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太湖梅梁湾水土界面反硝化和厌氧氨氧化   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
运用无扰动芯样实验室内流动培养、稳定同位素示踪、同位紊气态产物测定及同位素配对技术,对太湖梅梁湾北部到南部的4个梯度样点的水土界面反硝化和厌氧氨氧化速率进行研究.结果表明,梅梁湾内及湾外开敞湖区4个样点的水土界面反硝化脱氮速率为(46.36±13.26)-(16.34±22,74)μmol/(m~2·h),厌氧氨氧化脱氮速率为(7.50±2.21)-(2.05±2.90)~mol/(m~2.b).梅梁湾北部河口区水土界面总脱氮能力明显高于梅梁湾南部及开敞湖区.通过对脱氮过程的进一步研究发现.北部脱氮过程主要以上覆水硝酸盐为底物的非耦合反硝化过程(D_w)为优势过程,而梅梁湾外开敞湖区则以沉积物硝化过程耦合控制的反硝化(D_n)为主.影响D_n、D_w在反硝化中比重的主要因素是沉积物溶氧侵蚀深度和上覆水NO_3~-.浓度的差异;梅梁湾厌氧氨氧化脱氮比例占总脱氮比例为12%-14%,湾外开敞湖区则占11%,影响其比例差异的主要因子是反硝化强度的大小及其反硝化中间产物--亚硝酸盐含量的差异.  相似文献   
珠江口淇澳岛海岸带反硝化作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用N2通量法,在一套连续流动培养装置中测定珠江口淇澳岛海岸带的反硝化速率,探讨各种因素对淇澳岛海岸带反硝化速率的影响.结果表明,反硝化速率受NO3-的利用率影响,而不是NO3-的绝对浓度.大型红树植物对淇澳岛海岸带的反硝化速率影响最大,其次是硝酸盐利用率,而有机质含量的影响较小.由于大型红树植物的影响,样品Q0411-5的反硝化速率比同在岛内的Q0411-3高出1倍.样品Q0412-14的NO3-培养前后的浓度变化(△NO3-)是Q0412-9的4倍多,因为受硝酸盐利用率的影响,它的反硝化速率却是Q0412-9的2倍多.温度对反硝化速率的影响程度尚不能确定.  相似文献   
In an annual cycle from March 2005 to February 2006, benthic nutrient fluxes were measured monthly in the Dongtan intertidal flat within the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary. Except for NH4^+, there always showed high fluxes from overlying water into sediment for other four nutrients. Sediments in the high and middle marshes, covered with halophyte and consisting of macrofauna, demonstrated more capabilities of assimilating nutrients from overlying water than the low marsh. Sampling seasons and nutrient concentrations in the overlying water could both exert significant effects on these fluxes. Additionally, according to the model provided by previous study, denitrification rates, that utilizing NO3- transported from overlying water (Dw) in Dongtan sediments, were estimated to be from -16 to 193 μmol·h^-1·m^-2 with an average value of 63 μmol·h^-1·m^-2 (n=18). These estimated values are still underestimates of the in-situ rates owing to the lack of consideration of DN, i.e., denitrification supported by the local NO3^- production via nitrification.  相似文献   
Temporal changes in nitrogen isotopic composition (δ15N) of the NO3 pool in the water column below the pycnocline in Ise Bay, Japan were investigated to evaluate the effect of nitrification on the change in the δ15N in the water column. The δ15N of NO3 in the lower layers varied from −8.5‰ in May to +8.4‰ in July in response to the development of seasonal hypoxia and conversion from NH4 + to NO3 . The significantly 15N-depleted NO3 in May most likely arose from nitrification in the water column. The calculated apparent isotopic discrimination for water column nitrification (ɛnit = δ15Nsubstrate − δ15Nproduct) was 24.5‰, which lies within the range of previous laboratory-based estimates. Though prominent deficits of NO3 from hypoxic bottom waters due to denitrification were revealed in July, the isotopic discrimination of denitrification in the sediments was low (ɛdenit = ∼1‰). δ15NNO3 in the hypoxic lower layer mainly reflects the isotopic effect of water column nitrification, given that water column nitrification is not directly linked with sedimentary denitrification and the effect of sedimentary denitrification on the change in δ15NNO3 is relatively small.  相似文献   
