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Wood destruction in test panels ofShorea leprosulawas related to the percentage of fouling, types of wood borers and the number of wood borers. The natural durability ofShorea leprosulapanels was estimated to be 4–5 months in Malaysian marine waters. A higher fouling cover resulted in lower rates of wooden panel deterioration. Larger numbers of wood borers brought about greater panel deterioration. Primary wood destruction was caused by bivalve wood borers, mainlyMartesia striata, Lyrodus pedicellatus, Bankia campanellata, Teredo furciferaandTeredo bartschi. Martesia striatawas the important wood destroying agent in the intertidal zone and, together with the shipworms, was also responsible for panel destruction in the subtidal zone.  相似文献   
阐述了声波测试的方法和过程,通过在岩体中声波的传播速度,建立开裂岩体厚度与劣化程度的数学模型。结果表明,开裂岩体厚度小于30 mm时,强度损失较大;开裂岩体厚度大于30 mm时,强度基本保持不变,为今后花山岩画的保护提供科学可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   
基于常规气象观测资料和PM2.5浓度资料,分析了2019年1月10—14日天津市东丽区出现的一次持续性雾霾天气特征及其成因。结果表明:此次雾霾天气具有明显的阶段性特征,高空平直西风环流、中层暖脊和地面弱气压场为此次雾霾天气出现提供了有利的天气形势。轻雾和霾阶段,能见度变化更易受到相对湿度的影响;而雾阶段,能见度变化更易受到风速的影响。PM2.5浓度与地面气象因子关系密切,与能见度、风速负相关,与相对湿度正相关。当其他气象条件稳定,且周边地区污染物浓度较高时,近地面风向转变,对本地区雾霾的出现起到关键性作用。  相似文献   
利用2010年6月至2011年5月鞍山大气成分观测站的能见度资料,统计分析能见度与PM10、PM2.5、PM1.0质量浓度、风速、降水强度和气溶胶光学厚度等气象要素的相关性。结果表明:鞍山市能见度月均值从8月份开始呈上升趋势,11月份达到峰值后开始显著下降,2月份达到最低值,自3月开始又出现较大幅度增长,进入夏季后略有下降;PM2.5/PM10、PM1.0/PM10比值与能见度呈反相关,能见度增大,PM2.5/PM10、PM1.0/PM10比值减小,且PM1.0/PM10的减小趋势更大,说明影响能见度的颗粒物以细粒子为主。平均风速与能见度变化趋势基本一致,与PM2.5/PM10、PM1.0/PM10的变化趋势呈反相关。随着雨强的增大,降水日能见度平均值随之减小,降水前一日和后一日的能见度平均值均大于降水日,且降水前一日及后一日的能见度改变量及改变率的绝对值随着降水强度的增加而增加。波长指数的变化说明影响鞍山能见度变化的污染物粒子整体较稳定,能见度与AOD成明显的反相关。  相似文献   
Black band disease(BBD),characterized by the Cyanobacterial dominated pathogenic consortium,is thought to play a key role in the global decline of the coral reef ecosystems.The present paper originally documents a case of BBD from Yongxing Island(Xisha Islands,South China Sea),and further probes the reasons of this abnormal phenomenon.Prior to 2007,corals at northern reef-flat of Yongxing Isand were in healthy growth.Catastrophic coral mortality occurred between 2007 and 2008.The 16S rRNA gene sequencing and PCR amplification,with universally conserved primers,were applied to detect the contagious bacterial community of the microbial mat.The results demonstrated that six bacterial divisions constituted the clone libraries derived from the BBD mat,and that Cyanobacteria are the most diversely represented group that inhabit BBD bacterial mats,despite the fact that species in five others divisions(α-Proteobacteria,γ-Proteobacteria,Bacteroidetes,Verrucomicrobia and Actinobacteria) are also consistently diverse within the BBD mats of diseased coral.Other factors such as coral bleaching,typhoons,ocean acidification and crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks,are not primarily responsible for the coral mortality within such a short time interval.The disaster expansion of BBD associated with Cyanobacterial blooms is a more likely mechanism impacting these coral reefs.Excessive human activity enhances the eutrophication of the marine water of the reefal region and may result in occurrence of the BBD.  相似文献   
