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A formula for the thickness of a shear band formed in saturated soils under a simple shear or a combined stress state has been proposed. It is shown that the shear band thickness is dependent on the pore pressure properties of the material and the dilatancy rate, but is independent of the details of the combined stress state. This is in accordance with some separate experimental observations. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Hellenic plate boundary region, located in the collision zone between the Nubian/Arabian and Eurasian lithospheric plates, is one of the seismo-tectonically most active areas of Europe. During the last 15 years, GPS measurements have been used to determine the crustal motion in the area of Greece with the aim to better understand the geodynamical processes of this region. An extended reoccupation network covering whole Greece has been measured periodically in numerous GPS campaigns since the late eighties, and a continuous GPS network has been operated in the region of the Ionian Sea since 1995. In this paper, we present a new detailed high-quality solution of continuous and campaign-type measurements acquired between 1993 and 2003. During the GPS processing, a special effort was made to obtain consistent results with highest possible accuracies and reliabilities. Data of 54 mainly European IGS and EUREF sites were included in the GPS processing in order to obtain results which are internally consistent with the European kinematic field and order to allow for a regional interpretation. After an overview of the results of the IGS/EUREF sites, the results from more than 80 stations in Greece are presented in terms of velocities, time series, trajectories and strain rates. Previous geodetic, geological and seismological findings are generally confirmed and substantially refined. New important results include the observation of deformation zones to the north and to the south of the North Aegean Trough and in the West Hellenic arc region, arc-parallel extension of about 19 mm/yr along the Hellenic arc, and compression between the Ionian islands and the Greek mainland. Due to continuous long-term observations of 4–8 years, it was possible to extract height changes from the GPS time series. In Greece, we observe a differential subsidence of the order of 2 mm/yr between the northern and central Ionian islands across the Kefalonia fault zone. The differential subsidence of the central Ionian islands with respect to the northwestern Greek mainland amounts to 4 mm/yr.  相似文献   
The study area in the northwest Sinai represents one of the most significant regions in the Egyptian basement intensely invaded by post-orogenic calc-alkaline dyke swarms. Two post-orogenic dyke swarms have been recognized in NW Sinai namely: (1) mafic dykes of basalt, basaltic andesite and andesite composition and (2) felsic dykes of dacite, rhyodacite and rhyolite composition. These basaltic to rhyolitic dykes intruded contemporaneously and shortly after the intrusion of the post-orogenic leucogranite. The mafic and felsic dykes are enriched in incompatible elements, especially in the large ion lithophile elements (e.g. K, Rb, Ba) and depleted in high field strength elements with negative P, Ti and Nb anomalies. Major and trace element geochemistry indicates that investigated mafic and felsic magma types are not related via fractional crystallization. The protoliths of the mafic and felsic dykes appear to have evolved from different parental magmas. The incompatible trace element patterns favour a derivation of the mafic dykes from melting of a garnet peridotite source followed by fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene amphibole and zircon. The felsic dykes, on the other hand, could be generated by melting of garnet-free source modified subsequently by fractional crystallization of plagioclase, apatite and titanomagnetite. This implies variable source characteristics at the end of the Pan-African in the NW Sinai.The mafic and felsic dykes can be related to an intracontinental setting and that this was accompanied by a chemical evolution of the subcontinental lithosphere. Magma generation and ascent in the area was favoured by extensional movements, which is already known from other areas in NE Africa.  相似文献   
The objective of the TRANSALP project is an investigation of the Eastern Alps with regard to their deep structure and dynamic evolution. The core of the project is a 340-km-long seismic profile at 12°E between Munich and Venice. This paper deals with the P-wave velocity distribution as derived from active source travel time tomography. Our database consists of Vibroseis and explosion seismic travel times recorded at up to 100 seismological stations distributed in a 30-km-wide corridor along the profile. In order to derive a velocity and reflector model, we simultaneously inverted refractions and reflections using a derivative of a damped least squares approach for local earthquake tomography. 8000 travel time picks from dense Vibroseis recordings provide the basis for high resolution in the upper crust. Explosion seismic wide-angle reflection travel times constrain both deeper crustal velocities and structure of the crust–mantle boundary with low resolution. In the resulting model, the Adriatic crust shows significantly higher P-wave velocities than the European crust. The European Moho is dipping south at an angle of 7°. The Adriatic Moho dips north with a gentle inclination at shallower depths. This geometry suggests S-directed subduction. Azimuthal variations of the first-break velocities as well as observations of shear wave splitting reveal strong anisotropy in the Tauern Window. We explain this finding by foliations and laminations generated by lateral extrusion. Based on the P-wave model we also localized almost 100 local earthquakes recorded during the 2-month acquisition campaign in 1999. Seismicity patterns in the North seem related to the Inn valley shear zone, and to thrusting of Austroalpine units over European basement. The alignment of deep seismicity in the Trento-Vicenza region with the top of the Adriatic lower crust corroborates the suggestion of a deep thrust fault in the Southern Alps.  相似文献   