Denitrification in Qi'ao Island coastal zone, the Zhujiang Estuary in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Samples of sediments and the overlying water were collected in the Qi'ao Island coastal zone, the Zhujiang (Pearl River) Estuary (ZE). Denitrification rates, sediment oxygen demand (SOD) , and fluxes of inorganic nitrogen compounds were investigated with N2 flux method, using a self-designed continuous flow through and auto-sampling system. The results indicate that the denitrification rates varied between 222 and 908 μmol/(m2·h) with an average of 499 μmol/(m2·h). During incubation, the sediments absorbed dissolved oxygen in the overlying water with SOD ranging from 300 to 2 363 μmol/(m2·h). The denitrification rates were highly correlated with the SOD (r2 =0.77) regardless of the NO3- + NO2- concentrations in the overlying water, organ- ic carbon contents in sediments and water temperature, suggesting that the SOD was probably the main environ-mental factor controlling the denitrification in the Qi'ao Island coastal zone. There was a net flux of NO3- + NO2-into the sediments from the overlying water. The NH4+ flux from sediments into water as the result of mineraliza-tion was between 12. 3 and 210. 3 μmol/(m2·h) ,which seems limited by both organic carbon content in sedi-ment and dissolved oxygen concentration in the overlying water.  相似文献   
Most marginal seas in the North Pacific are fed by nutrients supported mainly by upwelling and many are undersaturated with respect to atmospheric CO2 in the surface water mainly as a result of the biological pump and winter cooling. These seas absorb CO2 at an average rate of 1.1 ± 0.3 mol C m−2yr−1 but release N2/N2O at an average rate of 0.07 ± 0.03 mol N m−2yr−1. Most of primary production, however, is regenerated on the shelves, and only less than 15% is transported to the open oceans as dissolved and particulate organic carbon (POC) with a small amount of POC deposited in the sediments. It is estimated that seawater in the marginal seas in the North Pacific alone may have taken up 1.6 ± 0.3 Gt (1015 g) of excess carbon, including 0.21 ± 0.05 Gt for the Bering Sea, 0.18 ± 0.08 Gt for the Okhotsk Sea; 0.31 ± 0.05 Gt for the Japan/East Sea; 0.07 ± 0.02 Gt for the East China and Yellow Seas; 0.80 ± 0.15 Gt for the South China Sea; and 0.015 ± 0.005 Gt for the Gulf of California. More importantly, high latitude marginal seas such as the Bering and Okhotsk Seas may act as conveyer belts in exporting 0.1 ± 0.08 Gt C anthropogenic, excess CO2 into the North Pacific Intermediate Water per year. The upward migration of calcite and aragonite saturation horizons due to the penetration of excess CO2 may also make the shelf deposits on the Bering and Okhotsk Seas more susceptible to dissolution, which would then neutralize excess CO2 in the near future. Further, because most nutrients come from upwelling, increased water consumption on land and damming of major rivers may reduce freshwater output and the buoyancy effect on the shelves. As a result, upwelling, nutrient input and biological productivity may all be reduced in the future. As a final note, the Japan/East Sea has started to show responses to global warming. Warmer surface layer has reduced upwelling of nutrient-rich subsurface water, resulting in a decline of spring phytoplankton biomass. Less bottom water formation because of less winter cooling may lead to the disappearance of the bottom water as early as 2040. Or else, an anoxic condition may form as early as 2200 AD. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
