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This paper goes some way towards redressing the lack of geographical literature on charity through exploring the geography of the British domestic charitable sector. The size and geography of the third sector is outlined, followed by an analysis of how almshouses can be understood as inherently geographical and deeply embedded in local social networks of inclusion as well as exclusion.  相似文献   
于莱州湾南岸ZK32-1钻孔第三陆相层上下边界处选取自生钙质结核,采用样品全溶铀系等时线法(TSD法)测定钙质结核的年龄。测试结果表明,所有等时线上的数据都有很好的线性关系,表明所获得的年龄数据是合理的。通过对样品代表性的讨论,说明所选取的钙质结核的年龄确可代表其所在地层的年龄,从而得出莱州湾南岸第三陆相层的沉积起止时间为72.16ka B.P.±7.41ka B.P.到45.34ka B.P.±5.35ka B.P.的结论。本研究首次获得莱州湾南岸地层的铀系TSD年龄,为全面认识该地区晚更新世地层年代学提供了一个新视角。  相似文献   
松辽盆地西部斜坡青山口组三段划分3个四级层序(Cg2、Cg1、Cg0),每个四级层序均可划分为四级湖泊扩张体系域和四级湖泊收缩体系域,自下而上,Eg2地层分布范围最大,Sg2地层分布范围略小,地层尖灭线位于西斜坡的西部;Eg1地层尖灭线位于西斜坡的中部,Sg1地层分布范围比Eg1略小;Eg0地层尖灭线位于西斜坡的东部,Sg0地层尖灭线进一步东移。剖面上,富砂的三角洲前缘和滨浅湖砂质滩坝在三级和各四级层序界面附近最为发育,而四级层序最大湖泛面附近以富泥的滨浅湖混合滩微相为主。平面上,不同四级层序体系域的沉积微相分布既有一定继承性,又有明显的差异性。  相似文献   
谢平  刘媛  杨桂莲  章树安  许斌  刘静君 《水文》2012,32(2):40-43,39
随着气候变化和人类活动对水资源影响越来越显著,大量水文序列的统计规律不再满足一致性要求而出现了变异。水资源日益重要的社会地位,要求在对水文变异进行检测的同时,需进一步量化影响其变异的因素,但目前归因分析的研究仍以定性或半定量为主。由于降雨和径流是水循环中关键的水文要素,且分别可以反映气候变化和人类活动对水资源的影响,利用降雨-径流关系提出了定量研究水资源变异的归因分析方法。结合乌力吉木仁河三级区1956~2000的年径流和年降雨序列,在对其分别进行变异诊断的基础上,定量地分析了造成该区水文变异的原因。计算结果表明:气候变化对乌力吉木仁河三级区水资源变异的贡献率为24%,而人类活动影响的贡献率为76%,可见人类活动是造成该区水资源变异的主要因素。  相似文献   
The spatial patterns and regional-scale surface air temperature (SAT) changes during the last millennium,as well as the variability of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) were simulated with a low-resolution version of Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land-Sea-ice (FGOALS-gl) model.The model was driven by both natural and anthropogenic forcing agents.Major features of the simulated past millennial Northern Hemisphere (NH) mean SAT variations,including the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA),the Little Ice Age (LIA) and the 20th Century Warming (20CW),were generally consistent with the reconstructions.The simulated MCA showed a global cooling pattern with reference to the 1961-90 mean conditions,indicating the 20CW to be unprecedented over the last millennium in the simulation.The LIA was characterized by pronounced coldness over the continental extratropical NH in both the reconstruction and the simulation.The simulated global mean SAT difference between the MCA and LIA was 0.14°C,with enhanced warming over high-latitude NH continental regions.Consistencies between the simulation and the reconstruction on regional scales were lower than those on hemispheric scales.The major features agreed well between the simulated and reconstructed SAT variations over the Chinese domain,despite some inconsistency in details among different reconstructions.The EASM circulation during the MCA was stronger than that during the LIA The corresponding rainfall anomalies exhibited excessive rainfall in the north but deficient rainfall in the south.Both the zonal and meridional thermal contrast were enhanced during the MCA.This temperature anomaly pattern favored a stronger monsoon circulation.  相似文献   
1996年以来黑龙江省草地螟第三暴发周期持续至今,危害日益加重。以1959-2008年黑龙江省28个国家基本站的气象资料以及草地螟暴发期等资料为基础,分析了黑龙江省草地第三暴发周期的气候特征及风险概率。结果表明:近50 a来,黑龙江省年平均气温、年平均最低气温呈显著的上升趋势,通过0.001显著性检验,气温在1988年前后出现突变。其它要素,如降水量、降水日数、风速、日照时数均呈减少趋势,但只有年日照时数和年平均风速的减少趋势通过了显著性检验。哈尔滨草地螟始发日期与同期平均气温、日最高气温、最低气温、最小相对湿度关系密切,应该是本地越冬虫源春季羽化对气温、相对湿度敏感性较高;同时始见日期与最大风速的风向相关较为密切,可能是由于外地虫源对风向敏感性较高。通过对黑龙江省草地螟高峰期首日的风险概率分析,得到黑龙江省草地螟高峰期出现在5月最后一个候的风险概率为23.6%;出现在6月上旬的风险概率为36.6%;出现在6月中旬的风险概率为24%;出现在6月下旬的风险概率为14.4%。  相似文献   
