbaikalia and Mongolia are summarized to improve our understanding of the mechanisms and processes of the Phanerozoic crustal growth in the Central Asian mobile belt (CAMB). The following isotope provinces have been recognised: ‘Precambrian’ (TDM=3.3–2.9 and 2.5–0.9 Ga) at the microcontinental blocks, ‘Caledonian’ (TDM=1.1–0.55 Ga), ‘Hercynian’ (TDM=0.8–0.5 Ma) and ‘Indosinian’ (TDM=0.3 Ga) that coincide with coeval tectonic zones and formed at 570–475, 420–320 and 310–220 Ma. Continental crust of the microcontinents is underlain by, or intermixed with, ‘juvenile’ crust as evidenced by its isotopic heterogeneity. The continental crust of the Caledonian, Hercynian and Indosinian provinces is isotopically homogeneous and was produced from respective juvenile sources with addition of old crustal material in the island arcs or active continental margin environments. The crustal growth in the CAMB had episodic character and important crust-forming events took place in the Phanerozoic. Formation of the CAMB was connected with break up of the Rodinia supercontinent in consequence of creation of the South-Pacific hot superplume. Intraplate magmatism preceding and accompanying permanently other magmatic activity in the CAMB was caused by influence of the long-term South-Pacific plume or the Asian plume damping since the Devonian.  相似文献   
Major and trace element concentrations, as well as Sr and U isotope ratios, were measured in rainwater samples collected in three different locations in Alsace (East of France) and Luxembourg: a mid-altitude mountain site (Aubure Environment HydroGeochemical Observatory), an urban site (Strasbourg) and a peri-urban site located in an area of well developed industrial activity (Esch-sur-Alzette in Luxembourg). Results highlight the quite high spatial and temporal variability of the chemical and isotopic characteristics of rainwater at the regional scale. They also suggest a quite systematic contribution of a local component in the chemical composition of rainwater. In urban and peri-urban sites, the local component is certainly linked to human activities, as it is well illustrated in this study with the Esch-sur-Alzette samples. On the other hand, for the Aubure site, i.e. a small forested watershed of mid-altitude mountain, data presented in this study demonstrate the influence of the vegetation on the chemical composition of rainwater for alkali and calc-alkali elements, as well as for the Sr isotope ratios. Such a result questions the reliability of the method classically used to estimate the rainwater contribution on the river chemical budget. In addition, data of the present study confirm the very low content of uranium in rainwater and demonstrate, especially through the U isotope analysis of Aubure rainwater, the negligible effect of rainwater on U budget of river waters. This work thus outlines the property of U to be a geochemical tracer specific of weathering fluxes carried by rivers. To cite this article: F. Chabaux et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
A. Dini  G. Gianelli  M. Puxeddu  G. Ruggieri   《Lithos》2005,81(1-4):1-31
Extensive, mainly acidic peraluminous magmatism affected the Tuscan Archipelago and the Tuscan mainland since late Miocene, building up the Tuscan Magmatic Province (TMP) as the Northern Apennine fold belt was progressively thinned, heated and intruded by mafic magmas. Between 3.8 and 1.3 Ma an intrusive complex was built on Larderello area (Tuscan mainland) by emplacement of multiple intrusions of isotopically and geochemically distinct granite magmas. Geochemical and isotopic investigations were carried out on granites cored during drilling exploration activity on the Larderello geothermal field. With respect to the other TMP granites the Larderello intrusives can be classified as two-mica granites due to the ubiquitous presence of small to moderate amounts of F-rich magmatic muscovite. They closely resemble the almost pure crustal TMP acidic rocks and do not show any of the typical petrographic features commonly observed in the TMP hybrid granites (enclaves, patchy zoning of plagioclase, amphibole clots). On the basis of major and trace elements, as well as REE patterns, two groups of granites were proposed: LAR-1 