Fluid flow patterns have been determined using oxygen isotope isopleths in the Val-d’Or orogenic gold district. 3D numerical modelling of fluid flow and oxygen isotope exchange in the vein field shows that the fluid flow patterns can be reproduced if the lower boundary of the model is permeable, which represents middle or lower crustal rocks that are infiltrated by a metamorphic fluid generated at deeper levels. This boundary condition implies that the major crustal faults so conspicuous in vein fields do not act as the only major channel for upward fluid flow. The upper model boundary is impermeable except along the trace of major crustal faults where fluids are allowed to drain out of the vein field. This upper impermeable boundary condition represents a low-permeability layer in the crust that separates the overpressured fluid from the overlying hydrostatic fluid pressure regime. We propose that the role of major crustal faults in overpressured vein fields, independent of tectonic setting, is to drain hydrothermal fluids out of the vein field along a breach across an impermeable layer higher in the crust and above the vein field. This breach is crucial to allow flow out of the vein field and accumulation of metals in the fractures, and this breach has major implications for exploration for mineral resources. We propose that tectonic events that cause episodic metamorphic dehydration create a short-lived pulse of metamorphic fluid to rise along zones of transient permeability. This results in a fluid wave that propagates upward carrying metals to the mineralized area. Earthquakes along crustal shear zones cause dilation near jogs that draw fluids and deposit metals in an interconnected network of subsidiary shear zones. Fluid flow is arrested by an impermeable barrier separating the hydrostatic and lithostatic fluid pressure regimes. Fluids flow through the evolving and interconnected network of shear zones and by advection through the rock matrix. Episodic breaches in the impermeable barrier along the crustal shear zones allow fluid flow out of the vein field.  相似文献   
About 30 samples representing major lithologies of Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks were collected from surface exposures and exploration wells, and compressional (Vp) and shear wave (Vs) velocities and their directional dependence (anisotropy) were determined over a range of constant confining pressures up to 600 MPa and temperatures ranging from 20 to 600 °C. Samples range in composition from acidic to ultramafic. P- and S-wave velocities measured at 600 MPa vary from 5.08 to 8.64 km/s and 2.34 to 4.93 km/s, respectively. Densities are in the range from 2.60 to 3.68 g/cm3. To make a direct tie between seismic measurements (refraction and reflection) and subsurface lithologies, the experimental velocity data (corresponding to shallow depths) were used to calculate velocity profiles for the different lithologies and profiles of reflection coefficients at possible lithologic interfaces across the projected 5000-m Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CCSD) crustal segment. Comparison of calculated in situ velocities with respective intrinsic velocities suggests that the in situ velocities at shallow depths are lowered by an increased abundance of open microcracks. The strongly reflective zone beneath the Donghai drill site can be explained by the impedance contrasts between the different lithologies. Contacts between eclogite/peridotite and felsic rocks (gt-gneiss, granitic gneiss), in particular, may give rise to strong seismic reflections. In addition, shear-induced (lattice preferred orientation (LPO)-related) seismic anisotropy can increase reflectivity. For the explanation of the high velocity bodies (>6.4 km/s) around 1000 m and below 3200-m depth, large proportions of eclogite/peridotite (about 40 and 30 vol.%, respectively) are needed.  相似文献   
川滇菱形块体边界的现今地壳形变   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
吕弋培  廖华  苏琴  王兰 《中国地震》2002,18(1):28-37
依据川滇菱形块体边界带上所有跨断层测量资料,分析了各场地所处断裂的近期形变特征,结果表明;川滇菱形块体北段形变活动逐渐减弱,南段逐渐加强,各条断裂分别显示出不同的变形特征;菱形块体的现今水平形变以左旋走滑运动为主,垂直形变速度较低,且呈上盘抬升与下降交替出现的运动特征,部分场地的形变异常变化与其邻近的地震活动密切相关。  相似文献   
煤层底板突水系数计算公式的探讨   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
根据从诸多濒临带压开采威胁的煤矿中得到大量的第一手资料,运用多元统计分析方法,揭示出了煤层底板突水这种地质现象的演化和特征的内在联系和规律,建立了矿压对煤层底板破坏深度的计算式。通过对以往煤层底板突水系数计算公式进行对比、分析、推理和总结,克服了以往计算公式的不足,继承和发展了公式的优点,得出了考虑因素较全面和较科学的突水系数计算式,从而为解决煤层底板隔水岩柱薄弱地带或断裂陷落柱薄弱地带的煤矿安全生产提供了一套行之有效的解决方法。这套公式在太原西峪煤矿和晋城矿务局(西区)得到了应用,证明是一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   
路用探地雷达的应用技术研究进展   总被引:19,自引:12,他引:19  
有效、无损、快捷、简便是公路检测技术发展的方向,当前国内外先进的浅层勘探技术——路用探地雷达检测,以其无损、快捷以及浅层高分辨率的优势被迅速应用于公路检测。本文对近年来路用探地雷达技术的发展及应用情况进行了介绍,详细分析了探地雷达的工作原理、系统组成结构。就探地雷达在公路建设、维护过程中的应用情况进行了系统总结。  相似文献   
This paper presents relative secular variations of the total intensity of the geomagnetic field against a background of results of magnetic anomaly interpretation along seismic profile P4. Profile P4 crosses a Variscan folding zone in the Paleozoic Platform (PLZ), the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ), and the Polish part of the East European Craton (EEC). Secular geomagnetic field variations measured in 1966–2000 along a line adjacent to seismic profile P4 were analysed. The study of secular variations, reduced to the base recordings at the Belsk Magnetic Observatory, showed that the growth of geomagnetic field at the East European Craton was slower than in the Trans-European Suture Zone and the Paleozoic Platform.A 2D crustal magnetic model was interpreted as a result of magnetic modelling, in which seismic, geological and geothermal data were also used. The modelling showed that there were significant differences in the magnetic model for geotectonic units, which had been earlier determined based on deep seismic survey data. It should be noted that a fundamental change of trend of the relative secular variations was observed at the slope of the Precambrian Platform. After analysing the geomagnetic field observed along profile P4, the hypothesis that the contact between Phanerozoic and Precambrian Europe lies in Poland's territory can be proven.  相似文献   
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