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城市用地与人口的异速增长和相关经验研究   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
梁进社  王旻 《地理科学》2002,22(6):649-654
由于城市土地利用变化涉及的因素多,使获取动态研究研究所需的资料十分困难,所以,用少数几个主要因素定量地表达其变化就显得十分重要。从前人的成果,即以人口表示的城市位序-规模法则和建成区面积表示的位序-规模法则出发,绽绎出城市的用地规模和人口数量呈异速增长。这意味着,如果把整个城市看成是一个生命有机体,那么作为反映城市特征的城市用地规模和城市人口这两个重要变量,就是城市这个有机体的两个器官,他们的增长率是成比例的。还通过这个关系建立了城市建成区面积与市场人口和经济发展水平的数学模式。对我国部分城市的经验研究在一定程度上分别证明了这两经验关系。  相似文献   
考虑用GMRES方法求解多右端非对称位移方程组(A-σjI)x^(j)=b^(j),1≤j≤p。基于Smith的求解多右端方程组的种子投影思想,提出了求解上述位移方程组的GMRES种子投影方法,利用种子方程组产生的Krylov子空间来求近似解。本文给出了近似解的误差界,最后数值结果显示了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to predict peak particle velocity level at a limestone quarry located in Istanbul, Turkey. The ground vibration components were measured for 73 blast events during the bench blast optimization studies during a long period. In blasting operations; ANFO (blasting agent), gelatine dynamite (priming) and NONEL detonators (firing) were used as explosives at this site. Parameters of scaled distance (charge quantity per delay and the distance between the source and the station) were recorded carefully and the ground vibration components were measured by means of vibration monitors for every event. Then, the data pairs of scaled distance and particle velocity were analyzed. The equation of scaled distance extensively used in the literature was taken into consideration for the prediction of peak particle velocity. At the end of statistical evaluations, an empirical relationship with good correlation was established between peak particle velocity and scale distance for this site. The established relationship and the results of the study are presented.  相似文献   
Local geography and gender are two major factors determining which crop varieties are cultivated in a case study of two rural villages in Bangladesh. This paper explores the interrelationships between gender, agrobiodiversity, and the use of, and preferences for, improved and local crop varieties. These are examined in relation to rice, minor field crops, and home garden fruits and vegetables. Reasons for both the displacement and the persistence of local varieties (LVs) are analysed in comparison to improved variety (IV) diffusion. The research evaluates agrobiodiversity through the number, types, and varieties of crops grown in fields and home gardens. The desired agroecological, economic, and cultural characteristics of crops grown document how respondents rank their variety preferences. Variety preferences and the perceived importance of LV preservation are compared with what is actually grown. The study indicates that there was little variation between villages in their approach towards the use of IV and LV rice; IVs were cultivated for their high yields and LV rice for taste and culinary uses. However, there were significant differences in relative agricultural dependence between the two villages which led to unique variety preferences. In both villages, women's preferences for IVs or LVs play a major role in crop choices, particularly as they manifest themselves in gendered domains of authority.  相似文献   
从逐分钟地面数据文件中读取正点前10分钟内任一分钟的分钟数据进行备用,以备在临近正点时自动气象站计算机系统出现故障的情况下作为电话口传报文之用,保证正点数据的及时有效传输,避免逾限报的发生。  相似文献   
崔艳  王新平  冯丽  苏延桂 《中国沙漠》2010,30(5):1114-1119
土壤种子库是退化生态系统植被恢复重建的重要基础,研究土壤种子库特征对于阐明退化生态系统受损与恢复机理具有重要的科学意义。通过野外土样采集、野外种子萌发定位跟踪调查和室内周期性种子萌发实验,对腾格里沙漠东南缘人工固沙植被区和天然固定沙地的土壤种子库特征进行了对比研究。结果表明:人工固沙植被区土壤种子库包含21个物种,分属于8科;天然固定沙地土壤种子库有33种植物,属于11科。人工固沙植被区以一年生植物为主,天然固定沙地以多年生植物为主。人工固沙植被区的种子总密度明显低于天然固定沙地,但不同物种种子的密度变化存在显著差异。人工固沙植被区的物种丰富度和多样性指数均较天然固定沙地低。人工固沙植被区和天然固定沙地的土壤种子库与地上植被物种的相似性系数分别为0.73和0.71。尽管人工固沙植被区土壤种子库存在少量多年生植物种子,但仍未发展到以多年生草本植物为主的群落演替阶段,说明人工固沙植被区的植物多样性恢复尚需要漫长的过程。  相似文献   
刘文胜  曹敏  唐勇 《山地学报》2003,21(2):162-168
本文采用野外调查与萌发实验相结合的方法对岷江上游地区自然恢复的灌丛以及 3种人工林的土壤种子库状况进行了比较研究。结果显示 ,各样地土壤种子库的储量为 192 5 0~ 3 13 60粒 /(m2 × 10cm)之间 ,人工林的土壤种子库储量和物种数量都大于自然恢复的灌丛 ,其顺序为连香树Cercidiphyllum japonicum、油松Pinustabulaeformis混交林 >连香树林 >油松林 >毛榛Corylusmandshurica、辽东栎Quercusliaotungensis灌丛 ,各样地土壤种子库密度的垂直分布均为上层 >中层 >下层。在各样地土壤种子库的生活型组成中 ,乔木种类所占比例极少 ,而草本种类的数量较多。在灌丛的土壤种子库中 ,灌木的物种数量及其在种子库中所占的比例均大于人工林。大序醉鱼草Buddlejamacrostachya、喜阴悬钩子Rubusmesogaeus、华西绣线菊Spiraealaeta在种子库中的大量存在明显提高了灌木在各样地土壤种子库中所占的比例  相似文献   
Stemflow (Sf) measurements in tropical rain and montane forests dominated by large trees rarely include the understory and small trees. In this study, contributions of lower (1‐ to 2‐m height) and upper (>2‐m height and <5‐cm diameter at breast height [DBH]) woody understory, small trees (5 < DBH < 10 cm), and canopy trees (>10‐cm DBH) to Sf per unit ground area (Sfa) of a Mexican lower montane cloud forest were quantified for 32 days with rainfall (P) during the 2014 wet season. Rainfall, stemflow yield (Sfy), vegetation height, density, and basal area were measured. Subsequently, stemflow funneling ratios (SFRs) were calculated, and three common methods to scale up Sfy from individual trees to the stand level (tree‐Sfy correlation, P‐Sfy correlation, and mean‐Sfy extrapolation) were used to calculate Sfa. Understory woody plants, small trees, and upper canopy trees represented 96%, 2%, and 2%, respectively, of the total density. Upper canopy trees had the lowest SFRs (1.6 ± 0.5 Standard Error (SE) on average), although the lower understory had the highest (36.1 ± 6.4). Small trees and upper understory presented similar SFRs (22.9 ± 5.4 and 20.2 ± 3.9, respectively). Different Sf scaling methods generally yielded similar results. Overall Sfa during the study period was 22.7 mm (4.5% of rainfall), to which the understory contributed 70.1% (15.9 mm), small trees 10.6% (2.4 mm), and upper canopy trees 19.3% (4.4 mm). Our results strongly suggest that for humid tropical forests with dense understory of woody plants and small trees, Sf of these groups should be measured to avoid an underestimation of overall Sf at the stand level.  相似文献   
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