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Parameters of Land-Surface Processes for Gobi in North-West China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using data from the intensive observation period (May–June 2000) of the NWC-ALIEX (The Field Experiment on Interaction between Land and Atmosphere in Arid Region of North-west China), the characteristics and mechanisms of some key land-surface process over Gobi in a typical arid region of north-west China are analyzed and several parameters of land-surface processes are calculated. The weighted mean of the surface albedo over a typical arid region of the Dunhuang Gobi is calculated using the relative reflection as a weighting factor, and its value is 0.255 ± 0.021. After removing the influence of precipitation, the mean soil heat capacity over a typical arid region of the Dunhuang Gobi is 1.12 × 106 J m-3 K-1,which is smaller than that observed in the Heihe (China) River basin Field Experiment (HEIFE). The mean soil heat diffusivity and conductivity are about half of those observed in HEIFE.  相似文献   
利用2007—2011年MODIS、GlobAlbedo和ERA-Interim的3种地表反照率产品,借助地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)空间化技术,对中国地区3种地表反照率产品进行了对比分析。结果表明:3种产品与气象站观测值的时间分布趋势一致,冬季高夏季低,且相关性较高。3种产品中,MODIS与GlobAlbedo的绝对差异值最小,ERA-Interim与MODIS、GlobAlbedo的绝对差异值较大。3种产品在青藏高原和西北山地区域表现出较大的差异,且差异表现为冬半年高,夏半年低。3种产品之间相关性最高的是MODIS与GlobAlbedo,最低的是MODIS与ERA-Interim, 3种产品在40°N以北具有较好的相关性。且在夏季和冬季地表反照率均值的表现说明,ERA-Interim相比MODIS、GlobAlbedo难以反映地表反照率受地形和土地覆被的影响。  相似文献   
The broadband diffuse radiation method is improved to retrieve the aerosol refractive index imaginary part (AIP) and broadband (400-1000 nm mean) single scattering albedo (SSA). In this method, four sets of SSA selection criteria are proposed for quality control. The method is used to retrieve AIP, SSA and absorptive optical thickness (AbOT) from routine hourly-exposed pyrheliometer and paranometer measurements over 11 sites (meteorological observatories) in China during 1998-2003. Apart from one suburban site (Ejin Qi), the other urban sites are all located around big or medium cities. As shown in the retrieval results, annual mean SSA during 1998-2003 changes from 0.941 (Wuhan) to 0.849 (Lanzhou), and AIP from 0.0054 to 0.0203. The 11-site average annual mean SSA and AIP are 0.898 and 0.0119, respectively. SSA during winter is smaller for most sites. There is an evidently positive correlation between SSA and aerosol optical thickness (AOT) for all sites. There is also a positive correlation between SSA and relative humidity for most sites, but a negative correlation for a few sites, such as Kashi and ǚrǚmqi in Northwest China.  相似文献   
李茂善  马耀明  仲雷  吕世华 《高原气象》2006,25(6):1008-1013
利用中国科学院又一次珠穆朗玛峰地区科学考察(2005年4,5月)期间获得的辐射资料分析该地区地表辐射能的日变化,以及不同海拔高度、不同下垫面辐射各分量的异同,同时分析了不同海拔高度地表反照率在4月和5月的月变化和日变化。  相似文献   
This research demonstrates the spatiotemporal variations of albedo on nine glaciers in western China during 2000–2011, by the albedo derived from two types of datasets: Landsat TM/ETM + images and MOD10A1 product. Then, the influence factors of glacier albedo and its relationship with glacier mass balance are also analyzed by the correlation approach, which is frequently used in geostatistics. The paper finds that there are different spatiotemporal variations over the glaciers in western China: (1) For a single glacier, the albedo