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According to statistic analysis on sea surface temperature(SST)anomaly features in theNorth Pacific in winters and springs prior to the summer flood/drought in the middle and lowerreaches of the Yangtze River(hereafter referred to as MLRY),a strong signal SST key area thataffects local flood/drought is put forward,that is the equatorial eastern Pacific.The response ofgeneral circulation in the Northern Hemisphere to SST anomaly in the key area is furtherinvestigated. The low frequency wave train structure of correlation between the eastern PacificSST and the height at 500 hPa in the Northern Hemisphere is also studied,which reflects thedynamic features of teleresponse of local flood/drought at extratropics to tropical SST anomaly.Through introducing SST anomaly in the strong signal area in numerical experiments,the flood inYangtze River Valley is successfully simulated and the similar wave train pattern in the flow field isobtained too.Altogether,the physical picture and dynamic mode of the flood in the Yangtze RiverValley are described in this work.  相似文献   
黄荣辉  王磊 《大气科学》2010,34(5):853-864
本文利用1979~2007年日本气象厅JRA-25风场和高度场再分析资料和美国JTWC热带气旋的观测资料分析了7~9月份西北太平洋台风和热带气旋 (TC) 在我国登陆地点的年际变化及其与北半球夏季大气环流异常的东亚/太平洋型 (即EAP型) 遥相关的关系, 特别是分析了7~9月份在厦门以北登陆台风和TC数量的年际变化与夏季 (6~8月) EAP指数的相关。分析结果表明: 当夏季 (6~8月) EAP指数为高指数时, 则7~9月份在东亚和西北太平洋上空500 hPa高度场异常将出现 “-, +, -” EAP型遥相关的波列分布, 这时西太平洋副热带高压的位置偏北、 偏东。在这种情况下, 西北太平洋上较多的台风和TC的移动路径偏北, 这引起了7~9月份在我国厦门以北沿海登陆的台风和TC数量偏多。反之, 当夏季 (6~8月) EAP指数为低指数时, 在东亚和西北太平洋上空500 hPa高度场异常为 “+, -, +” 的 EAP型遥相关的波列分布, 这时西太平洋副热带高压的位置偏南、 偏西。在这种情况下, 西北太平洋上较多的台风和TC移动路径偏南, 这引起了7~9月份在我国厦门以北沿海登陆的台风和TC数量偏少, 较多的台风和TC在厦门以南的华南沿海登陆。  相似文献   
选取1952-2005年北太平洋月平均海表温度(SST)资料,经过奇异值分解分析表明:6月份日界线附近西风漂流区的海温集中了北太平洋海温场的主要信息,西风漂流区与赤道冷水区的海温存在遥相关震荡,并且在6月份达到全年的最高值,11月份其振幅出现次高值。6月西风漂流区的海温(SST)可视为来年盛夏(7-8月)西太平洋副热带高压的强弱变化的信号:当6月份西风漂流区的海温(SST)偏低,则来年盛夏西太平洋副热带高压偏强;反之,则来年盛夏西太平洋副热带高压偏弱。  相似文献   
This study presents a 44-year climatology of potential vorticity (PV) streamers in the Northern Hemisphere based upon analyses of the ERA-40 reanalysis data set. A comparison to an existing 15-year climatology yields very good agreement in the locations of PV streamer frequency maxima, but some differences are found in the amplitude of frequencies. The climatology is assessed with the focus on links between PV streamer frequencies and the synoptic- and planetary-scale variability of the dynamical tropopause.
A comprehensive overview is provided on where (zonally) and when (seasonally) short-term variability throughout the extra-tropical and sub-tropical tropopause is enhanced or reduced. Several key processes that influence this variability are discussed. Baroclinic processes, for example, determine the variability in the storm-track areas in winter, whereas the Asian summer monsoon significantly influences the variability over Asia.
