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This paper treats the problem of how to transform from global datum, for example, from the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS), to a local datum, for example, regional or national, for the practical case of the Lambert projection of the sphere or the ellipsoid-of-revolution to the cone. We design the two projection constants n(ϕ1, ϕ2) and m(ϕ1) for the Universal Lambert Conic projection of the ellipsoid-of-revolution. The task to transform from a global datum with respect to the ellipsoid-of-revolution EA,B2 to local datum with respect to the alternative ellipsoid-of-revolution Ea,b2, without local ellipsoidal height, is solved by an extended numerical example. Ideas in this paper could be of interest to those working with maps and coordinates transformation from global geodetic datum to local geodetic datum and vice versa, under the Universal Lambert Conic projection, and applicable to precise positioning and navigation, boundary demarcation and determination in the marine environment.  相似文献   
In this study we examine the behavior of the thermohaline circulation, as simulated by the Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3), for several centuries following CO2 stabilization for the SRES B1 and A1B scenarios and for an “overshoot” scenario in which CO2 levels temporarily reach the same level as in the A1B scenario before declining to an ultimate stabilization level that is identical to the B1 case. While we find no evidence for irreversible changes of the thermohaline circulation in the overshoot experiment, the interplay of the different timescales of the temperature response of the surface and interior ocean does lead to a number of differences in the long-term response of the ocean between it and the B1 stabilization scenario where the same GHG levels are approached by different paths. The stronger initial warming and its slow penetration into the deeper ocean, followed by a transient surface cooling in the overshoot scenario leads to lower static stability, deeper mixing, and a more rapid recovery of the thermohaline circulation than in the B1 stabilization scenario. While the overshoot scenario recovers surface conditions (e.g. SST, sea ice extent) very similar to the B1 scenario shortly after reaching the same GHG levels, the additional accumulation of heat in the interior ocean during the period of higher forcing causes the global mean ocean temperature and steric sea level to remain higher than in the B1 stabilization scenario for at least another several centuries.  相似文献   
顾燕  张鹰 《海洋技术学报》2004,23(2):103-106
海岸带是影响人类活动的重要地带,海岸带专题地图能够详细表示出海岸带的特性。随着海洋经济的发展,海岸图的需求日益增加。从地图的数学要素出发,提出目前海岸图绘制存在的问题,并从地图学、海洋学、遥感地学的角度,对地图投影的选择、坐标系转换、比例尺对海岸图编绘的影响及控制点的确定等问题进行了综合分析。  相似文献   
随着GPS应用的普及,高斯投影在测量中出现的机会越来越多。许多文献上都给出了推导过程,这个推导过程的运算量是非常大的,而且计算精度难于提高。经过研究,一种易于编程的递推公式被发现,虽然这个公式在计算量上没有减少,但是可以较好地解决精度问题。  相似文献   
第二次全国土地调查工作中,城镇与农村地区的土地面积在计算方法上有所不同:农村地区的土地面积是以椭球面为基准的面积,即球面面积;城镇地区的土地面积是以平面为基准的面积,即平面面积。二者之间存在差异并按一定规律变化,当调查区处于投影带边缘附近时,同一图斑的球面面积与平面面积之间的差异达到最大。由于采用不同的计算方法而导致面积数量的差异,在进行农村与城镇有关土地数据整合时会出现矛盾。为了建立城乡统一的土地管理信息系统,保证土地面积的一致性,应当采取相应措施消除二者之间的差异。  相似文献   
本文主要讨论了利用空间投影一空间斜墨卡托(SOM)投影进行卫星遥感图像精纠正与定位,解决缺少控制点地区卫星遥感图像精纠正与定位问题,并根据正反算公式讨论了卫星遥感图像纠正的空间投影数学基础。  相似文献   
考虑用GMRES方法求解多右端非对称位移方程组(A-σjI)x^(j)=b^(j),1≤j≤p。基于Smith的求解多右端方程组的种子投影思想,提出了求解上述位移方程组的GMRES种子投影方法,利用种子方程组产生的Krylov子空间来求近似解。本文给出了近似解的误差界,最后数值结果显示了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
After dividing the source regions of the Yellow River into 38 sub-basins, the paper made use of the SWAT model to simulate streamflow with validation and calibration of the observed yearly and monthly runoff data from the Tangnag hydrological station, and simulation results are satisfactory. Five land-cover scenario models and 24 sets of temperature and precipitation combinations were established to simulate annual runoff and runoff depth under different scenarios. The simulation shows that with the increasing of vegetation coverage annual runoff increases and evapotranspiration decreases in the basin. When temperature decreases by 2oC and precipitation increases by 20%, catchment runoff will increase by 39.69%, which is the largest situation among all scenarios.  相似文献   
赵应权  沈忠民  王鹏 《岩矿测试》2014,33(5):674-680
传统显微镜光源主要包括卤素灯光源、纯水过滤热射线光源、LED光源等,由于卤素灯光源含有大量760~1400 nm区段的红外线,纯水过滤热射线光源滤除红外线不彻底且水会导致透射光线的部分散射,LED光源在500 nm波长附近的光照强度不足、波形存在缺陷,容易灼伤样品或使成像质量受限,都难以满足需要采用大功率冷光源进行无损、高质量显微观察成像和测试的要求。本文在总结光学显微镜的成像方式、光源类型及各类光源优缺点的基础上,提出了采用三棱镜-凸透镜组分频合成冷光源的新思路。该思路首先利用三棱镜将卤素灯光源光谱按频率顺序打开,然后选择可见光区域内的光谱,用凸透镜组校正可见光方向后,再由三棱镜将这些可见光合成不含热射线的冷光源。理论和砂岩荧光薄片实际测试效果表明,该方法既可完全排除热射线,从而使样品免遭受破坏,又保持了完整的可见光光谱,解决了大功率冷光源红外线生热和光谱存在缺陷的难题,这为采用大功率冷光源的光学显微镜投影高质量成像提供了新的方法及切实可行的依据。该套分频合成光源的装置主要配置为:玻璃材质的同规格的三棱镜与凸透镜各两个,卤素灯光源一个。结构简单,可在需使用大功率冷光源进行无损成像和测试等方面获得广泛的应用。  相似文献   
杨绚  李栋梁  汤绪 《中国沙漠》2014,34(3):795-804
选用国际耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)提供的30个全球大气-海洋耦合模式(AOGCMs)在典型浓度路径(RCPs)情景下气温和降水量的预估结果,采用扰动法,用站点观测资料作为气候背景场替代AOGCM模拟的气候平均,尝试校正气候预估结果的系统性偏差。通过集合方法,用概率的形式给出中国平均气温升高1 ℃,2 ℃和3 ℃以及降水量增加10%,20%和30%概率的空间分布,讨论了中国未来平均气温和降水量可能的变化。结果表明:经过扰动法处理后的气温和降水量预估集合保留了当前气候的局地信息。预估平均气温在中国均有上升,北方地区尤其是青藏高原地区变暖的程度大于南方地区,北方大部分地区平均气温升高的趋势为0.28 ℃/10a。在21世纪初,中国北方地区年平均气温升高1 ℃的可能性超过50%。到了21世纪末期,中国大部分地区平均气温升高2 ℃的可能性超过60%,新疆北部以及青藏高原南部地区气温升高3 ℃的可能性超过50%。预估中国降水量普遍增多,中国北方地区降水量增多的程度要明显大于江淮流域及其以南地区,尤其是西北地区降水量增多非常显著,降水量增多30%的可能性超过70%以上。  相似文献   
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