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简述了循环水槽的结构和技术指标,论述了循环水槽的技术指标能满足检定RCM4安德第流计流速传感器的技术要求。检定资料的采集和检定数据的处理方法,最后对使用中的RCM4海流计流速传感器检定和循环水槽的性能改造提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
Under artificial LD cycles(6,12,18 L),the elvers of Japanese eel,Anguilla japonica,showed a 24 h cycle of locomotor activity rhythm being most active at light transitions:the eels' activity rose to a primary peak after lights-off,followed by a quiescent period during which they buried into the shelters or lying motionlessly on sand for most of the time,and then reached a secondary peak before lights-on.Elvers could resynchronize their activity rhythm with a new photo cycle within 4 d.Moreover,their activity level at dark phase significantly increased as the light period was prolonged:higher activity levels during shorter dark period.However,the elvers did not display clearly the existence of a circadian rhythm under constant light or dark conditions.The timing of daily activity rhythm evidenced in the Japanese eels may occur through the action of the LD cycles with a weak participation of an endogenous circadian system.In all the LD cycles,over 99% of the activity occurred in the dark phase,indicating that the eels were always nocturnally active no matter what time of day it might be.Under 12 L conditions,the eels' activity level and the time outside sand were significantly elevated both at light and dark phases as temperature increased from 10~15 to 20~25 ℃.The activity rhythm pattern(i.e.,two peaks occurring around light transitions) did not apparently change among temperatures.However,in contrast with the primary activity peaks immediately after lights-off at 20 and 25 ℃,the timing of the primary peaks at 10 and 15 ℃ showed a latency of a few hours following lights-off,indicating the inhibiting effect of low temperature on the eels' activity.  相似文献   
研究表明 :腐屑食性鱼类——梭鱼对环境中有机氮的摄入能力随体重的增加而增加 ,随温度的升高 ,体重系数显著减少。摄入氮 (CN,mg/ d)与体重 (W,g)和温度 (T,℃ )的数值关系可用如下模型表示 :CN=0 .6 370 W1 .0 642 ln(3.70 0 8T)。体重为 1 0 0 g的梭鱼每日可消耗环境中 332 mg氮有机质。梭鱼氮的吸收效率主要受温度的影响 ,而氮的转化效率与体重呈显著的正相关关系。随体重的增加 ,排泄氮所占比例降低  相似文献   
四参数速度分析方法在新场转换波处理中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
转换波时距方程的选择直接影响转换波速度分析和动校的准确度,这里比较了Thoms-en方程、双平方根方程和LXY方程的动校精度.根据新场气田转换波资料的特点,采用四参数(V,c2>、γ,0、γ,eff和X,eff)各向异性速度分析方法来估计叠加速度场.在速度分析过程中,不依赖于纵波速度,直接进行三参数估计.在转换波动校时,不同参数控制不同偏移距范围的同相轴,使转换波近、中和远偏移距同相轴完全拉平.通过对实际测线的单参数、三参数和四参数动校叠加剖面的比较,结果表明四参数动校叠加的效果最好.  相似文献   
7月18日,国土资源部副部长汪民率领国务院九部委整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序检查验收组,深入灵宝市检查验收整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序工作。检查验收组一行首先深入灵宝市金源矿业有限责任公司第二分公司,实地查看整顿规范矿业秩序及企业生产情况。在查看整顿规范工作档案资料,听取灵宝市整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序工作汇报,并与有关乡镇、矿业企业负责人和矿区群众代表进行座谈后,检查验收组一行对灵宝市整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序工作取得的成效给予了充分肯定。  相似文献   
在前人研究的基础上.以宝鸡市千阳县城关镇塌山黄土滑坡为例.运用有限元法探索黄土滑坡的三维稳定性评价分析方法。针对黄土滑坡体结构构造的复杂性和滑体、滑带、滑床的显著差异性.运用有限元三维稳定性分析方法分别计算了滑体与滑带不同部位的安全系数。计算结果表明:塌山黄土滑坡现今处于基本稳定状态,滑体不同部位的稳定性系数与野外调查滑体现今的变形迹象基本一致.表明该评价分析方法具有一定的可行性.基本适用于黄土地区滑坡的三维稳定性分析。  相似文献   
新地球观   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
One of the most important achivements on science in 20th century is the new recognition on the Earth:the Earth,out of the other planets, exhibits very peculiar features because it has an extremely complex and active periphery part (surfacial layers). This periphery part is an open system sustained by inputting solar energe , which is captured , transfered and stored by life. Through the system , cyclings of matters and energe flow are driven and regulated by life activities. This system is self-equilibrated,self-controlled and far away from astrophysical and thermodynamic equilibria mainly because of life and life activities.
Development of human calture influences increasingly on流Earth's periphery system , at last , the natural biosphere that has existed for 3 billion years on the Earth's surface will inavoidably be replaced by so called "noosphere",which is man一reconstructed,man-controlled and unstable system. Thus the fate of the Earth,to a great extent,will be determined by the direction of human calture evolution.
西藏地区旱涝等级划分及时空分布特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
利用西藏22个站点1969-1998年逐日降水资料,采用d指数旱涝等级方法。按夏季(5-9月),初夏(5-6月),盛夏(7-8月)时段进行了旱涝等级划分。采用EOF分析方法对全区22个站点旱涝等级展开分解,得出西藏地区的旱涝时空分布特征,主要类型和周期,而且对西藏地区夏季(5-9月)的旱涝做了预测。  相似文献   
以广西88站稳定通过10℃起止日积温为例,采用回归分析方法,建立地理因素影响气候要素的气候方程,并结合Gr-ADS提供的数据处理及图形绘制功能,对余差项进行格点插值,最终求得小网络分析气候资料,并绘制气候分布图。  相似文献   
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