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To date, passive flux meters have predominantly been applied in temperate environments for tracking the movement of contaminants in groundwater. This study applies these instruments to reduce uncertainty in (typically instantaneous) flux measurements made in a low-gradient, wetland dominated, discontinuous permafrost environment. This method supports improved estimation of unsaturated and over-winter subsurface flows which are very difficult to quantify using hydraulic gradient-based approaches. Improved subsurface flow estimates can play a key role in understanding the water budget of this landscape.  相似文献   
Simulations of the neutron background for future large-scale particle dark matter detectors are presented. Neutrons were generated in rock and detector elements via spontaneous fission and (α,n) reactions, and by cosmic-ray muons. The simulation techniques and results are discussed in the context of the expected sensitivity of a generic liquid xenon dark matter detector. Methods of neutron background suppression are investigated. A sensitivity of 10−9–10−10 pb to WIMP-nucleon interactions can be achieved by a tonne-scale detector.  相似文献   
The magnitude and seasonality of organic carbon exchange was estimated for two basin mangrove forests in Rookery Bay, Florida. Runoff and tidal inundation in the forests were seasonal with half the annual total of each occurring from August to October. In each forest there were 152 tides yr?1 with a cumulative depth of about 12 m. Total organic carbon increased in bay waters exporting from the mangroves following a flood tide and peak concentrations were associated with export due to rainfall. The amount of net export from each basin forest was similar, although the concentration of organic carbon in each were different. Monthly net organic carbon export was proportional to the cumulative tidal amplitude within the forest. Total organic carbon export was 64 gC m?2 yr?1 and DOC was 75% of the total. A comparison of organic carbon export among riverine, fringe and basin mangroves suggests that tidal hydrology influences the proportion of litter fall that is exported from mangroves; and the magnitude of this organic carbon export from mangroves is related to the cumulative tidal amplitude within the forests.  相似文献   
对20颗依巴谷(Hipparcos)卫星所观测的碳星作了近红外JHK测光,由近红外观测结果估算了其在K波段的热改正BCK和视热星等mbpl以及有效温度Te,结合依巴谷卫星所得视差,得到其中一些星的绝对热星等Mbol。  相似文献   
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was measured at four or eight hour intervals between mid-1989 and mid-1991 in two catchments in west central Scotland. The experimental catchment had been recently clear-felled and the control remained under forest. The amount of DOC varied during individual storm events following the stream hydro-graph. Maximum variations were found in the summer half-year and in the clear-felled catchment. There was also evidence of the exhaustion of DOC in the later events of a sequence. Differences between the catchments were related to catchment characteristics and to land-use change. The reduced magnitude of variation in DOC with discharge in the control stream was due to the influence of a wetland area through which the stream flowed. The mean DOC concentrations were similar in the two streams and annual exports were 15 g m?2 from the control and 16g m?2 from the felled catchment. The stream draining the clear-felled catchment had greater high flow DOC concentrations in the summer half-year, probably due to the effect of greater mean summer temperatures on DOC release and of the greater supply of organic debris in the stream channel.  相似文献   
The muon flux at the South Pole was measured for five zenith angles, 0°, 15°, 35°, 82.13° and 85.15° with a scintillator muon telescope incorporating ice Cherenkov tank detectors as the absorber. We compare the measurements with other data and with calculations.  相似文献   
