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In this study life‐cycle cost (LCC) assessment of structural frames is performed. Two different materials, reinforced concrete (RC) and reinforced engineered cementitious composites (ECC), with different response characteristics are used to model the frames. ECC is characterized by high tensile ductility and energy absorption and reduced crack widths when compared to conventional concrete. However, the material is more expensive than conventional concrete; therefore, in order to quantify the potential benefits that could be obtained by replacing concrete with ECC, the life‐cycle performance is evaluated in an optimization framework. Three different structural frames are considered: an RC only frame, an ECC only frame and a multi‐material (MX) frame in which ECC is selectively applied at the potential plastic hinge locations while the remainder of the frame is made of RC. The structural capacity and earthquake demand are evaluated using rigorous analysis methods to capitalize on different characteristics of concrete and ECC, and both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties are incorporated into the LCC formulation. It is found that both the initial and LCC of frames that use ECC are lower due to savings in material and labor cost of transverse reinforcement for the former and due to increased capacity and reduced demand for the latter. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Measurements of atmospheric ozone at concentrations typical of the free troposphere have been compared for ECC sondes and a UV-absorption photometer, using a Bendix chemiluminescent analyser as a transfer standard. Comparisons were conducted in the laboratory and in the tropospheric part of the atmosphere. It was found that the measurements agreed to within 4% provided that the background current for the ECC sonde was measured before exposure to ozone in the preparation procedure, and was assumed to be constant throughout the sonde flight. These results confirm those of earlier experiments and mean that the methods currently used to correct for the background current in the troposphere need to be revised.  相似文献   
高延性纤维增强水泥基复合材料(ECC)是一种高强度、高延性的新型建筑材料,在加固工程中具有广泛的应用前景。本文利用ECC的高延性和抗剪性,提出一种采用ECC面层加固小雁塔的保护方案,以提高古塔抗震性能;通过有限元软件ANSYS进行模拟分析,比较了小雁塔加固前后的地震响应。分析结果表明:采用ECC面层加固可显著增强塔身整体的延性和承载力,有效地提高塔体损伤容限,为ECC在古塔抗震加固的实际应用中提供借鉴,可作为古塔抗震保护的新途径。  相似文献   
沿海砼结构耐久性问题研究现状与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
混凝土耐久性能不良引起的适用性、安全性问题以及由此引发的环境、能源、经济问题在全球范围内已引起广泛的关注.而沿海城市经济的飞速发展和大规模的开发海洋资源使得混凝土结构面临严峻的海洋环境的挑战.因此,了解沿海混凝土结构耐久性问题的研究现状与对策具有十分重要的现实意义.综合分析了沿海砼结构性能退化的原因及解决办法并在此基础上指出进一步研究的可能方向.  相似文献   
中国沿海地区农户对新农村建设响应的区域差异(英文)   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
To tackle the issues concerning agriculture,farmers,and rural areas,the central government of China initiated a new strategy called ’new countryside construction’ in 2005.For better understanding its actual effect,this paper analyzes the regional diversity of peasant household response to this new countryside construction strategy based on Kruskal-Wallis H test and sampling survey data from 586 households in the Bohai Rim Region (BRR),Yangtze River Delta Region (YDR),and Pan Pearl River Delta Region (PPR).The result indicates that regional diversity in eastern coastal China (ECC) does exist in the form of recognized priority sequence,policy requirements,expected policy effects,and behavior response.As a result of the deviation between local policy practice and households’ inherent demand,peasants fulfill their de facto demand via individual effort instead of government aid,and therefore the new countryside construction fails to carry out the expected target.It thus needs to shift the current policy priority,ensure the peasants’ mainstay role,and formulate scientific ’Rules for new countryside construction’.  相似文献   
景观尺度、过程及格局(LSPP)研究的内涵及特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王让会 《热带地理》2018,38(4):458-464
景观尺度、过程与格局(LSPP)及其相互作用是景观生态学研究的核心内容。在分析景观尺度及效应、景观生态过程、景观格局及变化的基础上,凝练出了LSPP一体化理念的主要特征,并探索了LSPP中各要素之间的耦合关系。研究表明:LSPP一体化具有一定的理论价值,景观时空尺度是LSPP的重要基础,LSPP体现了景观过程及其生态效应。景观生态研究所涉及的结构、功能、动态与LSPP一体化等的理论与应用问题,随着新时代生态环境的复杂化,在情景模拟技术、大数据挖掘技术,以及生态物联网等技术支撑下,促进了景观生态学机理研究与应用范式的拓展与深化,对于当前区域发展与生态文明建设具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
OzoneVerticalProfileCharacteristicsoverQinghaiPlateauMeasuredbyElectrochemicalConcentrationCelOzonesondes①LiuQijun(刘奇俊),Zheng...  相似文献   
木构架承重-空斗墙围护民居大量分布在我国南方农村地区,该类民居整体性较差,历次地震中该类民居破坏较严重。采取高延性混凝土ECC面层加固围护空斗墙,扁钢、角钢及薄钢板增强木构架节点,穿墙钢筋捆绑木构架与围护墙体等加固措施。设计了1/2缩尺模型进行振动台试验,通过调整输入地震波峰值加速度来考虑不同水准地震烈度,分析了围护空斗墙损伤,探讨了模型频率与阻尼比变化特性,对比了围护空斗墙体与木构架加速度放大系数和位移包络值,并验证了二者在地震中的变形协调性。试验结果表明:(1)围护墙体仅在外侧出现明显裂缝,内侧ECC面层与墙体始终未脱离且未出现裂缝,围护墙整体性仍可得到一定保障;(2)木构架与钢加固件连接部位仅发生轻微破坏,木构架没有出现明显损伤;(3)木构架与围护墙体之间出现滑移,整体上二者协同抗震变形性能良好。该系列措施的加固效果较理想,适用于该类民居的抗震加固。  相似文献   
我国东南夏季干旱指数的ECC预测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据中国东南夏季气温和降水显著负相关的特点,构造合适的干旱指数。选取美国NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均海表温度场、北半球500hPa高度场、亚欧大陆表面温度场作为预测因子,取由国家气象中心整理的中国160站月平均降水和温度资料计算出的东南部干旱指数作为预测对象,采用集合典型相关分析方法(ensemble canonical correlation,ECC)预测东南夏季干旱指数。预测与实况之间的空间相关性和时间相关性均表明,该方法优于单因子场典型相关分析(canonical correlation analysis,CCA)预测方法,其中采用超级集合平均法又比等权集合平均法具有更高的预测技巧。  相似文献   
Sustainable land management often requires redevelopment of existing and often contaminated Brownfield sites over use of Greenfield or agricultural land. Stabilisation / solidification (S/S) offer a viable remediation option with particular suitability in treating heavy metal contaminants. However, uncertainties over long-term durability and previously cheap landfill disposal costs resulted in limited use in many countries. There is a need to characterise treated material and assess components containment and release, to improve S/S confidence and inform remedial design, using the evaluation of the leaching controlling mechanisms. To improve understanding of key features that will enable improvements to such designs, this paper presents an evaluation of leaching for CEM II stabilised kaolin, using the leaching behaviour of 4 main components—aluminium, silicon, calcium and sulphur. Results show no detrimental implications on chemical durability due to kaolin degradation with hydration under induced alkalinity, with increased formation of stable cementitious minerals. Availabilities for components show that aluminium and silicon had minimal leachability compared to total content, whilst calcium and sulphur show almost total leaching availability. Decreasing calcium and silicon leachability under natural chemical conditions with increased hydration duration supports the increased formation of stable cementitious products with time, using the products of kaolin dissociation.  相似文献   
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