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王琳 《国外铀金地质》2001,18(3):185-185
日本NKK公司准备开展土壤改善业务。该公司已签订了有关使用美国BioGenesis Enterprises公司开发的工艺技术的协议。据NKK报道,该工艺使用高压水粉碎土壤,并应用生物降解表面活性化学试剂,来消除土壤中的有害物质。对基本生产流程的部分设备重新配置,该系统就能重新组合用于去除重金属、挥发性有机化合物、多氯联苯、石油污染物和Dioxins。该车载装置能去除小于70μm的土壤污染物,日均清除190m^3土壤。据BioGenesis报道,这项技术能去除85%-99%的土壤污染物,且剩余部分可采用生物降解作用再净化,去污成本从每吨40美元到每吨200美元。一旦净化作业完毕,就可将处理后的土壤送回其原处。  相似文献   
原子吸收光谱法和等离子光谱法分别研究了潮滩盐沼植物翅碱蓬(Suaedaheterop-tera)根际与非根际(根上部和根下部)沉积物中Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd的总量和化学形态。结果表明,从总量来看,不同潮滩沉积物中4种重金属次序均为Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd,但同一元素随潮滩位置变化明显,尤以中潮滩差异最显著,重金属总量明显大于其他两个潮滩(低潮滩和高潮滩),特别是根际沉积物中的重金属总量远高于非根际沉积物总量,其比值分别为Cu3·4—4·2倍,Zn2·2—2·7倍,Pb3·2—3·3倍。同一潮滩均表现为根际沉积物>根上部>根下部。Cd含量相对较低,其变化不明显。从化学形态看,沉积物重金属表现为环境直接影响态(交换态和有机结合态)、环境间接影响态(碳酸盐态和铁锰氧化物态)和稳定态(残渣态)。与非根际沉积物相比,根际沉积物中重金属的化学形态发生了显著的变化,Cu和Pb以稳定态为主,其次为环境间接影响态,环境直接影响态最低;Zn与上述2种金属不同,以环境直接影响态含量最高(可交换态是有机结合态的7倍),其次分别为环境间接影响态(主要是碳酸盐结合态)和稳定态。实验结果表明,由于特异根圈效应,一方面该植物使可迁移形态的Cu和Pb在根际逐步得到矿化,使其生物可利用性降低;另一方面使Zn的生物可利用性提高,促进了植物对Zn的吸收利用。  相似文献   
鲍根德 《海洋与湖沼》1990,21(4):364-373
通过对太平洋北部26个站位结核中重金属元素的分析结果与相对应的上覆水、间隙水、沉积物及生物资料的对比研究表明:结核中重金属元素的分布可明显的分为三组:Cu, Zn, Ni为Mn组(第一组),Pb, Co为Fe组(第二组),Cr为第三组;不同组元素的来源明显的不同,但随着结核所处的沉积环境以及生物作用的强度不同,同组元素的来源又有差异,这可能导致形成的结核类型不同。从而本文提出,太平洋结核的形成,并不是单一的沉积机制或生物机制,而是包括上述机制在内的生物地球化学机制。  相似文献   
1、少买不必要的衣服服装在生产、加工和运输过程中,要消耗大量的能源,同时产生废气、废水等污染物。每人每年少买一件不必要的衣服可节能约2.5千克标准煤,相  相似文献   
The Taojiang Mn ore deposit was exploited in the early 1960s, and waste rocks were developed since then. Because the Mn ores were hosted within the metal-enriched black shales (Peng et al., 2004), the continuous mining has led to the exposure of an immense quality of black shales, which might cause serious impacts on environments. The present study deals with this environmental issue with samples from the waste rocks, and from the surrounding soils and surface water. The mineralogy of the waste rock was studied using EMPA, then a large number of elements in all waste rock, soil, and water samples were analyzed at a wide range of concentrations with high accuracy using an Elan6000 ICP-MS machine at Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The waste rock is composed mostly of black shales, with minor Mn carbonates. Both black shales and Mn carbonates of the waste rock contain many sulfide minerals, mainly pyrite, with minor galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and others. The waste rocks are enriched in many metals including Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Th, U, Mo, Sb, Sn, Tl, and others, and the metals are mostly hosted within the sulfides. Weathering of waste rocks might cause emission of the following metals: V, Cd, Ni, Th, U, Mo, Sb, Tl, Sc, Cr, Cu, Zn, Sn, and minor Co, and Pb. The surrounding soils are highly enriched in Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mo, Cd, Tl, and Pb, with the enrichment factors of, 7.26, 7.27, 8.2, 5.7, 13, and 5.4, respectively. The element ratios (Rb/Cs, Fe/Mn, Nb/Zr, Hf/Zr, and Ba/Sr) and REE distribution patterns of the soils are similar to those of the waste rocks and bedrocks.  相似文献   
