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据湖北省神农架永兴洞一支石笋的8个230Th年龄、648个δ18O数据,建立了晚全新世4.40~ 1.75ka B.P.时段平均分辨率为4a的东亚夏季风演化序列,其中在2.92~ 2.74ka B.P.期间,δ18O发生显著正偏,幅度达2.5‰,指示一个显著的弱季风事件(这里称之“2.8ka”事件).该事件以夏季风缓慢减弱开始,迅速增强结束,事件内部有两个次一级的振荡旋回(两峰三谷结构),在内部细节与转型特征上类似湖北和尚洞石笋δ18O记录的“8.2ka”事件,暗示发生在全新世这两个冷事件的驱动机制基本一致.这两个弱季风事件都发生在太阳活动明显减弱时期,并分别与北大西洋Bond 2和Bond 5冰漂碎屑事件同步,表明百年尺度的东亚季风环流的演化由太阳活动和北高纬气候共同驱动.  相似文献   
Based on a multi-proxy investigation into the deep core of the Cuoe Lake in the middle of Tibetan Plateau, a 2.8 Ma paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental evolution is reconstructed. The result of magnetic stratum indicates that the lake basin was formed at about 2.8 MaBP, while the multi-proxy analyses of lithology, grain size, magnetic susceptibility and geochemical elements reveal that there have been three major environmental evolution stages and at least two intensive uplifts of the Tibetan Plateau in the lake basin area, i.e. during 2.8-2.5 MaBP, the lake basin came into being as a result of the disaggregation of the planation surface and rapid rising of the Tibetan Plateau. During 2.5-0.8 MaBP, with gradual uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, the environment of this area was more effectively controlled by the climatic cycle of the alternative glacial-interglacial stages. After 0.8 MaBP, the middle part of the Plateau accelerated its uplift and entered cryoshere.  相似文献   
介绍了侧视仿真地图的发展及应用现状,通过对多视角轴测投影的体系研究,提出了一种建立多视角侧视仿真地图的方法,并以移动电子沙盘的案例,阐述了多视角侧视仿真地图的应用模式和前景。研究表明,多视角侧视仿真地图不仅可以大大增加信息承载量,而且响应效率高,具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   
The uplift of the Tibetan Plateau is the most im-portant event in the Cenozoic Era. It has been provedthat the rising Plateau is of great significance to globalatmospheric circulation and climate change. It has alsoinfluenced the transmission and balance of the globalmatter and energy[1—3]. The uplift of the Plateau is un-doubtedly true, but there have long been argumentsabout the process and mode of the Plateau uplift. Didthe Plateau rise as a whole or partly? Did it rise oncefor all or …  相似文献   
本研究利用辽宁本溪庙洞石笋MD12,通过230Th定年和高分辨率氧同位素分析,并集成庙洞另一支石笋MD11序列,重建了3.04~2.60 ka B.P.时期辽东地区夏季风(降水)变化历史。该石笋氧同位素序列记录了2.8 ka事件的详细过程,事件的核心阶段起止时间约为2.76~2.66 ka B.P.,中心点位于2.68 ka B.P.,稍微晚于西南石笋氧同位素记录(约2.71 ka B.P.),但是在事件的开始时间上,庙洞石笋氧同位素记录比西南石笋氧同位素记录晚了约100年。因此,庙洞石笋氧同位素记录与西南石笋氧同位素记录中显示的缓慢减弱-快速增强模式不同,2.8 ka事件在辽东石笋氧同位素记录中表现为快速减弱-突然增强的变化模式,与太阳活动代用指标一致变化,支持太阳活动是2.8 ka弱季风事件驱动因子的观点。庙洞石笋氧同位素快速响应太阳活动的变化特征,说明其动力学机制可能是太阳活动减弱导致北半球高纬度地区温度降低,然后通过大气"遥相关"作用影响东亚夏季风。  相似文献   
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