varies gently with altitude on its tongue and increases fast in the middle part, while in the accumulation zones, the albedo value appears in the form of fluctuation. This could provide a quantitative method to retrieve the snowline by determining the threshold albedo value of snowpack and bare ice. (2) For the glaciers in western China, the albedo decreases with distance to the center of Tibetan Plateau (TP). This may relate to the elevation of glacier, for the speed of glacier retreat highly depends on air temperature. (3) In the summer period, albedo on most glaciers declines over the last 12 years, and it decreases much faster in southeastern TP than other regions, for which air temperature overwhelms the black carbon concentration. In addition, the trend of glacier albedo in summer is greatly correlated with that of measured glacier mass balance, which implies that the long‐term albedo datasets by remote sensing technology could be used to monitor and predict the change of glacier mass balance in the future. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
全球变化下地表反照率研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
地表反照率表征地球表面对太阳辐射的反射能力,决定着地表与大气之间辐射能量的分配过程,是影响地球气候系统的关键变量。在全球变化日益突出的今天,地表反照率与全球变化的相互影响机制已经成为地球科学研究领域的热点问题之一。地表反照率的细微变化,会影响到地气系统的能量收支平衡,进而引起区域以至全球气候变化。详细介绍地表反照率影响...  相似文献   
利用2007-2010年夏季在乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川采集的5个冰样, 对冰样中冰尘的特征、冰尘中蓝藻的种类及冰尘中无机矿物颗粒的粒度特征进行了分析研究. 研究表明: 冰尘为棕色球状聚合体, 粒径为0.27~3.5 mm, 分布在冰川消融区表面, 其组成成分为有机质、无机矿物颗粒和微生物. 冰尘有4种主要的内部结构: 类型Ⅰ, 具有同心层结构的冰尘;类型Ⅱ, 带有亚颗粒的冰尘;类型Ⅲ, 内部无明显结构的冰尘;类型Ⅳ, 中心位置处具有较大无机颗粒的冰尘. 冰尘中无机矿物颗粒的数量主要分布在d<3.5 μm的范围内, 且体积分布的粒径众数介于3~25 μm之间. 同时, 对冰尘中的蓝藻进行了16S rRNA基因序列的系统发育分析, 共从蓝藻16S rRNA基因文库中筛选了247个阳性克隆, RFLP分型得到10个不同的OTUs. BLAST比对, 系统发育分析将这10个OTUs归为颤藻目(Oscillatoriales)、色球藻目(Chroococcales)、未定种(Unclassified). 颤藻目为绝对优势类群, 占整个基因克隆文库的91%. 经估算, 冰尘中存在大量的有机物质和微生物, 无机矿物颗粒只占了很小的比例, 表明影响冰川消融区表面反照率的主要因素为冰尘中的有机部分, 包括有机物质和微生物.  相似文献   
利用青海玉树隆宝地区2014年12月积雪升华过程的观测资料,分析了积雪升华过程中高寒湿地陆气相互作用特征及积雪深度对陆气相互作用的影响。结果表明:在降雪和积雪升华过程中,高寒湿地浅层土壤温度在短时期内有所升高,而深层土壤温度和土壤体积含水量对降雪过程的响应不敏感。积雪升华过程中净辐射、感热通量和潜热通量的日平均值增加,向上短波辐射的日平均值减少。积雪逐渐升华导致地表吸收的能量增加,同时地表向大气传递的能量也随之增加。随着积雪的逐步升华,感热占比和潜热占比逐渐升高,而土壤热通量占比和热储存占比逐渐降低。积雪深度增加会导致地表反照率和地表比辐射率增大,感热输送系数减小。  相似文献   
海表短波辐射收支是海–气界面能量交换的重要物理过程。本研究利用2019年南海北部夏季科考航次的走航观测数据,评估了ERA5再分析数据的海表短波辐射通量收支。结果表明,ERA5的向下短波辐射相比观测偏小,11时和15时(北京时间)的偏差最大,可达−100 W/m2 。与此同时,ERA5的海表反照率整体偏低,其中高太阳高度角时段偏差较小,约为−0.03,低太阳高度角时段偏差较大,约为−0.15。向下短波辐射和反照率的偏差共同造成ERA5白天平均海表净短波辐射通量比观测偏小约25.4 W/m2;其中,反照率低估抵消了约50%向下短波辐射偏差的贡献。研究表明,在不同大气透射率情况下,ERA5的海表辐射收支偏差存在不同表现。ERA5海表反照率的低估可能与其采用的参数化方案在南海北部的适用性不足有关。基于观测本研究也给出了一个简单的参数优化方案。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to present a model for the radiation pressure acceleration of a spherical satellite, due to the radiation reflected by a planet with a uniform albedo. A particular choice of variables allows one to reduce the surface integrals over the lit portion of the planet visible to the satellite to one-dimensional integrals. Exact analytical expressions are found for the integrals corresponding to the case where the spacecraft does not "see" the terminator. The other integrals can be computed either numerically, or analytically in an approximate form. The results are compared with those of Lochry (1966). The model is applied to Magellan, a spacecraft orbiting Venus.  相似文献   
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