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Parameters for ion exchange selectivity and aluminium hydroxide dissolution in the soil chemical submodels used in applications of the Birkenes model and of MAGIC are compared and several discrepancies identified for organic soils. A laboratory column simulation of the soil chemical submodels is proposed and applied to soils from the Loch Dee area in Galloway. Experimental results were well predicted by a simplified version of MAGIC, with ion exchange selectivity parameters similar to those used in a previous simulation of one subcatchment of Loch Dee. The aluminium hydroxide dissolution parameter used previously was found to be too low for the organic soil materials, where a value of 106 predicted the experimental results more closely. The model developed also included a simple silicate weathering reaction to release base cations into the system. It is concluded that such simple laboratory simulations are useful for independent calibration of the soil chemical submodel of catchment models.  相似文献   
近30年巢湖流域土地利用变化及其驱动力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用与覆被变化(LUCC)是全球变化的重要内容和主要表现之一,LUCC研究已成为全球变化研究的前沿和热点问题。基于多时相的TM影像数据,从流域尺度研究了巢湖流域的土地利用变化,分析探讨了土地利用变化的社会经济驱动力。研究结果表明,1979~2008年间巢湖流域的土地利用发生了比较明显的变化,主要表现在耕地锐减和建设用地激增;经济发展、城镇化、工业化、人口增加是造成巢湖流域土地利用变化的主要驱动力。  相似文献   
巢湖沉水植物现状(2010年)及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
任艳芹  陈开宁 《湖泊科学》2011,23(3):409-416
在对巢湖2010年沉水植物和环境因子调查的基础上,分析了巢湖沉水植物群落特征、分布规律,应用冗余分析探讨了沉水植物与环境因子之间的关系.结果表明,现场观测到的沉水植物共计4科5属6种,全湖生物量约为8077.8t,分布面积仅占巢湖总面积的1.54%.其中马来眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus Miq.)...  相似文献   
The Tyrell catchment lies on the western margin of the Riverine Province in the south-central Murray Basin, one of Australia’s most important groundwater resources. Groundwater from the shallow, unconfined Pliocene Sands aquifer and the underlying Renmark Group aquifer is saline (total dissolved solids up to 150,000 mg/L) and is Na-Cl-Mg type. There is no systematic change in salinity along hydraulic gradients implying that the aquifers are hydraulically connected and mixing during vertical flow is important. Stable isotopes (18O+2H) and Cl/Br ratios indicate that groundwater is entirely of meteoric origin and salts in this system have largely been derived by evapotranspiration of rainfall with only minor halite dissolution, rock weathering (mainly feldspar dissolution), and ion exchange between Na and Mg on clays. Similarity in chemistry of all groundwater in the catchment implies relative consistency in processes over time, independent of any climatic variation. Groundwater in both the Pliocene Sands and Renmark Group aquifers yield ages of up to 25 ka. The Tyrrell Catchment is arid to semi-arid and has low topography. This has resulted in relatively low recharge rates and hydraulic gradients that have resulted in long groundwater residence times.  相似文献   
为探讨下扬子地区二叠系硅质岩的硅质来源和形成背景,以巢湖地区二叠纪栖霞组和孤峰组硅质岩为研究对象,收集了前人大量有关栖霞组和孤峰组的研究成果和数据,并对采自栖霞组和孤峰组硅质岩样品进行了主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素测试。栖霞组、孤峰组硅质岩样品测试结果显示,硅质岩的稀土元素经北美页岩标准化后的配分曲线近似平坦型向左倾斜,有弱Ce负异常,且HREE弱富集,反映了热水沉积硅质岩的特征。研究区硅质岩样品的Al Fe Mn三角图中,样品投点分布较广,即Al比值变化范围较大,认为是岩浆在喷发过程中受硅-铝质陆壳混染作用的结果。结合沉积环境判别指标分析认为:栖霞组硅质岩沉积时期其沉积环境主要为大陆边缘环境;孤峰组硅质岩沉积时期其沉积环境为大陆边缘-海盆过渡环境。从栖霞组到孤峰组沉积时期,海侵规模不断变大,水体变深,海盆面积扩大,研究区在不同时期沉积环境存在差异。研究区栖霞组、孤峰组硅质岩的沉积与大陆边缘裂陷活动紧密相关。  相似文献   
湖泊流域水资源承载能力动态预测与调控是维护湖泊生态安全、保障社会经济健康持续发展的重要基础和手段.本文以巢湖流域为研究对象,提出基于系统动力学的湖泊流域水资源承载力动态预测技术和试验优化调控方法.首先以县(市)为基本单元构建水资源承载力系统动力学模拟与动态预测模型;再从空间上将各县(市)耦合为流域系统整体模型,并通过敏感性分析筛选量质要素调控指标;最后采用正交试验设计确定流域水资源承载力优化调控方案.结果表明:由于流域内产业规模的扩大以及城镇化率的提升,20172050年巢湖流域水资源承载状态值整体呈恶化趋势,并于2030年以后将长期处于超载状态,通过对影响要素针对性优化调控后,20172050年流域水资源承载状态均达到临界或可载.研究表明本文提出的方法对于促进区域社会经济环境协调发展和改善流域水资源承载力具有较好的实际应用价值.  相似文献   
