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Plagioclase ultraphyric basalts (PUBs) with up to 54% plagioclasephenocrysts were dredged in the rift valley and adjacent flanksof the ultraslow-spreading Mohns and Knipovich ridges. The PUBsshow large variations in crystal morphologies and zoning. Thelarge variations suggest that single basalt samples containa mixture of plagioclase crystals that aggregated at differentlevels in the magma conduits. Resorbed crystals and repeatedreverse zones suggest that the magma reservoirs were replenishedand heated several times. Thin concentric zones with melt inclusions,and sharp reductions in the anorthite content of 3–7%,are common between the reverse zones. These zones, and skeletalcrystals with distinctly lower anorthite contents than massivecrystals, are interpreted to be the result of rapid crystalliztionduring strong undercooling. The changes between short periodsof cooling and longer periods with reheating are explained bymultiple advances of crystal-rich magma into cool regions followedby longer periods of gradual magma inflow and temperature increase.The porphyritic basalts are characterizd by more depleted andmore fractionated compositions than the aphyric basalts, withlower (La/Sm)N, K2O and Mg-numbers. This relationship, and theobservation that PUBs are sampled only close to segment centresalong these ridges, suggests that the PUBs formed by higherdegrees of melting and evolved in more long-lived magma reservoirs.We propose that the zoning patterns of plagioclase crystalsand crystal morphologies of these PUBs reflect the developmentand flow of magma through a stacked sill complex-like conduitsystem, whereas the aphyric equivalents represent later flowof magma through the conduit. The formation of voluminous higher-degreemelts may trigger the development of the magma conduits andexplain the generally depleted compositions of PUB magmas. KEY WORDS: basalt; mineral chemistry; MORB; magma mixing; magma chamber; major element  相似文献   
RUSLE及其影响因子的快速计算分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
RUSLE是目前应用最广泛的土壤侵蚀模型。虽然是一种经验模型,但是其影响因子计算仍然非常复杂,满足不了区域土壤侵蚀的快速提取要求。针对这种状况,文章在介绍RUSLE手册中每个影响因子计算方式基础上,分析总结了可进行快速计算的方法,实验表明,采用文章推荐的因子计算方式,可达到快速有效的目的。  相似文献   
The Bouguer anomaly and the total intensity magnetic maps of Saurashtra have delineated six circular gravity highs and magnetic anomalies of 40-60 mGal (10−5m/s2) and 800-1000 nT, respectively. Three of them in western Saurashtra coincide with known volcanic plugs associated with Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP), while the other three in SE Saurashtra coincide with rather concealed plugs exposed partially. The DVP represents different phases of eruption during 65.5±2.5 Ma from the Reunion plume. The geochemical data of the exposed rock samples from these plugs exhibit a wide variation in source composition, which varies from ultramafic/mafic to felsic composition of volcanic plugs in western Saurashtra and an alkaline composition for those in SE Saurashtra. Detailed studies of granophyres and alkaline rocks from these volcanic plugs reveal a calc-alkaline differentiation trend and a continental tectonic setting of emplacement. The alkaline plugs of SE Saurashtra are associated with NE-SW oriented structural trends, related to the Gulf of Cambay and the Cambay rift basin along the track of the Reunion plume. This indicates a deeper source for these plugs compared to those in the western part and may represent the primary source magma. The Junagadh plug with well differentiated ring complexes in western Saurashtra shows well defined centers of magnetic anomaly while the magnetic anomalies due to other plugs are diffused though of the same amplitude. This implies that other plugs are also associated with mafic/ultramafic components, which may not be differentiated and may be present at subsurface levels. Paleomagnetic measurements on surface rock samples from DVP in Saurashtra suggest a susceptibility of 5.5×10−2 SI units with an average Koenigsberger ratio (Qn) of almost one and average direction of remanent magnetization of D=147.4° and I=+56.1°. The virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) position computed from the mean direction of magnetization for the volcanic plugs and Deccan basalt of Saurashtra is 30°N and 74°W, which is close to the VGP position corresponding to the early phases of Deccan eruption. Modeling of gravity and magnetic anomalies along two representative profiles across Junagadh and Barda volcanic plugs suggest a bulk density of 2900 and 2880 kg/m3, respectively and susceptibility of 3.14×10−2 SI units with a Qn ratio of 0.56 which are within the range of their values obtained from laboratory measurements on exposed rock samples. The same order of gravity and magnetic anomalies observed over the volcanic plugs of Saurashtra indicates almost similar bulk physical properties for them. The inferred directions of magnetization from magnetic anomalies, however, are D=337° and 340° and I=−38° and −50° which represent the bulk direction of magnetization and also indicate a reversal of the magnetic field during the eruption of these plugs. Some of these plugs are associated with seismic activities of magnitude ≤4 at their contacts. Based on this analysis, other circular/semi-circular gravity highs of NW India can be qualitatively attributed to similar subsurface volcanic plugs.  相似文献   
