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桩端后压浆浆液上返高度对后压浆桩承载力的计算影响较大。基于幂律型流体的黏度时变性特征,推导了考虑黏度时变性的桩端压力浆液上返的理论计算公式,并给出了参数的确定方法及成层土中浆液上返高度的迭代算法;结合台州湾大桥的接线工程,利用电磁波CT对桩基后压浆的加固效果进行了探测分析。结果表明,采用浆液沿压浆管道阻力损失的拟合值并考虑黏度时变性得到的浆液上返高度的计算结果与实测结果基本吻合且偏于安全,而忽略黏度时变性得到的计算结果偏大,会对后压浆桩的承载力设计造成不利影响。此外,电磁波CT能观测到桩体、水泥浆加固体及土体的分布情况,且能推测出水泥浆液在桩端的扩散范围和沿桩身的上返高度,可用于评价后压浆桩的压浆效果。研究成果可为后压浆桩的设计和效果检测提供参考和指导。  相似文献   
The perimeter-area fractal model and its application to geology   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Perimeters and areas of similarly shaped fractal geometries in two-dimensional space are related to one another by power-law relationships. The exponents obtained from these power laws are associated with, but do not necessarily provide, unbiased estimates of the fractal dimensions of the perimeters and areas. The exponent (DAL) obtained from perimeter-area analysis can be used only as a reliable estimate of the dimension of the perimeter (DL) if the dimension of the measured area is DA=2. If DA<2, then the exponent DAL=2DL/DA>DL. Similar relations hold true for area and volumes of three-dimensional fractal geometries. The newly derived results are used for characterizing Au associated alteration zones in porphyry systems in the Mitchell-Sulphurets mineral district, northwestern British Columbia.  相似文献   
Time delays associated with processes leading to a failure or stress relaxation in materials and earthquakes are studied in terms of continuum damage mechanics. Damage mechanics is a quasi-empirical approach that describes inelastic irreversible phenomena in the deformation of solids. When a rock sample is loaded, there is generally a time delay before the rock fails. This period is characterized by the occurrence and coalescence of microcracks which radiate acoustic signals of broad amplitudes. These acoustic emission events have been shown to exhibit power-law scaling as they increase in intensity prior to a rupture. In case of seismogenic processes in the Earth's brittle crust, all earthquakes are followed by an aftershock sequence. A universal feature of aftershocks is that their rate decays in time according to the modified Omori's law, a power-law decay. In this paper a model of continuum damage mechanics in which damage (microcracking) starts to develop when the applied stress exceeds a prescribed yield stress (a material parameter) is introduced to explain both laboratory experiments and systematic temporal variations in seismicity.  相似文献   
基于幂函数法则对放牧梯度上种群空间异质性的定量分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
 在呼伦贝尔草原的克氏针茅群落选择轻牧、中牧、重牧3个不同的放牧梯度,沿着50 m样线设置100个50 cm×50 cm的L型样方,每个L型样方内划分4个25 cm×25 cm的S型样方,以物种出现的频度(p)作为植被空间分布的观测指标,采用幂函数法则对放牧梯度上草原植物群落物种的空间异质性进行了定量研究。结果表明,在不同放牧强度下,种类结构发生明显改变,轻度放牧区羊草和星状刺骨藜、中度放牧区藜和糙隐子草、重度放牧区猪毛菜和多根葱具有高的出现频度,群落物种数随着放牧压力的增大而减小。整体来看,放牧梯度上物种的空间分布呈现明显的聚集分布,物种空间异质性(δi)随着放牧强度的增大而增加,拟合于幂函数规律曲线;群落的空间异质性(δc)随着轻牧-中牧-重牧放牧演替的进展呈现降低趋势,种群个体分布呈现片断化特征。在群落内部各个种群具有不同的异质化分布特点,物种结构主要表现出密集型种群和疏散型种群两大类型。这些趋势与种群的繁殖策略、生活史对策、群落的再生产策略等生理与生态特性密切相关。  相似文献   
本文利用自制的微机数据采集与分析系统,处理了1985年12月至1986年6月在武昌接收日本ETS-Ⅱ卫星信标136MHz信号所观测到的振幅闪烁。共分析了133例闪烁功率谱得出,谱指数随闪烁指数S_4的增加有增大的趋势,平均谱指数值为3.1;大多数的对数功率谱曲线都在低频部分平坦或以略小于1的斜率上升,而在高频部分以-2.5~-4.0的斜率迅速下降;有1 3例功率谱在高频部分发生“折断”现象,即负幂律谱有两个谱指数,发生折断的频率fb约为0.07Hz,相应的电离层不规则结构的空间尺度约为280m。  相似文献   
桂乐乐  周宏伟  夏昌敬  杜盛浩  刘艳 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3934-3938
以锦屏二级为工程背景,通过对猫猫滩闸址区域内断层的统计,得到断层数量与尺度的幂律关系,并通过分段线性拟合的方法估算了断层系统的尺度-数量分维发现,当断层迹长 0.1 km时,分维 0.487 5;当断层迹长 0.1 km时,分维 1.496 1。通过该尺度律关系,结合蒙特卡洛法,推演了更小规模的节理的空间分布。运用DDA数值计算程序,分析并模拟了大水沟地下厂房的开挖过程,获得了高度节理化的由开挖引起的应力、位移变化图。  相似文献   
