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The purpose of this study is to develop a technique to discriminate artificial explosions from local small earthquakes ( M ≤ 4.0) in the time–frequency domain. In order to obtain spectral features of artificial explosions and earthquakes, 3-D spectrograms (frequency, time and amplitude) have been used. They represent a useful tool for studying the frequency content of entire seismic waveforms observed at local and regional distances (Kim, Simpson & Richards 1994). P and S(L g ) waves from quarry blasts show that the frequency content associated with the dominant amplitude appears above 10  Hz and Rg phases are observed at close distances. P and S(L g ) waves from the Tongosan earthquake have strong amplitudes below 10  Hz. For the Munkyong earthquake, however, a broader frequency content up to 20  Hz is found.
  For discrimination between small earthquakes and explosions, Pg/L g spectral ratios are used below 10  Hz, and through spectrogram analysis we can see different frequency contents of explosions and earthquakes. Unfortunately, because explosion data recorded at KSRS array are digitized at 20  sps, we cannot avoid analysing below 10  Hz because of the Nyquist frequency. In order to select time windows, the group velocity was computed using multiple-filter analysis (MFA), and free-surface effects have been removed from all three-component data in order to improve data quality. Using FFT, a log-average spectral amplitude is calculated over seven frequency bands: 0.5 to 3, 2 to 4, 3 to 5, 4 to 6, 5 to 7, 6 to 8 and 8 to 10  Hz. The best separation between explosions and earthquakes is observed from 6 to 8  Hz. In this frequency band we can separate explosions with log ( Pg/L g ) above −0.5, except EXP1 recorded at SIHY1-1, and earthquakes below −0.5, except the Munkyong earthquake record at station KMH.  相似文献   
Introduction Seismic monitoring is one of the most important approaches for ground-based nuclear explo-sion monitoring (CTBTO, 1998). The trend in this research field is to improve the monitoring ca-pability for low magnitude seismic events in regional scales. Seismic monitoring mainly includes detection, location, identification and characterization of seismic events. The correctness and accuracy of all of them depend on the quality of seismic re-cords and the degrees of uncertainties of ge…  相似文献   
In the monitoring of earthquakes and nuclear explosions using a sparse worldwide network of seismic stations, it is frequently necessary to make reliable location estimates using a single seismic array. It is also desirable to screen out routine industrial explosions automatically in order that analyst resources are not wasted upon detections which can, with a high level of confidence, be associated with such a source. The Kovdor mine on the Kola Peninsula of NW Russia is the site of frequent industrial blasts which are well recorded by the ARCES regional seismic array at a distance of approximately 300 km. We describe here an automatic procedure for identifying signals which are likely to result from blasts at the Kovdor mine and, wherever possible, for obtaining single array locations for such events. Carefully calibrated processing parameters were chosen using measurements from confirmed events at the mine over a one-year period for which the operators supplied Ground Truth information. Phase arrival times are estimated using an autoregressive method and slowness and azimuth are estimated using broadband f{-}k analysis in fixed frequency bands and time-windows fixed relative to the initial P-onset time. We demonstrate the improvement to slowness estimates resulting from the use of fixed frequency bands. Events can be located using a single array if, in addition to the P-phase, at least one secondary phase is found with both an acceptable slowness estimate and valid onset-time estimate. We evaluate the on-line system over a twelve month period; every event known to have occured at the mine is detected by the process and 32 out of 53 confirmed events were located automatically. The remaining events were classified as “very likely” Kovdor events and were subsequently located by an analyst. The false alarm rate is low; only 84 very likely Kovdor events were identified during the whole of 2003 and none of these were subsequently located at a large distance from the mine. The location accuracy achieved automatically by the single-array process is remarkably good, and is comparable to that obtained interactively by an experienced analyst using two-array observations. The greatest problem encountered in the single array location procedure is the difficulty in determining arrival times for secondary phases, given the weak Sn phase and the complexity of the P-coda. The method described here could be applied to a wide range of locations and sources for which the monitoring of seismic activity is desirable. The effectiveness will depend upon the distance between source and receiver, the nature of the seismic sources and the level of regional seismicity.  相似文献   
介绍了一种地震台阵慢度和方位角格点校正方法,在预定义的格点空间调整校正慢度和方位角,从而消除系统偏差,提高地震台站慢度与方位角估计的精度。利用该方法对我国核查地震台阵海拉尔和兰州方位角和慢度进行了校正,离线和在线的测试显示了台站慢度和方位角估计性能的提高。  相似文献   
台阵地震学、地震台阵与禁核试条约监测系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郝春月  郑重  牟磊育 《中国地震》2007,23(3):233-244
本文介绍了台阵地震学的发展,国内外地震台阵的建设和工作进展以及地震台阵与全面禁止核试验条约(CTBT)国际监测系统(IMS)的关系。另外比较系统地论述了台阵地震学在地震精确定位和地球内部构造反演中的应用。  相似文献   
简要介绍了荷兰皇家气象研究所(KNMI)地震部所进行的地震领域的基础和应用性研究,其中包括次声研究、诱发地震研究、采矿法以及地震部所主持的欧洲地震数据交换和协调中心的工作。  相似文献   
地震核查技术是《全面禁止核试验条约》规定的主要针对地下核爆炸监测的国际监测技术手段. 为了提高对低震级事件的检测、定位与识别能力,开发了禁核试核查地震信息系统. 该系统以ArcGIS为基础,充分发挥GIS的强大的空间数据分析、拓扑分析和数据可视化处理能力,为地震数据的分析处理建立灵活方便的图形化研究环境. 利用ArcSDE Geodatabase数据模型与大型关系数据库管理系统ORACLE相结合,并通过基于COM的ArcObjects组件开发技术扩展ORACLE的管理功能,真正实现了空间、非空间等多源数据的一体化无缝集成,并保留了ORACLE的海量数据管理、事务处理、记录锁定、并发控制、 数据仓库等功能. 本文主要论述禁核试核查地震信息系统的总体设计与相关技术.   相似文献   
地震事件的自动处理过程中会发生遗漏.台站数量越多,地震分析员在手动扫描遗漏事件时所花费的时间就越长.本文讨论了一种自动扫描漏检事件的方法,该方法利用分析员的分析经验,结合台站分布状况和地球物理学规则,重新关联那些具有很可能来自特定震源区域而未被分析员关联的信号,以形成一个待验证的事件,供分析员审定.该方法大大减少了分析员的工作量,提高了地震公报的质量.  相似文献   
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