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The Princeton Ocean Model with realistic bottom topography has been used to investigate the summer temperature decrease in the past 25 years in Fukuoka Bay. The vertical mixing of the model is expressed by a scheme that effectively includes the influences of interannual variations of tidal currents and wind. The results show that the historical temperature decrease in summer has been caused by tidal currents and wind weakening in the past 25 years in Fukuoka Bay. The weakening of tidal currents and wind gives rise to weakening of the vertical mixing, and to enhancement of the estuarine circulation in the bay. The enhancement of the estuarine circulation activates the inflow of open-ocean water toward Fukuoka Bay. Coastal water in summer has therefore tended to be colder and more saline in the past 25 years. This interannual variation in coastal waters is called “open-oceanization” in this study. On the basis of the numerical model, it is anticipated that the temperature will decrease by 0.2°C in the next 25 years in Fukuoka Bay if the tide and wind weaken persistently as in the present bay.  相似文献   
赵洪声 《华南地震》1997,17(1):34-38
论述了在1995~1996年云南地区发生的孟连西南7.3级,武定6.5级和丽江7.0级3次强烈地震的孕育过程中,近源区中小地震的异常增频特点和临震前大气压力的突变共性,并据此提出,强震的发生乃是地壳内外力涨落地加剧的结果。  相似文献   
崔文杰  姚仰平 《岩土力学》2010,31(11):3574-3578
挡土墙侧向土压力主要取决于墙体位移条件。在考虑土体平面应变简单加载条件下不同方向主应力的大小关系以及砂土剪胀特性的基础上,由砂土渐近状态公式得到挡土墙主动位移土压力区和被动位移土压力区任意墙体位移条件下侧向土压力系数K的计算公式。与已有方法相比,通过引入渐近状态准则,考虑了砂土剪胀特性对土压力大小的影响,计算参数确定方法试简单。通过与模型试验的对比,验证了该公式的合理性。  相似文献   
基于近57 a (1961—2017年)西藏雅鲁藏布江中游河谷地区(简称雅江河谷)4个站(拉萨、日喀则、泽当和江孜)盛夏(7—8月)月平均降水和同期NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用合成、相关分析等统计诊断方法,分析了雅江河谷盛夏降水的年际变化特征及其与大气环流的联系。结果表明:1)近57 a雅江河谷盛夏降水无显著线性趋势,降水主要以3~4 a显著周期的年际振荡为主。2)雅江河谷盛夏降水年际波动与区域内水汽收支的变化直接相关,其中印度半岛-东南亚异常反气旋引起的水汽输送通量和水汽在高原腹地辐合上升的动力过程是盛夏降水年际变化的主要原因。3)对流层中低层印度半岛-东南亚异常反气旋环流是该地区盛夏降水年际异常的重要水汽输送通道,该通道将西太平洋、南海和孟加拉湾等地水汽不断输送到高原,期间西太副高和伊朗高压等大尺度系统异常对水汽输送过程起到了重要作用,同时高原盛夏季风低压和南亚高压异常给水汽在高原腹地辐合抬升提供了动力条件。  相似文献   
In our previous study,a statistical linkage between the spring Arctic sea ice concentration(SIC)and the succeeding Chinese summer rainfall during the period 1968–2005 was identified.This linkage is demonstrated by the leading singular value decomposition(SVD)that accounts for 19%of the co-variance.Both spring SIC and Chinese summer rainfall exhibit a coherent interannual variability and two apparent interdecadal variations that occurred in the late 1970s and the early 1990s.The combined impacts of both spri...  相似文献   
In this study,we found that the intensity of interannual variability in the summer upper-tropospheric zonal wind has significantly weakened over Northeast Asia and the subtropical western North Pacific(WNP) since the mid-1990s,concurrent with the previously documented decrease of the westerly jet over North China and Northwest China.Corresponding to this weakening of zonal wind variability,the meridional displacement of the East Asian westerly jet(EAJ) manifested as the leading mode of zonal wind variability over the WNP and East Asia(WNP-EA) before the mid-1990s but not afterward.The energetics of the anomalous pattern associated with the meridional displacement of the EAJ suggests that barotropic energy conversion,from basic flow to anomalous patterns,has led to the weakening of the variability in the EAJ meridional displacement and to a change in the leading dominant mode since the mid-1990s.The barotropic energy conversion efficiently maintained the anomalies associated with the variability in the EAJ meridional displacement during 1979-1993 but acted to dampen the anomalies during 1994-2008.A further investigation of the energetics suggests that the difference in the patterns of the circulation anomaly associated with either the first leading mode or the meridional displacement of the EAJ,i.e.,a southwest-northeast tilted pattern during 1979-1993 and a zonally oriented pattern during 1994-2008,has contributed greatly to the change in barotropic energy conversion.  相似文献   
In phase Ⅱ of the Regional Climate Model Inter-comparison Project (RMIP) for Asia, the regional climate has been simulated for July 1988 through December 1998 by five regional climate models and one global variable resolution model. Comparison of the 10-year simulated precipitation with the observations was carried out. The results show that most models have the capacity to reproduce the basic spatial pattern of precipitation for Asia, and the main rainbelt can be reproduced by most models, but there are distinctions in the location and the intensity. Most models overestimate the precipitation over most continental regions. Interannual variability of the precipitation can also be basically simulated, while differences exist between various models and the observations. The biases in the stream field are important reasons behind the simulation errors of the Regional Climate Models (RCMs). The cumulus scheme and land surface process have large influences on the precipitation simulation. Generally, the Grell cumulus scheme produces more precipitation than the Kuo scheme.  相似文献   
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