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王文  蔡晓军  隆霄 《干旱气象》2007,25(4):5-11
利用非静力中尺度模式MM5V3的模拟资料对"99.6"梅雨锋暴雨过程进行了对流动量输送(CMT)和视热源视水汽汇分析。CMT诊断分析表明,水平动量残差在切变低涡发展的不同阶段的作用是不同的,在中尺度低涡发生初期对流层低层动量残差X主要是加速西南气流的北上;在对流层中层动量残差在槽后加速冷空气南下,在槽前加速西南暖湿气流北上,非常有利于东亚大槽的发展。在低涡切变线强烈发展时,850hPa的X方向与发生阶段相反,此时西南气流受到了强烈的减速作用,同时500hPa东亚大槽的前部和后部出现了减速气流的动量残差,槽后冷空气和槽前的暖湿气流都已经受到减速作用,此后低涡切变线逐渐衰减。低涡切变线发展到最强的阶段,强X矢量几乎总是与强烈上升运动区相对应,能量转换E的水平分布表明,大尺度系统与中尺度系统之间的能量转换非常复杂,并不是简单的能量串级过程,但能量主要是从大尺度向次网格尺度转换。200hPa动能转换E的带状分布非常清楚,E的正负大值中心分布在高空急流的2侧,表明高空急流在能量转换的过程中起到非常重要的作用。视热源和视水汽汇的诊断分析显示,强凝结潜热的释放与低涡的发展相伴随,但视热源只与β中尺度系统有明显的对应关系,视水汽汇有和视热源非常相似的分布特征。  相似文献   
The Harvard CMT catalogue contains 481 shallow earthquakes that occurred between 1 January 1977 and 30 November 2005 within a broad region defined by the geographical latitude from 3°S to 14°N and by the longitude from 91°E to 102°E. There are 230 events that occurred before the great earthquake of 26 December 2004. Their surface distribution is not uniform and the source area of the 2004 great event appears as an area of seismic quiescence with a radius of about 100 km. There are 186 events that occurred between the two great earthquakes of 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005. Practically all of them are located to the northwest from the great earthquake of 2005, that in turn was followed by 63 events, mostly located to the southeast. The cumulative seismic moment from earthquakes before the occurrence of the great event of 2004 increased rather regularly with time, with sudden increase about twenty years and two years before the occurrence of the great event. The seismic moment of earthquakes between the two great events increased rapidly during the first ten-fifteen days, then flattened out and increased slowly with time. After the great event of 2005 the seismic moment shows quiet increase during some 115 days, then sudden jump, followed by very small activity till the end of our observations. From the spatial distribution of seismic moment of earthquakes that occurred before the great event of 2004 it follows that its largest release appeared to the southeast from the great event, around the rupture area of the great earthquake of 2005. The largest release of seismic moment from earthquakes between the two great events is observed in the vicinity of the 2004 event and further up to the north. The seismic moment from earthquakes that occurred after the great event of 2005 was mostly released in its vicinity and further down to the south.  相似文献   
利用哈佛CMT目录研究全球Ⅰ级构造系统的地震活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地震是描述地壳现今构造带和应力场的最佳信息源,包含了全面而又丰富的动力学内涵。根据全球地震的分布及其运动学、动力学特征,全球最活动的构造被划分为环太平洋构造系、大洋中脊构造系和大陆构造系等 3个全球Ⅰ级构造系统。文中应用包含多种参数的哈佛CMT地震目录,研究了全球及其 3个Ⅰ级构造系统的地震震源破裂类型、地震活动特征、震源深度分布特征等,讨论了三大构造系在这些方面存在的差别,进而说明了各个构造系在构造环境和动力作用方面的差别  相似文献   
王俊国  刁桂苓 《地震学报》2005,27(2):178-183
千岛岛弧地区属于全球地震活动最为活跃的地区之一. 本文利用哈佛大学测定的千岛岛弧地区地震的矩心矩张量(CMT)解, 分析该地区震源机制的一致性特征, 提出利用震源机制和构造应力场的一致性参数a进行地震预测的思路. 研究结果表明,MWge;7.5地震之前, 都有一致性参数a降低的现象,a的低值起始的时间在发生大震之前的10多天至110多天, a的低值截止的日期距大震在30多天至2天. 相互之间虽然并不完全一致, 但是差别不大. 这种现象的稳定性, 尚需时间的检验, 但是设想在长达数百公里的地区, 连续发生MWge;5.3的地震的震源机制都与构造应力场一致, 应当不是随机的现象, 而是一种具有预测意义的现象. 当积累的震例足够多时, 则有可能确定统一的评判标准和预测准则.   相似文献   
吴忠良  黄静  周公威 《中国地震》2002,18(4):337-345
