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The sedimentary environments are the intrinsic factor controlling the mechanical properties of clastic rocks. Examining the relationship between rock sedimentary environments and rock mechanical properties gives a better understanding of rock deformation and failure mechanisms. In this study, more than 55 samples in coal measures were taken from seven different lithologic formations in eastern China. Using the optical microscope the sedimentary characteristics, such as components of clastic rocks and sizes of clastic grains were quantitatively tested and analyzed. The corresponding mechanical parameters were tested using the servo-controlled testing system. Different lithologic attributes in the sedimentary rocks sampled different stress–strain behaviors and failure characteristics under different confining pressures, mainly due to different compositions and textures. Results demonstrate that clastic rocks have the linear best-fit for Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The elastic moduli in clastic rocks are highly dependent upon confining pressures, unlike hard rocks. The envelope lines of the mechanical properties versus the contents of quartz, detritus of the grain diameter of more than 0.03 mm, and grain size in clastic rocks are given. The compressive strength or elastic modulus and the grain diameter have a non-monotonic relation and demonstrate the “grain-diameter softening” effect.  相似文献   
Origin of composite dikes in the Gouldsboro granite, coastal Maine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
R.A. Wiebe  R. Ulrich 《Lithos》1997,40(2-4):157-178
Composite dikes, consisting of aphyric basaltic margins and phenocryst-rich rhyolitic interiors, cut the Gouldsboro granite of coastal Maine at many localities. Limited hybridization (exchange of crystals, commingling, and mixing) occurs in most of the dikes and indicates that the two magmas were contemporaneous with emplacement of rhyolitic magma following closely in time the initial emplacement of the basaltic dike. Petrographic characteristics and geochemistry indicate that the source of the rhyolite was resident magma in the Gouldsboro granite magma chamber. The composite dikes formed when basaltic dikes ruptured the Gouldsboro magma chamber, permitting partly crystallized magma from the margin of the chamber to flow outward into the center of the basaltic dikes. Field relations of similar composite dikes in other areas (e.g., Iceland, Scotland) are consistent with this model. A second type of composite dike (silicic margins with chilled basaltic pillows) commonly cuts mafic intrusions along the Maine coast and probably formed when a granitic dike ruptured an established chamber of mafic magma, permitting resident mafic magma to collapse downward into the still Liquid granitic dike. Most composite dikes have probably formed when a magma chamber was disrupted by a dike of contrasting magma rather than by tapping a stratified magma chamber.  相似文献   
