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对六层组合墙砌体、底层框剪、底两层框剪和底三层框剪组合墙砌体四种房屋,从加速度、位移和最大基底剪力等方面进行分析比较,结论是在给定刚度比的情况下,组合墙砌体永恒的抗震性能略优于底部框剪组合墙房屋。底部多层框剪组合墙房屋的抗震性能优于底层框剪组合墙房屋。  相似文献   
A study of the circulation in the northern South China Sea (SCS) is carried out with the aid of a three-dimensional, high-resolution regional ocean model. One control and two sensitivity experiments are performed to qualitatively investigate the effects of surface wind forcing, Kuroshio intrusion, and bottom topographic influence on the circulation in the northern SCS. The model results show that a branch of the Kuroshio in the upper layer can intrude into the SCS and have direct influence on the circulation over the continental shelf break in the northern SCS. There are strong southward pressure gradients along a zonal belt largely seaward of the continental slope. The pressure gradients are opposite in the southern and northern parts of the Luzon Strait, indicating inflow and outflow through the strait, respectively. The sensitivity experiments suggest that the Kuroshio intrusion is responsible for generating the imposed pressure head along the shelf break and has no obvious seasonal variations. The lateral forcing through the Luzon Strait and Taiwan Strait can induce the southwestward slope current and the northeastward SCS Warm Current in the northern SCS. Without the lateral forcing, there is the continental slope. The wind forcing mainly causes the The wind-induced water pile-up results in the southward no high-pressure-gradient zonal belt seaward of seasonal variation of the circulation in the SCS. high pressure gradient along the northwestern boundary of the basin. Without the blocking of the plateau around Dongsha Islands, the intruded Kuroshio tends to extend northwest and the SCS branch of the Kuroshio becomes wider and stronger. The analyses presented here are qualitative in nature but should lead to a better understanding of the oceanic responses in the northern SCS to these external influence factors.  相似文献   
可变电荷土壤和恒电荷土壤与氢离子相互作用机理   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
研究了可变电荷土壤和恒电荷土壤与H相互作用的机理,并比较了它们之间的差别,研究结果表明,氢离子输入土壤后可以转化为表面正电荷,可溶性铝和可交换性酸,但是由于土壤的组成和性质不同,不同土壤中H+三种去向的贡献不同。H+转化为表面正电荷是由于土壤表面Fe-OH,Al-OH的质子化造成的,因此H+转化为表面正电荷的能力与土壤中氧化铁的含量密切相关,从而可变电荷土壤中H+转化为表面正电荷的贡献比恒电荷土壤中的大。H+转化为可溶性铝的能力与土教育部 的矿物组成密切相关,随着H+输入量的增加,土壤中可溶性铝的含量也增加。可变电荷土壤中可溶性铝增加的顺序为红壤>赤红壤>铁质砖红壤,在H+的加入量小于15mmol/kg时,黄棕壤的可溶性铝介于红壤和赤红壤之间,当H+的加入量大于约15mmol/kg时,黄棕壤的可溶性铝略小于赤红壤,棕壤的可溶性铝明显小于红壤和赤红壤,但比铁质砖红壤高,恒电荷土壤的可变性酸量明显大于可变电荷土壤,但从总的看来,H+加入量的变化对可交换性酸量的影响不大。  相似文献   
贵州省福泉桅杆坪地区寒武系底部牛蹄塘组黑色页岩中以炭质印模的形式保存有大量宏观后生动物化石.化石微细特征保存较差,多属于疑难化石.该化石组合以化石个体较大的蠕虫状化石和疑似杆壁虫类化石为优势分子,还常见管状类化石、遗迹化石,以及少量的软舌螺、海绵骨针等化石碎片.该化石组合紧位于镍钼多金属层之上,与遵义等地区的松林生物群(牛蹄塘组下生物群)的层位相当,化石组成基本一致,但优势生物存在明显差异.福泉地区牛蹄塘组蠕虫状化石组合的发现,丰富了寒武系牛蹄塘组的生物群面貌,为研究早期后生动物演化提供了新资料和新信息.对该化石组合的进一步研究,也必将为这种特殊生物群的古环境恢复和埋藏学研究提供有利的古生物学证据.   相似文献   
