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利用合成技术对1995—2006年冬季(11月—次年2月)生成在西北太平洋上的34个热带气旋(tropicalcyclone,TC)个例进行分析,研究冬季西北太平洋TC生成的大尺度环流特征及其生成机制,结果表明:冬季TC生成的大尺度环流特征型为东风波西传型;北半球冬季对流层低层出现的跨赤道气旋对是冬季北半球TC形成的重要特征;太平洋中部赤道混合Rossby重力波西北传,与强对流中心重合,性质转为"热带低压型扰动",为冬季热带气旋生成提供扰动源。对合成TC初始场的涡动扰动动能的收支分析表明,涡动有效位能和正压不稳定转换为TC形成提供了能量,这两种能量分别与积云对流加热和水平不均匀气流有关。正压不稳定能量转换为动能主要位于对流层中下层,而扰动有效位能的转换主要位于对流层中上层。低层热带东风波动从平均气流中获得正压不稳定能量,并与强积云对流耦合,热力和动力共同作用下形成TC。  相似文献   
中国近46年来冬半年日降水变化特征分析   总被引:3,自引:15,他引:3  
房巧敏  龚道溢  毛睿 《地理科学》2007,27(5):711-717
中国总体冬半年降水总量、日降水强度以及强降水日数都有不同程度的增加趋势。西北地区的变化相对显著,其平均降水量、降水日数及日降水强度都呈增加趋势,特别是20世纪80年代后期发生跃变。华北和中部地区降水总量趋于减少。南方3区多为增加趋势,其中东南和华南与冬季风及欧亚遥相关型有显著的负相关关系,而西南地区日降水参数则与温度和北极涛动指数显著相关。东北地区降水指标没有明显的一致趋势。  相似文献   
郑锦文  左志燕  蔺邹兴  肖栋 《冰川冻土》2022,44(5):1513-1522
基于1961—2017年中国气象局地表气温数据、JRA-55大气再分析数据以及美国国家海洋和大气管理局延伸重建的海温资料,研究了青藏高原冬季地表气温的年代际变化特征及其与海温的可能联系。结果表明:巴伦支-喀拉海冬季海温年代际变化可以激发出向东传播的Rossby波,在西伯利亚对流层高层产生异常的气旋或反气旋性环流,通过影响副极地以及副热带西风急流强度,在青藏高原的南侧产生异常的反气旋或气旋性环流,从而使得青藏高原上空的垂直运动发生变化,导致青藏高原冬季地表气温异常。  相似文献   
The S/V Shoyo, of the Hydrographic Department, Japan Coast Guard, has conducted high-density expendable bathythermograph (XBT) measurements along the 32.5°N line in the North Pacific every year from 1990 to 1993 as a part of the Japanese-World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE). These XBT data are analyzed here, focusing on year-to-year variations of the inventory and core layer temperature (CLT) of the North Pacific subtropical mode water (NPSTMW). Large year-to-year changes are found in the NPSTMW CLTs estimated in longitudes between 140°E and 160°E. CLT values were found of 17.4°C in 1990, 17.1°C in 1991, 17.3°C in 1992 and 17.6°C in 1993. Inspection of the wintertime westerlies over the formation area and sea surface temperature distribution revealed that this change in CLT can be qualitatively attributed to the strength of atmospheric cooling in the formation area in the previous winter. Although a large year-to-year variation of NPSTMW inventory was also found, it is hard to state any relationship between CLT and atmospheric forcing. There is a possibility that different observational seasons may affect the inventory. It has also been found that the thermocline depth in 1991 was shallower in the sea area east of 180° than in 1992 and 1993. Associated with this change, the North Pacific central mode water (NPCMW), characterized by thermostad with temperatures ranging from 14°C to 11°C, appears in the sea area east of 180° in the 1992 and 1993 cross sections. The 1993 cross section, which ranged from the Japanese coast to the west coast of North America, possessed another thermostad in the surface layer, with a temperature of about 17°C in the eastern part of the cross section, off California. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The effects of aerosol–radiation interactions(ARI) are not only important for regional and global climate, but they can also drive particulate matter(PM) pollution. In this study, the ARI contribution to the near-surface fine PM(PM2.5)concentrations in the Guanzhong Basin(GZB) is evaluated under four unfavorable synoptic patterns, including "northlow", "transition", "southeast-trough", and "inland-high", based on WRF-Chem model simulations of a persistent heavy PM pollution episode in January 2019. Simulations show that ARI consistently decreases both solar radiation reaching down to the surface(SWDOWN) and surface temperature(TSFC), which then reduces wind speed, induces sinking motion,and influences cloud formation in the GZB. However, large differences under the four synoptic patterns still exist. The average reductions of SWDOWN and daytime TSFC in the GZB range from 15.2% and 1.04°C in the case of the"transition" pattern to 26.7% and 1.69°C in the case of the "north-low" pattern, respectively. Furthermore, ARI suppresses the development of the planetary boundary layer(PBL), with the decrease of PBL height(PBLH) varying from 18.7% in the case of the "transition" pattern to 32.0% in the case of the "north-low" pattern. The increase of daytime near-surface PM2.5 in the GZB due to ARI is 12.0%, 8.1%, 9.5%, and 9.7% under the four synoptic patterns, respectively. Ensemble analyses also reveal that when near-surface PM2.5 concentrations are low, ARI tends to lower PM2.5 concentrations with decreased PBLH, which is caused by enhanced divergence or a transition from divergence to convergence in an area. ARI contributes 15%–25% toward the near-surface PM2.5 concentrations during the severe PM pollution period under the four synoptic patterns.  相似文献   