The paper also describes links between the frequency of PV streamers in the extra-tropical and subtropical tropopause and three major northern hemisphere teleconnection patterns. The observed changes in the PV streamer frequencies are closely related to concomitant variations of PV and its gradient within the tropopause region. During opposite phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation the location of the streamer frequency maxima shifts significantly in the Atlantic and European region in both the extra-tropics and subtropics. The influence of ENSO on the streamer frequencies is most pronounced in the subtropical Pacific.  相似文献   
ENSO事件对云南及临近地区春末初夏降水的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨亚力  杜岩  陈海山 《大气科学》2011,35(4):729-738
本文采用合成及相关分析的方法,应用55年中国降水资料、美国NOAA海表温度资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,研究了ENSO事件对我国云南及其邻近地区春末初夏降水的影响及物理机理.研究结果表明:(1)在El Ni(n)o (La Ni(n)a)年,云南大部分地区4~5月降水偏少(多),东部地区相关信号尤其明显;(2)...  相似文献   
Based on the monthly mean OLR, geopotential height and wind data from the NCEP/NCAR reanalyzed data sets for 1982-1996, the atmospheric teleconnection associated with the warm pool of the tropical western Pacific and Asian monsoon region during E1 Nino and non-El Niño years are studied diagnostically in this paper. It is found that, the teleconnection pattern caused by the activity of the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) emanates from the Asian monsoon region to the tropical eastern Pacific via the Aleutians in summer of the El Niño years. In the non-El Niño years, however, the ASM-related teleconnection pattern stretches northward and westward from the Asian monsoon region, exerting its influences mainly on the circulation over middle and high latitude rather than that over the tropical eastern Pacific. Evidences also show that the anomalous convection over the tropical western Pacific warm pool leads to the East Asia/Pacific(EAP) teleconnection pattern during the non-El Niño years. It is interesting to note that the teleconnection in the 500 height field associated with the warm pool convection disappears in the El Niño years. The differences of the teleconnection pattern between the El Niño years and the non-El Niño years suggest that the activities of the ASM and the convection over the warm pool of the tropical western Pacific, the most energetic weather events in boreal summer, are intertwined and interactive with other global-scale circulation in different ways under different climate backgrounds.  相似文献   
1998年青藏高原大气低频振荡的结构特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
使用NCEP/NCAR再分析的逐日资料,研究了1998年夏季青藏高原大气低频振荡的结构特征。结果表明:不同低频频率的遥相关水平结构既有相似的波列结构,也存在相异的特征。高原主体的低频振荡为相当正压结构,低频降水一般位于低频气旋性环流及低频气流辐合带内,利用高原低频降水可提前预测江南及高原南部的低频降水活动,高原和长江中下游及东北地区的低频水存在同时加强和同时减弱的关系。  相似文献   
In this study, the climate teleconnections with meteorological droughts are analysed and used to develop ensemble drought prediction models using a support vector machine (SVM)–copula approach over Western Rajasthan (India). The meteorological droughts are identified using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). In the analysis of large‐scale climate forcing represented by climate indices such as El Niño Southern Oscillation, Indian Ocean Dipole Mode and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on regional droughts, it is found that regional droughts exhibits interannual as well as interdecadal variability. On the basis of potential teleconnections between regional droughts and climate indices, SPI‐based drought forecasting models are developed with up to 3 months' lead time. As traditional statistical forecast models are unable to capture nonlinearity and nonstationarity associated with drought forecasts, a machine learning technique, namely, support vector regression (SVR), is adopted to forecast the drought index, and the copula method is used to model the joint distribution of observed and predicted drought index. The copula‐based conditional distribution of an observed drought index conditioned on predicted drought index is utilized to simulate ensembles of drought forecasts. Two variants of drought forecast models are developed, namely a single model for all the periods in a year and separate models for each of the four seasons in a year. The performance of developed models is validated for predicting drought time series for 10 years' data. Improvement in ensemble prediction of drought indices is observed for combined seasonal model over the single model without seasonal partitions. The results show that the proposed SVM–copula approach improves the drought prediction capability and provides estimation of uncertainty associated with drought predictions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The northwestern Pacific(NWP) is a fog-prone area, especially the ocean east of the Kuril Islands. The present study analyzes how the Pacific–Japan(PJ) teleconnection pattern influences July sea fog in the fog-prone area using independent datasets. The covariation between the PJ index and sea fog frequency(SFF) index in July indicates a close correlation, with a coefficient of 0.62 exceeding the 99% confidence level. Composite analysis based on the PJ index, a case study, and model analysis based on GFDL-ESM2 M, show that in high PJ index years the convection over the east of the Philippines strengthens and then triggers a Rossby wave, which propagates northward to maintain an anticyclonic anomaly in the midlatitudes,indicating a northeastward shift of the NWP subtropical high. The anticyclonic anomaly facilitates the formation of relatively stable atmospheric stratification or even an inversion layer in the lower level of the troposphere, and strengthens the horizontal southerly moisture transportation from the tropical–subtropical oceans to the fog-prone area. On the other hand, a greater meridional SST gradient over the cold flank of the Kuroshio Extension, due to ocean downwelling, is produced by the anticyclonic wind stress anomaly. Both of these two aspects are favorable for the warm and humid air to cool, condense, and form fog droplets, when air masses cross the SST front. The opposite circumstances occur in low PJ index years, which are not conducive to the formation of sea fog. Finally, a multi-model ensemble mean projection reveals a prominent downward trend of the PJ index after the 2030 s, implying a possible decline of the SFF in this period.  相似文献   
北大西洋-东亚和北亚(简称NAENA)型遥相关是夏季欧亚大陆对流层上层经向风异常的第二主导模态,对欧亚大陆多尺度气候变率有显著影响。本文在分析NAENA型维持的动力学机制的基础上,研究了该遥相关型对新疆夏季旱涝异常的影响及其可能机制。大气波列的涡度收支分析表明,气候态的旋转纬向风引起的扰动涡度平流可以被扰动旋转经向风引起的平均涡度平流所补偿。能量转换过程分析表明,该大气波列有效地从平均流中提取有效位能,通过斜压能量转换过程得以维持。大西洋海温异常三极子模态则是NAENA型维持的重要外强迫因子。回归分析表明NAENA型遥相关能通过促进南疆夏季降水,显著影响新疆的旱涝异常。NAENA型位于中亚的气旋性低压一方面增强了南疆地区的垂直上升运动,同时气旋性环流将更多的水汽输送到该地区,有利于水汽在对流层中低层的异常辐合,进而对南疆的降水有促进作用。  相似文献   
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