袁智广 《吉林地质》2003,22(2):34-40
本文对松辽盆地东南部后五家户气田划分出22种沉积微相,建立7种相层序,分析了扇三角洲及三角洲沉积环境对天然气成藏的控制作用。指出了扇三角洲前缘砂体和三角洲前缘砂体较为发育,沉积物源来自气田东北部和东南部两个方向。后五家户气田多为构造—岩性气藏和岩性气藏。  相似文献   
张朱亚 《安徽地质》2009,19(4):241-246
分析了淮北新矿区新生界底部松散层沉积物沉积特征及水理性质,尤其是四含的岩性组合结构。在对各级粒径之间的相互掺杂进行统计的同时,对岩层的厚度,物理性质,水理性质,矿物形态及含量进行进一步的研究。得出结论:淮北煤田新矿区松散沉积物第四含水层是以下部合粘性土砂砾层和上部夹砂层的粘性土段组成。分布较稳定,但厚度和岩性有较大变化,主要受古地形和古地理位置的控制。各种粒级的沉积物相互掺杂,颗粒分布不均一,砂性土的有效粒径与其本身定名粒级相比低2~3个粒级,其透水性与比其低2个粒级沉积物相当。四含不仅具有隔水性,而且有较强的持水性。  相似文献   
The goal of the present work is to perform a geochemical assessment of High Dam Lake bottom sediments for determining the fate, dispersion and levels of trace elements causing environmental pollution, and provided an access to their probable sources. The sediment samples were analyzed using ICP-MS for 20 elements; Ag, Ba, Cr, Cu, Ga, Hf, Mn, Pb, Rb, Sc, Se, Sn, Sr, Ta Th Ti, T1, U, V and Zr, and their obtained data were treated using statistical, graphical and mapping techniques. The results showed the data set of all analyzed elements affected by outliers and extreme values that caused deviation away from normality. Kruskal-Wallis test revealed that median of some trace element levels in Lake sediments, was not significantly different and other elements rejected the Null hypothesis. Most analyzed elements had high values of median and mean in sediments of Lake Nubia rather than Lake Nasser and their normalization gave the same results of calculated environment factors. Subsequently, Lake Nubia sediments possessed high combined EF levels ofTh, Sc, Sn, Ag, Zr, Hf, Ta, Sr, U, Ti, V, Cr, and Mn, causing significant contamination, which was great potentially related to industrial, agricultural, urbanization and mining activities. Whereas, combined EF of Se, Cu, Ga, Pb, Ba, Rb, and Tl, which are highly elevated in southern Lake Nasser sediments owing to their source are great possibly derived from Lake Nubia and geogenic activities. With decreasing distance towards the High Dam body, the contaminant elements were diminished due to reduction in the environmental factors and Sudanese pollution sources leading to the northern Lake Nasser considered to be less contaminated. Overall, the present study is an environmental alert for contaminated sediments that carried contaminants and considered the secondary source of pollution impact on ecosystem, and subsequently, their environmental risk on Human health.  相似文献   
贺青 《勘察科技》2006,(4):7-11
本文根据〈建筑搞震设计规范〉GBJ11—89及〈底部框墙砖房抗震设计及施工暂行规定〉DBJ56—6—97的设计规定,对地震区的底部框架结构的设计及应用进行分析。提出基于现行规范之上的一些推广应用建议。  相似文献   
张晓明 《探矿工程》2017,44(2):32-36
胜坨油田属于胜利采油厂老油区,油田开发进入中后期,由于经过长时间的注水开采,地层压力紊乱,且部署井网密集。为保持产量稳定,在原有老井场进行加密钻井。加密井存在着防碰绕障、井眼轨迹控制和钻井井控等技术难点,因此,根据实际钻井情况制定有针对性的技术方案和应急预案,防碰段采用“牙轮钻头 单弯螺杆”,注水井提前关井停注泄压。以胜坨油田三区1个井组(5口井)和1口单井为例,从钻井工程设计、井眼轨迹控制、底部钻具组合优化和井控技术等方面进行了分析,进而提出了解决施工难点的对策。实践证明所采取措施科学可行,为油田老区相同类井钻井提供了技术经验。  相似文献   
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