An MOM2 based 3-dimentional prognostic baroclinic Z-ordinate model was established to study the circulation in eastern China seas, considering the topography, inflow and outflow on the open boundary, wind stress, temperature and salinity exchange on the sea surface. The results were consistent with observation and showed that the Kuroshio intrudes in large scale into the East China Sea continental shelf East China, during which its water is exchanged ceaselessly with outer sea water along Ryukyu Island. The Tsushima Warm Current is derived from several sources, a branch of the Kuroshio, part of the Taiwan Warm Current, and Yellow Sea mixed water coming from the west of Cheju Island. The water from the west of Cheju Island contributes approximately 13% of the Isushima Warm Current total transport through the Korea Strait. The circulation in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea is basically cyclonic circulation, and is comprised of coastal currents and the Yellow Sea Warm Current. Besides simulation of the real circulation, numerical experiments were conducted to study the dynamic mechanism. The numerical experiments indicated that wind directly drives the East China Sea and Yellow Sea Coastal Currents, and strengthens the Korea Coastal Current and Yellow Sea Warm Current. In the no wind case, the kinetic energy of the coastal current area and main YSWC area is only 1% of that of the wind case.Numerical experiments also showed that the Tsushima Warm Current is of great importance to the formation of the Korea Coastal Current and Yellow Sea Warm Current.  相似文献   
渤海冬季三维环流数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于冯士笮所给出的一种浅海环流模型,采用数值方法,对渤海冬季进行环流的数值模拟,给出了冬季三维风生环流和正压环流(含潮余流)。分析了潮致Lagrange余流对冬季环流的贡献及黄海暖流余脉对渤海冬季环流的影响。最后对风生环流和正压环流的特征进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the structure of a wintertime typhoon named Nanmadol that landed on Taiwan 4 December, 2004 has been examined in this paper, it is found that Nanmadol looks similar in structure and time evolution to summer typhoons; the central part of it is warm and humid, and the convergence is observed in the lower troposphere while there is divergence in the upper troposphere. The differences between wintertime and summertime typhoons are found. The southwest stream flow in the lower troposphere and cyclonic disturbance in the upper troposphere seem significantly weaker in Nanmadol than in summertime typhoons. The EOF analysis performed for sea level pressure (SLP) of Nanmadol shows that about 90% of the total variance of temporal changes in typhoon circulation can be explained by two leading EOF modes of EOF1 and EOF2. EOF1 shows the structure and intensity variations of Nanmadol while EOF2 shows the changes in environmental SLP distributions that influences the moving direction of Nanmadol.  相似文献   
利用NOAA(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)海温、GPCP(Global Precipitation Climatology Project)降水和ERA-20C(ECMWF's first atmospheric reanalysis of the 20th century)再分析大气环流资料,结合大气环流模式ECHAM5敏感性试验,研究了与秋季印度洋海温偶极子模态(IOD)相联系的冬季热带西太平洋海温异常型及其对东亚冬季气候的影响。发现在秋季发生IOD背景下,冬季西太平洋存在两类海温异常的变化型:一类是西太平洋区域一致偏暖/冷的模态,另一类是区域西冷东暖/西暖东冷的模态。尽管西太平洋海温一致偏暖和西冷东暖这两类海温变化型均有利于华南冬季少降水,但影响的范围有所不同。一致偏暖型引起的少降水范围较大,从华南扩展到长江中下游地区。西冷东暖型引起少降水范围主要限于华南,而在长江中下游到华北则降水偏多。相应地,在大气环流上,尽管两类海温异常型均有利于在西北太平洋菲律宾海附近出现气旋式环流异常,但气旋的强度和中心位置有差异。一致偏暖型引起的气旋偏强,中心位置偏西,其后部异常东北风控制的范围更大,导致少降水范围更大,而西冷东暖型引起的气旋偏弱,中心位置偏东,其后部异常东北风控制的范围小,导致少降水区域主要在华南沿海。本文结果对认识IOD调制随后冬季东亚降水异常的机理有重要意义。  相似文献   
冬半年副热带南支西风槽结构和演变特征研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
南支槽是冬半年副热带南支西风气流在高原南侧孟加拉湾地区产生的半永久性低压槽,本文从气候学角度探讨其结构和演变特征。结果表明:(1)南支槽10月在孟加拉湾北部建立,冬季(11-2月)加强,春季(3-5月)活跃,6月消失并转换为孟加拉湾槽;10月南支槽建立表明北半球大气环流由夏季型转变成冬季型,6月南支槽消失同时孟加拉湾槽建立是南亚夏季风爆发的重要标志之一。(2)南支槽在700 hPa表现明显,其槽前干暖平流的输送有利于昆明准静止锋形成和维持,槽后冷湿平流也与孟加拉湾冷涌关系密切。(3)冬季辐散环流下沉支抑制了南支槽前上升运动的发展,这时低层辐合,中层辐散,南支槽前上升运动一般只伸展到对流层中层600 hPa左右。春季随着辐散环流减弱,东亚急流入口区南侧辐散中心的出现使得垂直运动向上迅速伸展。(4)从气候平均看冬季水汽输送较弱,上升运动浅薄,无强对流活动,南支槽前降水不明显,雨区主要位于高原东南侧昆明准静止锋至华南一带。春季南支槽水汽输送增大,同时副高外围暖湿水汽输送加强,上升运动发展和对流增强,南支槽造成的降水显著增加,因此春季是南支槽最活跃的时期。  相似文献   
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