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In view of the situation of excavation of open coal mine for the underground water disaster,we should carry out simulation studies for the numerical value of the water lowering project and improve the accuracy and the level of the water lowering project.On the basis of the hydrological geological conditions of certain open mine digging,a more reasonable seepage numerical model was built according to MODFLOW.It was simulated in advance that the process of the confined water level descending with the time,and combining with the actual observations to test the correctness of the model.The calculation showed that the results coincided well with the results of actual measurement.Based on this,different water lowering numerical simulations were built for the open coal mine digging.It could be simulated and forecast that the changes of the groundwater level in drainage process within and outside the mine pit,and it was quantitatively assessed that the possible water lowering result of the opencast water drainage process,which provide an important basis for the actual water lowering project and the possible project disposal.  相似文献   
Summary  Left in place pillars of abandoned mines are subject to weathering (e.g action of water, bacteria) that degrades their mechanical strength and eventually leads to collapse. A simple weathering model is proposed, that is governed by two parameters: the rate of progression of weathered front and the rate of degradation of the compressive strength with time. Both plane strain and axisymmetric analyses are performed and closed form solutions of the variation with time of the bearing capacity of the pillar are given. Experimental data of the tests conducted on gypsum and anhydrite specimens attacked by water are presented. It is shown that in order to fit the experimental data a third parameter must be introduced. New closed form solutions are given and the data are used for estimating the time to failure of abandoned gypsum mines in Northern Italy. Authors’ address: Dr. Riccardo Castellanza, Research Assistant, Department of Structural Engineering, Milan University of Technology (Politecnico), Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan, Italy  相似文献   
露天矿GPS卡车调度系统是数字矿山建设中的重要组成部分,是露天矿生产管理利用GPS/GIS技术提高生产效益的有效途径之一。本文根据露天矿GPS卡车调度系统的组成、工作原理和数据流交换模式,提出了基于数据回放条件下的装卸车时序匹配计算方法以及数据流处理的主要内容。抚顺西露天矿的实践证明,该计算方法是一种处理卡车调度系统数据流的有效且可行的办法。  相似文献   
在山西省重点地区固体废弃物现状调查研究的基础上,通过试样试验,分析研究了固体废弃物对土壤、大气、水环境的污染,探讨了对固体废弃物的治理及利用,为研究矿山生态环境地质研究提供参考,同时积累工作经验。  相似文献   
大冶铁矿的开发利用在为我国的钢铁事业作出巨大贡献的同时,也给矿区的地表环境、森林资源带来了很大的破坏。矿山公园的规划实施可极大地改善矿山环境,为矿山的可持续发展提供较好的途径。  相似文献   
The Raniganj Coalfield is the oldest coalfield in India that has been continuously and extensively mined since the late eighteenth century. The present study reports a geochemical investigation and environmental quality assessment using soil and water in the area surrounding a stream, locally known as Singaran Nala (Nala means storm water drains in Bengali), in the Raniganj Coalfield. Soil (top soil, mud, silty clay and laterite) and rock samples (sandstone and shale) were collected from the study area and were analyzed for trace metals (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn). Surface waters from the stream and the Damodar River as well as ground waters from hand pumps and underground mine pits were collected. Water samples were analyzed for major ions (Na^+, Ca^2+, Mg^2+, Cl^-, HNO3^- and SO4^2-) and trace metals (Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn). Trace metal concentrations in soil samples are found higher than the average world soil composition. Nevertheless, trace metal (Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn) concentrations in soils exceed or reach the maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) proposed by the European Commission for agricultural soils. In particular, Ni concentrations exceed the typical value for cultivated soils. Chromium, Cu and Ni concentrations in laterite and Cr concentration in topsoil exceed the ecotoxicological limit.  相似文献   
Permeability is one of the most important parameters in the design of hydraulic backfilling of mine stopes. A simple and reproducible method was developed for preparing reconstituted hydraulic fill sample in the laboratory, that is representative of the hydraulic fill in the mine stope, replicating the slurry sedimentation process taking place in the mine. Constant head and falling head permeability tests were carried out on the samples, giving consistent results. A brick permeameter was developed to study the flow characteristics of the porous barricade bricks under one-dimensional flow, simulating the flow conditions in the mine. Three different methods were used to determine the permeability of the brick and the results showed very good agreement. This is the first rational attempt to measure the permeability of the porous barricade bricks that are used to close the horizontal access drives in the mines, thus retaining the hydraulic fill. The measurements show that the permeability of the barricade brick is about two to three orders of magnitude greater than that of the hydraulic fill.  相似文献   
江苏的经济发展较快,对矿产资源的需求量亦大。多年来的无序开采,对生态环境造成很大的破坏和影响,出现了山体植被遭受破坏、土地被占用、环境受污染、诱发地面沉降、地面塌陷等一系列问题,已影响到国民经济的发展。随着省人大和省政府关于限制开山采石和保护环境等政策、法规出台和落实,近几年乱采滥挖现象基本得到了有效的遏制。人们的环保意识得到了加强,不少矿山已逐步开始对环境治理,且初见成效。文章介绍了江苏生态环境现状、存在的主要问题和治理对策,以期引起各级政府和广大民众在对矿产资源开采的同时更要注重环境保护。  相似文献   
通过龙永煤田现有煤矿状况调查分析发现:许多矿井已步入“花甲之年”,接近矿井服务年限。为了保障我省能源安全,应当采用有效勘探方法,方能使它们“返老还童”。研究发现危机矿山延长服务年限的几种勘探模式是:其一为扩大(延伸)勘探模式;其二为小型井田(块段)勘探模式;其三为资料分析研究模式。经探采对比发现,采用这三种勘探模式后,产生了巨大的经济效益,使一大批老矿井青春再度焕发。  相似文献   
高敏感度、高可靠度、低花费传感器是全自动或半自动探雷机器人的首要和绝对的选择。当前,有许多技术能够被选来综合使用以满足上述的要求。金属探测器是一种传统的、成熟可靠的探测技术。但是,现在多种地雷含有少量的金属或者不包含任何金属,造成了用金属探测器探雷的困难。目前迫切需要研究发展新颖的探测技术以消除100万颗地雷对许多国家的影响。  相似文献   
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