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城市群地震灾害特点与防震减灾对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高孟潭 《中国地震》2003,19(2):103-108
城市群是我国经济迅速发展的产物。我国东部地区已经涌现了大量的城市群。城市群地震灾害比单个城市的地震灾害更为复杂、严重。地震对社会经济的影响更大。本文首次对城市群的地震灾害特点、防震减灾对策进行了系统的讨论,并着重指出了城市群防震减灾研究的重点领域。  相似文献   
Ken Durham 《Natural Hazards》2003,30(2):251-261
Cairns is exposed to the well-known natural hazards oftropical cyclone, flood, stormsurge and thunderstorm, but is also exposed to thelesser-known hazards of landslip, earthquake and dam break flooding. Recommendations fortreating the risks associated with these hazards have been made that will involve amulti-disciplinary approach to treatment strategies, require the cooperation of allthree levels of government, involve public utility authorities and private enterprise andinvolve the community as a whole.This paper summarises the suggested mitigation treatmentoptions, presented to the Cairns City Council and identified in the LocalGovernment Disaster Mitigation Project conducted in Cairns in 1999/2000 by theQueensland Department of Emergency Services.  相似文献   
Wetland mitigation banking is an American neoliberal environmental policy that has created a functioning market in `ecosystem services', commodities defined using the holistic measures of ecological science. The development of this market is discussed as a project of environmental governance, defined as the nation-state's regulation of ecological relations within its territory towards stabilizing capitalist relations of power and accumulation. I argue that the wetland banking industry serves as a bellwether that presages problems that other strategies of neoliberal environmental governance will experience. Ethnographic, economic and ecological data from the Chicago-area wetland banking industry inform a discussion of two major obstacles to neoliberal strategy: the problem of relying on ecological science to define the unit of trade, and the problem of aligning the somewhat independent relations of law, politics, markets and ecosystems across an array of spatial scales. Theoretical guidance is sought from recent work on `social natures' and from the Regulationist approach to institutional political economics.  相似文献   
0引言1998年8月至2000年1月在云南省丽江地区宁蒗县境内先后发生13次4~6.2级地震。这一组强震事件前,丽江行署地震局前方工作组、宁蒗县地震局根据多年的预报经验两次向中国地震局和省地震局填报了临震预报卡,准确判定了各个阶段的震情发展趋势,较成功地实现了对这组地震事件的临震预报。与此同时,向丽江地委、行署、宁蒗县委、县政府等明确提出了地震应急对策措施和建议。震前行署地震局前方工作组到极震区的烂泥箐乡开展了防震减灾科普知识宣传活动,为地方政府和震区的人民群众在震前及时实施各项有效的防震减灾措施奠定了基础,对减少灾区…  相似文献   
两种不同减排情景下21世纪气候变化的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用国家气候中心最新发展的气候系统模式BCC-CSM1.0模拟了相对于B1排放情景,两种不同减排情景(De90和De07,表示按照B1情景排放到2012年,之后线性递减,至2050年时CO_2排放水平分别达到1990和2007年排放水平一半的情景)对全球和中国区域气候变化的影响.结果表明:两种减排情景下模式模拟的全球平均地表气温在21世纪40年代以后明显低于Bl情景,比减排情景浓度低于B1的时间延迟了20年左右;尽管De90减排情景在2050年所达到的稳定排放水平低于De07情景,但De90情景下的全球增温在2070年以后才一致低于De07情景,这种滞后町能与耦合系统(主要足海洋)的惯性有关;至21世纪末,De90和De07情景下的全球增温幅度分别比B1情景降低了0.4和0.2℃;从全球分布来看,B1情景下21世纪后30年的增温幅度在北半球高纬度和极地地区最大,减排情景能够显著减少这些地区的增温幅度,减排程度越大,则减少越多;在中国区域,B1情景下21世纪末平均增温比全球平均高约1.2℃,减排情景De90和De07分别比B1情景降低了0.4和0.3℃,中国北方地区增温幅度高于南方及沿海地区,减排情景能够显著减小中国西部地区的增温幅度;B1情景下21世纪后30年伞球增温在冬季最高,De90和De07情景分别能够降低各个季节全球升温幅度的17%和10%左右.  相似文献   
太湖地区农业源污染核算研究进展   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
太湖地区水体污染严重,控制太湖污染、改善太湖水质,对发挥太湖的综合服务功能,促进全流域经济可持续发展和社会稳定具有重要的战略意义.充分把握和核算太湖地区农业源污染排放量、入河量及其时空分布是落实太湖地区污染物科学减排从而进一步改善太湖水质的基础.本研究总结和概述了太湖地区农业源污染现有的核算方法、产排污参数、控制途径等,结合太湖地区农业源污染构成、排放与布局的复杂情况,提出综合运用各种核算研究方法,充分考虑各污染来源,确定农业源污染的产污量、排污量和入河量,并通过建立分期、分区、细分类型的农业源污染排放、入河参数,为科学确定农业源污染减排指标以及制定减排措施提供依据.  相似文献   