Soil hydrophobic effects on infiltration and catchment runoff   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After dry summers or drought, eucalypt forest soils at two sites in southeastern Australia developed hydrophobic or non-wetting surface characteristics that reduced infiltration, measured using a sprinkling infiltrometer. At one site the development of hydrophobic conditions caused the rainfall to runoff conversion efficiency of a forested catchment to increase from 5 per cent to 15 per cent. Under non-hydrophobic conditions at this site, grassland always generated more runoff than forest. However, one major rainfall-runoff was recorded at a time of highly hydrophobic forest soil conditions and this storm generated greater runoff on the forested catchment than the grassland catchment. At the second site forest soils have naturally highly conductive surface layers because of a dense network of macropores and pathways for preferential flow. Hydrophobic conditions produced by drought caused soil water movement to be confined to only a few of the larger macropores exposed to surface ponded water. Even so, infiltration rates remained relatively high so that the impacts of hydrophobic soils were not translated into increased catchment runoff as at the first site.  相似文献   
应用MODIS遥感数据监测巢湖水质   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
吴敏  王学军 《湖泊科学》2005,17(2):110-113
以巢湖为研究对象,对MODIS的各个波段辐射率与水质参数叶绿素a浓度、悬浮物浓度和透明度进行拟合,分析了MODIS各个波段辐射率的拟合在监测大型内陆湖泊水质中的可行性.结果表明:MODIS波段辐射率的组合能与巢湖水质参数进行较好的匹配,MODIS波段1—4和10—11对于监测巢湖中叶绿素a浓度、悬浮物浓度和透明度有重要意义.  相似文献   
Information on post-fire sediment and nutrient redistribution is required to underpin post-fire catchment management decisions. Fallout radionuclide budgets (210Pbxs, 137Cs and 7Be) were derived to quantify soil redistribution and sediment yield in forested terrain following a moderately severe wildfire in a small (89 ha) water supply catchment in SE Australia. Application of these techniques in burnt terrain requires careful consideration of the partitioning of radionuclides between organic and mineral soil components. Beryllium-7 and 210Pbxs were shown to be closely associated with ash, litter and soil organic matter whereas 137Cs was more closely associated with subsurface coarse mineral soil. Comparison of the three tracer budgets indicated that the dominant sediment source areas were ridgetops and steep valley sideslopes, from which burnt surface material was conveyed to the stream network via pre-existing gullies. Erosion was predominantly driven by sheetwash, enhanced by soil water repellency, and modified by bioturbation which both supplies subsurface sediment and provides sinks for erosive overland flow. Footslope and riparian zones were not important sediment source areas. The estimated event-based (wildfire and subsequent rainfall) sediment yield is 58 ± 25 t km− 2, based on fallout 7Be measurements. The upper estimate of total particulate phosphorus yield (0.70 kg ha− 1) is more than 10 times that at equivalent unburnt sites. This illustrates that, soon after fire, burnt eucalypt forest can produce nutrient loads similar to those of agricultural catchments. The tracer budgets indicate that wildfire is an important control on sediment and phosphorus inputs to the stream network over the decadal timeframe and the pulsed nature of this release is an important concern for water quality management.  相似文献   
This paper draws upon research in Victoria's Goulburn Broken Catchment exploring landholder responses to dryland salinity. It has been assumed that part of the explanation for limited adoption of recommended practices was that landholders were unaware of the extent of dryland salinity. Socio-economic data from a mail survey was combined in a Geographic Information System (GIS) with other layers, including the location of discharge sites and depth to saline ground water. Comparisons of expert maps and landholder identified salinity sites suggested that landholders in the upper catchment had excellent knowledge of the current extent of salinity on their property. At the same time, the expert maps failed to predict half of the saline-affected sites identified by landholders. It seems that the extensive community education effort undertaken in this region had been successful in raising salinity awareness. Our research also highlighted that most landholders were not concerned about the impacts of dryland salinity and appear to believe they can 'live with salt'. This is an important issue because the small, diffused amounts of salt exported from these properties in the upper catchment are/will have a substantial impact downstream. The research methodology and findings have important policy and management implications, and these are discussed.  相似文献   
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