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2008年10月6日西藏当雄发生MW6.3地震.本文利用震后2008年10月26日至2010年8月22日的16期ENVISAT ASAR数据,通过小基线集干涉测量、误差校正与MInTS(Multiscale InSAR Time Series)技术提取高精度的震后形变场,利用SDM(Steepest Descent Method)方法反演断层震后余滑演化过程,并分析震后余滑与同震滑动的关系.结果表明:当雄MW6.3地震的近场震后形变场主要位于断层西侧,在时间演化上具有明显的对数函数衰减规律;震后余滑主要集中于断层中南段深0~15 km区间,最大的余滑量约0.07 m,位于断层深约9.28 km处,滑动角约-103°;震后余滑引起的地震矩能量M0与矩震级MW在时间演化上具有指数函数递增规律;当剪切模量μ=32 GPa,震后665天余滑释放的地震矩能量约为1.92×1017N·m,约占同震滑动释放地震矩的4.8%,相当于矩震级MW5.46;虽然震后余滑已经延伸到断层浅部0~5 km区间,但由于余滑量相对较小,没有改变同震滑动在断层浅部区域的滑动亏损现象,这可能是2010年11月30日该区域又发生MW5.3级余震的主要原因之一.

梁明  王武星  张晶 《地球物理学报》2018,61(7):2691-2704

利用GPS和GRACE观测数据研究了日本MW9.0地震的震后变形特征.GPS观测显示,区域震后位移呈现随指数函数变化特征,变化速率符合大森公式的衰减特性;近五年的震后水平位移累积已达到东向60~165 cm,南向20~65 cm的量值,距震中较远站点已超过同震变化量,且震后变形仍然持续.GRACE观测到显著的震后重力变化,地震破裂两侧的重力变化总体均呈上升趋势,但海洋侧的变化速率较快.联合震后余滑和黏弹性位错理论对震后变形进行了模拟,探索了GPS和GRACE观测的综合应用方法.研究发现,综合考虑震后余滑和黏滞性松弛效应可以对日本地震的震后变形做出较合理的解释,震后初期余滑起主要作用,1至2年以后逐渐减弱,黏滞性松弛作用逐渐增强.在震后变形模拟和区域黏滞性结构反演中形成GPS和GRACE观测结合应用的方法,先基于震后GPS形变估算区域黏滞性结构,而后利用GRACE观测修正深部的黏滞系数,并综合利用这两种观测微调浅层黏滞系数,最终确定区域黏滞性结构.基于该方法反演了日本震源区的地幔黏滞性结构,地震断层破裂两侧的流变参数存在差异,大陆侧的地幔顶层黏滞系数在1.0×1019 Pa·s量级,而海洋侧的则略小于大陆的,在6.0×1018 Pa·s量级.