The Altyn Tagh Fault(ATF)is one of the most prominent active strike-slip faults in the India-Eurasia collision. Fresh features of surface ruptures, which are attributed to seismic events taking place in the last millennium, are identified at several sites along the Che'erchen River to Qingshui River section on the central part of ATF. Accurate chronology of these earthquake events would help understand the spatial-temporal relationship of the recent earthquakes. However, great difficulties are encountered. The central ATF is located in the arid area, and the vegetation cover is so limited that rare organic materials appropriate for radiocarbon dating can be found in the sediments. Luminescence dating technique may serve as an alternative to directly determine the burial ages of the earthquake related sediments. The optically stimulated luminescence(OSL)signal of quartz, which has been widely employed for luminescence dating, displays unwanted charateristics for accurate dating. Firstly, the quartz OSL signal is not sensitive to irradiation, which leads to low signal-to-noise ratio or even no measurable quartz OSL signal. Secondly, the targeted samples of the last millennium are very young, and the radiation dose received during the burial is expected to be less than 3~4Gy, which futher deteriorates the signal-to-noise ratio of the quartz OSL signal. Therefore, quartz OSL signal is not appropriate for dating the sediments relevant to the recent earthquakes on ATF.
The infrared stimulated luminescence(IRSL)signal of potassium feldspar is an alternative, and it is in usual an order of maginitude more sensitive to raidation than the quartz OSL signal. The enhanced signal-to-noise ratio makes it applicable to young samples. The post-IR IRSL signal has been successfully applied to date the sediments beyond the Holocene, however, the relatively slow bleaching of the post-IR IRSL signal poses challenges on applying it to young sediments, especially for the sediments deposited during the last millennium. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of using post-IR IRSL signal from potassium feldspar to date the earthquake events of the last millennium by employing modern sag pond deposits with different sorting and expected equivalent dose(De)of 0Gy. Choosing an appropriate measurement procedure and identifying the well bleached pottassium feldspar grains are essential for post-IR IRSL dating of young sediments. The non-fading characteristic of the post-IR IRSL170 signal measured at 170℃ following a prior IR stimulation at 110℃ was verified by employing the De plateau test with respect to the signal integration interval and IR stimulation temperature together. Reducing the amount of potassium feldspar grains mounted on an aliquot would help reveal the among grains variation of bleaching level of post-IR IRSL170 signal before depostion and identify the most sufficiently bleached grains. Therefore, the post-IR IRSL170 De values of 2mm aliquots were measured for three samples with different sedimentary textures. The median of De distribution of well sorted and stratified sag pond deposits is consistent with the minimum De value inferred from the minimum age model(MAM-3) and finite mixture model(FMM), while for the poorly sorted deposits, the median is significantly overestimated compared with the minimum De values from the MAM-3 and the FMM. The minimum De values of 0.6~0.8Gy of all three samples are consistent with the unbleachable residual dose previously reported for post-IR IRSL signals measured at similar temperature for well bleached samples. It implies that by combined use of small aliquot and statistical age models, the well-bleached potassium feldspar grains could be identified. Such an intrinsic unbleachable component needs to be properly corrected when earthquake events of last millennium are to be dated in this area. Otherwise, the post-IR IRSL170 age would be overestimated by 200~300a.
