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High-frequency (≥2 Hz) Rayleigh wave phase velocities can be inverted to shear (S)-wave velocities for a layered earth model up to 30 m below the ground surface in many settings. Given S-wave velocity (VS), compressional (P)-wave velocity (VP), and Rayleigh wave phase velocities, it is feasible to solve for P-wave quality factor QP and S-wave quality factor QS in a layered earth model by inverting Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients. Model results demonstrate the plausibility of inverting QS from Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients. Contributions to the Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients from QP cannot be ignored when Vs/VP reaches 0.45, which is not uncommon in near-surface settings. It is possible to invert QP from Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients in some geological setting, a concept that differs from the common perception that Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients are always far less sensitive to QP than to QS. Sixty-channel surface wave data were acquired in an Arizona desert. For a 10-layer model with a thickness of over 20 m, the data were first inverted to obtain S-wave velocities by the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method and then quality factors were determined by inverting attenuation coefficients.  相似文献   
The attenuation of P- and S-waves in Southeastern Sicily was estimated by applying two different methods in time and frequency domains. We analyzed waveforms from about 290 local events (0.6≤ML≤4.6) recorded at a three-component digital network.By applying the pulse broadening method to the first P-wave pulse, we found an average Qp value of ca. 140. The application of the frequency decay method provided a Qp value of ca. 120, in the low-frequency band (3-9 Hz). Conversely, in the high frequency range (16-27 Hz) the average Qp is significantly larger (ca. 640). The frequency decay method was also applied to S-waves spectra. In the low frequency range (2-5 Hz) the estimated average Qs is ca. 190. As for Qp, also Qs, in the high frequency range (16-27 Hz), is larger (ca. 700). These results evidenced a frequency dependence of both the quality factors Qp and Qs, as commonly observed in tectonically active zones characterized by high degree of heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Qβ for shear-waves is determined for the inner part of the Hellenic arc, the back-arc area, as a function of frequency in the range 0.6–16 Hz. We used 314 digital records from 32 earthquakes with magnitudes (Mw) ranging from 3.9 to 5.1. Epicentral distances ranged from 65 to 515 km. The data were obtained in 1997 during a 6-month operation of a digital portable network in Greece. The Qβ estimates were made for five frequency bands centred at 0.8, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 12.0 Hz and the Qβ values obtained were 47, 79, 143, 271 and 553, respectively. The results show that Qβ for S-waves increases with frequency taking the form Qβ=55f 0.91 (or Qβ−10.018f−0.91). The high attenuation and the strong frequency dependence found, which is close to the frequency dependence of coda Q for Greece, are characteristic of an area with high seismicity, rapid extension, and in agreement with other similar studies in Greece.  相似文献   