堤防隐患探测实例分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在堤防隐患探测中,采用地质雷达、高密度电法、电测深法、地震折射波法等综合物探技术,并结合少量的土工试验资料,提高了物探成果的可靠性和实用性,取得了良好的应用效果.为堤防隐患探测提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
贾维馨  姜琦刚  王冬艳  高文 《岩石学报》2016,32(9):2881-2888
团山子基性脉岩为松辽盆地南缘晚中生代最后一期岩浆活动,在其中获得了较多的捕获锆石。为了反映松辽盆地基底岩浆活动事件,对基性脉岩中捕获锆石进行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年。捕获锆石阴极发光(CL)图像和Th/U比值显示具有岩浆成因的特点。从锆石定年结果得到8组年龄,反映出早侏罗世晚期(176Ma)、海西期(291Ma)、加里东期(467Ma)、新元古代(942Ma)、中元古代(1368Ma)、古元古代(1886Ma和2165Ma)、新太古代(2458Ma)岩浆事件记录。松辽盆地南部基底组成以古生代和早中生代岩浆岩为主,并可能存在西保安群前寒武纪结晶基底(942Ma),并经历了复杂的岩浆演化。中元古代、古元古代、新太古代年龄的锆石具有磨圆和反应边,可能为与华北克拉通岩浆事件形成的锆石被搬运到松辽盆地南部,并被再次捕获的结果,反映松辽盆地南部与华北大陆具有一定的联系,但不确定存在该期的结晶基底。  相似文献   
The Flemish Pass Basin is a deep-water basin located offshore on the continental passive margin of the Grand Banks, eastern Newfoundland, which is currently a hydrocarbon exploration target. The current study investigates the petrographic characteristics and origin of carbonate cements in the Ti-3 Member, a primary clastic reservoir interval of the Bodhrán Formation (Upper Jurassic) in the Flemish Pass Basin.The Ti-3 sandstones with average Q86.0F3.1R10.9 contain various diagenetic minerals, including calcite, pyrite, quartz overgrowth, dolomite and siderite. Based on the volume of calcite cement, the investigated sandstones can be classified into (1) calcite-cemented intervals (>20% calcite), and (2) poorly calcite-cemented intervals (porous). Petrographic analysis shows that the dominant cement is intergranular poikilotopic (300–500 μm) calcite, which stared to form extensively at early diagenesis. The precipitation of calcite occured after feldspar leaching and was followed by corrosion of quartz grains. Intergranular calcite cement hosts all-liquid inclusions mainly in the crystal core, but rare primary two-phase (liquid and vapor) fluid inclusions in the rims ((with mean homogenization temperature (Th) of 70.2 ± 4.9 °C and salinity estimates of 8.8 ± 1.2 eq. wt.% NaCl). The mean δ18O and δ13C isotopic compositions of the intergranular calcite are −8.3 ± 1.2‰, VPDB and −3.0 ± 1.3‰, VPDB, respectively; whereas, fracture-filling calcite has more depleted δ18O but similar δ13C values. The shale normalized rare earth element (REESN) patterns of calcite are generally parallel and exhibit slightly negative Ce anomalies and positive Eu anomalies. Fluid-inclusion gas ratios (CO2/CH4 and N2/Ar) of calcite cement further confirms that diagenetic fluids originated from modified seawater. Combined evidence from petrographic, microthermometric and geochemical analyses suggest that (1) the intergranular calcite cement precipitated from diagenetic fluids of mixed marine and meteoric (riverine) waters in suboxic conditions; (2)the cement was sourced from the oxidation of organic matters and the dissolution of biogenic marine carbonates within sandstone beds or adjacent silty mudstones; and (3) the late phases of the intergranular and fracture-filling calcite cements were deposited from hot circulated basinal fluids.Calcite cementation acts as a main controlling factor on the reservoir quality in the Flemish Pass reservoir sandstones. Over 75% of initial porosity was lost due to the early calcite cementation. The development of secondary porosity (mostly enlarged, moldic pores) and throats by later calcite dissolution due to maturation of organic matters (e.g., hydrocarbon and coals), was the key process in improving the reservoir quality.  相似文献   