The post-IR IRSL170 procedure investigated in this study is not only applicable for dating the paleoearthquake events along the Altyn Tagh Fault, but also with great potential to be applied to other tectonically active area. With consideration of the potential variability in post-IR IRSL signal characteristics of potassium feldspar grains from different origins, the signal stability needs to be routinely inspected. The modern analog sample would also be informative for justifying the measurement procedure and analytical method employed.  相似文献   
龙门山平驿铺组沉积体系及旋回层序研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文首次从龙门山区下泥盆统平驿铺组中,划分出河口湾、三角洲、滨岸和陆棚四个沉积体系和三个Ⅲ级T-R旋回层序。平面上,四个沉积体系组成了扬子板块西侧的古大陆边缘由过渡相区和滨岸相区相间分布的古地理格局;垂向上,两相区中的三个Ⅲ级T—R旋回层序也由不同的沉积体系组成,旋回层序的演化虽然受构造差异沉降影响,但仍以Ⅲ级海平面升降变化为主要控制因素,并具同步演化规律,可分别代表古大陆边缘活动型和相对稳定型的两种Ⅲ级T—R旋回层序模式。  相似文献   
To reveal the effect of shale reservoir characteristics on the movability of shale oil and its action mechanism in the lower third member of the Shahejie Formation(Es3l), samples with different features were selected and analyzed using N2 adsorption, high-pressure mercury injection capillary pressure(MICP), nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR), high-speed centrifugation, and displacement image techniques. The results show that shale pore structure characteristics control shale oil movability directly. Movable oil saturation has a positive relationship with pore volume for radius > 2 μm, as larger pores often have higher movable oil saturation, indicating that movable oil is present in relatively larger pores. The main reasons for this are as follows. The relatively smaller pores often have oil-wetting properties because of organic matter, which has an unfavorable effect on the flow of oil, while the relatively larger pores are often wetted by water, which is helpful to shale oil movability. The rich surface provided by the relatively smaller pores is beneficial to the adsorption of immovable oil. Meanwhile, the relatively larger pores create significant pore volume for movable oil. Moreover, the larger pores often have good pore connectivity. Pores and fractures are interconnected to form a complex fracture network, which provides a good permeability channel for shale oil flow. The smaller pores are mostly distributed separately;thus, they are not conducive to the flow of shale oil. The mineral composition and fabric macroscopically affect the movability of shale oil. Calcite plays an active role in shale oil movability by increasing the brittleness of shale and is more likely to form micro-cracks under the same stress background. Clay does not utilize shale oil flow because of its large specific surface area and its block effect. The bedding structure increases the large-scale storage space and improves the connectivity of pores at different scales, which is conducive to the movability of shale oil.  相似文献   
全球过去千年典型暖期温度空间格局重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史锋  杨保  赵森  杨凤梅 《第四纪研究》2014,34(6):1125-1135
利用过去两千年全球变化研究网络(PAGES 2k network)最新公布的501条代用记录, 重建了全球过去千年全年平均温度空间格局的演化特征, 对比分析了中世纪暖期及其最暖100年与20世纪现代暖期、中世纪暖期和小冰期最暖30年与20世纪最近30年的年平均温度空间模态异同。结果显示, 在世纪尺度上, 现代暖期与历史上中世纪暖期的温度异常空间格局大致相同, 变化幅度也在大部分区域相当, 但从年代际尺度上, 最近30年的升温比过去千年中世纪暖期和小冰期两个典型时期都明显。值得一提的是北大西洋中高纬度海温变化与上述特征并不相同, 在年代际和世纪尺度上小冰期和中世纪暖期海温均高于20世纪。可能原因是大西洋经圈翻转环流在中世纪暖期、 小冰期和20世纪现代暖期等3个特征时段对太阳辐射、火山活动和温室气体等外强迫的响应不同。  相似文献   
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