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新地球观   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
One of the most important achivements on science in 20th century is the new recognition on the Earth:the Earth,out of the other planets, exhibits very peculiar features because it has an extremely complex and active periphery part (surfacial layers). This periphery part is an open system sustained by inputting solar energe , which is captured , transfered and stored by life. Through the system , cyclings of matters and energe flow are driven and regulated by life activities. This system is self-equilibrated,self-controlled and far away from astrophysical and thermodynamic equilibria mainly because of life and life activities.
Development of human calture influences increasingly on流Earth's periphery system , at last , the natural biosphere that has existed for 3 billion years on the Earth's surface will inavoidably be replaced by so called "noosphere",which is man一reconstructed,man-controlled and unstable system. Thus the fate of the Earth,to a great extent,will be determined by the direction of human calture evolution.
展示了数十年来国内外科研机构运用地下流体测项中氟氯离子及水电导的异常特征探索防震减灾的突出成果。在分析了异常特征可能的产生机理后指出:流体测项中氟氯离子及水电导很可能是我们探寻多年的地化敏感元素,该元素抗干扰能力强,映震效果好,测试方便快捷,既经济又可靠。建议各地区结合本地化学、地质构造特征做到扬长避短,在不适合进行水位和水气观测的井泉多开展对氟氯及其他离子元素和水电导的多项目的综合监测研究,做到一井多用,监测有重点,分析有全面。  相似文献   
在国家重点研发计划支持下,项目提出了陆表不均一性检测和订正的新方法,解决了渐变型不均一性检测和订正的难题,构建了中国地表太阳辐射、气温、地温、风速和降水等参数均一化站点和格点数据集,修订了关于中国地表风速变化趋势、增温格局及其形成机制的结论。融合多源数据,构建并验证了千米级、流域级或县域级的电厂、人口、生物质能、取水量、氮排放、二氧化碳排放等影响自然系统的关键人文要素历史和未来预估数据集。构建了未来关键人文要素情景,研制了碳中和目标下甲烷和氧化亚氮排放情景和用于驱动全球模式的未来情景,预估了中国碳中和战略的实施对全球变暖的减缓作用,发现中国碳中和对远期和中期全球变暖的减缓作用显著。给出了中国各省份水体氮排放安全阈值及超越时间,阐明了中国粮食产量与氮施肥的关系,提出了在保障粮食安全的前提下减少水体氮排放的有效途径,指出重构城乡养分循环体系是同时保障粮食安全和恢复水质的必要途径。发现全球饱和水汽压差的年际变化与大气二氧化碳浓度上升速率的年际变化显著相关,阐明了饱和水汽压差变化在调控生态系统生产力中的重要角色以及多因素耦合作用在生态系统生产力变化中的复杂影响。建议更全面细致地评估中国各种碳中...  相似文献   
胡能勇  蔡让平 《湖南地质》2000,19(3):203-208
可持续发展是跨世纪多学科综合的重大学科领域,而地球空间信息科学是空间信息科学发展的重要成果。本文在阐述了地球空间信息科学的特点及发展现状,国土资源可持续发展的内涵和特点之后,简要探讨了地球空间信息科学在湖南国土资源可持续发展中的应用前景。  相似文献   
中国北方中新生代沉积盆地铀矿勘查进展和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张金带 《铀矿地质》2012,(4):193-198
中国北方中新生代沉积盆地通过最近10多年一系列铀矿基础地质研究和区域评价工作,在铀成矿理论、时空分布规律、铀成矿区划、铀矿床分类、不同类型矿床成矿作用和控矿因素、铀成矿模式、预测评价准则、找矿判据等方面研究取得了丰硕成果,重点地区勘查取得了重大突破。但由于区域辽阔,投入十分有限,铀矿地质工作程度总体上还较低,勘查前景广阔。下一步应以"突出重点地区勘查、加大区域潜力评价的力度、加快落实新的后备基地"为基本方针,坚持"分层次部署、分区域推进"的部署原则,坚持"系统勘查、整体评价"的多类型找矿方向,从大基地勘查、区域评价和航空物探、重大基础地质问题研究等3个大的方面形成新的部署格局,推进我国北方中新生代沉积盆地铀矿勘查向纵深方向发展。  相似文献   
Rare earth elements (REE) have been mined in North America since 1885, when placer monazite was produced in the southeast USA. Since the 1960s, however, most North American REE have come from a carbonatite deposit at Mountain Pass, California, and most of the world’s REE came from this source between 1965 and 1995. After 1998, Mountain Pass REE sales declined substantially due to competition from China and to environmental constraints. REE are presently not mined at Mountain Pass, and shipments were made from stockpiles in recent years. Chevron Mining, however, restarted extraction of selected REE at Mountain Pass in 2007. In 1987, Mountain Pass reserves were calculated at 29 Mt of ore with 8.9% rare earth oxide based on a 5% cut‐off grade. Current reserves are in excess of 20 Mt at similar grade. The ore mineral is bastnasite, and the ore has high light REE/heavy REE (LREE/HREE). The carbonatite is a moderately dipping, tabular 1.4‐Ga intrusive body associated with ultrapotassic alkaline plutons of similar age. The chemistry and ultrapotassic alkaline association of the Mountain Pass deposit suggest a different source than that of most other carbonatites. Elsewhere in the western USA, carbonatites have been proposed as possible REE sources. Large but low‐grade LREE resources are in carbonatite in Colorado and Wyoming. Carbonatite complexes in Canada contain only minor REE resources. Other types of hard‐rock REE deposits in the USA include small iron‐REE deposits in Missouri and New York, and vein deposits in Idaho. Phosphorite and fluorite deposits in the USA also contain minor REE resources. The most recently discovered REE deposit in North America is the Hoidas Lake vein deposit, Saskatchewan, a small but incompletely evaluated resource. Neogene North American placer monazite resources, both marine and continental, are small or in environmentally