The black shale formed under anoxic conditions usually contains high concentrations of many metals. Weathering of such black shale might cause the emission of many metals. Moreover, soils derived from black shale (SBS) are believed to be affected by black shale weathering. In recent years, many studies such as Lee et al. (2002), Woo et al. (2002), Fang et al. (2002), Pasava et al. (2003), and Peng et al. (2004) have approached the heavy metal contaminations of SBS, but systematical geochemical study is rare. Presently, the SBS and its corresponding black shales (CBS) were both sampled from central Hunan (China), and analyzed for a large number of elements, using an Elan6000 ICP-MS/AES machine at Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, CAS. In this paper, some preliminary results are reported. The analytical results show that the SBS in central Hunan contains very high concentrations of heavy metals such as Co, Cu, Hg, Mo, Pb, Zn, U, Th, Sb, T1, Cd, Cr, Sc, V, Sn, As, Se, and Ni.  相似文献   
Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) is an emplacement of inert material (s) in the subsurface, designed to intercept a contaminated plume, provides a preferential flow path through the reactive media, and transforms the contaminant into environmentally acceptable forms to attain concentration remediation goals at the discharge of the barrier. The phenomena, which help in remediation within PRB, are adsorption/sorption, precipitation, oxidation/reduction and biodegradation. Various materials like zero-valent iron, zero-valent bi-metals, natural zeolites, organic carbon, fly ash, zeolites, limestone, activated alumina, apatites, etc. have been tried by many researchers to remove organic and inorganic contaminants. In USA, Canada, and many European countries commercial full-scale and pilot scale PRBs are successfully working. The design and installation of full scale PRBs needs laboratory treatability and dynamic flow column experiments? The concept of PRB is being applied to treat contaminated surface water in the Katedan industrial area, Hyderabad, India. National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad, India, conducted systematic studies in collaboration with Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Norway, to develop PRB technique to decontaminate the surface water pollution due to industrial effluent. A site assessment study in the Katedan Industrial Area, were carried out and water, soil and sediment from the lakes of the area were found to be polluted with high concentrations of heavy metals like As, Pb, Cr, Cd, Ni, etc. Adsorption studies at NGRI with synthetic samples and in-situ industrial effluent using different reactive media for removing contaminants like arsenic, chromium, cadmium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc have been carried out and yielded satisfactory results. The performance of zero-valent iron and limestone is encouraging in removing As,  相似文献   
Heavy metal contamination in the sediment of the Second Songhua River   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Second Songhua River was subjected to a large amount of untreated effluent from petrochemical industries in Jilin City in the 1960s to the 1970s. The objectives of this study were to investigate the mercury and other heavy metal contamination in the sediment of the river. The river bottom sediment was sampled from the river segment between Jilin City to Haerbin City in 2005. Total concentrations of Hg, Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb, Zn, Ni, As, Sc, and major cations (A1, Fe, Mg, Ca, K, Na) in the sediment were measured by atomic fluorescence spectrometer, ICP-MS, and ICP-OES, respectively, following digestion with various acids. We found the concentrations of most elements in the uncontaminated sediment were significantly correlated to those of Sc.  相似文献   
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