Aftershock Statistics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The statistical properties of aftershock sequences are associated with three empirical scaling relations: (1) Gutenberg-Richter frequency-magnitude scaling, (2) Båths law for the magnitude of the largest aftershock, and (3) the modified Omoris law for the temporal decay of aftershocks. In this paper these three laws are combined to give a relation for the aftershock decay rate that depends on only a few parameters. This result is used to study the temporal properties of aftershock sequences of several large California earthquakes. A review of different mechanisms and models of aftershocks are also given. The scale invariance of the process of stress transfer caused by a main shock and the heterogeneous medium in which aftershocks occur are responsible for the occurrence of scaling laws. We suggest that the observed partitioning of energy could play a crucial role in explaining the physical origin of Båths law. We also study the stress relaxation process in a simple model of damage mechanics and find that the rate of energy release in this model is identical to the rate of aftershock occurrence described by the modified Omoris law.  相似文献   
The first measurements of cloud condensation nuclei(CCN) at five supersaturations were carried out onboard the research vessel "Sagar Kanya"(cruise SK-296) from the south to the head-bay of the Bay of Bengal as part of the Continental Tropical Convergence Zone(CTCZ) Project during the Indian summer monsoon of 2012. In this paper, we assess the diurnal variation in CCN distributions at supersaturations from 0.2% to 1%(in steps of 0.2%) and the power-law fit at supersaturation of 1%.The diurnal pattern shows peaks in CCN concentration(NCCN) at supersaturations from 0.2% to 1% between 0600 and 0700 LST(local standard time, UTC+0530), with relatively low concentrations between 1200 and 1400 LST, followed by a peak at around 1800 LST. The power-law fit for the CCN distribution at different supersaturation levels relates the empirical exponent(k) of supersaturation(%) and the NCCNat a supersaturation of 1%. The NCCNat a supersaturation of 0.4% is observed to vary from 702 cm~(-3) to 1289 cm~(-3), with a mean of 961 ± 161 cm~(-3)(95% confidence interval), representing the CCN activity of marine air masses. Whereas, the mean NCCNof 1628 ± 193 cm~(-3) at a supersaturation of 1% is higher than anticipated for the marine background. When the number of CCN spectra is 1293, the value of k is 0.57 ± 0.03(99% confidence interval)and its probability distribution shows cumulative counts significant at k ≈ 0.55 ± 0.25. The results are found to be better at representing the features of the marine environment(103 cm~(-3) and k ≈ 0.5) and useful for validating CCN closure studies for Indian sea regions.  相似文献   
A numerical rock fragmentation model was elaborated, producing a 3D puzzle of convex polyhedra, geometrically described in a database. In the first scenario, a constant proportion of blocks are fragmented at each step of the process and leads to fractal distribution. In the second scenario, division affects one random block at each stage of the process, and produces a Weibull volume distribution law. Imposing a minimal distance between the fractures, the third scenario reveals a power law. The inhibition of new fractures in the neighbourhood of existing discontinuities could be responsible for fractal properties in rock mass fragmentation. To cite this article: L. Empereur-Mot, T. Villemin, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 127–133.  相似文献   
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