数字摄像能见度观测系统中实用黑体技术的应用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在数字摄像能见度观测系统 (DPVS) 中, 目标物的自身亮度难以实时测量, 给观测结果带来的不确定性不可忽略, 采用实用黑体技术可以大大减小乃至消除其造成的误差。作者对非黑体目标引起的测量误差进行了分析, 结果表明相对误差随着目标物反射率的增加和能见度的升高而增大, 为了保证测量精度, 需要采用反射率足够低的目标物。对于长方体结构的实用黑体腔, 采用多次反射法计算了其近轴向的半球-方向反射率与其特性参数之间的关系。在没有观测到侧壁的前提下, 其轴向反射率最大, 随着偏离轴线角度的增加, 反射率逐渐减小。轴向反射率随腔体长度与开口边长比值的增加而迅速减小, 而腔体宽度增加引起的变化不明显。另外, 作者还推导了在考虑弥散成像时对实用黑体开口尺寸最小需求的计算公式, 也给出了符合一定条件的实用黑体轴向反射率的近似计算公式, 从而提供了DPVS中实用黑体参数选择的基本原则。最后, 给出了DPVS采用非黑体和实用黑体目标计算能见度的对比试验结果, 充分说明了在DPVS中采用实用黑体技术的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   
We report on the use of X-ray diffractometry under controlled conditions of temperature and relative humidity (RH-XRD) for the investigation of NaCl deliquescence in the pore space of glass filter frits, which were used as model substrates. The study confirms that RH-XRD is an appropriate experimental technique for the in situ observation of phase transformation in porous materials. It is used for an investigation of both the deliquescence kinetics and the deliquescence humidity within pores of different median pore diameter. Several major influences affecting deliquescence rates in the pore space close to the surface of a porous material are discussed. It appears that quite short-term variation of ambient relative humidity, e.g., typical daily fluctuations, might induce damaging deliquescence–crystallization cycles within the pore space of building materials. In agreement with theoretical considerations it was found that confinement of NaCl crystals in pores with median diameters in the range 1.4–70 μm does not affect the deliquescence humidity of the salt.  相似文献   
陕蒙交界地区基岩均具强风化,由此造成当地环境恶化、下游地区生态破坏和灾害积累。其形成机理应与岩石本身的物质组成、自然地理环境、地质构造状况、水文地质条件及其物理化学条件有关。而南部地区,由于上述诸因素的差别,基岩风化微弱。  相似文献   
快速城市化进程中的太湖水环境保护:困境与出路   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16  
太湖流域经济发达、城市化水平高,伴随着城市化过程的各种环境问题十分突出。城市化过程对太湖水环境质量的负面影响主要表现在生活污水排放量增加、人畜粪便对水污染的程度加剧、化学肥料施用量增加、非点源污染负荷增加以及自然景观对污染物的去除能力降低等方面,由此导致的营养盐入湖量增加将严重制约太湖水质的改善。充分认识并努力减轻这些负面影响是改善太湖水环境质量的前提,在分析问题的基础上提出了一些针对性的应对策略。  相似文献   
我国西部生态退化的社会经济分析--以川西为例   总被引:9,自引:11,他引:9  
陈国阶 《地理科学》2002,22(4):390-396
导致川西生态退化主要原因是经济发展水平低,人口超过环境容量,农村生产方式和生活方式落后,以柴、粪为薪、天然放牧,陡坡垦殖,砍伐森林等导致植被破坏,草场退化,水土流失,据此,对川西的区域资源优势,川西较低密度人口,川西资源开发和支柱产业选择应重新评价和定位。进行川西生态建设,实施可持续发展战略,必须营造开放的社会-经济-自然复合系统的耗散结构,构造社会、经济发展与生态建设协调的有序结构和机制。同时,较彻底地改造农林牧生态系统,开创与生态协调的农业结构,生产模式,种植模式和管理模式,进行农牧区社区建设,根除刀耕火种,陡坡垦殖,游牧的社会基础。  相似文献   
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