An improved understanding of postseismic crustal deformation following large subduction earthquakes may help to better understand the rheological properties of upper mantle and the slip behavior of subduction interface. Here we construct a three-dimensional viscoelastic finite element model to study the postseismic deformation of the 2014 MW8.1 Iquique, Chile earthquake. Elastic units in the model include the subducting slab, continental and oceanic lithospheres. Rheological units include the mantle wedge, the oceanic asthenosphere and upper mantle. We use a 2 ​km thick weak shear zone attached to the subduction fault to simulate the time-dependent stress-driven afterslip. The viscoelastic relaxation in the rheological units is represented by the Burgers rheology. We carry out grid-searches on the shear zone viscosity, thickness and viscosity of the asthenosphere, and they are determined to be 1017 ​Pa ​s, 110 ​km and 2 ​× ​1018 ​Pa ​s, respectively. The stress-driven afterlsip within the first two years is up to ~47 ​cm and becomes negligible after two years (no more than 5 ​cm/yr). Our results suggest that a thin, low-viscosity oceanic asthenosphere together with a weak shear zone attached to the fault are required to better reproduce the observed postseismic deformation.  相似文献   
We analyzed small repeating earthquakes recorded over a 13-year period and GPS data recorded over an 8-month period to estimate interplate quasi-static slip associated with the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M8.0) and the 2004 off-Kushiro earthquake (M7.1). The repeating-earthquake analysis revealed that the slip rate near the source region of the Tokachi-oki earthquake was relatively low (< 5 cm/year) prior to the earthquake; however, in the last 3 years leading up to the event, a minor acceleration in slip occurred upon the deeper extension of the coseismic slip area of the earthquake. Repeating-earthquake and GPS data indicate that large amounts of afterslip occurred around the rupture area following the earthquake; the afterslip mainly propagated to the east of the coseismic slip area. We also infer that the occurrence of the 2004 off-Kushiro earthquake, located about 100 km northeast of the epicenter of the Tokachi-oki earthquake, was advanced by the afterslip associated with the Tokachi-oki earthquake.  相似文献   
Relaxation of the coseismic stresses following an earthquake causes postseismic crustal deformation, which can last for days to years. Continuous monitoring of postseismic deformation facilitates the understanding of the mechanism of deformation and postseismic relaxation and viscous rheology. After the October 8, 2005 Kashmir earthquake, global positioning system data for 8 months, starting from October, 2005 have been analyzed from three continuous sites located at Gulmarg, Amritsar, and Jaipur. The average velocity during the observation period at Gulmarg (8.6 cm/year) is significantly higher than the Indian plate velocity exhibiting postseismic crustal deformation. The velocity at Amritsar (5.9 cm/year) and Jaipur (5.1 cm/year) is comparable to the Indian plate velocity. At Gulmarg, the logarithmic function fits well to the north–south component of postseismic transients (~in the coseismic slip direction). The nature of decay in these transients suggests that the deformation is mainly due to an afterslip, and the second possible contribution may be from the viscous relaxation process. This paper presents the characteristics of postseismic transients and possible contributions from various postseismic mechanisms subsequent to the Kashmir earthquake.  相似文献   
Following the 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake, a large amount of seismicity occurred in the Nantou region of central Taiwan. Among the seismic activities, eight Mw  5.8 earthquakes took place following the Chi-Chi earthquake, whereas only four earthquakes with comparable magnitudes took place from 1900 to 1998. Since the seismicity rate during the Chi-Chi postseismic period has never returned to the background level, such seismicity activation cannot simply be attributed to modified Omori’s Law decay. In this work, we attempted to associate seismic activities with stress evolution. Based on our work, it appears that the spatial distribution of the consequent seismicity can be associated with increasing coseismic stress. On the contrary, the stress changes imparted by the afterslip; lower crust–upper mantle viscoelastic relaxation; and sequent events resulted in a stress drop in most of the study region. Understanding seismogenic mechanisms in terms of stress evolution would be beneficial to seismic hazard mitigation.  相似文献   
基于中国地震台网中心2013 MS7.0芦山地震余震数据我们首先确定了余震空间分布范围并根据G-R关系计算了主震后半小时内的完备震级Mc=3.5,并且得到了ML≥3.5和ML≥3.0的地震在2001年至芦山地震前的背景场地震发生率.通过Omori-Ustu经验定律和两种Dieterich模型对芦山地震余震发生率的拟合,我们发现阶梯型Dieterich模型只能模拟p=1的情况,从而造成了模拟曲线与观测数据的差别;前人研究表明震后滑移同样是产生余震的原因,如果假设余震序列由主震静态剪应力Δτ和震后滑移共同作用所产生,我们数值模拟得到的对数型Dieterich模型能够较好地推断余震发生率R随时间t增加而衰减的趋势,能够从物理机制上解释MS7.0芦山地震余震序列衰减指数大于1这一现象.通过对数型Dieterich模型的拟合并结合Andrews的方法,我们还得到MS7.0芦山地震Aσ约为0.155 MPa,ta约为8.4年,这一值与前人研究结果十分接近.  相似文献   
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