With a multi-proxy approach, an attempt was made to constrain productivity and bottom-water redox conditions and their effects on the phosphorus accumulation rate at the Mohammed Plage section on the Tarfaya coast, Morocco, during the Cenomanian-Turonian Anoxic Event (OAE 2). A distinct δ13Corg isotope excursion of +2.5‰ occurs close to the top of the section. The unusually abrupt shift of the isotope excursion and disappearance of several planktonic foraminiferal species (e.g. Rotalipora cushmani and Rotalipora greenhornensis) in this level suggests a hiatus of between 40–60 kyrs at the excursion onset. Nevertheless, it was possible to determine both the long-term environmental history as well as the processes that took place immediately prior to and during OAE 2. TOC% values increase gradually from the base of the section to the top (from 2.5% to 10%). This is interpreted as the consequence of a long-term eustatic sea-level rise and subsidence causing the encroachment of less oxic waters into the Tarfaya Basin. Similarly a reduction in the mineralogically constructed ‘detrital index’ can be explained by the decrease in the continental flux of terrigenous material due to a relative sea-level rise. A speciation of phosphorus in the upper part of the section, which spans the start and mid-stages of OAE 2, shows overall higher abundances of Preactive mass accumulation rates before the isotope excursion onset and lower values during the plateau. Due to the probable short hiatus, the onset of the decrease in phosphorus content relative to the isotope excursion is uncertain, although the excursion plateau already contains lower concentrations. The Corg/Ptotal and V/Al ratios suggest that this reduction was mostly likely caused by a decrease in the available bottom oxygen content (probably as a result of higher productivity) and a corresponding fall in the phosphorus retention ability of the sediment. Productivity appears to have remained high during the isotope plateau possibly due to a combination of ocean-surface fertilisation via increased aridity (increased K/Al and Ti/Al ratios) and/or higher dissolved inorganic phosphorus content in the water column as a result of the decrease in sediment P retention. The evidence for decreased P-burial has been observed in many other palaeoenvironments during OAE 2. Tarfaya's unique upwelling paleosituation provides strong evidence that the nutrient recycling was a global phenomenon and therefore a critical factor in starting and sustaining OAE 2.  相似文献   
向武  Chris Freeman 《地球化学》2008,37(2):157-164
利用高精度多梯度热培养系统,对英国威尔士地区两类典型的北方泥炭沼泽中酚类物质和溶解有机碳释放的热敏感性进行了为期1年的调查研究.研究结果表明,雨养泥炭沼泽(Bog)酚类物质释放的热敏感性Q10(总酚)月变化为0.92~1.57,而矿养泥炭沼泽(Fen)的月变化范围为0.93~1.30.酚类释放的热敏感性与土壤温度大致呈正相关关系.此外,土壤温度与溶解有机碳释放的热敏感性Q10(DOC)也呈正相关关系.总体上,雨养泥炭沼泽的热敏感性比矿养泥炭沼泽略高.除温度外,水文条件和植被等多种环境因子对酚类物质和溶解有机碳释放的热敏感性也有较大影响.研究结果还表明酚碳热敏感性比值Q10o(总酚)/Q10(DOC)相对稳定,土壤温度的变化对其影响有限.  相似文献   
沈文杰  林杨挺  孙永革  徐琳  张华 《岩石学报》2008,24(10):2407-2414
首次报道了浙江煤山二叠-三叠系界线地层中黑碳的含量及其碳同住素的变化特征。黑碳含量在26层存在一个明显的峰值,含量高达0.51%。黑碳与总有机碳比值从25层底部开始持续升高,在26层达到最高,稳定在0.40以上。黑碳的碳同位素在24层和25层之间有一个陡然的降低,降低幅度达2‰,在25和26层中则存在一个幅度达3‰的缓慢降低,总降低幅度达5‰。黑碳是动植物和化石燃料燃烧的天然记录,浙江煤山二叠-三叠系界线附近黑碳特征反映了二叠纪末期陆地生态系统发生了突然的衰退,发生了强烈的天然大火。根据事件层大火燃烧的长期性或频繁的特征,以及黑碳同位素大幅度陡然降低和缓慢降低,认为燃烧源除了陆地植被外,还有其他富含轻碳的化石燃料,即大火的燃烧源除了植被外,还可能有煤和甲烷水合物等。浙江煤山剖面的黑碳记录,反映了二叠-三叠纪之交地球陆地环境的剧烈变化,有助于理解和揭示生物大灭绝的过程和原因。  相似文献   
The measurements of the vertical transport of CO2 were carried out over the Sea of Japan using the specially designed pier of Kyoto University on September 20 to 22, 2000. CO2 fluxes were measured by the eddy correlation and aerodynamic techniques. Both techniques showed comparable CO2 fluxes during sea breeze conditions: −0.001 to −0.08 mg m−2s−1 with the mean of −0.05 mg m−2s−1. This means that the measuring site satisfies the fetch requirement for meteorological observations under sea breeze conditions. Moreover, the eddy diffusivity coefficient used in the aerodynamic technique is found to be consistent with the coefficient used in the eddy correlation technique. The present result leads us to conclude that the aerodynamic technique may be applicable to underway CO2 flux measurements over the ocean and may be used in place of the bulk technique. The important point is the need to maintain a measuring accuracy of CO2 concentration difference of the order of 0.1 ppmv on the research vessels or the buoys.  相似文献   
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