granites (3.8–2.3 Ma) originated by biotite-muscovite breakdown, and LAR-2 granites (2.3–1.3 Ma) generated by muscovite breakdown. At least three main crustal sources (at 14–23 km depth), characterized by distinct εNd(t) and 87Sr/86Sr values, were involved at different times, and the magmas produced were randomly emplaced at shallow levels (3–6 km depth) throughout the entire field. The partial melting of a biotite-muscovite-rich source with low εNd(t) value (about −10.5) produced the oldest intrusions (about 3.8–2.5 Ma). Afterwards (2.5–2.3 Ma), new magmas were generated by another biotite-rich source having a distinctly higher εNd(t) value (−7.9). Finally, a muscovite-rich source with high εNd(t) (about −8.9) gave origin to the younger group of granites (2.3–1.0 Ma). The significant Sr isotope disequilibrium recorded by granites belonging to the same intrusion is interpreted, as due to the short residence time of magmas in the source region followed by their rapid transfer to the emplacement level. Partial melting was probably triggered by multiple, small-sized mafic intrusions, distributed over the last 3.8 Ma that allowed temporary overstepping of biotite- and muscovite-dehydration melting reactions into an already pre-heated crust. Dilution in time of the magmatic activity probably prevented melt mingling and homogenization at depth, as well as the formation of a single, homogeneous, hybrid pluton at the emplacement level. Moreover the high concentrations of fluxing elements (B, F, Li) estimated for the LAR granites modified melt properties by reducing solidus temperatures, decreasing viscosity and increasing H2O solubility in granite melts. The consequences were a more efficient, fast, magma extraction and transfer from the source, and a prolonged time of crystallization at the emplacement level. These key factors explain the long-lived hydrothermal activity recorded in this area by both fossil (Plio-Quaternary ore deposits) and active (Larderello geothermal field) systems.  相似文献   
A hydrochemical investigation was conducted in the Ejina Basin to identify the hydrochemical characteristics and the salinity of groundwater. The results indicate that groundwater in the area is brackish and are significantly zonation in salinity and water types from the recharge area to the discharge area. The ionic ration plot and saturation index (SI) calculation suggest that the silicate rock weathering and evaporation deposition are the dominant processes that determine the major ionic composition in the study area. Most of the stable isotope δ18O and δD compositions in the groundwater is a meteoric water feature, indicating that the groundwater mainly sources from meteoric water and most groundwater undergoes a long history of evaporation. Based on radioactive isotope tritium (3H) analysis, the groundwater ages were approximately estimated in different aquifers. The groundwater age ranges from less than 5 years, between 5 years and 50 years, and more than 50 years. Within 1 km of the river water influence zone, the groundwater recharges from recent Heihe river water and the groundwater age is about less than 5 years in shallow aquifer. From 1 km to 10 km of the river water influence zone, the groundwater sources from the mixture waters and the groundwater age is between 5 years and 50 years in shallow aquifer. The groundwater age is more than 50 years in deep confined aquifer.  相似文献   
长期以来,研究者在探讨土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的降解及修复过程中,缺乏简便有效的手段对化合物的降解动态进行定量研究。前人尝试用投加实验、对比采用降解措施前后污染物的浓度变化、模型计算等方法研究PAHs的降解过程,其结果常互相矛盾,或不能真实反映复杂的实际环境。本文应用单体碳同位素技术对农田土壤中多环芳烃的植物降解过程进行定量表征,采集了某地农田表土作为供试土壤,选择玉米作为供试作物,开展了作物对土壤中PAHs降解及消除过程的研究。气相色谱-质谱分析结果表明,培养所用的玉米原始土及分4批收集的空白土、根际土、非根际土样品中16种PAHs的浓度总和(∑PAHs)平均分别为380.8 ng/g、(281.5±34.7) ng/g、(272.2±11.6) ng/g和(299.8±37.9) ng/g;玉米生长期间,各土壤样品 的∑PAHs均比原始土壤有所下降,但除3环化合物(苊烯、苊、芴、菲、蒽)外,其他化合物并未随玉米的生长表现出显著趋势。与玉米根、叶倾向于富集低环PAHs化合物相对应,可以判断植物对土壤中的低环化合物去除作用最为显著。各采样时期玉米根际土、非根际土和空白土壤样品中多环芳烃单体化合物的碳同位素分馏值(δ13C)在-34.31‰~-23.95‰之间,且除芘外的其他化合物的δ13C值随时间呈现逐步变轻的趋势,波动值位于-0.6‰~-9.0‰之间;本文对于PAHs单体化合物,尤其是4、5环化合物,在玉米降解过程中的碳同位素分馏与浓度变化之间未发现明显关系。考虑3环以下的PAHs化合物更倾向于被降解和清除,且其碳、氢同位素分馏情况更容易被观察到,因此稳定同位素分析更有助于探明该类单体多环芳烃污染物在环境中的迁移、转化规律。  相似文献   
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