This paper presents an attenuation relationship of peak ground acceleration (PGA) derived from Turkish strong motion data for rock, soil and soft soil sites and an iso-acceleration map of Turkey based on this relationship. For the purpose, among all the three-component accessible records, 221 records from 122 earthquakes that occurred in Turkey between 1976 and November 2003 were selected. The database was compiled for earthquakes with moment magnitudes (Mw) and PGA values ranging between 4.1 and 7.5, and 20 and 806 gal, and distances to epicenter considered in the database were between 5 and 100 km. From the regression analysis of the data, an attenuation equation of PGA considering rock, soil and soft soil conditions was developed. The PGA values predicted from the equation suggested in this study and those both from a few domestic equations and some imported equations were compared. In addition, an iso-acceleration map of Turkey was constructed using the suggested attenuation equation and considering both known active faults and epicenter locations of the earthquakes that have occurred in Turkey.  相似文献   
针对2008年1月至2011年12月发生在新疆北天山西段的地震事件,分析新源、温泉和巴仑台3个台站记录到的波形资料,采取尾波归一化方法,计算出P、S波在多个频率点f的衰减系数Q-1P、Q-1S,利用最小二乘法拟合得到Q-1=Q0fη,得到该区域P波衰减系数和S波衰减系数。结果表明,新源研究区关于P波、S波的衰减指数为-0.982 1、-0.978 1;温泉研究区关于P波、S波的衰减指数为-1.049 7、-0.773 8;巴仑台研究区关于P波、S波的衰减指数为-0.870 0、-0.956 8。与中国云南地区关于P波、S波衰减结果相比,新源研究区域与云南的禄劝研究区地下介质衰减特性比较一致。  相似文献   
青藏高原东边缘山区极值风速推算方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1971—2001年青藏高原东边缘地区12个气象台站风资料,分析了影响极值风速的主要因子,通过对地形的参数化处理,建立了极值风速随海拔高度和地形参数变化的拟合模型,可推算该地山区的极值风速,并利用山区临时观测资料对拟合模型进行了检验。结果表明,利用引入地形参数所建立的极值风速拟合模型来推算山区极值风速具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   
钱晓东  秦嘉政 《地震》2006,26(2):113-121
利川判断地震序列能蕈释放衰减是否异常的Ec—k量板,汁算了云南及附近地区39次巾强地震序列的能量衰减系数k值。结果显示:①当判别指标k〉1时,地震序列能量衰减处于正常状态;当k≤1时,判断地震序列能量衰减出现异常,其后发生更大地震或强余震的町能什较大。②对云南地区中强地震序列的榆验表明,有74%的地震序列符合上述判别指标。③用相同的地震进行了地震序列频度衰减系数^值的计算,发现符合h值判别指标的地震序列占统计际本的锄%。④对日常地震跟踪临视中遇到的二次典型地震序列详细分析,发现用k值力。法无论对中小地震序列还是巨震序列,预测效果均较好。  相似文献   
吴海威 《地质科学》2018,(2):774-780
天长(一天时长)是地球自转速度的直接反映。古生代-中生代化石记录的天长数据表明,古生代-中生代期间的天长随时间呈线性增加。根据角动量守恒定律,这意味着同时段地球自转速度呈线性衰减。如果把这个趋势应用于地球历史的全过程,计算结果为4.519~4.495 Ga,与目前公认的地球绝对年龄4.54 Ga一致。这意味着,从这个时间点起,地球有一种自转速度衰减的总趋势。地球自转速度衰减年龄等值于地球年龄说明:1)所测量的陨石样本生成的时间(表征地球年龄)与地球受月球吸引形成自转减速的时间几乎相同。这意味着地-月体系形成之前的地球比该陨石表征的地球年龄更为古老。2)地球、月球、自转速度衰减时长,三者的年龄呈现等值状态,因而此结果与月球起源于大碰撞的假说可以匹配。  相似文献   
洪山泉流量动态系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为查明洪山泉域的开采程度,在前人研究基础上,建立了现阶段泉流量-降雨量的线性模拟模型.通过对模型的系统辨识,对系统的"慢时变"现象作出了合理解释,并发现系统在1994年以后发生了"快时变",说明开采量从1995年开始迅猛增加.同时,由多年来泉流量序列的自相关分析,发现其宏观周期到2000年基本保持不变,说明虽然第二输入(即人为开采量)对该系统的作用已不可忽略,但尚未达到足以改变其宏观频率的程度.  相似文献   
The acoustic properties of seafloor sediments are of great importance in geoacoustic modeling, detecting, and oceanic engineering. The methods based on the first arrival cycle are investigated to calculate sound speed and attenuation of sediment more precisely in in situ measurements. The comparison of different data analysis methods based on the first arrival cycle approach for in situ measurement results in the following conclusions: (1) the calculated methods can help find the effective cycles and reduce the errors in calculating sound speed and attenuation; (2) using this approach, the point judgment method-based data analysis has the same effectiveness as the cross-correlation method-based data analysis in calculating group sound speed and has the same effectiveness in calculating attenuation in the time domain as the spectrum analysis method-based data analysis has in calculating attenuation in frequency domain; and (3) measurement in water can help not only calibrate the transmitting distance but also can calculate the time delay for the sound speed and the attenuation loss in the transmitting process. Finally, theoretical calculation was used to calculate the measured results, indicating a good agreement, which supports that first arrival cycle-based calculated methods can be used to analyze the measured data and the effective density fluid model can be used to analyze more acoustic properties and invert several physical properties in this experiment.  相似文献   
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