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In Italy, the horizontal stress directions are well constrained in many regions, but the tectonic regime is not well known because the stress magnitudes are unknown. Our intention is to improve the knowledge of crustal stress in Italy, both at shallow depth and in low seismicity areas. Therefore, we inferred the tectonic regime from the comparison between the depth of breakout occurrence and the physical properties of the rocks in 20 boreholes. The critical value of the maximum horizontal stress, for which the effective tangential stress at the borehole wall overcomes the rock strength to form breakouts, could be computed from rock strength and density. Comparing the theoretical stress distributions for different tectonic regimes with the depth distribution of breakout occurrence, it is possible to infer the tectonic regime that fits best to the breakout depth distribution. We investigated boreholes up to 6 km deep located in different tectonic environments over the Italian peninsula: the Po Plain, the Apenninic chain, the Adriatic foredeep and the Tyrrhenian Quaternary volcanic region. These wells are characterised by breakout data of good quality (A, B and C, according to World Stress Map quality ranking system). The results are in general agreement with the style of faulting derived from earthquake focal mechanisms and other stress indicators. Our results show a predominance of a normal faulting (NF) regime in the inner Apennines and both normal faulting and strike–slip faulting (SS) style in the surrounding regions, possibly also associated with changes in the tectonic regime with depth.  相似文献   
We have developed an algorithm that allows crosshole georadar amplitude data contaminated with systematic errors to be tomographically inverted. The effects of the errors, which may due to variable antenna-borehole coupling, the groundwater table, and 3-D heterogeneities in the vicinity of one or more boreholes, are included in a series of transmitter and receiver amplitude-correction factors. Tests with synthetic georadar sections demonstrate that the new approach is capable of producing reliable attenuation information, even when large systematic errors are present in the amplitude data. Standard inversions of crosshole georadar data acquired within a highly complex alpine rock glacier yield distorted tomograms. In contrast the new approach results in geologically useful images.  相似文献   
Time and space variant soil properties at a liquefied site were simultaneously identified in the time domain by using borehole array strong motion records. During soil liquefaction at a site, soils usually show a wide variety of non-linear behavior along the depth as well as non-stationary behavior. Strong ground motion records were obtained at Port Island borehole array observatory, Kobe, during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake. In this study, the instrumented soil was modeled by the equivalent linear MDOF system, and an extended Kalman filter with local iteration was employed for the identification of the soils. The identification process was successfully conducted, and the stress–strain relationships of the soils at the liquefied site were obtained from different depths all at once.  相似文献   
Signatures in flowing fluid electric conductivity logs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flowing fluid electric conductivity logging provides a means to determine hydrologic properties of fractures, fracture zones, or other permeable layers intersecting a borehole in saturated rock. The method involves analyzing the time-evolution of fluid electric conductivity (FEC) logs obtained while the well is being pumped and yields information on the location, hydraulic transmissivity, and salinity of permeable layers. The original analysis method was restricted to the case in which flows from the permeable layers or fractures were directed into the borehole (inflow). Recently, the method was adapted to permit treatment of both inflow and outflow, including analysis of natural regional flow in the permeable layer. A numerical model simulates flow and transport in the wellbore during flowing FEC logging, and fracture properties are determined by optimizing the match between simulation results and observed FEC logs. This can be a laborious trial-and-error procedure, especially when both inflow and outflow points are present. Improved analyses methods are needed. One possible tactic would be to develop an automated inverse method, but this paper takes a more elementary approach and focuses on identifying the signatures that various inflow and outflow features create in flowing FEC logs. The physical insight obtained provides a basis for more efficient analysis of these logs, both for the present trial and error approach and for a potential future automated inverse approach. Inflow points produce distinctive signatures in the FEC logs themselves, enabling the determination of location, inflow rate, and ion concentration. Identifying outflow locations and flow rates typically requires a more complicated integral method, which is also presented in this paper.  相似文献   
The anomaly response characteristics of the vertical line‐source 3D borehole‐to‐surface model are simulated by an adaptive finite element method. The calculation shows that the anomaly in the radial direction is pressed and the closer to the source, the more pronounced, the anomaly is stretched in the direction perpendicular to the radius. Adding a B pole in the Y direction can offset the effect of stretching to some extent. The anomaly that is closer to the source of the profile is clearer than the anomaly that is far from the source. The research results are of great significance for guiding the practical application of the borehole‐to‐surface electrical method.  相似文献   
随着砂岩型铀矿找矿工作的进一步开展,其对以往钻孔资料集成应用的需求尤为迫切。在煤田钻孔资料“二次开发利用”和“煤铀兼探”新方法、新思路的指导下,通过采集东胜地区钻孔资料属性数据,按照统一的标准和要求,将煤田、铀矿等类型的重要钻孔资料,通过整理、扫描、数据类型转换、录入和集成,建成了东胜地区侏罗系—白垩系综合钻孔数据库,实现了对多源钻孔数据的统一管理。该数据库共包含3个Access数据库和相应的成果图件。每个Access数据库均包含钻孔基本信息表、综合柱状分层表、岩性描述分层表、地层名称及代号表、地层颜色表、测井曲线数据表、测井曲线配置表和钻孔弯曲度测量数据表等8张数据表,分别详细记录了地质编录岩性信息、地层分层信息、岩石颜色信息、测井曲线信息、水文分层信息、钻孔样品采样信息、弯曲度测量信息等。通过应用实践,该钻孔数据库成果可实现连井剖面、含煤含铀目的层的顶底板标高、地层等厚图、砂体等厚图及含砂率图等重要基础地质图件的快速生成,从而提高数据的使用效率并为铀矿勘查及研究工作提供重要数据基础。  相似文献   

