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Analysis of monthly momentum transport of zonal waves at 850 hPa for the period 1979 to 1993, between ‡S and ‡N for January to April, using zonal (u) and meridional (v) components of wind taken from the ECMWF reanalysis field, shows a positive correlation (.1% level of significance) between the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (June through September) and the momentum transport of wave zero TM(0) over latitudinal belt between 25‡S and 5‡N (LB) during March. Northward (Southward) TM(0) observed in March over LB subsequently leads to a good (drought) monsoon season over India which is found to be true even when the year is marked with the El-Nino event. Similarly a strong westerly zone in the Indian Ocean during March, indicates a good monsoon season for the country, even if the year is marked with El-Nino. The study thus suggests two predictors, TM(0) over LB and the strength of westerly zone in the Indian Ocean during March.  相似文献   
本文采用简化数学模型探讨了东、西风廓线特征与外源强迫下大气环流平衡态定常波结构的相关关系。文中采用实际观测资料研究了西风廓线特征与大气环流型季节特征之间的联系。研究表明,西风廓线冬、夏季节差异与中、高纬度西风槽“冬三夏四”波数差气候特征有关,且低纬强东风切变可作为赤道东风波周期振荡成因之一。冬夏西风廓线季节特征可导致大地形强迫效应、海陆加热因子影响作用的显著季节差异。研究还揭示了大气环流型优势波转换的基流特征影响效应,并导出了流场与纬向加热强迫源共振状态的西风廓线特征函数与临界曲线。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代以来东北暴雨过程特征分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
使用1990~2005年全国730站日降水资料和NCEP格点分析资料对1990~2005年东北地区大暴雨过程进行了分类研究,探讨21世纪前后夏季东北暴雨的主要特征.按照东北地区日降雨量大于50 mm的站点数不少于5个的标准,统计出1990~2005年东北地区的69个暴雨个例(共90天).在统计的基础上,进一步对造成大范围暴雨过程的天气形势进行分类研究.考虑阻塞高压、热带、副热带系统和西风带之间的相互关系,将暴雨过程的主要影响系统大致分为6类:(1)台风与西风带系统(西风槽、东北低涡)的远距离相互作用(20个,28.9%);(2)登陆台风(或南来低涡)北上与西风带系统(西风槽、东北低涡)相互作用(16个,23.2%);(3)台风直接暴雨(1个,1.5%);(4)低槽冷锋暴雨(16个,23.2%);(5)低空切变型暴雨(2个,2.9%);(6)东北低涡暴雨(14个,20.3%).在所有个例中与台风有关的共有37个,超过一半,占总数53.6%.台风的远距离水汽输送或登陆台风北上与西风带系统相互作用是东北地区产生大暴雨或持续性大暴雨的重要环流条件.此外,东北低涡和西风槽前系统造成暴雨个例也比较多,也是东北地区大范围暴雨的重要影响系统,低槽冷锋暴雨和东北低涡暴雨也各分为4小类.低空切变暴雨的切变线一般在低层较为明显.上述分析表明,夏季东北地区暴雨过程种类繁多,情况较为复杂,且进入新世纪以来该区降雨过程较为活跃,值得深入研究.  相似文献   
2001年和2005年的5月云南分别出现了严重的洪涝和干旱天气。通过分析研究表明,这两年在大尺度环流形势、季风爆发的早晚和强弱以及ENSO背景的影响等方面都有着显著的不同。2001年5月对流层中层的东亚槽位置偏西且强度偏强,同时南支槽稳定维持且较强,致使冷暖空气易于在云南地区交汇,这可能是在该地区产生较强降水的主要环流形势,而2005年5月东亚槽位置偏东,南支槽较弱,致使云南地区几乎没有水汽来源和缺乏冷暖空气的交汇,这是产生干旱的主要环流形势;同时南海季风爆发的早晚和强弱与云南5月降水也有着较好的关系,2001年5月南海季风爆发偏早且强度偏强,而2005年5月南海季风爆发偏晚且强度偏弱,这两年5月的降水差异较大;对水汽分布的分析还表明,2001年5月云南地区为水汽辐合区,且较常年平均偏大,水汽通量为西南向,且强度较强。而2005年5月云南为水汽辐散区,孟加拉湾的水汽向东进入南海,云南地区非常干燥;从ENSO大背景对其影响的分析可知,2001年5月的洪涝和2005年5月的干旱与这两年的前期海温变化似乎也存在一定的联系。  相似文献   
The steady response of the ventilated thermocline to an increase in Ekman pumping is investigated, focusing on the effect of the mixed layer depth distribution on the subsurface density anomaly. We consider only the subtropical gyre, and the mixed layer is assumed to be deep in the northwest and shallow elsewhere with a narrow transition zone separating the deep and shallow mixed layer regions. At the intersection of this narrow transition zone and the outcrop line, low potential vorticity fluid is subducted into and ventilates the thermocline. In such a situation, an enhancement of the Ekman pumping confined to the northern subtropical gyre leads to pronounced subsurface cold anomalies in the southern subtropics, which is free of anomalous forcing. These density anomalies are much greater than those that occur when either the mixed layer depth is zonally uniform or the Ekman pumping is enhanced in the whole subtropical gyre. They are caused by anomalous changes in the trajectory of the low potential vorticity fluid in response to anomalous Sverdrup flow. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
40 kaBP来亚非季风演化趋势及青藏高原泛湖期   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
基于18个黄土/古土壤序列 (黄土高原与青藏高原) 与27个湖泊沉积序列 (青藏高原、新疆、云南与赤道非洲及其以北的非洲季风区) 对比分析了东亚季风区、印度季风区与非洲季风区40 ka以来的区域环境演变特征。结果显示:上述区域在对应岁差周期的高太阳辐射阶段,也就是40~24 kaBP与14~4 kaBP分别经历了一次环境湿润期,而在末次冰期最盛期,除中国云南、青藏高原及新疆部分地区外,其他地区则较为干燥。青藏高原及其北侧的新疆区,40~24 kaBP比14~4 kaBP气候更为湿润,湖泊呈现40 ka以来的最高最大湖面,高原进入一次泛湖期。而非洲区及黄土高原,则与此相反;14~4 kaBP气候比40~24 kaBP更为湿润、适宜,湖面更高,成壤作用更强。40~24 kaBP,印度季风强盛,加强了对高原的水汽与潜热输送,同时,由于北方冰盖的存在,西风气流则相对南移,增加了对高原的影响,两种气流交互作用引起的强降水,可能是造成湖泊显著扩张的主要原因。  相似文献   