多环芳烃(PAHs)与纳米材料污染已对沉积物生态系统和人类生存环境构成严重威胁,其复合污染的毒性效应环境危害可能更大。为了深入探讨PAHs与纳米材料对近岸表层沉积物反硝化作用的复合毒性效应,本文选取位于胶州湾(JZB)的大沽河河口区(DRE)E站和湾内S站,分别以菲和纳米银代表PAHs和纳米材料,通过测定不同剂量单一及复合污染下沉积物反硝化潜势(PDA)的变化,结合浓度相加模型(CA)、独立作用模型(IA)和中效/联合指数等效图法(CI)三种复合毒性评价方法,评价菲和纳米银对沉积物反硝化潜势的复合毒性效应,并对评价方法进行了优选。结果表明,两种污染物浓度越高,对研究区域反硝化潜势的抑制作用越大。菲、纳米银单一及复合作用下对河口区沉积物反硝化潜势的EC50值分别为44.62、112.49和64.86 mg·kg-1,对湾内分别为61.79、147.05和96.18 mg·kg-1。菲单一作用对反硝化潜势的抑制效应强于纳米银,但复合污染的抑制效应更强。两种污染物对河口区的沉积物反硝化潜势抑制效应强于湾内,可能与河口区具有较高Eh和沉积物颗粒度及较低的pH、盐度和有机质含量有关。三种毒性效应评价方法的结果表明,菲和纳米银的复合污染对2个站位反硝化潜势的毒性效应均为协同作用,且对大沽河河口区的协同作用更强。此外,CI法对复合效应的预测结果比CA和IA法更为接近实际观测值,且CI不需要考虑污染物作用模式的限制,因此认为CI法更适用于评价混合污染对沉积物反硝化作用复合影响的效果。本研究结果表明,菲和纳米银会增强彼此对反硝化菌及反硝化功能的毒性效应,由此推断,PAHs和纳米材料在环境中同时存在时比其单独存在对沉积环境的危害更大。  相似文献   
Indirect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions produced by nitrogen (N) leaching into surface water and groundwater bodies are poorly understood in comparison to direct N2O emissions from soils. In this study, dissolved N2O concentrations were measured weekly in both lowland headwater streams and subsurface agricultural field drain discharges over a 2‐year period (2013–2015) in an intensive arable catchment, Norfolk, UK. All field drain and stream water samples were found to have dissolved N2O concentrations higher than the water–air equilibrium concentration, illustrating that all sites were acting as a net source of N2O emissions to the atmosphere. Soil texture was found to significantly influence field drain N2O dynamics, with mean concentrations from drains in clay loam soils (5.3 μg N L?1) being greater than drains in sandy loam soils (4.0 μg N L?1). Soil texture also impacted upon the relationships between field drain N2O concentrations and other water quality parameters (pH, flow rate, and nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) concentrations), highlighting possible differences in N2O production mechanisms in different soil types. Catchment antecedent moisture conditions influenced the storm event mobilisation of N2O in both field drains and streams, with the greatest concentration increases recorded during precipitation events preceded by prolonged wet conditions. N2O concentrations also varied seasonally, with the lowest mean concentrations typically occurring during the summer months (JJA). Nitrogen fertiliser application rates and different soil inversion regimes were found to have no effect on dissolved N2O concentrations, whereas higher N2O concentrations recorded in field drains under a winter cover crop compared to fallow fields revealed cover crops are an ineffective greenhouse gas emission mitigation strategy. Overall, this study highlights the complex interactions governing the dynamics of dissolved N2O concentrations in field drains and headwater streams in a lowland intensive agricultural catchment.  相似文献   
细菌反硝化法是目前同时分析天然水中硝酸盐氮、氧同位素组成的最新方法。该方法包括反硝化菌的选取与培养,利用反硝化菌将硝酸根完全转化成N2O气体以及N2O气体的提取、纯化和同位素测定。该方法采用硝酸盐标准,对测试结果需进行试剂本底、同位素分馏、同位素交换校正。与传统方法相比,细菌反硝化法可同时分析低浓度微量水中硝酸盐的氮、氧同位素组成,且速度更快捷,结果更可靠。  相似文献   
N2O是一种重要的温室气体,土壤是全球N2O的重要排放源。通过测定土壤源N2O中N、O同位素值,可以有效识别N2O的来源途径。本文采集了南极法尔兹半岛两个地点的海豹粪土(HS和GS)、阿德雷岛两个地点的企鹅粪土(AB和AF)以及东南极的帝企鹅粪土(DQ和DQT),在室内对所采集的样品分别在有氧和厌氧条件下进行冻融培养实验。结果表明:土壤在厌氧条件下比有氧条件下排放了更多的N2O。土壤排放的N2O与当地大气N2O相比普遍贫15N和18O。除DQT和HS外, δ15N和δ18O在有氧和厌氧培养下均呈现很好的正相关性。N2O排放量下降的同时伴随着培养瓶内剩余N2O中δ15N和δ18O 值的增加,证实N2O还原为N2的过程会引起重同位素富集。高的水分含量有利于土壤反硝化作用的进行,使释放的N2O气体富集重同位素;pH值也会影响N2O的同位素组成,低pH会引起δ15N值增加。  相似文献   
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