During SESAME phase I ground-based FTIR measurements were performed atEsrange near Kiruna, Sweden, from 28 January to 26 March 1994. Zenith columnamounts of ClONO2, HCl, HF, HNO3,O3, N2O, CH4, and CFC-12 werederived from solar absorption spectra. Time series of ClONO2and HCl indicate a chlorine activation at the end of January and around 1March. On 1 March a very low amount of HCl of 2.09times; 1015molec. cm-2 was detected, probably caused by a second chlorineactivation phase starting from an already decreased amount of HCl. The ratioof column amounts of HCl to ClONO2 decreased inside the vortexfrom about 1 in January to 0.4 in late March compared to values of about 2outside the vortex. Although the Arctic stratosphere was rather warm in winter1993/94 and PSCs occurred seldom, chlorine partitioning into its reservoirspecies HCl and ClONO2 changed during that winter andClONO2 is the major chlorine reservoir at the end of thewinter as in cold winters like 1991/92 and 1994/95.  相似文献   
Hidehisa  Mashima 《Island Arc》2005,14(2):165-177
Abstract   The major element and compatible trace element compositions of the northwest Kyushu basalts (NWKBs) collected from Saga-Futagoyama were analyzed to examine the petrogenesis of these basalts. Although nepheline-normative alkaline basalts are not found in the basalts from Saga-Futagoyama, the Saga-Futagoyama basalts almost cover the major element variations of NWKBs. The basalts can be chemically divided into two groups: an Fe-poor group (IPG) and an Fe-rich group (IRG). The compositional variation of IPG basalts is essentially controlled by the partial melting of the source as suggested by the following: (i) bulk rock MgO, FeO and NiO compositions indicate that some IPG samples were equilibrated with mantle olivine; and (ii) correlations between Al2O3, CaO and MgO are consistent with those of experimental partial melts of peridotites. The inconsistent behaviors of the elements compatible with clinopyroxene (Cpx), such as V (Sc and Cu), preclude the significant role of the fractional crystallization of Cpx and spinel in IPG variation. IPG basalts have low Al and high Fe concentrations compared to the products of melting experiments involving peridotites and pyroxenites, suggesting that the IPG source would have a lithology and bulk rock composition different from those of typical peridotites and pyroxenites. IRG basalts have negative correlations between Fe2O3* and MgO, and between V and Fe2O3*/MgO, indicating that IRG basalts would have fractionated Cpx. However, the anomalously Fe-rich feature of IRG basalts compared with NWKBs collected from other areas suggests that the role of Cpx fractionation in NWKBs is minor. Relatively low melting temperatures would have principally caused the large chemical variation of NWKBs.  相似文献   
数字化形变台站日常下载、处理直至管理数据,都应用《数字化通讯控制软件》、《形变前兆台站(网)数据处理系统》及《形变前兆数据库服务软件(台站版)》等三个软件交互进行,在实际使用过程中会遇到一些棘手的问题。本文结合我台的观测工作的实践,总结经验,以供台站同行共享。  相似文献   
Investigations of atmospheric composition in the Himalayas has been limited in both temporal and spatial scales, mainly due to difficult logistics. Ideal sites for monitoring atmospheric composition and its evolution should be free from local pollution and representative of the remote troposphere (HUEBERT et al., 1980). As the Himalayas are far removed from highly industrialized regions they provide suitable locations to monitor the chemistry of the remote troposphere and to study the evolu…  相似文献   
合肥盆地形成机制与油气勘探前景   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
合肥盆地是与大别造山带同因同期形成的山前前陆盆地,在发育过程中盆地东部受郊庐断裂影响较大。盆地基底为华北板块的南缘,岩性主要由古生界组成,沉积盖层发育较全,厚达12000m。是一个中、新生代陆相沉积盆地。该盆地共划分4个一级构造单元,形成“三坳围一隆”的构造格局。主要大断裂4条,南倾、东西走向,横贯全盆,其性质为先逆后正的转换断层。该盆地形成∈-O、C-P、J1-2、K1-2、E五套烃源岩,中央隆起是油气的主要指向,是一个勘探潜力较大的含油气盆地。  相似文献   
浙江花岗岩类地球化学与地壳演化——Ⅱ.元古宙花岗岩类   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
浙江元古宙花岗岩类包括神功期(1.8-1.9Ga)和晋宁晚期(0.6—0.9Ga)。研究了浙江元古宙花岗岩类的主元素、微量元素、稀土元素和Rb、Sr同位素组成特征及岩石成因,探讨了浙江地壳的演化。浙江地壳形成于太古亩和元古宙,地壳增生的时期为2.6-2.7、0.8-1.1和0.1-0.12Ga。随时间演化浙江地壳组成有变化,但分异演化不明显。沿江-绍断裂分布的晋宁晚期慢源和壳幔混合中酸性岩是普宁期俯冲碰撞的证据。加里乐和印支期是两次规模不大的构造运动。  相似文献   
2005—2010年台风突变路径的预报误差及其环流背景   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
倪钟萍  吴立广  张玲 《气象》2013,39(6):719-727
本文主要分析了2005-2010年西北太平洋上台风突变路径的预报误差及其相联系的环流形势.通过分析北折和西折两种突变路径发现,中央气象台对西折突变路径的24和48 h预报接近平均预报水平;北折突变路径突变时刻,24 h预报的距离误差达到145.6 km,比平均预报误差增加了29.3%,48 h预报的距离误差达317.3 km,比平均预报误差增加了68.3%.从突变路径的物理机制方面分析突变路径预报的难点.将台风附近气流分解成低频和高频两部分,合成分析发现两类突变路径的风场区别不仅表现在低频尺度上副热带高压的西伸程度,还表现在天气尺度上台风附近的风场分布.  相似文献   
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