杨宏城 《云南地质》2007,26(4):416-420
水泄铜钴矿区地质条件较为复杂,控矿因素较多,通过分析认为主要受断层及岩性控制,地层初始富集,构造及区域变质作用提供通道及热源。水的循环、溶解作用形成热卤水成矿。  相似文献   
The Middle to Upper Ordovician siliciclastic succession in Central Bolivia provides excellent exposures of up to 1 m thick massive sandstone beds produced by liquefaction-induced sediment remobilisation. These fine-grained massive sandstones occur in shallow-marine nearshore facies that were deposited above storm wave base. Vertical to steeply inclined clastic dykes, which penetrate up to 1.5 m of the overlying sediment pile, feed into the basal parts of massive sandstone sheets. These dykes are interpreted as pathways used by liquefied sediment during upward-directed escape from a subsurface horizon. The relatively short lateral spacing of 5 to 25 m between the individual dykes initiated lateral coalescence of ejected individual sediment bodies. As a result, massive sandstone sheets formed and can be traced laterally over several kilometres. While undeformed sandy deposits contain between 5 to 10% dispersed clay the average clay content in massive sandstone sheets is ∼ 15%. The elongated, sometimes S-shaped form of the sandy, laminated fragments reflects squeezing during movement showing that they have been deformed under shear stress during flow. The axis of maximum elongation of the fragments indicates local flow direction. As the massive sandstone sheets are likely the products of seismic shocks they provide the first evidence of tectonic activity in this part of the basin during the Middle to Late Ordovician.  相似文献   
辽东半岛南部早古生代地层发育,其中馒头组—冶里组的沉积过程,具有完整的陆源碎屑岩—碳酸盐岩堆积特点。从层序划分、沉积环境演化、古气候变迁等方面分析,馒头组—冶里组反映了一个完整的碳酸盐岩台地的发展过程,可划分出准备阶段(形成碎屑岩垫板)、生长—发育阶段(形成碳酸盐岩缓坡)及衰亡阶段(发育白云岩盖层)。  相似文献   
对于北疆阿尔泰地区泥盆纪所处的大地构造环境,目前仍旧存在不同观点.前人基于阿尔泰南缘泥盆纪火山岩地球化学研究,分别提出了活动大陆边缘和被动大陆边缘裂谷等不同构造观点.阿尔泰造山带南缘的泥盆纪浅变质碎屑沉积岩地球化学研究表明,该套浅变质碎屑沉积岩原岩主要为泥质或砂质沉积岩.尽管不同岩性样品主量元素含量不同,但其化学蚀变指数(CIA)小于75,成分变异指数(ICY)接近或小于1.0,斜长石蚀变指数(PIA)平均70,说明其源区物质比较新鲜,成熟度相对较低,化学风化作用较弱.同样,不同岩性样品微量元素含量差别较大,但表生过程中不活泼的微量元素比值却比较一致,轻稀土(LREE)中度富集(LaN/YbN=2.88~9.90),重稀土(HREE)比较平坦,并伴有明显的Eu负异常(Eu/Eu*=0.45~0.89).绝大多数样品具有高的La/Sc(1~3)、La/Y(0.5~1)和Ti/Zr(10~35),以及较低的Sc/Cr(0.1~0.3)比值,类似于大陆岛弧相关环境碎屑沉积物.在La-Th-Sc和Th-Sc-Zr/10构造环境判别图解中,除一千枚岩样品外,其他所有样品均落入大陆岛弧区.以上地球化学特征明显不同于大洋岛弧和被动陆缘沉积物,说明该套浅变质碎屑沉积岩可能沉积于活动大陆边缘的大陆岛弧相关环境,为认识阿尔泰造山带泥盆纪岛弧增生构造演化过程提供了一个重要证据.  相似文献   
秦皇岛柳江地区辉绿岩脉主要分布于碳酸盐岩出露区的亮甲山、石门寨、潮水峪西北、砂锅店东北、揣庄北、石岭西北、鸡冠山等地,且多以脉状,岩墙、岩床等形式产出。对柳江地区辉绿岩常量元素的分析表明:w(SiO2)变化较大,且平均值较低;w(FeO+Fe2O3)平均值比基性岩类略偏高;w(Al2O3)、w(CaO)、w(MgO)、w(K2O+Na2O)的平均值均在基性岩类平均值范围内;w(TiO2)的平均值为1.53%。微量元素富集高场强元素Ta、Nb、Zr、Hf,La/Nb>1,表明岩浆上升过程中受到地壳不同程度的混染;稀土元素球粒陨石标准化分布型图各样品基本一致,呈右倾,稀土元素总量较高,轻稀土较重稀土富集,无明显的Eu异常,反映出岩浆演化过程中分离结晶作用并不明显,样品之间的稀土分馏程度相同。分析结果与研究区辉绿岩的岩相学特征相结合,表明柳江地区辉绿岩属于钾玄岩系列,来自于板内环境。结合研究区大地构造背景,认为研究区辉绿岩脉是钾玄质系列玄武质岩浆沿早期断裂或岩层层面灌入冷凝而形成。  相似文献   
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