噪声谱比法(horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio, HVSR)通常用于确定沉积层的厚度, 而应用于海底地震仪(OBS)以获取海底沉积厚度的研究较少.本文将HVSR法应用于珠江口外海域OBS台阵中, 验证了该方法用于OBS探测中的可靠性.通过对珠江口外海27台OBS收集的三分量地震噪声记录进行处理, 得到了所有台站的HVSR曲线.有23台OBS的HVSR曲线可获取与沉积层厚度相关的峰值频率, 通过经验公式可以计算得到沉积层厚度.结果显示, 珠江口外海域沉积层(新生代地层)厚度范围为100~3500 m, 研究区东南部沉积层远厚于西北部, 且沉积厚度受到NEE向滨海断裂带控制.本文获得的结果与以往依靠反射地震剖面和钻井等获得的沉积层厚度结果基本一致.进一步分析发现研究区新生代地层具有多层结构, 大部分HVSR曲线在5~12 Hz存在振幅最大的波峰, 认为是与第四系厚度相关的峰值频率, 继而确定第四系厚度为20~50 m.本研究拓展了HVSR法的应用领域, 为获取海底沉积层厚度提供了一种新的可靠方法.


井下地震计波形记录的P波垂向分量存在频谱极小(spectrum null)现象,导致接收函数的结果不稳定.本文以首都圈地区为例,基于平面波入射的传播矩阵理论,发展了用于计算井下地震计的接收函数正演方法.在此基础上,分析了井下地震计波形垂向分量频谱极小现象,研究其对接收函数稳定性的影响.结果表明,井下地震计波形记录垂向分量的频谱极小开始出现的频率和地震计的埋深相关.该现象可造成反卷积提取的接收函数不稳定,且不稳定情况出现在频谱极小附近的频段,可通过选择合适的高斯因子压制其对接收函数的影响.

国产海底地震仪的时间记录与原始数据精细校正   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海底地震仪(OBS)的时间记录对数据处理是至关重要的.实践发现,部分国产便携式OBS的数据记录存在较大的内部时间误差,并且实测地震剖面异常的同相轴"断阶"、"倾斜"现象时有发生.我们通过自激自收试验,对这些异常现象进行了验证,确认其来源于OBS数据文件内部时间漂移,以及数据处理程序存在的缺陷.统计表明,A、B型OBS内部时间漂移量在250 Hz的预设采样率下为0~40 ms,L、S型OBS在100 Hz下为0~90 ms.这个量级的时间漂移,会对OBS数据处理、计算模拟产生影响.进一步,我们采用计算实际采样间隔、调整采样间隔、数据重采样的方法,对这种误差进行校正,并且改进了相关的OBS数据处理程序.本文的研究加深了对OBS数据时间记录误差的认识,得到了OBS数据文件内部时间漂移的分布规律,使得中等及较大程度的内部时间漂移的精细校正得到重视,进而完善了OBS数据处理步骤和流程,对OBS数据的有效利用进行了重要补充,为国产OBS的广泛使用、仪器研发提供了重要参考.  相似文献   
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