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1998-1999年对转光膜在和田市定点试验和大田示范,转光膜具有比普通膜更明显的增温及提高棉花苗期抗低温能力、促进棉花生长发育的作用。棉田使用转光膜后,可提高棉花品质,增产增收效果显著。  相似文献   
根据2000年阿克苏水平衡站有底测坑试验资料,分析了土壤水分有效性函数与土壤相对有效含水率,作物生物学特性函数,与群体叶面积指数的关系,结果表明:(1)土壤水分有效性函数与土壤相对有效含水率呈直线函数关系;(2)作物生物学特性函数与群体叶面积指数呈指数函数关系。选用20cm蒸发器水面蒸发量、作物生物学特性函数和土壤水分有效性函数,应用数理统计方法建立了阿拉尔灌区棉田蒸散量计算模型。该模式仅需常规气象与土壤湿度资料,计算简便,精度较高,便于在缺乏实测资料的地区使用。  相似文献   
Given that organic soil is a complex substrate and there are many environmental factors which directly or indirectly control its decomposition processes, the use of standard substrate simplify the system in that the effect of substrate quality could be eliminated and influence of certain environmental conditions such as edaphic factors, acidity and moisture could be focused on. In addition to the forest floor, decomposition potential down the peat profile can also be examined. Cotton strip assay was used to estimate decomposition potentials in tropical peat swamp occupied by different Shorea Albida peat swamp forest communities, The 'Alan Batu' , the ' Alan Bunga' , the 'Alan Padang' and the ' mixed Alan' forest communities.Greatest decay rates on the peat surface took place during the wet period. The moist condition of the wet months appeared to favour the growth and stimulate activities of decomposer population and soil invertebrates. Generally, 50% of cotton tensile loss is achieved after four weeks  相似文献   
温度影响新疆地区棉花发育速度的模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以棉花生物学特性为依据,利用多地点,多品种的常规农业气旬有观测资料建立了包含工、品种因子的发育期模拟模型。结果表明,本模型能较好地反映温度对不同品种棉花发育速度的影响,可为棉花发育期预报及大田生产管理提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   
This study examines the hypothesis that poor households engage in less sustainable soil management practices than rich households in a similar socioeconomic environment. This broad objective is explored in Mali's southern cotton belt through three specific research questions. First, is there empirical evidence to support the claim that poor households engage in less sustainable soil management practices than rich households? Second, what local and extra-local factors influence household agricultural management approaches in southern Mali? Third, what broader scale political and economic processes are linked to the factors that influence local-level agricultural management approaches? The author reports that soil quality measures on the farms of rich and poor households are not significantly different, refuting the conventional wisdom that the wealthy are better managers of the environment. A variety of environmentally deleterious practices are associated with export-oriented cotton production, an activity more vigorously pursued by wealthy than poor farmers. Finally, the focus on poverty in international environment and development discourse has allowed the government of Mali to avoid a serious debate on the sustainability of cotton production. The study's findings are based on household interviews describing agricultural management practices, an analysis of farm field soil measures, and discussions with donors and national policymakers.  相似文献   
根据河南省棉花播种面积权重,选出安阳、新乡、商丘、周口和南阳5个代表站,利用棉花产量与棉花生育期间5个代表站旬平均光照、温度、降水的相关系数,确定7个关键气象因子,建立了其与产量的回归方程,提出了考虑7个关键气象因子综合影响的棉花单产丰歉评估指标。应用该评估指标对1980~2004年棉花单产的丰歉进行检验,与实况一致的达84%,产量与评估指标相关系数达0.71以上,相关极显著。  相似文献   
A series of experiments were conducted about the effects of different CO_2 concentrations andventilating time on cotton using OPT-1 open top chambers.The results show that.for all theventilating treatments,the development stages of cotton were advanced,plant height increased,thebiomass of root and stalk increased when CO_2 concentration increased: the number of bolls formed insummer was more than 85% of the total for the treatment of 700 ppm CO_2 concentration; single bollweight,the number of bolls per plant,ginned and unginned cotton weights,and stalk weightincreased obviously when CO_2 concentration increased,but the influences of CO_2 enrichment on theratio of ginned weight to the total weight of ginned and unginned cotton,fibre length and ginnedweight of 100-seed were small.  相似文献   
为探求绿洲棉区膜下滴灌条件下不同种植密度棉田蒸散发规律,运用大型称重式蒸渗仪对膜下滴灌棉田蒸散过程连续监测,结果表明:在不同种植密度条件下,棉花的日蒸散量曲线都表现为单峰曲线,不同生育时期一膜六行(30株/m2)种植的棉田蒸散量比一膜四行(20株/m2)大,花铃期棉田的蒸散发强度最大,一膜四行、一膜六行分别为4.76mm/d、5.94mm/d。同时,一膜六行种植的叶面积指数大于一膜四行种植,株高小于一膜四行种植。花铃期棉田的蒸散发量与日平均气温(p<0.01)和空气相对湿度(p<0.01)具有很好的相关性,与日平均风速和日平均水汽压的关系不大。  相似文献   
张永红  葛徽衍  郭建茂 《气象科技》2014,42(6):1095-1099
为了进一步提高棉花生产中吐絮收获期连阴雨灾害的应对处置能力和水平,采用陕西关中棉区42个气象站1970—2010年的8月下旬至10月中旬逐日降水资料,同期的棉花灾情资料,经济资料和地理信息资料,基于GIS技术,针对影响陕西棉花吐絮成熟收获期的主要灾害——连阴雨进行风险区划研究,以期充分利用气候资源,避开不利气候条件,提高应对连阴雨灾害能力。结果表明:陕西关中棉花吐絮成熟收获期连阴雨灾害的高风险区和中等风险区在宝鸡市和西安南部沿秦岭北麓的周至、户县、长安和蓝田,不利于大面积种植棉花。关中东部渭南市、咸阳大部分区县,西安的临潼、阎良、高陵县,处于棉花种植的低风险区,能够保证棉花正常吐絮成熟收获。  相似文献   
用巯基棉富集水中痕量汞,用饱和氯化钠的盐酸溶液解吸,冷原子吸收法测定。当水样取1 L时,最低检测浓度可达0-003 μg/L,方法相对标准偏差为3-8 % ~6-9 % ,巯基棉汞平均回收率为91-1% 。该法操作简单、快速、富集倍数大,适用于天然水中痕量汞的分析。  相似文献   
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