IntroductionAccordingtoEarthquakeResistanceandDisasterReductionLawforthePeoplesRepublicofChina,twomethodsareadoptedforseismicdesignoftheconstructionprojectsinChina.Forkeyprojectsandtheprojectseasytocauseserioussecondarydisasters,seismicsafetyevaluationsmustbecarriedout.Andbasedontheresults,seismicfortificationstandardsaredeterminedtomakeseismicdesign.Forgeneralindustrialandcivilbuildings,seismicdesignsarecarriedoutaccordingtotheseismicfortificationstandardsstipulatedbyseismiczonationmap(Ch…  相似文献   
Over the past decade, major landscape wildfires (or ‘bushfires’ in Australia) in fire-prone countries have illustrated the seriousness of this global environmental problem. This natural hazard presents a complex mesh of dynamic factors for those seeking to reduce or manage its costs, as ignitions, hazard behaviour, and the reactions of different human and ecological communities during and after hazard events are all extremely uncertain. But while those at risk of wildfire have been subject to significant research, the social dimensions of its management, including the role of science, have received little attention. This paper reports on a case study of the Barwon-Otway area of Victoria in Australia, a high wildfire risk area that has recently been a pilot site for a new risk mitigation strategy utilising the wildfire simulation model PHOENIX RapidFire. Against simple equations between ‘more science’ and ‘less uncertainty,’ this paper presents results from interviews and a workshop with practitioners to investigate how scientific research interacts with and informs both wildfire policy and practice. We suggest that attending to cultural and social specificities of the application of any technical innovation—such as next generation modelling—raises questions for future research about the roles of narrative, performance, and other knowledges in the sedimentation of science.  相似文献   
This article proposes a fundamental methodological shift in the modelling of policy interventions for sustainability transitions in order to account for complexity (e.g. self-reinforcing mechanisms, such as technology lock-ins, arising from multi-agent interactions) and agent heterogeneity (e.g. differences in consumer and investment behaviour arising from income stratification). We first characterise the uncertainty faced by climate policy-makers and its implications for investment decision-makers. We then identify five shortcomings in the equilibrium and optimisation-based approaches most frequently used to inform sustainability policy: (i) their normative, optimisation-based nature, (ii) their unrealistic reliance on the full-rationality of agents, (iii) their inability to account for mutual influences among agents (multi-agent interactions) and capture related self-reinforcing (positive feedback) processes, (iv) their inability to represent multiple solutions and path-dependency, and (v) their inability to properly account for agent heterogeneity. The aim of this article is to introduce an alternative modelling approach based on complexity dynamics and agent heterogeneity, and explore its use in four key areas of sustainability policy, namely (1) technology adoption and diffusion, (2) macroeconomic impacts of low-carbon policies, (3) interactions between the socio-economic system and the natural environment, and (4) the anticipation of policy outcomes. The practical relevance of the proposed methodology is subsequently discussed by reference to four specific applications relating to each of the above areas: the diffusion of transport technology, the impact of low-carbon investment on income and employment, the management of cascading uncertainties, and the cross-sectoral impact of biofuels policies. In conclusion, the article calls for a fundamental methodological shift aligning the modelling of the socio-economic system with that of the climatic system, for a combined and realistic understanding of the impact of sustainability policies.  相似文献   
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