sensitive areas, and thus unlikely to be mined. Paleoplacer deposits also contain minor resources. Possible future uranium mining of Precambrian conglomerates in the Elliott Lake–Blind River district, Canada, could yield by‐product HREE and Y. REE deposits occur in peralkaline syenitic and granitic rocks in several places in North America. These deposits are typically enriched in HREE, Y, and Zr. Some also have associated Be, Nb, and Ta. The largest such deposits are at Thor Lake and Strange Lake in Canada. A eudialyte syenite deposit at Pajarito Mountain in New Mexico is also probably large, but of lower grade. Similar deposits occur at Kipawa Lake and Lackner Lake in Canada. Future uses of some REE commodities are expected to increase, and growth is likely for REE in new technologies. World reserves, however, are probably sufficient to meet international demand for most REE commodities well into the 21st century. Recent experience shows that Chinese producers are capable of large amounts of REE production, keeping prices low. Most refined REE prices are now at approximately 50% of the 1980s price levels, but there has been recent upward price movement for some REE compounds following Chinese restriction of exports. Because of its grade, size, and relatively simple metallurgy, the Mountain Pass deposit remains North America’s best source of LREE. The future of REE production at Mountain Pass is mostly dependent on REE price levels and on domestic REE marketing potential. The development of new REE deposits in North America is unlikely in the near future. Undeveloped deposits with the most potential are probably large, low‐grade deposits in peralkaline igneous rocks. Competition with established Chinese HREE and Y sources and a developing Australian deposit will be a factor.  相似文献   
Is Prediction of Future Landslides Possible with a GIS?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This contribution explores a strategy for landslide hazard zonation inwhich layers of spatial data are used to represent typical settings inwhich given dynamic types of landslides are likely to occur. Theconcepts of assessment and prediction are defined to focus on therepresentation of future hazardous events and in particular on themyths that often provide obstacles in the application of quantitativemethods. The prediction rate curves for different applications describethe support provided by the different data layers in experiments inwhich the typical setting of hazardous events is approximated bystatistically integrating the spatial information.  相似文献   
小波分析的应用现状及展望   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
小波分析具有多分辨分析的特点,在时频两域都具有表征信号局部特征的能力,是一种窗口大小固定不变,但其形状可以改变的时频局部化分析方法。本文从介绍小波分析的发展简史开始,简述小波分析的基本原理,分析和总结小波分析在地球物理勘探、信号和图像处理中的最新应用成果。讨论小波分析目前应用中存在的主要问题,并展望小波分析一些有前景的应用领域。  相似文献   
河南省嵩县大石门沟钼矿床地质特征及找矿前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南省嵩县大石门沟钼矿是河南省核工业地质局近年发现并正在进行工作的矿产地,已基本查明为大型钼矿床,初步认为是受隐爆角砾岩体控制的热夜型钼矿床。钼矿体产于隐爆角砾岩体内,矿体形态为大脉状、规模大。文章在系统阐述该矿地质特征和成矿地质条件的基础上,对其找矿远景进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

Techniques are proposed for developing a monthly and weekly drought outlook and the drought outlook components are evaluated. A drought index, the surface water supply index (SWSI) was modified and used for the drought outlook. A water balance model (abcd) was successfully calibrated using a regional regression, including monthly and weekly factors, and was used to convert meteorology to hydrology. For the monthly drought outlook, an ensemble technique was applied, both with and without monthly industrial meteorology information (MIMI). For the weekly drought outlook, a deterministic forecasting technique was applied employing the Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System (GDAPS). The methodologies were applied to the Geum River basin in Korea. While only the weekly outlook using the GDAPS has sufficient forecasting capability to suggest it might be useful, the accuracy of the monthly drought outlook is expected to improve as the climate forecast accuracy increases.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Hughes

Citation Kim, Y.-O., Lee, J.-K., and Palmer, R.N., 2012. A drought outlook study in Korea. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (6), 1141–1153.  相似文献   
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