采用TOGA/COARE国际合作考察期间(1992年10月─1993年2月)获得的267次定点(2°S,155°E)定时高空大气探测资料,进行计算分析,发现1992年12月─1993年2月低空存在一支西风急流,有两次分别持续半月之久,而1992年11月的两次赤道西风急流,因无赤道高空急流配合,仅持续2d便消失。本文还指出:(1)赤道低空西风急流是各种海-气指数产生ENSO异常的重要信息;(2)赤道高空急流有滞后赤道低空急流2d左右的响应关系;(3)赤道低空急流是纬向水汽输送的狭窄通道。  相似文献   
The proto‐Paratethys Sea covered a vast area extending from the Mediterranean Tethys to the Tarim Basin in western China during Cretaceous and early Paleogene. Climate modelling and proxy studies suggest that Asian aridification has been governed by westerly moisture modulated by fluctuations of the proto‐Paratethys Sea. Transgressive and regressive episodes of the proto‐Paratethys Sea have been previously recognized but their timing, extent and depositional environments remain poorly constrained. This hampers understanding of their driving mechanisms (tectonic and/or eustatic) and their contribution to Asian aridification. Here, we present a new chronostratigraphic framework based on biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy as well as a detailed palaeoenvironmental analysis for the Paleogene proto‐Paratethys Sea incursions in the Tajik and Tarim basins. This enables us to identify the major drivers of marine fluctuations and their potential consequences on Asian aridification. A major regional restriction event, marked by the exceptionally thick (≤ 400 m) shelf evaporites is assigned a Danian‐Selandian age (ca. 63–59 Ma) in the Aertashi Formation. This is followed by the largest recorded proto‐Paratethys Sea incursion with a transgression estimated as early Thanetian (ca. 59–57 Ma) and a regression within the Ypresian (ca. 53–52 Ma), both within the Qimugen Formation. The transgression of the next incursion in the Kalatar and Wulagen formations is now constrained as early Lutetian (ca. 47–46 Ma), whereas its regression in the Bashibulake Formation is constrained as late Lutetian (ca. 41 Ma) and is associated with a drastic increase in both tectonic subsidence and basin infilling. The age of the final and least pronounced sea incursion restricted to the westernmost margin of the Tarim Basin is assigned as Bartonian–Priabonian (ca. 39.7–36.7 Ma). We interpret the long‐term westward retreat of the proto‐Paratethys Sea starting at ca. 41 Ma to be associated with far‐field tectonic effects of the Indo‐Asia collision and Pamir/Tibetan plateau uplift. Short‐term eustatic sea level transgressions are superimposed on this long‐term regression and seem coeval with the transgression events in the other northern Peri‐Tethyan sedimentary provinces for the 1st and 2nd sea incursions. However, the 3rd sea incursion is interpreted as related to tectonism. The transgressive and regressive intervals of the proto‐Paratethys Sea correlate well with the reported humid and arid phases, respectively in the Qaidam and Xining basins, thus demonstrating the role of the proto‐Paratethys Sea as an important moisture source for the Asian interior and its regression as a contributor to Asian aridification.  相似文献   
季风爆发前后青藏高原西部改则地区大气结构的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过2008年青藏高原西部改则地区季风前(FM)和季风爆发阶段(MJ)两个加强观测期的无线电探空资料发现: 青藏高原西部改则地区对流层顶以第二对流层顶为主。冬季多表现为双对流层顶或复对流层顶。到了夏季, 第一对流层顶 (极地对流层顶) 较少见, 基本只有第二对流层顶。季风前第一对流层顶高度为10752 m, 温度为219 K, 气压为245.2 hPa, 第二对流层顶高度16826 m, 温度为202 K, 气压93 hPa。季风爆发阶段, 第一对流层高度为10695 m, 温度229 K, 气压256.7 hPa; 第二对流层顶高度为17360 m, 温度198 K, 气压89.4 hPa。由两个观测期的月平均温度的升温情况可以判断出第二对流层顶温度夏低冬高, 第一对流层顶温度为夏高冬低。从小时的时间尺度上发现, 第二对流层顶的高度变化和对流层顶温度、气压、风速的变化均为反位相变化; 对流层顶升高时, 对流层顶气压、温度、风速、湿度随之降低, 反之也成立。第一对流层顶对地表向上的热量输送及云顶有很好的阻挡作用, 进而对大气加热有显著影响。从靠近地面的月平均风速均匀混合特征, 判断出季风爆发阶段改则地区边界层高度能达到3500 m左右。西风急流在高原改则地区有明显季节变化。冬季西风急流最强, 几乎没有东风带出现。季风爆发阶段西风急流逐渐离开改则地区并向高原北部移动, 在该地区表现为减弱。同时东风带逐渐北移到改则地区, 在该地区上空表现为逐渐增强, 并位于西风带之上。  相似文献   
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