在哈佛全球CMT目录中,震源深度与矩心深度的分布呈现出明显的规律性。从统计上说,浅源地震的震源深度大于矩心深度,而中深源地震不具有这样的特征。将地震按照震源机制进行分类之后发现,上述特征主要属于逆冲型地震和正断层型地震的贡献,而走滑型地震没有这样的特征,这一分布规律或可作为地震的“化学力学”模型的一个间接的支持。  相似文献   
利用中国地震台网数字地震资料,选取国内Ms≥5.3地震波形数据,采用长周期波形拟合方法,快速计算2008年至今86个中强震的标量地震矩MO和矩震级Mw,并将Mw与GCMT的测定结果及中国地震台网中心测定的面波震级Ms进行对比.结果表明:矩震级与GCMT测定一致,与中国地震台网中心测定的面波震级关系为Mw=0.86Ms+0.63.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the impacts of convective momentum transport (CMT) on simulations of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation (TIO) in SAMIL. Two sets of experiments are performed, which give different reality of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). The Tiedtke cumulus parameterization scheme is used for all experiments. It is found that simulations of the TIO can be influenced by CMT, and the impacts on the simulated TIO depend on the model capability in simulating the MJO. CMT tends to have large influences to the model that can simulate the eastward propagation of the MJO. CMT can further influence the long-term mean of zonal wind and its vertical shear. Zonal wind suffers from easterlies biases at low level and westerlies biases at upper level when CMT is introduced. Such easterlies biases at low level reduce the reality of the simulated tropical intraseasonal oscillation. When CMT is introduced in the model, MJO signals disappear but the model’s mean state improves. Therefore, a more appropriate way is needed to introduce CMT to the model to balance the simulated mean state and TIO signals.  相似文献   
Introduction In the development of seismic science,the improvement of observational instruments is prone to produce new parameters and promote rapid growth of seismology.For example,after the global digital seismograph network is established,some studies that could not be made or easily made in the past are now being carried out successively.As a result,analytical studies based on digital data have been made one after another and digital seismology has formed.Up to now,Harvard University has …  相似文献   
Investigating the period 1983–1994 for western Greece, a possible correlation between the selectivity characteristics of the SES (seismic electric signals of the VAN method) and earthquake parameters has been reported by Uyeda et al. [Uyeda, S., Al-Damegh, K.S., Dologlou, E., Nagao, T., 1999. Some relationship between VAN seismic electric signals (SES) and earthquake parameters, Tectonophysics, 304, 41–55.]. They found that the earthquake source mechanism changed from largely strike-slip type to thrust type at the end of 1987, and this coincided with a shift in the SES sensitive site from Pirgos (PIR) to Ioannina (IOA) VAN station. Here, we report the results for the period January 1, 2002–July 25, 2004, during which the SES sensitive site of PIR became again active, after a 10-year period of “quiescence”. This activation was followed by strike slip earthquakes (on August 14, 2003 and March 17, 2004 with magnitude 6.4 and 6.5, respectively) in the Hellenic arc, which provides additional evidence on the correlation reported by Uyeda et al. The SES activities recorded at PIR have been discriminated from “artificial” noise by employing the natural time-domain analysis introduced recently.  相似文献   
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